The Madness

Posted by
Aginor [legacy]
22 September 2007 00:00:00

The calm before the storm.. Hirgail and Aginor style.

Ok! This is about 20 mins into the hunt. Things are starting to get a little off topic cause
we are wondering what the hell is taking him so long.

HP:220 EP:189 i pack
Gold: 46               Encumbrance: lightly encumbered  
You dig around in your dwarven mining pack and find:
Your dwarven mining pack is almost empty.
 A platter of smoked fish (2).
*A silver flask.
You say to your party:  2 fish left
You grin.
HP:220 EP:188 Party say from Hirgail:  jona says fish is good for me!
You say to your party:  high in omega 3 and fish oils
HP:220 EP:187 Hirgail nods.
Party say from Hirgail:  brain food!
Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
You say to your party:  means you burn the fat you are storing instead of
     what you've eaten that day
You say to your party:  that guy of the bigest aussie loser... he smashed
     those supplements
HP:220 EP:181 Party say from Hirgail:  so i can get real fat, so long as i eat fish
     and eggs?
Party say from Hirgail:  that was hilarious
Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
You say to your party:  i swear the guy looked fucking anorexic by the
     time the show  finished
HP:220 EP:179 Party say from Hirgail:  those tubbys loved him!
You say to your party:  lol
HP:220 EP:177 Party say from Hirgail:  Erm, hated him
You say to your party:  yeah lol
HP:220 EP:175 Party say from Hirgail:  i loved hm because of that
You say to your party:  hahaha
You say to your party:  man i've always missed the pre pk small talk. you
     should try it in a 5 man
HP:220 EP:174 Party say from Hirgail:  ok im triggered to do my thing when tarik
     enters, im going to go grab some wine or a cup of tea
You say to your party:  always gets dirty for some reason
HP:220 EP:173 Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
Party say from Hirgail:  i know
Hirgail boggles at the concept.
You laugh out loud.
HP:220 EP:172 Party say from Hirgail:  isnt it creepy?
You say to your party:  a little
HP:220 EP:171 Party say from Hirgail:  ok, dark is fading, go...
You say to your party:  i suspect the player base is to blame

A little while later after we get more fish

HP:220 EP:169 The next time you see 'Tarik', you will do: 'hunt Tarik'.
HP:220 EP:169 Do: Commands completed.
HP:220 EP:169 Party say from Hirgail:  fuck this is a long meeting
Party say from Hirgail:  how much cyber sex do they need to have?!
Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
You say to your party:  i dont know... but its beat my record
Lamir Frothbeard the dwarf Champion (Angelic) 
On for:  57m 45s                          Gender: male
Age: 13d 13h 42m 14s                      
Can be mailed: Lamir@Bree
Info: <Nothrim Gwinath> _=Dwarven Battalion=_ 
Tarik Voronwë the dunedain March-warden 
On for:  1h 25m 20s                       Gender: male
Age: 81d 19h 2m 44s                       
Can be mailed: Tarik@Bree                 Tarik has recorded a life story.
Tarik is a member of the Valacirca.
Info: |*| Helper |*|   Courage · Fortitude · Humility · Wisdom 
Triggered!  doing: hunt Tarik
HP:220 EP:163 There is no such living object here.
You say to your party:  male on male cyber?
HP:220 EP:162 Party say from Hirgail:  oh god that turns me on
You say to your party:  Haha
HP:220 EP:161 Party say from Hirgail:  nothing like the tip of two cocks touching to
     set me on fire!
Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
% Nethcal: Anyone got a good fighting staff for sale?
You roll on the floor laughing.
You say to your party:  nice
HP:220 EP:159 Party say from Hirgail:  sorry, my girlfriend is watching and im trying
     to creep her out
You say to your party:  you know they have name for that in swedish
HP:220 EP:158 Party say from Hirgail:  I bet the swedish name is -normal sex-
You say to your party:  hockey floppen
You say to your party:  hahaha. yeah they are wierd
HP:220 EP:155 Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
You say to your party:  i spent a year there after high school. learnt the
     lingo and stuff
HP:220 EP:154 Solos enters.
Princesz enters.
Solos leaves east.
Princesz leaves east.
You say to your party:  nice place. wanna go back some day
HP:220 EP:152 Party say from Hirgail:  id like to, but fuck it must be cold
Party say from Hirgail:  i freeze in tassie
You say to your party:  yeap... oh jeesuz
HP:220 EP:148 Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
Curuno enters.
Curuno leaves east.
You say slyly in Westron: good old tassie
You say to your party:  fuck every other cunt is walking past now
HP:220 EP:145 Party say from Hirgail:  god damnit what the hell is he doing?1
Hirgail nods.
You say to your party:  if he wasnt in valacirca i would suspect setting
     up a trap
HP:220 EP:142 Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
You say to your party:  but thats just over estimating for a VC
HP:220 EP:140 Party say from Hirgail:  Maybe he is, and it's taking an hour because
     he's so incompetant
Tyree enters.
Tyree leaves east.

