Old log

Posted by
Vermond [legacy]
09 August 2007 00:00:00

This is from back to the SoU-RoI war years ago. I was recently warned for 'spreading malicious lies' for talking about this incident. I didn't want to post this in order not to get someone in trouble, but I guess I have to submit it in my defense now. I'm not going to explain as it is MP info but those concerned will understand what is going.


  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    13 August 2007 16:33:20

    I check the log page because it helps pass the time at work. That's pretty much the only reason.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 August 2007 11:42:50

    I call it 'addiction but without the physical side effects of mudding'.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    11 August 2007 17:09:42

    First of all, Bakal, you leave my Lions alone.

    Secondly, your comments about my comments about his comments about comments in general don't seem to be much of a commentary.

    But uh...yeah. I still don't understand the point of this log. I also don't understand people who frequent the logpage but don't have a character on the mud.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 August 2007 04:24:44

    SoU for a time were notorious for getting the globe themselves or shielding other players while they got it for them.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    10 August 2007 20:00:42

    in response to Vermond's comment quoting Melkor's news:

    From what he told me, Drogian was demoted.

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    10 August 2007 19:31:28

    See, that's exactly what I am saying :P

    My comment said nothing about the comments not being in response to the log. I was saying that the comments in response to other comments, don't really seem to be cogent! In other words, Zillak's and Bakal's comments about my comment indicate that my comment says that the comments are not in sync with the log, but I am not saying that at all! What I am saying is: I seem to have developed an impression that the comments are disconnected with respect to each other.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    10 August 2007 19:26:46

    Cool and decent powerplayers exist too. There are communities of them, in fact.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    10 August 2007 19:16:00

    Most guilds are just communities of powerplayers. I could name the five guilds I think are cool/decent, that stretches further then eq/pk, and you all probably know which five guilds I'm talking about.

  • Author
    Zillak [legacy]
    10 August 2007 19:10:58

    Trescothik you're missing the point, the looting was done ONLY during the war...

    About Jian headbutting the beastmaster, yeah i remember that incident, i know it wasnt all that black and white like you put it but it was definetly wrong and i remember saying so at the time...

    Alsow if you werent DH/FRA during that time and it is safe to assume by your comment that you werent SoU then you really cant have all the info can you?

    To Galad - you are right about the comment, at least mine, not having to do nothing with the log but when i saw Trescothink's comment i just had to put the record straight...

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    10 August 2007 19:03:00

    Draugluin, Werewolf of Angband

    Rank: Elder (male)

    Age: 232d 12h 51m 36s

    Info: I think I'm in a tragedy.

    Note 28 Melkor (04/15/07 22:13) Structure in Valinor

    Dear Ardans,

    Today some changes were made to Valinor's administrative

    and governance structure.

    The general gist of the changes is as follows:

    Ranks in Valinor have been reorganized and redefined:

    Valar - Founders of and ongoing Stewards of T2T.

    Guide MUD direction. This is a closed rank.

    All ainur, including powers, report to the Valar.

    They are:

    Tulkas Orome Melkor Manwe Mandos Aule

    Powers- The directors of the MUD. Responsible for the

    daily operations of T2T.

    Powers are appointed by the Valar

    'dev staff' lists all Powers and Overlords.

    Overlord - The managers of T2T, responsible for specific facets

    of T2T dev activity (ie QC, Guilds, etcetera).

    Overlords are appointed by the Powers.

    Maiar - Individual contributors, responsible for content


    Elder - Retired Ainu of distinction.

    The Council rank/designation is no more. Powers who

    retire become Elder rank.

    The Liasion rank/designation is no more. All Liasons

    are now Overlords.

    These changes to the structure of how Valinor operates

    are intended to provide for a more scalable, more effective,

    more responsive administrative structure for T2T.

    Lastly, and because there are rumors floating around,

    this is not personal. Its not directed at anyone in particular.

    Nobody has been demoted, and it is not intended to demote

    anyone. Also please note that any former powers who

    are no longer powers retired of their own accord. We are

    grateful for their service and frankly, hope that they will

    step up to the plate for the community in the future.



