
Posted by
Orlandu [legacy]
29 December 2001 00:00:00
Player Kill

Hayduke plays in deathmask, but not without Korzan. Hayduke thinks he good when he loses Korzan, but hey! Me and Tarn were waiting for him to come out.


  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    03 January 2002 02:49:44

    But it never works, so whats the point? Pissing them off so they're more stubborn to end the war or do what you tell them to, etc?

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    01 January 2002 22:20:40

    I don't believe I've ever heard the term 'mental mind-fucking' before, Thanks Gothwin!

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    01 January 2002 20:59:59

    Targeting weaker links within your guild is a smart tactical move. It may not be the most honorable

    way to deal with your enemy, but during war, mental mind-fucking can have its advantages as

    much as actually pk's. You get mad about it, even better. In some peoples eyes the end justifices

    the means...you don't have to like it.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    01 January 2002 05:21:43

    Personally, I've been told like 10 times by durms that if I 'attack them' or whatever, that they will target the newbies/weak members of my guild. Now wtf is that shit? Must be a real bitch IRL to be that lame. Of course, I'll kill whoever I want as long as they've wronged me or my guild before I dont bow down to petty threats, as most people wont. Thats almost like warning people that if they report you, you will kill them again. If you kill someone, you should expect the fine. I've gotten completely off the subject, lol.

  • Author
    Beregor [legacy]
    31 December 2001 17:24:52

    One attempt warrants 5 deaths? At least when we killed Deadlok 5 times we always had a real reason to. Well anyway, I still didn't get any answer to my question about the war, I'm sure you have some kind of opinion about it.

  • Author
    Hayduke [legacy]
    31 December 2001 15:50:52

    whoohoo! ONE lameass attempt! i bet i had you trembling your boots! FDL

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    31 December 2001 08:06:41


  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    31 December 2001 01:12:38

    Hayduke has been involved with attacks in Durm members. Namely, ME.

    He attacked me, along with Gazza, Delgaur, Leto, and Soltan, I believe.

    I guess that shoots your 'not involved' theory straight to shit, huh.

  • Author
    Beregor [legacy]
    30 December 2001 23:51:16

    Barazbund: Yes they have but this is one member being whacked 5 times in some 2 weeks, and attempted twice. And people who are mostly interested in roleplaying stay out pkills just because they do not wish to be a part of these wars and the pkilling in general, if I was a member of Durmanhoth I'd try to keep them out of my kills, not concentrate on them. To some people the killing part of the game just isn't an option, they're not on towers to pkill, it's quite ok if they are randomly attacked and have to run... but 5 kills in 2 weeks? Without any reason from his part, I'd say it's a bit lame.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    30 December 2001 23:33:12

    Eh, guys, let's clear this out.Is any other guild besides Rimsilval in this war?I mean as in all members online ready to participate in an attack.Not as in durms killing them for sympathies towards Rimsilval. ??? If not, stop calling this war.

    Ehm, Korzan, so you like to stick with people like Hades and Serex rather than, for example, Soth?:P

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    30 December 2001 22:22:45

    If i may interrupt...

    I've been an off and on member of durms for a while, and it seems as if they ALWAYS have 'killed random VC members' Beregor. They dont need this war as an excuse to do that. They are just doing it now with more frequency. I dont see what the big deal is. Too bad more of the 'rp' types dont stand up for their guild and learn to fight back a little...

  • Author
    Beregor [legacy]
    30 December 2001 20:30:44

    Korzan, I'm confused about this war between durms and VC, I'm not part of the mud or that guild anymore so i have to rely on information I read here, please clear up something for me if you can: In a comment you made at a different page (the big discussion about the war, your marauder analogy) you wrote:

    'Don't be like Crusaderr, who refuses to acknowledge the war'

    Now here you wrote:

    'He has REFUSED to let VC back down. He says that they will stick with the Rimsilval, blah blah blah.'