Time ticks on...

You say to your party:  if he doesnt run for his GH, i'll give you 20
HP:220 EP:138 Ok.
HP:220 EP:138 Party say from Hirgail:  I wont take that bet, i believe the same thing
You see more than one fish.  Using the first of the following:
  on the ground : a platter of smoked fish
  on the ground : a platter of smoked fish
You eat the delicious smoked fish.
HP:220 EP:158 Hirgail eats the delicious smoked fish.
You say to your party:  lol
You say to your party:  have you ever pk'd a vc who didnt? alkath not
HP:220 EP:156 Party say from Hirgail:  ill trig for carrok of he goes south, and
     thrans if north though
You nod.
HP:220 EP:156 Party say from Hirgail: never
Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
You say to your party:  lmao
HP:220 EP:155 Party say from Hirgail:  oh no, i did g..something once
Party say from Hirgail:  and he did a good break
You say to your party:  even wormbaneii broke me at his gh
HP:220 EP:154 Party say from Hirgail:  but he got trapped in it and i killed him
Solos enters.
Princesz enters.
Solos leaves west.
Princesz leaves west.
You say to your party:  hahaha
HP:220 EP:152 Party say from Hirgail:  lols were had
You say to your party:  nice
HP:220 EP:152 Party say from Hirgail:  -loads of laughter-
You say to your party:  thats just nublike

Another 15 mins later after we got another pack full of food

Party say from Hirgail:  still aging
Party say from Hirgail:  thats a lot of cyber sex
You say to your party:  he's not human
HP:220 EP:191 Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
You say to your party:  they must have had to make it thematic too
HP:220 EP:189 Hirgail sticks out his tongue and says: Ick!
Party say from Hirgail:  thats disgusting
party say $GRN$ lol
You say to your party:  lol

You say to your party:  imagine that
HP:220 EP:188 Party say from Hirgail:  no, i will not imagine carveresque mudsex
Party say from Hirgail:  it's gross
You say to your party:  jhahaha
HP:220 EP:186 Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
You say to your party:  (OOC) Thats hot
You say to your party:  god that drives me nuts when he does that
HP:220 EP:184 Party say from Hirgail:  (IC) bends down to examine your ass
You say to your party:  hahahah
HP:220 EP:182 Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
You say to your party:  i wonder what brand of (IC) Lube they are using
HP:220 EP:181 A faint glow appears in the east.
Hirgail screams.
Hirgail screams.
Hirgail screams.
Hirgail screams.

ou say to your party:  hahaha
HP:220 EP:181 Party say from Hirgail:  ok daytime...maybe he'll come now!
You say to your party:  he will prolly see us
HP:220 EP:179 Party say from Hirgail:  meh, he'll see you:P
You say to your party:  lol
P:220 EP:178 Party say from Hirgail:  maybe not me

A little while after...

HP:220 EP:189 Party say from Hirgail:  there was this kid, do you have the rock
     estedford in queensland?
Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
You say to your party:  yeah
HP:220 EP:187 Party say from Hirgail:  anyways, this guy a few years above me in
     primary, with a retarded brother
Party say from Hirgail:  was the only boy in the whole school to be in
You say to your party:  nice
HP:220 EP:185 Party say from Hirgail:  and the fucker wore glitter and eye shadow and
You say to your party:  holy sheeet
HP:220 EP:184 Party say from Hirgail:  never lived it down, small country town:P
Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
You say to your party:  his parents must have been fuckheads
HP:220 EP:183 Party say from Hirgail:  I bet he's gay now
You say to your party:  that could scar a kid for life
HP:220 EP:182 Hirgail nods.

I'm so tired of waiting, i'm starting to get hungry... I come to a conclussion.

You say to your party:  i'm so double tapping this cunt
HP:220 EP:181 Party say from Hirgail:  ok, im gonna duck afk again, only because im
     sure if he's going to come, it wont be until im not here
You say to your party:  lol
HP:220 EP:179 Party say from Hirgail:  yeah, im down with that:P
Curuno enters.
Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
Curuno leaves west.
Party say from Hirgail:  drop me two fish please
Hirgail eats the delicious smoked fish.
HP:220 EP:178 Hirgail eats the delicious smoked fish.
HP:220 EP:178 Hirgail eats the delicious smoked fish.
Drop what?
There is no fish here.
There is no fish here.
You say to your party:  you ate them all
HP:220 EP:178 Party say from Hirgail:  sorry, spammed
You say to your party:  lol
Gold: 27               Encumbrance: lightly encumbered  
You dig around in your dwarven mining pack and find:
Your dwarven mining pack is almost empty.
*A silver flask.
You say to your party:  that was my last 3 lol

So after that bastard Hirgail ate my last fish, we had to go on another mission to
get some more. Which at that exact time, we noticed out target had moved, and we
had to relocate rather quickish. I cut out alot of stuff and trimmed what I could
not sure if this is that funny, but being there in the situation made it that
much funnier, cause you didnt know when the target was going to just stroll by.