    Uhm and I think elder has as much access as maia.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    10 August 2007 18:51:02

    So like, was Draugluin forced to resign as PoL or what? No one answered my question.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    10 August 2007 17:30:10

    I've never really understood the importance of keeping the comments about the log anyways. I mean, after a bunch of clowns either say 'Good kill! I'm a noob!' or 'This log sucked. Winnetou is gay!' there's pretty much nothing else to say about the log.

    As for me playing again, that'll probably never happen.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    10 August 2007 17:06:21

    None of these comments are really about the log because nobody cares about the log... These comments are here because we're all bored at work and this is the most recent log posted.

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    10 August 2007 16:21:09

    Is it just me, or are the comments not making sense? Some of the comments are really out of wack with what they are allegedly in response to, and some seem to completely ignore Vermond's log description. *confused*

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    10 August 2007 16:09:32

    Zillak: It would be silly to assume I was DH/FRA at that stage. This had nothing to do with their war, this was just Gothwin and her croonies being opportunistic. Not unlike Jian headbutting the beastmaster to death for the globe. Those are the days i'm talking about.

    bakal: come back and join the game again. Don't get nuked frend :(.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    10 August 2007 15:58:26

    So, what you're trying to say is that Draugluin has been fired? And I wasn't notified immediately? What the fuck people, that's a cause for celebration. Whend did this happen? Who's Trescothik because I'm starting to fall in love with him? Is anyone listening to me? :P

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    10 August 2007 15:14:34

    Right... I'd compare Draugluin more to maybe Mariucci with the 49ers. You can't compare him to Millen because Millen hasn't been fired :P

  • Author
    Zillak [legacy]
    10 August 2007 15:13:17

    I really dont know what is up with the log, but to respond to Trescothik's last comment FRA and SoU were at war for some time and when the change came to guilds and FRA became DH the war ended...

    Alsow SoU looted ( and mind you not every SoU member ) only as an answer to the fact that FRA looted every chance they got...

    just my 2 sense...

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    10 August 2007 14:07:31

    'I think that the consistency that he brought to the decisions made as PoL were very valuable to how the game was played and how the rules were respected.'


    Ahh Manni, always quick with the jokes. Good one.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    10 August 2007 11:56:05

    I don't recall DH and SoU having a war.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    10 August 2007 10:07:22

    And for my 3rd comment in a row, you post this rubbish, when it all it shows you doing is trying to corpse loot. An SoU specialty, I believe when DH were kicking the shit out of you guys (one of the many times), a directive was issued to allow free range looting of anything and everything DH related. Gothwin was special for it. but I guess you can pull these logs out for the 'clown ass noobies' who can't see you for the hypocrit you are.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    10 August 2007 10:02:06

    Hi Vermond! Want me to dig up a log of you, Gothwin, Alaran and I believe Archangel jumping my claim at CC? Hypocrite muchly.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    10 August 2007 08:34:02

    Now my alt got warned for the same thing too. Btw, hi Trescothik.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    10 August 2007 08:04:40

    Does everyone log their every login and save them for years and years?

  • Author
    Scatha [legacy]
    10 August 2007 06:58:51

    Darkhour said:

    3: ainur often take offense when players criticize new code and defend it in a GW Bush like manner (la la la la, i cant hear you)(dev22)

    Absolutely true, and of course, completely understandable when hard work has gone into something with the belief that it'd make things better. Regions didn't fit into the game well either, but a LOT of effort was put into making them, some really good code too. So I don't blame people for wanting to defend their hard work. It's hard to admit that something YOU did has been a change for the worse.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    10 August 2007 05:18:13

    but I digress, IMHO The game is missing the oldschool pkers and powerplayers with personality. People like Rendor, Vallejo, barazbunny, Prince Draimon, Miz, Ketan, Dravin, Durkin etc (I could write names all day) Who could pk the shit out of you, loot your globe, but still have you laughing from their comms. I miss that community sense these older players brought.

    I quit in like 05 and came back just recently, and i'm flabbergasted with how serious this place has gotten. What happened to tidbits for instance? Did everyone stop being funny, or Fimbunazon just get jack of it?

