
Posted by
Delkin [legacy]
25 October 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

[ Durmanhoth ] Ravathir: Post it [ Durmanhoth ] Ravathir: and say I pwned him that low in lock :P


  • Author
    Atalash [legacy]
    28 October 2007 22:48:05

    statistics say the average age of gamers is 32 years old :p

  • Author
    Azhrarn [legacy]
    28 October 2007 16:43:47

    Btw the halo 3 tournie I went to, had about 2k fucking people. Half which were 12 to 15 year olds and amazingly half were older or my age.

    Lastly, I won 4bouts before this fucking 16 year old kid sweeped me. 25 to fucking 3. The best player I have EVER seen. What he use? The god damn assault rifle with the damn sniper. I couldn't fucking move. I got owned like I own my dog:(

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    27 October 2007 16:46:37

    Is it even worth saying anymore? :P

    Azhrarn is insane.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    27 October 2007 05:23:18

    Post what? :P

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    27 October 2007 03:41:44

    I wonder if I would get in trouble if I changed our network time sync to 2 hours ahead so I can leave work? :|

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    27 October 2007 03:40:57

    I think I need to go canabal tonight. I am hungry for a quarter pounder with cheese. :( Pallasch you need to post more!

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    27 October 2007 03:16:54

    Give me your goddamn gamertag, Azhrarn!

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    27 October 2007 00:57:47

    Post the logs, I'm bored.

  • Author
    Azhrarn [legacy]
    27 October 2007 00:56:41

    Halo zone...... PIMPEN

  • Author
    Azhrarn [legacy]
    27 October 2007 00:49:33

    Actually, Let me tally shit, Mute 3x, Pollux 2x, Umm oh shit is that 5 right there? Do I got to keep going? Of course Fyng died like an idiot, cause he didn't compensate for getting pwned in loth, (no bkd died mind you). Wait thats 6 right? Oh shit, Ravathir died too right? OH god thats 7? Oh shit, I think I killed Jared too.... Oh by allah, thats what 8? Do I have to name the 6 durm alts that I killed along with it? So stfu up man, you have NO clue wtf you are talking about. My typist ALONE has somewhere between 30 to 50 durm and durm alts on their necklaces. I own YOU and YOUR guild, get the fuck over it!!

    Damn, I'm feeling good tonight.

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    26 October 2007 23:01:53

    I killed myself on Monday, no dwarves got a deathblow on me. Why would Azhrarn post a log of him getting lucky enough my phial didn't go through before he lost 3 party members against one Durm.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    26 October 2007 21:45:48

    Word brotha there some things you need to know...and that's the fact that I'm sittin on doe!! aight peace :P

  • Author
    Caenedrin [legacy]
    26 October 2007 20:45:42

    Delkin is G-unit and everything it stands for. Talk smack and he will take you out back and lay you out flat.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    26 October 2007 20:41:00

    Oh, well in that case, you're good shit.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    26 October 2007 19:09:28

    I'm just a young gun that's restless! Actually I'm making fun of g-unit :P

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    26 October 2007 19:04:56

    Who is Delkin? He's slightly amusing, but makes me sad because he resembles G-Unit... which is fucking stupid.

    -Bakal, Torn in Two :(

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    26 October 2007 18:37:54

    More like he loses his beard...from the hot fire I spit

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    26 October 2007 18:36:19

    Third outcome is that Saurus gets prettier because he trims his beard.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    26 October 2007 18:23:28

    3) Saurus gets a cake on his birthday and we all frolic together in the fields of joy...after I win the rap battle for Durmanhoth.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    26 October 2007 18:21:21

    Ask yourself whether or not it's worth it to commit yourself to spending however long it takes to eliminate Durmanhoth from the MUD... And go from there.

    As most of you can probably tell, I like talking and I like options, but Azer's not leaving me with very many options here.

  • Author
    Saurus [legacy]
    26 October 2007 18:14:05

    :( where is 3rd outcome for Saurus?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    26 October 2007 18:05:28

    Well, I think Jared and Fyng both around around 1500 gold attempt fines, so like 1k reimbursements. With the low cost of dying, any time you're 4-manned, you'll regain your stats and most of your skills.

