n00b gets rocked while trying my friend

Posted by
Dunkin [legacy]
14 November 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

Dont keel my friends while im golding with them!@3413


  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    16 November 2007 13:49:41

    Other than revealing Tireless' secret crush on Ravathir, this flaming is getting nowhere. Thread closed.

  • Author
    Dunkin [legacy]
    16 November 2007 10:52:55


    Fyng, I think your face resembles the south park criple fight

  • Author
    Dunkin [legacy]
    16 November 2007 10:51:22

    Its definately a thing of opportunity, hes put in situations that are obviously ones to capitalize in, and put near people who are willing to teach and help him. Kudo's for that!!! What, did you want me to fraeking talk him up for some reason?

  • Author
    Dunkin [legacy]
    16 November 2007 10:50:33

    and just so you know, 1v1, I own Ravathir. So dont tell me hes all better then me. I dont care how you base it, or how you want to think about it, or which 'plane' your talking about. I am just not put around the right people, and not around people who care about me. He is with people that talk to him, and care to build a relation ship, me on the other hand, I have to deal with challenging individuals. This you may understand..

  • Author
    Dunkin [legacy]
    16 November 2007 10:47:38

    And telling someone to eat a meal isnt that bad of an insult, besides maybe hearing the truth will open his eyes. Constructive critizism, per say. Now back off, all of you!@#

    F . Y . I

    I got shit to do in real life, I dont base my life and day around this game. Plus, I was gone for a great amount of time, so everything that I once had was lost (Client) This may explain a lot of deaths taht could have been easily avoided had I been set up and ready. (This is still happening every day)

    Now, If you will please stop acting like your my papa and worry about yourself that would be graet, all of you.

  • Author
    Dunkin [legacy]
    16 November 2007 10:43:51

    Wow. Tireless, You amaze me. I cant even follow all your jumble, and You too obviously have some ill mind of me, now, Whatever I did that was so aggressive to you is way beyond me. The pure fact that you want to take the time out and back talk me for not being a PK man and all that mumble is nonsense. I am every bit of better then Ravathir or any person in this mud, the only pure fact that stands is that I have not built my client properly, Yet. Now if YOU TOO would stop talking at me, towards me, with me, or whatever yo uwant to call it and try to realize that from my view, tehre is no reason for me to keep my mouth closed. In all honesty, I do not understand your point of view, or any body else who felt like it was right to point there words towards me.

    And another thing, Satan is the furthest thing away from me then anything, except maybe Hell. So you can keep your insane coments and words to your self on this log page, and if you want to express your true feelings to me in person. People make me sick at thinking they are accomplishing anything by speaking it up on this page, when there is no way to communicate, or respond. Its pathetic. And personally, I take offense to your posts, as well as others.



  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    16 November 2007 10:17:59

    You realise of course, that you're insane?

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    16 November 2007 09:47:14

    oh... my god.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    16 November 2007 09:08:01

    Dunkin, Ravathir isn't just better than you. He's not even on a different level than you. He's on a HIGHER PLANE than you EVER HAVE BEEN (in the PK scene). There are a lot of horrible, nasty things that can be said about him that are absolutely true. I have said most of these things. But FUCKING INSULT HIM FOR THE RIGHT THING YOU GODDAMN MORON! He CAN talk shit and BACK IT UP AT LEAST A LITTLE! He talks less shit than he did and more than he should, but YOU, sir, cannot be justified in talking AT ALL! FUCK! THE VERY IDEA that someone could be UNJUSTIFIED in insulting RAVATHIR makes my head POUND so much I think I'm going to give birth to a fucking GREEK GODDESS. You go to hell. You shut your goddamn mouth and you go to hell. Are there any priests on the logpage? Tulkas is a minister, maybe he'll do. Dunkin is CLEARLY possessed by some agent of Satan, we need some holy water or something and get an exorcism going.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    16 November 2007 09:00:50

    ...you... fuck. That's all there is to say.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    16 November 2007 09:00:28

    I beg your pardon, Dunkin, but no you're not. Would you like to see my evidence?
















    Now, in your defense? This log, a log of you 2-manning an assassin who obviously lags out.

    Now, for a short course in irony:

    'Ravathir, put on some weight, you look horrible!) and stop tyring to insult people.' Or, restated in the formal manner, 'Generic insult against Ravathir's real life followed by an indictment of others for proffering insults.'

    You've survived as long as you have since your last log by staying under the radar. Don't confuse that with skill.