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    10 August 2007 05:07:40

    That was attempted remember Daeman, and, IIRC, you gave it to Winnetou with both barrels about playing on a 'stolen mud' rather than the real, crappy, version we have today.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    10 August 2007 04:44:45

    I prefer to think it was the changes....... But who knows... I always said it started with the mcouncil voting to change the fucking blinding light!!! It went downhill since then. The aura, fade transition was smooth an excellent. Both skills had its plus and minuses. I think it was easier for fade to succeed since it had obvious bonuses and blinding was still easy. Then came the fucking autoaccept, then blah blah blah. But yah, I think it was dumb changes, not just in the pk aspect, but in all of arda. Guild changes, forced themes etc etc. I remember opening the mcouncil case to disband meglivornth as a joke. Horid and everyone took it to the max. Rauko said it was just coincidence, but after that every guild got forced into it's previous lame ass positions. They were USELESS changes. They didn't see the line of playability and theme. There is a distinct line there. Who wants to play a game that death is the end?. Game over and start anew? Fuck that. I think the ainur get to concerned with code and set variables and forget that this is a game. People want to have fun, challenge, exploration... I mean look at grand theft auto, it had the first FREE roaming city. People want freedom. Etc etc.

    The game was great in 99 it was my favorite time to play. Then came 2001 and then I quit around 2001-02. Came back in ruffly 2005-06. I can safely say that the transitions from 97 to 2002 were not bad. The game was still fun. When I came back in 2005 The mud HAD a huge change. Even more so since then. The transitions were drastic and huge. The game took a giant curve. Point is, it fucking sucks. I hate it, we should mutiny and take the mud back for OURSELVES... Wait that already happened... Alright I'm rambling peace out, I need beer.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    10 August 2007 04:15:56

    In 2001 we were all saying how much better the game was in 99, then 03 rolled around and 01 mud rocked. Well it's 2007, and 03 mud rocked in my opinion, at least compared to what it is now. It's a natural process, and I think it's got more to do with the declining playerbase than anything else.

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    10 August 2007 04:05:24

    Vermond doesn't like bullshit warnings, boo hoo. Nevermind that his reputation for the warnings he issues on here is poor (and that's putting it nicely).

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    10 August 2007 03:11:38

    A better comparison would be Kevin McClatchy, current/former CEO of the Pittsburgh Pirates.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    10 August 2007 00:30:22

    Warned for a private conversation? Defamation? You've got to be shitting me. Warned because X said to Z that Y said this about Z? Give me a break, this is ridiculous and your warning ranks as one of the top 5 most retarded warnings I've ever heard of. The person who warned you should be warned for being a douche.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    09 August 2007 23:53:47

    Um, Darkhour, maybe you're not hitting the change command enough as a ptester, but every minor and major change to hit the mud is available for anywhere from 2 days to 2 months on testmud for us to playtest. Pretty much anything that touches the mud, unless it's a hotfix for something, is playtested. And ffs, practice your english, get help with it, instead of just ranting in illegible garbagetype.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    09 August 2007 22:48:02

    I switched hosts. Angband.com works , Thanks though.

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    09 August 2007 22:38:07

    i was going through that too, so i posted a thread on the discussion page of this site


    but suddenly i was able to get on it again so i started the same thread there

    so i guess use this one and i can transplant it in your name to the forums, or just wait it out

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    09 August 2007 22:28:18

    I can't log in or access the t2t website...... I think my comp is fuuuked.

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    09 August 2007 22:04:58

    i will self sumerize

    1: draug tried really hard and did the best he could, sure a lot of his ideas were bad but he didnt have anyone else that was active enough to offer suggestions

    2: the ainur have for a long time now made changes to the game without listening to the feedback of players, and when they do they are almost always more concerned with retaining new players who dont know what the game used to be like instead of listening to players who have been around long time and can give better feedback as to if an addition or change is an improvement or detriment

    3: ainur often take offense when players criticize new code and defend it in a GW Bush like manner (la la la la, i cant hear you)(dev22)

    4: (i didnt say this before but) when something is nerfed or changed playtesters rarely get a chance to test it, the changes are simply implemented, playtesters really only test new areas and SOMETIMES new skills, but the vast majority of the contriversial changes made were not properly playtested (i forsee the new profession overhaul to have this problem)

    5: serious changes to skills (like when fade was first switched out for camo) are basically dropped on players, and the ainur should allow a transition period where players have access to both skills so that a mudwide survey should be taken as to which is more fun

