Daeril and Lomar

Posted by
Alkath [legacy]
04 October 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

Both were hitlisted for attacking Valacircans, two seperate logs, but I figured I'd throw in the Daeril one to show how unprepared it actually was.


  • Author
    Sadren [legacy]
    08 October 2007 19:02:26


    Baklen you just left BKd....




    Thanks for making all my posts that much more true.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    07 October 2007 02:38:20

    Wow, you guys are touchy. I was just being helpful, objectively answering a question about the reasons for his nuke. I'm not the one who made him an unpleasant, unhelpful windbag. That's all on him. Rami, you're incorrect. Hirgail, you're offended at every turn. Lighten up.

    Let me explain something. Comming 'blah blah whore' and 'Soandso is gay' does not improve the game. Some people might think it's funny, and so might the average twelve-year-old...

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    06 October 2007 21:56:43

    Tevildo, the difference between you and Otoron is that, even though he cannot stand you, if you got a bullshit nuke, he'd be lobbying to get you back.

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    06 October 2007 20:56:57

    Tevildo has contributed a myriad of features, widely accepted as innovative and constructive, via multiple petitions and other similiar efforts.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    06 October 2007 18:05:01

    Baklen, how unpleasant of you. Tsk tsk.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    06 October 2007 07:50:25

    Some people just don't realize that players add more entertainment to the game than anything theme related ever will.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 October 2007 07:41:32

    Otoron has provided billions of hours of entertainment on the comm with his 'You stupid whore!''s and amusing anecdotes. What have you done Tevildo? I mean besides get offended at everything and sustain small cuts to your vagina from all the sharp little grains of sand in it.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    06 October 2007 06:01:30

    Rami or someone was told not say 'whore' on the comm, and Otoron then used it about ten times within the next five minutes. His legendinfo was an attempt to extort the MUD. Add the mouthing off on top of that, and it's no surprise that he was nuked.

    On the other hand, it's entirely possible that Aule just wanted to get rid of an unpleasant, unhelpful windbag.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 October 2007 05:11:24

    Then why was he nuked?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    06 October 2007 03:35:42

    I am insane, very proud of it. Atleast I don't suck dick in rl.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    06 October 2007 03:16:58

    That's not why Otoron was nuked :P

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    06 October 2007 01:49:53

    So some friends just came over. We watched that youtube movie about internet people...she didn't get it so I showed her a website where those type of people dwell...

    Needless to say, you guys have provided lots of entertainment today :)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 October 2007 01:27:11

    Finns dock ett ansikte som saknas fortfarande! :/

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    06 October 2007 01:09:56

    Btw, nice log! And to see old faces are still running amock.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    06 October 2007 01:08:32


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    05 October 2007 23:54:17

    Also thanks guys, great job. Now why can't you do this shit while I'm at work?!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    05 October 2007 23:41:32


  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    05 October 2007 22:34:22

    Otoron was nuked today because he argued with Aule about the surname he's had for 4 years. What... the... fuck...

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    05 October 2007 22:15:28

    Can't forget clowns...that too :)


  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    05 October 2007 22:10:29

    Because you are cheaters and MPers:P

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    05 October 2007 22:07:00

    I used a hex decompiler

    It was originally too long to post

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 October 2007 22:06:29

    Did Altar's client tell you to say that?

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    05 October 2007 21:56:45

    We have been accused of being MPers, cheaters, and lolers. The person who has called us this has done so on 4 alts :P

    Go Gandalf!

    In the words of Altar:


  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    05 October 2007 21:10:26

    Manni is a great person and I've always liked him. The Durmanhoth started very good but now all kinds of idiots are swarming in there. Sad it's Manni's guild:/

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:45:58

    Baklen is insane.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:24:47

    Yeah, I mean I can't lie and say there are times that I've thought it would be easier to not have to deal with the Durmanhoth stigma. It's taking time. But I think overall it's working. Two years ago, every moral guild would've followed BkD into this war. I don't want to speak for those guilds, but I imagine that the reason they're holding back is because they don't see the point in attacking a guild that's been decidedly neutral or friendly to them and their allies for the past 8-9 months.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:21:30