    And seriously, damn you. Look what you've fucking done. Damn you for being such an ass that I have to take Ravathir's side. Everyone knows he is the bane of my existence, and you just made me defend him.

    My headache was FINALLY going away, and now it's back with a FIERCE vengeance. You

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    16 November 2007 08:00:44

    Gonna call you little snapper.

  • Author
    Dunkin [legacy]
    16 November 2007 07:31:37

    I think you are all outrageous. The fact that you feel that you can insult me, Ravathir, Atalash, Fyng, ect. is pathetic. If you think you are so damn good at the game, why dont you try me one on one? Wait, because im better then you try to make me out to be. Get a job, life, hobbie (And yes you should eat out a few times a week Ravathir, put on some weight, you look horrible!) and stop tyring to insult people. And dont think im so snappy for responding to you guys lame insults.

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    16 November 2007 07:07:05

    Oh, I have a unique and utterly cool story about that, Pounder.

    I mudded while being paid to do some stuff on a computer.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    16 November 2007 06:49:18

    Shewolf, lol, what imagination! 'Pounder I wasn't insulting you' => 'Then again you aged a year, that's a lot of time for dementia to take hold.' Is dementia supposed to be a GOOD THING? Jesus, its rather hilarious. And furthermore to indicate how incredibly intelligent you are fyng: '1) Ya, Tireless was complimenting Rav so I don't see why he attacked like that, kind of funny.' You find it funny when your friends 'attacked'/'retaliate' but call people 'shewolf' when they attack your friends or you. Under 200, that would explain for the lack of just about everything. Although technically if you take out the time I mudded from work, I would have only 150days of age sadly. Anyways, enough time wasted on a worthless piece of crap that breeds more worthless crap.

    Speaking of which, I want to hear people's best jobs they were able to mud from! :)

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    15 November 2007 22:58:40

    Despite the fact that Dunkin is horrendous, I believe the match up of Dunkin vs. Atalash would resemble the South Park Cripple Fight.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    15 November 2007 22:37:30

    Dunkin, you're a fuckin joke. Atalash would mop the floor with you if he wanted to.

  • Author
    Dunkin [legacy]
    15 November 2007 19:40:38


    You are teh Gay. I have no idea who you are, and you have no idea who I am. You want to tango, lets tango, BIZATCH

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    15 November 2007 07:14:17

    Everyone sucks but me!

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    15 November 2007 07:06:58

    1) Ya, Tireless was complimenting Rav so I don't see why he attacked like that, kind of funny.

    2) Malorian, you learn things from experience and from experienced people. Your statement has no real demeaning gravity, and is actually flawed because Ravathir -is- one of the best. (Insert flaming and semantics here).

    3) Pounder I wasn't insulting you - nor was your character's age on the MUD some sort of punchline or leverage. I was simply informing you that you're out of touch with the game dynamics. The rebellious, disinterested, unsatisfied/scorned perspective has now been replaced by one of general appreciation. My typist has had active characters on this MUD for almost seven and a half years now - I believe the scope of imagination and the spark of the place was impressed upon me long ago, and would never have been 'beyond my comprehension'. I apologize for your volatile, retaliatory nature, you never seemed to be a rabid shewolf on the MUD so I have to admit I'm surprised. Also, the sum of my aging over these seven and a half years on all characters is just under 200d now. Just to clarify.

  • Author
    Atalash [legacy]
    15 November 2007 06:50:52

    Dunkin, you suck too

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    15 November 2007 06:44:25

    I've solo'd Ravathir's typist 9 times and he never killed me solo once! So that makes me a god.

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    15 November 2007 06:28:06

    eat a meal?

  • Author
    Dunkin [legacy]
    15 November 2007 06:25:51


    PS You are not as good as you think you are. Try getting a job, or a girlfriend. Ive seen pictures of you, perhaps you need to eat a meal.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    15 November 2007 05:28:40

    Does anyone else find it amusing that Ravathir self-proclaims he knows more quests than most players? :P

    I mean, 'you're not fucking retarded', you just sound stupid a lot.


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 November 2007 02:07:15

    Never have I ever said I was good at PK. I do my best. It's not great, but it's what I've got.

    However, Ravathir, I killed your alt when you said you were unkillable; I've killed you when you were level 21. You can say what you want about how many attempts it took to kill you, but think about this: Tireless has been reported for attempt 24 times. You virtually never fail to report attempts (from me). I have posted 2 kills of you on Ravathir and 1 on a now non-existant alt. That means my success rate is above 10%. What's more, 2 of those 3 are solos.