    But that's not the point... Gold is irrelevant here because both sides have enough. to keep this going as long as it's going to go, be that 3 months, 6 months, a year, two years or more.

    This war is about Azer saying that BkD declared this war with the sole purpose of eliminating Durmanhoth from the MUD. This goal creates two possible outcomes for this war:

    1) BkD makes it prohibitively not fun to play a Durmanhoth character.

    2) Durmanhoth makes it prohibitively not fun to play a BkD character.

    So what we're doing is we're working towards outcome number 2 because I don't like the sound of outcome number 1. Should Azer change BkD's goals for this war, there are limitless additional outcomes which can be created.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    26 October 2007 17:36:24

    I can't see Azrim losing more than he made in that double tap. I know Ravathir and Jared's fines are maxed. I'm sure Pollux is getting close. I'm not sure which character logged the pk so that's hard to call. But that's still something like 9k reimbursements just from Ravathir and Jared. I'm sure it's all worth it when it comes down to gross nut weight and bragging rights, though.

  • Author
    Hazin [legacy]
    26 October 2007 17:04:04

    i never attacked i was just watching.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    26 October 2007 15:53:06

    don't u qwestion it...oR i rain on u a storm of clown tears hahahaa eternal

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    26 October 2007 15:49:38

    Wow, according to that comment, you had 486 while typing that sentence. That's crazy.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    26 October 2007 15:49:00

    hehe, 6people bang with a double tap twist. Sweet. but still what idiot revives in edoras after being killed in edoras by a 6man bang?

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    26 October 2007 15:48:26

    AND WTF HIRGAIL i will PK you HARD U NO GOOD PIECE OF CRAP FACE OMG i write mutliple posts in a ROW because i can keeel u dead hahahahahahahaOMG

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    26 October 2007 15:47:40

    HAHAHAHA I also can't believe that U SUCK HAHAHAHA and did i mention wtf were u attemptin my boys at linhir haha OMG?! I AM ETERNAL HAHA OMG OMG

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    26 October 2007 15:47:09

    I kan't believe u guys OMG OMG I have like 2348 kills on u OMG I am the STORM I just cant believe u would think tat u were a good KILLA OMG OMG OMG I have like 2834 kills....WTF U GUYS effin SUCK omg

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    26 October 2007 15:40:46

    Probably not since FRA vs Megs.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    26 October 2007 15:00:34

    This is so amusing. I haven't seen conversations this retarded since I graduated from special school.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    26 October 2007 14:23:10

    So Azhrarn, I think you got either 4 or 5 kills on Monday. That's the last time I think you've killed someone (although someone may have died and not posted it on the board). 4 of those kills are posted. I think there was maybe 1 kill on Fyng that wasn't, from what I remember. So feel free to go ahead and post that.

    But the '12 or 13 kills we got in the last 4days' must include all the NPCs you have killed, because that number is definitely not just Durms.

    That being said, NPC logs can be a good read. There's nothing like a rousing log of Azhrarn killing a tall, fierce easterling in the Dale marsh. So again, feel free to post.

  • Author
    Azhrarn [legacy]
    26 October 2007 13:32:16

    Shit, WHILE I'm at it I mine as well post the fucking failed attempts, AND the shit you talked about Azrim at thranduils signpost. You guys are fucking weak, I can't believe this is some of the best the mud has to offer these days:(

  • Author
    Azhrarn [legacy]
    26 October 2007 13:30:35

    Some more bkd slaughter? Oh dear god, let me stoop to your level and post the 12 or 13 kills we got in the last 4days. Fucking goonbah.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    26 October 2007 02:46:07

    Oh and HELLO WASTE? Past aside I hope you Rami and Mos are doing good and are having a ball.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    26 October 2007 02:44:27

    Norin is right, its always good to see who's number one in lack of class, being the loudest loser and biggest idiot rolled into one. The real best pk'ers never post shit almost ever and have been training hundreds of years??? :)

    When I log in next time, I am gonna have to ask who is who:) I really don't care but I would love to know the context of half of these comments because this is decent entertainment when I am at work! I am sure many of the players or alts of players who were already worthless and washed up when i stopped playing.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    26 October 2007 00:22:55

    I guess I have a good 4 months to prepare my bunker in that case Delkin.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    26 October 2007 00:20:12

    In the beautiful autumn twilight, I will seek your face, Hirgail.