    Daeril isn't in my guild. I don't speak for what he does and I don't expect that what he does should speak for me. There are plenty of characters in my guild that have alts in BkD. I think that's perfectly fine and I expect people to be able to separate characters as long as their character itself remains loyal.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:18:12

    Then you might as well have disbanded since you aren't even Durmanhoth anymore, and made a new guild. Seriously, you can't just try to take an old PK guild and turn it into some happy newbie haven

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:15:13

    I've paid RoI, BkD, VC, Duncan, etc etc probably over 150k in the past 3 months in return for attacks that my guild made that they shouldn't have. This was for things that Kvedulf, Volun, Rellik, Delkin, Serex, Brubaker, and probably others that I'm forgetting have done. Sure it still leaves a sour taste in the mouth of whoever was attacked, but I like to think that it showed at least some commitment to change.

    But last Sunday after Cyric was attacked, I talked to Azer and we agreed that we'd calm things down and talk it out, but for now we'd contain the hostiilities so as not to start a war. Immediately after that conversation, Azer posted on your board that he hitlisted my entire guild. The next day, I mailed Azer to say that I was willing to forget the 4 deaths my guild had sustained (the 2 by Azer and Verus that started the conflict and the 2 that ensued from the attacks on Verus) in exchange for a clear, equitable pact on how to treat attacks in Mordor. I said it was fine if each guild hitlists or if each guild doesn't hitlist for attacks in Mordor.

  • Author
    Sadren [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:10:46

    Baklen really, you need to go see a therapist. Or find a new hobby that doesn't involve your ridiculiously large ego.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:09:20

    HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH see again you talk about something you don't have a fucking clue about. I left bkd true. I served true. I played with great pkers. Then they WENT FUCKING soft and started killing evils. I turned around unserved and started killing THEM. The fucking log is posted of me doing it. Dude as I said get a fucking clue man, you know jack shit and know little of even that.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:08:55


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:08:02

    To my knowledge, Pollux has never been a notorious PKer. Kvedulf, Fyng, Volun, and probably a few others fit the bill, but if you look at what they've done recently on those characters, you simply won't find much in the way of bloodthirsty PKing. You also won't find that any of their alts have been PKing in the interest of their guilded characters.

    Dude have you even read the log you are posting this shit on? Manni that last statement made you look like a fucking moron. Holy shit, I'm really done arguing with you now....... Jesus christ..... I just can't believe I read that:) We're going to start logging all the alts attacking us or taking residence in durm gh.... Because you seriously need to revamp what you know or what you are thinking.

  • Author
    Sadren [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:07:07

    Baklen....You have jumped from guild to guild in the past year. As an ER you killed anything that walked and went wanted abusing a crappy mordor wanted system. Then when that boat started to sink you unserved and rejoined bkd....how can you go around calling other people notorious killers. I think you need to take a good long hard look in the mirror.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:05:42

    If I wanted to feel tuff I'd post every log of every kill I've made on all you rag tag bitches, but nah I know what I am and I know what you guys aren't. I'm the one doing what must be done. You all are the ones talking all the shit and I'm forced to move the train :)

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:05:33

    I guess I'll refute the point about the point about legions of 'alts of notorious pkers in your guild'... To my knowledge, Pollux has never been a notorious PKer. Kvedulf, Fyng, Volun, and probably a few others fit the bill, but if you look at what they've done recently on those characters, you simply won't find much in the way of bloodthirsty PKing. You also won't find that any of their alts have been PKing in the interest of their guilded characters.

    Havok's a different story because he came back and had some misconceptions about how the MUD works these days (alliances are important and screwing with people in Mordor gets you hitlisted now).

    The only thing I know about Rellik is that he's pretty decent at killing people and he's from Sweden. I have no idea who any of his past characters were.

  • Author
    Sadren [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:04:52

    Why did you remove one of your posts?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:04:48

    Damn Manni. I can totally agree on that point. But if what you say is true then you should do what it take to prohibite your noobies from dying. You have let in alot of nice people. Some are decent players and will be better players. Above all they like to mud and play in tolkien's world. It's a shame that you seem to let in notorious killers that are mudwide hated and fail to realize why you're getting spanked.