    6:too much focus has been put on 'balancing' professions and weapons which boils down to nerfing them, often this is a result of inexperienced players whining instead of trying to improve, the ainur should be less prone to nerfing things when people complain, experienced players have worked for years to get as good as they are, they shouldnt be made less good because a newer player isnt as good as they are (anyone else remember when whining was nukable)...and if something is proven to be truly unbalanced there are better options than nerfing, for items:make the quest harder and reset less, for skills/professions:give other professions a better way to counter unfair advantages instead of taking away from the strong

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    09 August 2007 21:26:25

    Draugluin is the Matt Millen (Detroit Lions CEO) of the mud. Sure, he's been there for a long time and he's trying, but the Detroit Lions still fucking suck.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    09 August 2007 21:20:48

    Someone please summarize Darkhour's comments for me?

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    09 August 2007 21:16:33

    Are you using this link?


  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    09 August 2007 21:08:11

    its not working for me, so please humor me and use this page

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    09 August 2007 20:54:39

    T2TForums seems to be working for me...also, I found this game through a link on a site from a search engine, so it's not all about your high school Darkhour :)

    I think plenty of people find this game through searching for games on LotR...not everyone of course, but still, it happens.

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    09 August 2007 20:22:23

    i wnat to continue this discussion, but i dont want to get annother ban for being off topic of the log, and the t2tforum is down, so if you wanna talk about this there is a nifty discussion page on this site, but it looks like it hasnt been used since 03, so im gonna go make a new thread there and hope that you will come talk about this with me some more there

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    09 August 2007 20:12:40

    ya i wanted at first to just laugh at bakal, but i started ranting, and before i knew it i had that, i had more to say, but then i decided i should stop now before i started saying 'and annother thing'

    i agree with manni on the topic of draug, he was more than reasonable if you would appeal to him, but i feel like as time wore on and he became more and more without oversite he stopped listening to the players, and just did things he thought was a good idea...it just shows the importance of having active ainur, and ainur who listen to the players (especially the ones who have been here the longest since they are the ones more likely to keep playing, new players havnt invested enough time to really feel attached to the game and so they dont have as much as an emotional interest in it)...one man cannot run this whole game, and draug did his best, and probably did better than you or i could have done, but the game needed a maker team, not just a maker...there ive gone on ranting again see what you did manni ;)

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 August 2007 19:57:50

    Manni's comment wasn't supposed to get inbetween.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 August 2007 19:57:09

    God, they could use you and ergo's comments as a torture method

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    09 August 2007 19:56:03

    Draugluin's a good guy. He was PoL for roughly 6 years with a few short breaks? That's insane. PoL is by far the toughest job that any player or immortal has on the MUD. The dedication to do a good job as PoL for that long is astounding. Draugluin had a hand in making a lot of negative changes to the gameplay of the MUD, but you can't question his effort. Draugluin kept the MUD going as one of the only active administrators for many years. I think that the consistency that he brought to the decisions made as PoL were very valuable to how the game was played and how the rules were respected.

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    09 August 2007 19:53:58

    fdl...on that note i really feel like some of the changes made were good, the vast majority i think were not. good changes include GMedit, ERs(though it took a while to get them to this point), and serving, as well as the new areas and quests...some of the bad things were dev22(minus GMedit),standardizing guilds, the removal of fade alltogether(it could have stayed in even if it wasnt a professional skill) and the nerfing of many professions and weapons if we could go back to before guild review, and add in just GMedit, ERs as they are now, and some of the new areas and quests i think the game would be on a level of greatness and playability that we havnt seen before. if youll bear with me, id like to compare this to GW Bush's administation, mistakes were made, people voiced vast discontent, and instead of listening to the people they said it just needs more time, more time has passed, and people are largly dissatisfied with the changes, and instead of trying to fix the mistakes, they just pretend its for the good of the game, but at what cost...i dont know any statistics on this, but i doubt that most players came to find us through a link on a web page, i was recruited in person by foxxx, who was recruited by adidas, who found it through gex, who found it though vitro, who found it throug lachdonan, who found it through klosco...and the common thread here is our highschool, and it works its way up to dargo who is the father of one of my classmates. i myself am respinciple for bringing atleast 3 people to the mud (2 classmates and an exgirlfriend's sister) when people start to leave you loose the most powerful recruiting tool. and what are you left with, whiny noobs with no one to help them learn how to mud(helpers cant help the way irl friends can)i owe much of my knowledge of the game to being able to talk to people about the game, and taking from their experiences as well as my own...i really think a slower transition should be used to make changes, for instance, instead of removing fade and adding camo in the same update, it may have been better to allow a month where all players, not just playtesters, would have the chance to use both abilities, then have a poll as to which one is better...and i know fade is a bad example because i feel that evade and camo have done an exceptional job of replacing it, but you get the picture

