
Posted by
Waste [legacy]
30 October 2007 00:00:00

Bye guys, its been real fun and I just want to say thank you for all each an every single one of you for all the fun you have offered me in the past 10 years here.

Greetings Arda, 
As the title implies, I have decided that its finally time to call it a
day on my two towers life and head towards mordor to meet up with Sauron
and sacrifice my life for the eye. It has been a magical journy which
extended for almost 10 years now. I have learned so much from this place
and its sad but also a relief to finally let go of this place. 
When I first started here, I was 14 years old with very limited ability
to both speak and write in english, but this mud has  helped me
transition from my Arabic origins and learn english in the most proper
way possible. You guys cannot comprehand how much this mud has helped me
in developing and expanding my initial very limited english vocabulary.
And although I still cannot spell words in the most proper way possible,
I have learned so much by playing here and interacting with people
through out my mud career. For that, I thank each and every single one of
you, and the admin of the MUD itself in helping shaping what I am today. 
The t2t was a major factor in my life, and throughout the well over 20
characters I have had in this world, I have developed so many
relationships, both good and bad with a lot of people. I have been nuked
on all my previous characters but I always cam back weather it was an
immediate return, or via an activity period of upto 6 months. I have
alwyas believed that the time I actually reach the stage where I am ready
to let go and actually suicide my active characters that it would be the
end of it and I would never come back.
Slowly, but surely, I was reaching that stage due to a bundle of reasons.
The dramatic and drastic changes the mud incured after 2004 factored in
majorly, but additionally, my very busy and hectic real life has
virtually made it impossible for me to keep up my life here. I am 24,
married with a 3 week old daughter and working in a presitigious
investment bank here in Bahrain. As you can imagine, all this would eat

up all your time and leave you with nothing to spare. But I have also
lost my attraction to this place. Perhaps its all the new mega
developments in the gaming industry with the 360 and PS3 representing a
more lucrative destination to enjoy my very hard-to-come free time.
At any rate, this rambling is going on for far too long. My characters
have always been very opinionated and I always tried to be a leader, but
my direction towards evil is only because I enjoy playing the villen
character of the story. I mastered that part imo and a lot of people
hated me for it. My deepest passion was for Udungul for I have been a
member and a guildmaster of it for well over 5 years. From the original
Waste to Ezinma to the new Waste, I have fought a lot of battles. The
most interesting once were with BkD and boy were those great times. For
the better or worst, it always was a very entertaining and thrilling
experiences. And even though I very seriously doubt I will secure any
sort of legend here due to the major hate fanbase I developed because of
my role as a villen, I really hope that someone would smile if he ever
remembered me, or my obsession with the many-tailed whip! :)
In the end, I would like to thank all of you for making the last 10 years
of my life very magical and thank the initial admin for creating such a
magical enviorment such as the T2T where imagination and creativety were
so unique and pleasing that we reached a stage where we no longer see
text and we can actually see our selves in Tolkein's world. I just hope
that after all the querrels subside and all fighting ends, you guys all
remember and realise how magical this place is for all of us. 
Good luch and thank you all! 
Fawaz Naqi (Waste, Faris, Manner, War (original one), More, Eznima)