read 18 Note 18 Corpus (Mon Jun 21 2004) Me and Logan applied to beornings To : Lomar Fangornia Logan Corpus Mandrake Draiko Yueh Klasbertli Merlin Robin Gorthol Miztral From : Melissa@Lothlorien Date : Tue Jun 15 02:02:23 2004 Subject: In regards to your application.. :) =================================== Dear Applicant: Thank you for applying for membership to The Beorning Guild. Your application has been received, and if at this time you are still interested in joining our tribe, follow the instructions contained --More--(7% line 14 of 177)-- in this mail. :) If you've come to the decision that you are no longer interested in joining The Beornings, please send a mudmail confirming your choice to Melissa@Lothlorien, so that I can remove you from the list of applicants. :) It is very important that if you wish to become a member of our Guild, that you follow the instrucions listed below carefully. Make sure and read the entire mail (it is rather lengthy) and if you have any questions about the application process feel free to direct them to me by mudmail or by tell if you can catch me online. Your character: --More--(18% line 24 of 131)-- --More--(15% line 28 of 177)-- Please reply to this mail and answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Keep in mind that honesty and creativity will be noticed and appreciated. 1. Why do you wish to join the ranks of The Beorning guild? 2. What do you have to offer to our tribe? 3. What do you expect to gain from membership with us? 4. How did you hear about the Beornings? 5. What other clans/guilds/groups have you applied to, been associated with, or are currently applying to? 6. What are your goals as a player? 7. Describe your in-character background and history in at --More--(23% line 42 of 177)-- least two paragraphs. (This is your big chance of showing your skills as a roleplayer. :) We are a strongly RP oriented guild, and imaginative and skillful RP will be regarded very highly.) 8. Please list six references (3 Beornings, 3 Non-Beornings) that have known you long enough to give a valid opinion on your character. Recommendations: - Get to know the members of the guild, but try not to be --More--(36% line 48 of 131)-- annoying or harassing in doing so. Remember that the Beornings have always been distrustful of outsiders, so until you prove --More--(31% line 56 of 177)-- that you are trustworthy and worthwile, we wont believe that you are. - Offer what you can help (whether it be equiptment or assistance in protecting our NPC's.. whatever you can do) to the tribe. - Assist in holding claims after reboots/gathering EQ after reboots, as it is a great way to gain trust and meet the members of the guild. Absolute Musts: --More--(39% line 70 of 177)-- - Get to know Beorn's house, the Carrock, the Rhovanian Plains, and surrounding areas. If a call to protect Beorn or any other of our protected Beornings comes about and you don't know how to get there, it will not look well for you. - Find out who our allies are and do not attack or make trouble with them. --More--(54% line 72 of 131)-- - Get to know the reason for the tribe's existance; Be well versed in the thematic reasoning behind the Beorning Guild. --More--(47% line 84 of 177)-- Absolute DON'Ts: - Do NOT kill any moral residents in Belegost, Thranduil's Kingdom, Lothlorien, Mirkwood, Rivendell or Erebor. - Do NOT kill -ANY- Beorning NPC's, moral silvans or moral animals. As far as the kill restrictions go, we do this for two reasons: The first and most important is that it goes against everything we stand for as a guild RP-wise, and the second is that we literally can NOT accept you if you have killed any of the above. --More--(55% line 98 of 177)-- Important Points: - The Beornings are an impartial/moral guild, therefore despite the fact that you may kill a selection of moral creatures, your alignment can never go past immoral. --More--(73% line 96 of 131)-- - Be patient. You won't be accepted right away, so please remember to give us the time needed to completely review your application at our own pace. - The purpose of the Guilds are to RP, and that is why we're here. If --More--(63% line 112 of 177)-- you aren't interested in RP, please don't waste the time applying. - Minimum entry requirement is level 15, age 5 days, and race of edain. - We seek both experianced players -and- players new to the game and eager to learn. As long as you meet the requirements (Lvl 15, age 5 and edain) you will be considered for your skills and for what you can bring to the Guild, not for how long you have been around. - If and when your application is accepted, a check is automatically done to see what you have killed in the past 15-20 days. If there is anything on our restricted list that you have killed, we will be -UNABLE- to admit you for a further 15-20 days. If this is the case, your position as a trial member will be frowned upon. --More--(71% line 126 of 177)-- When in doubt, ask one of us. :) --More--(91% line 120 of 131)-- Your reply will be expected within 14 days. If within that time you have not replied (if even to explain why you had not completed the entire application in time) I will remove you from the list of applicants. I look forward to meeting each of you, and thank you for applying to The Beorning Guild. --More--(79% line 140 of 177)-- -Melissa Marelnor; Great Mother of The Beorning Guild. My reply: --More--(87% line 154 of 177)-- Date : Mon Jun 21 20:53:47 2004 Subject: FWD: My application =================================== BEGIN FORWARDED TEXT: Corpus@Erebor writes: > -I luv beorning, they rock I want armoury > -Vry good player > - I expect very good armory and stuff > -Logan told me:Ppp > -GGGGGGGGGGGG unit > - To bee rich > - Mom and pappa killed by very bad monsters I want revendge witht > the beorning > -my sponsorrs r: Nroeb,Skyman and Whinetou.. and logan outside guild --More--(94% line 168 of 177)-- > > thx@u > Si u > > Corpser > HP:230 EP:119