So i thought i'd get myself a cleaver. These olog-hai 's are tough but i'm smart. I bring healing!! HP:40 EP:230-> You hit Sleepy olog-hai hard. [0;37mSleepy olog-hai hits you. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. You miss Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai hits you. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. hl Do: starting commands.----->> Ok, this situation is making me a little scyzophrenic HP:32 EP:230-> There is no satchel here to open. HP:32 EP:230-> There is no satchel here. HP:32 EP:230-> There is no flower in the pack to get. HP:32 EP:230-> There is no satchel to close here. HP:32 EP:230-> Usage: heal The 'heal' ability is just what it sounds like. You can use your knowledge of nature's lore to attempt to heal yourself or others. Healing yourself is not quite as effective as healing another. Endurance usage depends upon the amount of healing bestowed and the type of herb being used. HP:32 EP:230-> Do: Commands completed. HP:32 EP:230-> You miss Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. Sleepy olog-hai grazes you. You hit Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. You graze Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. Sleepy olog-hai inflicts massive damage to you. You miss Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. get flask from pack There is no flask in the pack to get. -----> I normally keep those in my cloak HP:12 EP:230-> You miss Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. get flask from cloak Ok. ---------> SEE!! HP:12 EP:230-> You graze Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. Sleepy olog-hai says in Westron: Thief! Sleepy olog-hai grazes you. You miss Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai hits you hard. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. open flask You open a silver flask.----> I do have an alias for that btw HP:0 EP:230-> You miss Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. You miss Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. frink flask What? -------> to avoid these kind of things HP:0 EP:230-> You hit Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. drink flask The miruvor is cool and sweet. HP:0 EP:230-> You hit Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. You graze Sleepy olog-hai. Sleepy olog-hai misses you. Sleepy olog-hai hits you hard. Sleepy olog-hai chuckles saying: Like you can kill me. drink flask The miruvor is cool and sweet. HP:-8 EP:230->  You fall to the ground. You are bleeding to death. You are bleeding to death. A feeling of rejuvenation comes over you. HP:36 EP:230-> You are still unconscious. A feeling of rejuvenation comes over you. You are still unconscious. HP:82 EP:230-> You are still unconscious. You are still unconscious. You are still unconscious. You are still unconscious. You are still unconscious. You are still unconscious. You are still unconscious. Sleepy olog-hai grumbles. Sleepy olog-hai says in Westron: Thieves here. You are still unconscious. You are still unconscious. You regain consciousness. ----> I chuckle saying: Like you can kill me Fun thing is, they stop attacking so you can easily go to full health and finish the job. But i warn you, this trick asks for great timing. Don't try this at home kids!