    I just don't get it. I mean, here is an example. Jakar and my alt arrested Duncan's friend. Duncan was pissed wanted gold back or was going to start killing megs. I was totally FOR this. I love action and would be nice to face off against him. But as Jakar does he puts the guild first. Knowing that we have plenty of noobies that Duncan can roll over. Jakar puts the guild first and helps Duncan. End of Conflict. Thats a leader, thats someone who actually cares for who he has in a guild.

    ... Nuff said.

  • Author
    Sadren [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:02:25

    ah, so self appointed. What your really saying is, you have no right to talk because it's all just your oppinion and you just like spewing a bunch of crap because it makes you feel tough. I get it now.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:00:14

    Lastly, I know war, I know how to kill. I know how to be the propaganda bulldozer. I should have diplomatic fucking immunity for how badass I am when it comes to those two things. Thats why:)

  • Author
    Sadren [legacy]
    05 October 2007 20:00:01

    I have not talked to you in game in over 5 months, when you attempted me randomly as an er. I never complained about our guild going to war again, and you still didn't anser my question.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:59:58

    The point is, Baklen, that BkD of all guilds should know that it's possible for a guild to transition from a smaller group of PK-hungry power players into a large, established guild consisting mostly of questers that are decent human beings.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:59:27

    In the words of Hirgail:


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:59:20

    I speak because I can, what you gonna do about it?

  • Author
    Sadren [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:57:18

    You didn't answer my questions.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:56:45

    Yah thats exactly how I stayed in bkd and have mass amounts of people willing to die for me.... Yah that makes total sense dumbass.

  • Author
    Sadren [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:54:56

    So....who appointed you the voice of BKD? And who gave you the right to decide how long the war lasts....I mean you just joined the guild less than a month ago? and half the members didn't even want you in there at that. but yea, keep talking, it's fun.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:54:40

    Hey Fyng... Azer built one of the strongest guilds in arda. To be precise he raised bkd from inactivity to a thriving power house. Whatever you think of Azer as a person is your opinion. He may be an ass, he may be a total dick. He's one rock hard khuzd and a great leader. I'd like to see you run a guild just once... Oh wait what happened there?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:50:46

    I know my guild is comprised of a majority of newbies who don't PK, many more newbie helpers, and a few older PKers, most of whom are not as active as the newbies and the newbie helpers. Quickblades was comprised almost entirely of PK newbies.

    Dude.... are you fucking serious? Do you honestly believe that statement. Shall I list right here on this log page all the alts of notorious pkers in your guild? Do I REALLY have to? Dude get a fucking clue. The facts are your guild attacked us for no reason. To be precise your old killers did. I retaliated against 2 of them. The ones who did the attacking. Then your ass clown Pollux starts running his shit on the comm after I say legend Rellik. He openly declares war on bkd. Shall I post that log as well? The conflict would of ended right there. You want peace man? Kick Pollux, kvedulf, Fyng, Havok, Rellik and all the old Daedin and the war will end. If not its going to drag on for ever. We may not be on open war, but every single character of durmanhoth will be contracted and eventually killed. Thats the truth. Nuff said.

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:45:47

    Propoganda much? My guild != Azer's image-concerned bloodthirsty ego. Get it right Baklen :(

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:19:46

    I've never even heard of Shabba, so I tend to ignore his random comments about not liking Durmanhoth or whatever. Not that I really blame him, because I'm sure he played when Durmanhoth meant something else, not in a good way.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:14:12

    She killed my MUD ego! Well, not really. I have midterms to worry about anyways, and heading back home for the weekend to jam and play some.... BEATALLICA! mmm

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    05 October 2007 19:05:05

    Why so you can get railed like a drunken crackwhore? Just keep taking it like a man at Bree SP from Isabella instead.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    05 October 2007 18:51:04

    Yeah, I'm disappointed I'm not in BkD right now, Tireless.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    05 October 2007 18:31:25

    The conventional wisdom I'd always heard was that wars breed activity.

  • Author
    Tsarkon [legacy]
    05 October 2007 18:28:42

    ergo, kill durmanhoth -> kill teh mud :(

  • Author
    Dimas [legacy]
    05 October 2007 18:24:39

    Or else, you could always forbid your members from using crystals in the guildhall.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 October 2007 17:38:36

    Thanks for including those comms and thanks for your comment, Shardik. BkD's lack of diplomacy has been illustrated recently in their 'war' against Quickblades and in their fervor in going to this war before dealing with one semi-questionable attempt diplomatically.