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    09 August 2007 19:39:17

    I stand in full support of the 'Draugluin is a huge bag of douche' statement made by Bakal, and confirm my resolution to place my full weight behind informing the innocent and the new of this heinous creature.

    Seriously, fuck that guy.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    09 August 2007 18:07:06

    Just as a bit of a sidenote: Does anyone else ever find it amusing when old logs are posted and there's a general consensus of 'Ah, the gold ol' days!'

    See, I read that shit and I think to myself, 'Why the fuck did the ainur ruin this game?' I mean, obviously we were all pretty fucking happy with the game the way it was. Then we kind of went through this transitional period where a bunch of cornerstones in the playerbase went, 'Well, thanks for ruining my game. I'm going to go outside and live life again. Nice knowing you. Ciao'

    Moral of the story: Draugluin is a huge bag of douche.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    09 August 2007 16:25:56

    Look at all those sexy fuckers.

  • Author
    Jaber [legacy]
    09 August 2007 14:56:18

    I made a big mistake calling Zargon cheater here, i confused her with somone else... Now i dont see any cheating in this specific log,i guess im getting senile. So, i apologize

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 August 2007 13:36:04

    *zips his mouth*

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    09 August 2007 13:32:02

    You got warned for saying that someone claimjumped you? Lol.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 August 2007 13:07:34

    I did not present the log as proof of cheating, and nothing in the log description suggests that. I did not post the log to say someone cheated years ago or such. I got warned for 'lying' because I talked about the incident in this log, and made a judgment on it. With posting this log, I'm saying that it happened, and I'm not lying, and obviously my judgment can't be proven or disproven with facts as it is normative.

  • Author
    Xaron [legacy]
    09 August 2007 12:46:45

    If you can't substantiate the claim, the claim holds no merit. And honestly, if the claim was actually valid, don't you think that would give you an iron-clad ticket to immunity from any warning? I mean, as far as reputation-sullying is concerned, wouldn't it be most sullying to warn for a valid claim? I mean, come on.

    I don't see anything there: I don't believe your claim that there's cheating here.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    09 August 2007 11:51:33

    RoI helps someone to get MELS, Vermond innbreaks and then tries to loot. Weak.

  • Author
    Zargon [legacy]
    09 August 2007 11:39:09

    I wasn't RoI at this time, as I was demonic, for years I was in and out of the guild as other responsibilities called. So it looks like RoI gave me their guildweapon so that I could claimjump SoU and stop them getting the mels which would have been used against RoI.

    Other than the obvious 'omg you ignored international regulations on claims' (I don't care, I hated SoU ever since I left their guild about 4 years ago), I don't see how this is the cheating you claim it is.

  • Author
    Jaber [legacy]
    09 August 2007 10:27:09

    wow, i knew he cheats but this is too much, even for him

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 August 2007 09:00:49

    Actually we were being claim jumped, and it was before dev22 when people cared about guilds breaching their theme, but that's not the point :P

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    09 August 2007 08:57:51

    Good old times. I saw Tiaren, Agrun and co., and felt like 'PK PK PK THEM PK'. I was on Vermond's side for a minute or two. Then I said, 'Wait'. That's Vermond.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 August 2007 08:57:47

    It is more for me to prove that I wasn't lying and get the warning removed. Since I can't explain many of the new people won't understand what's wrong here, but it is better that way. I wish I had posted it at the time it happened, it would have got some deserved heads rolling.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    09 August 2007 08:57:02

    You looter!

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    09 August 2007 08:55:11

    6 cos no pc died when i did a search for who died, yet still the log was retarded long so it had to be important.