Who's Calling Who Mutliplayers?

Posted by
Manni [legacy]
12 November 2007 00:00:00

Posted for the benefit of the members of BkD who were demoted and cannot read.

Post  16  Pentheus     (11/09/07 11:22)  Temporary measures

Because of information leaking relatively directly from our boards (but
not the council board) to Durms, I am reducing in rank any member who has
a durm alt to shortbeard 2.  This is a precautionary measure to try and
keep as much of our information private as possible.  If anyone has
information regarding a BKD alt of a durm, please notify me.
Members of BKD with a durm alt who are more active on their BKD than on
their durm are exempt from this measure.  The intention is to basically
disallow access of typists who have chars in both guilds from as much of
our information as possible for our security and to preserve their
reputation.  At the end of the war, the members in question will be
restored to their previous rank unless concrete evidence that they
specifically have leaked information to Durmanhoth is provided.
In the event that we can demonstrate precisely who has leaked information
to Durms, they will be reinstated as a shaved beard and go on guild-vote
with regards to what punishment is appropriate.
If anyone finds themselves at a lower rank than they feel is appropriate,
let them know that they should feel free to contact me regarding the