    I know my guild is comprised of a majority of newbies who don't PK, many more newbie helpers, and a few older PKers, most of whom are not as active as the newbies and the newbie helpers. Quickblades was comprised almost entirely of PK newbies.

    BkD has stated that the goal of this war is the eliminate my guild from Arda 'for good this time'. But it's important to consider what that goal would accomplish either for BkD or for the MUD. In my mind, I don't think it accomplishes much for either of them. The typists who attack you are always going to attack you. At least now my guild has a diplomatic system set up whereby I yell at people and make them pay you gold in addition to fines when they mess up. And in a war like this, it drives down the activity of my guild, it drives down the activity of BkD, and the PK-hungry spirit of the MUD during violent guild wars expresses itself through violence on the comm, which drives down the activity of good new players who want to find a civilized place on the internet where they can play a game with people who act their age.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    05 October 2007 17:29:32

    At least I'm from earth you freaking star!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    05 October 2007 17:19:31

    ... not? :(

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    05 October 2007 16:58:40

    You randomly tried to kill me. I never did nothing to no-one!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    05 October 2007 16:47:07

    Wow :p Anyone else find Aginor's comment extremely lame? :p

    Point out where I randomkilled someone, Aginor :) You, on the other hand, are quite skilled at it.

    I've pointed out before that I never ever randomkill, Valacirca only hitlists people that deserves it. For Lomar, this was attempting Talrock, and for Daeril, it was murdering three Valacircans. Pretty much valid reasons, no?

    It's not my problem if evils can't remember who they attack, when and why.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    05 October 2007 16:12:40

    Alkath is ruthless, he can even drink from an elf skin, but that makes him uber-sexy in elven community :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 October 2007 15:49:08

    Alkath is one of the most loyal people on this game. He also doesn't random kill. Trust me, I've asked him to help me kill quiet a few people. EVERYONE we've killed together fucked with vc. Nuff said.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    05 October 2007 15:39:50

    As Tevildo has just said, there is no limit for goofs when the issue is finding excuses. Members of the moral guilds are natural targets for some people in this game, and I think you know it best. It's been like this for quite some time, even before Alkath was around...

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    05 October 2007 15:22:08

    A valid reason, you mean? There are always goofs who have 'reasons' which don't make much sense.

  • Author
    Aginor [legacy]
    05 October 2007 15:06:12

    I have this image in my head of right before Alkath decides to kill someone random, he sends a tell to his GM to have them added to the hitlist. Honestly if Alkath wasn't in the guild I don't think anyone would have a reason to kill a VC.

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    05 October 2007 14:14:19

    Maldael tells you: snopp

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 October 2007 05:10:20

    *CACKLES* ALKATH you fucking big sex you.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    05 October 2007 04:11:57

    Hmm. If someone said they mudded better than me, I would probably agree with them and promptly call them a loser for it because hey, it's not that cool to be good at this game!

  • Author
    Atalash [legacy]
    05 October 2007 03:33:03

    Isabella just claimed she MUDs better than I do. hahahaha

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    05 October 2007 03:14:15

    Where I'm from it's called hypocrisy.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    05 October 2007 01:40:13

    You know, Azer may be an arrogant, greedy, belligerent ass, but he makes a damn fine dwarf lord.

    Double standards? You better believe it, bitch.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    05 October 2007 01:24:55

    When you think about it, it never specifies what part of the body the skin is from... and they ARE orcs....

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    05 October 2007 00:43:05

    oh you figured that did you lol

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    05 October 2007 00:07:44

    You two are SO gay.

    ...not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    05 October 2007 00:01:30

    Stop drinking my small change! I need it for bus fares!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    04 October 2007 23:59:24

    whoever posted this log edited it, it was not elf-skin bota, it was a purse made from a human scrotum

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    04 October 2007 23:48:06

    Oh Alkath, how can you drink from something made from elf-skin? That's like me keeping my small change in a purse made from a human scrotum.