    What is the real situation, is there a war between the Valacirca and Durmanhoth or are you just using excuses and the actions of some members who have joined the Rimsilval's efforts against you in order to kill random VC members who have nothing to do with this whole thing. Now, you'll probably say that Crusaderr is to blame, he has refused to stop the war, my question is: when did this war start and how can he stop it if he hasn't even joined it?

    A good solution to this might be that you stopped killing people that are outside the attacks and bloodshed and concentrated on those that are against you, I'm very sure you know exactly who those Valacircans are. Continuing attacks against outsiders using the war against Rimsilval as an excuse will get you nowhere.

    Again, I am not around anymore and am just speculating, please clear this up for me, I'm still curious ;)

    And despite all the crap and bad feelings this whole thing seems to cause I hope everybody enjoys the game more than they give to it, it's the whole idea isn't it? Have fun.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    30 December 2001 08:36:44

    If you want VC members to stop being killed, then you need to talk to Crusaderr.

    He has REFUSED to let VC back down. He says that they will stick with the Rimsilval, blah blah blah.

    We're completely willing to end our war with the Valacirca. It is YOU who refuse.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    30 December 2001 08:21:46

    Well then maybe the VCs pkers should've thought of that first before attacking durms and screwing over the rp peps of the guild

  • Author
    Beregor [legacy]
    30 December 2001 07:27:01

    That's like the fifth kill of Hayduke by Durms, the guy hasn't been in any kills and isn't involved in your petty war. If you want to show your amazing power you should stop this killing uninvolved characters over and over again and congratulating eachother at the logpage. It isn't very impressive. Bashing circans who are playing a completely different game than you is pathetic.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    30 December 2001 07:15:39

    Don't worry, Hayduke. We're prepared to cause as many deaths as required.

  • Author
    Sckon [legacy]
    30 December 2001 02:54:40

    Good set up guys, but Korzan you forgot Thieves guild.. thought you might want to know :p

  • Author
    Hayduke [legacy]
    30 December 2001 02:35:42

    why is that you are so exited that i 'thought i was getting away?' blah, i never even had time to think that. It will take a hell of alot more than a few deaths to bring a Valacircan down. wait until you start dying ;p oh and korzan. if you walked up to me and asked me to heal you from sickness, i probally would.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    29 December 2001 22:08:59

    And who should I be with, Ruiniel? Beornings? Rims? FRA? Megs? Glorglas? Valacirca? Amruin? Mirdain? BkD? CoU? SoU? KoDA?

    Should I be up in your guild, hanging out with people like Drcayngel, and Soth, and whats left of Quinine's ashes, kickin' it with Littleliz?

    Or should I be where I fit in, where I belong. Among the trained killers and assassins of Arda.

    Sorry, but I'm quite happy. And with the addition of Tarn into our ranks, our little outfit has plenty of assassins to take on anyone.

    And Ruiniel, when are you going to set up a paypal account so I can send you some money?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    29 December 2001 21:40:37

    Yeah, Ruiniel. Those idiots. They are so dumb. What morons. Who do they think they are? Stop talking or start playing.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    29 December 2001 21:30:27

    *wishes Korzan wasn't a durm* Come on, man, your place is not among those idiots.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    29 December 2001 20:14:14

    Aww, shucks guys. I mean its kinda simple really :)

    I walk in guns blazing, (or whip immolating, in this case) and start laying waste to Hayduke. I get to hear him say 'Oh shiot!' before he runs, leaps across the chasm...then I leap and follow him across. Then I continue to work him over..and he panics..drinks a vigour..continues to get worked over. Finally, he managed to climb down the cliff..elation soars through his body..he goes down, and WHAM! Orlandu and Tarn are there for the cleanup. Just when he thought he got away.

    Killing isn't just about the death..its about the demoralization and humiliation. As I told Hayduke later... 'Yeah. You only THOUGHT you were getting away.'

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    29 December 2001 19:09:35

    Korzan gets the props for the ambush.

    He masterminded it. Damn good idea.

  • Author
    Morthar [legacy]
    29 December 2001 19:08:27

    Yea, down with VC! :P Nice ambush you guys.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    29 December 2001 19:02:12