    Ok, I'm going to class now.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    26 October 2007 00:06:42

    Boooring. Comments!

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    25 October 2007 21:03:53

    Nice log. Quick and easy to read. ;)

    And... All this 'i'm the best pk'er ever' crap is never getting old. No matter who claims it. :P

  • Author
    Azhrarn [legacy]
    25 October 2007 20:36:16

    I chuckled too.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    25 October 2007 20:33:34

    There wasn't a point to it. I just thought it was funny that comment was on the first hit when I googled 'manni' 'nichodemus'.

  • Author
    Azhrarn [legacy]
    25 October 2007 20:22:17

    Yah, your point Manni? I wared everyone back then.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    25 October 2007 19:00:35

    I was just doing a search for Nichodemus's gossip and I stumbled across this beauty:

    [new] Date: 17. Sep, 2002, 0:04:03 By: Baral

    Err rims have never killed me, lately and so wtf are you talking about ealandirl or whatever your name is.

    Oh btw according to bkd

    I'm a corpse looter.

    Guild idler



    and I suck

    Hell, I just pick off your members when it suits me:) don't hate me, hate the game. *laughs

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    25 October 2007 18:57:58

    Nichodemus once boldly claimed to me that his alt was a power. :P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    25 October 2007 18:45:03

    'I might not be able to destroy your guild, but I can get my friends to do it!'

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    25 October 2007 18:30:15

    People remember stuff Nichodemus said?

    I remember him making a gossiper post about me being a backstabbing bitch because I wouldn't let him rejoin Durm 6 years ago because he left Durm to join SOU the minute Durm went to war with someone or other... Other than that nothing comes to mind.

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    25 October 2007 18:23:41

    I was afraid people had forgotten the quote Bakal, I'm glad atleast someone remembered it!

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    25 October 2007 16:22:18


  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    25 October 2007 16:20:57

    You edited them all to show you being level 16 instead of level 14? Interesting.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    25 October 2007 15:56:49

    Azhrarn is insane. Ecidon's quote of the famous one-liner from just as insane Nichodemus! Hoorah!

  • Author
    Azhrarn [legacy]
    25 October 2007 13:18:26

    Wanna know the real sad shit Sunflash, Baklen was level 14 doing all those kills on durms when this war started, including all the solo's. It's all editted. *ROTFL*

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    25 October 2007 09:49:29

    'I am one of the best pkillers still around, pick a name and I can solo them, with a sailors cutlass'

  • Author
    Azoroth [legacy]
    25 October 2007 05:07:40

    You suck Sunflash, I've killed you solo.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    25 October 2007 04:37:06

    I'm the best playerkiller in the history of this game. I've never been killed, not once. I'll solo any of you bitches. With a level 14 civilian.

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    25 October 2007 04:29:19

    I hadn't said I was the best and I sure as hell don't brag about being the best when I damn sure not.... Hint Hint

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    25 October 2007 04:23:22

    All I got out of reading this log was that Delkin wasted a perfectly good tactics potion.

  • Author
    Azhrarn [legacy]
    25 October 2007 04:10:51

    Actually I do. And uh.... cause you are that good Perrota. Nuff said.

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    25 October 2007 03:52:54

    Azhrarn do you jerk off in the mirror or something because you think you are something special. You brag you are so good that you solo all these people, well how come you had to 4 man me?

  • Author
    Azhrarn [legacy]
    25 October 2007 03:35:24

    Yah, I'll post me killing Kaylok, which leads to this. I mean come on, am I that good that you got to bring this backup in case I live? Or is it just that Mute needs cocks in hands to do anything?

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    25 October 2007 02:37:03

    [ Durmanhoth ] Mute: 'who needs the foreplay when you've got the


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    25 October 2007 02:14:53

    Ah, it's a shame; I wanted to see the combat/setup.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    25 October 2007 02:06:32

    It gives me a larger mandom?

    Actually, he lost it on his computer and told me to post :P

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    25 October 2007 01:53:17

    What the hell, why didn't Ravathir post?

  • Author
    Klardin [legacy]
    25 October 2007 01:47:48

    absolutely brilliant!!! i rate this a seven