    This is just conjecture on my part, but if I were trying to make a case for how good I was, I'd be calling any player that had solo'd me a god of PK.

    That said, you're right, I do suck at PK.

    ...I'm kind of surprised the topic came up, though, given that my comment was about as close to a compliment as I've ever given you, in your presence or not.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    15 November 2007 01:34:56

    I'll comment on this later. I have to go to the mall. Pounder is good shit. You guys have really poor grammar and terrible grasp of the english language. kthxbie

  • Author
    Atalash [legacy]
    15 November 2007 01:25:02

    Yeah I was just going to say that. There are plenty of people who play more than Pounder and would have well over a year of age distributed through 10 alts or so. Props to him for being able to stick with only one character.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 November 2007 01:12:20

    Fyng, while your not nearly as stupid or unskilled as ravathir, the intelligence, imagination and style that would be required to understand why the two towers was such a great game back in the day is well beyond your grasp and will forever be. If the best insult you can throw my way is my 1 year of age, that is quite humorous due to the fact there are MANY people who have surpassed my age (on multiple characters of course), and I would be very surprised if you and ravathir aren't on that list by now. And considering I aged that 1 year over a period of what is now 12-13 years roughly, the insult generally makes most well educated people laugh at you with pity.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    15 November 2007 01:09:35

    And Amearn and Spartan and Altar and Baklen.

    Fyng seems to be the only one that still likes him:P

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    15 November 2007 00:59:43

    and you never will be.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    15 November 2007 00:58:16

    Ravathir the only reason you are in any way good at this game is because of Fyng, without him you would still be what you were, and with him you still aren't one of the best.

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    15 November 2007 00:36:59

    Ravathir made his settings from scratch. And Pounder, the 'quake' mentality of this game ended with the removal of BP, you're entirely out of touch with the place man. You were when you left. Then again you aged a year, that's a lot of time for dementia to take hold.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 November 2007 00:35:34

    Ravathir, you're dead on that you don't, you just get your friends to send their copy of Zmud settings/files installed so you get all the aliases and everything related to those quests. Why would you need to look up quest sites when your friends send you copies of aliases?

  • Author
    Atalash [legacy]
    15 November 2007 00:27:40

    Dunkin, you're retarded. I mean, christ you didn't realize the first time you had merciful on that you had to go turn it off before you could kill him?

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    15 November 2007 00:01:28

    Plus I don't look at quest sites.

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    15 November 2007 00:00:09

    Nod nildnab

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    14 November 2007 23:51:03

    Ravathir, If you must try bringing me into this.. I know more quests more than most people, this is without visiting or looking at such quest sites and I said nothing about you cause you 'Ravathir' I dont see get pkilled, your other char I have though, but also seen you kill a fair share.

    I mostly get pissed at people like Ulfanil who thinks since theyve been here for a good amount of time almost and now playing a archer instead of his first 2 choices allows him the right to criticize people? Most people who play archer dont know what theyre doing, using the same healing and spamming shit just in hopes they out-damage their opponent.

  • Author
    Tsarkon [legacy]
    14 November 2007 23:49:32

    ahahahaha, you're retarded and still a mcnoobler w/o cheese.

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    14 November 2007 23:39:09

    I mean tireless 'don't be jealous', cause im not BRAGGIN.

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    14 November 2007 23:37:03

    Whoa der hardcore.

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    14 November 2007 23:36:44

    I know more quests than most people, So really I can say shit, Plus Tireless you suck at pking

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    14 November 2007 23:34:32

    Oh my lord. I'm in pain. Ravathir said something nice about himself, and I have to mostly agree [insert 'at PKing' after, and I regretfully must agree]. I already had a headache. What a mistake, logging on to the logpage.

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    14 November 2007 23:33:28

    Dunkin why is it everything you say is so DAMN lame?

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    14 November 2007 23:32:52

    Im better than most people on this mud, Not that im braggin or anything, But Why do you tsarkon and nildnab talk the most out of this?

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    14 November 2007 23:08:00

    Leave Ravathir alone, he hibbed his char which always got killed also Ulfanil who are you to say anything.. go unserve level to 20 and get killed again.

  • Author
    Dunkin [legacy]
    14 November 2007 23:02:01

    LOL ravathir, eat my fat sister

  • Author
    Tsarkon [legacy]
    14 November 2007 22:58:07

    this is coming from ravathir, who acted like a pro and the l33t, when he died every other day.

  • Author
    Ulfanil [legacy]
    14 November 2007 22:21:58

    I agree with Ravathir. And no Negev, Khaun didn't do anything to you. Read the log properly. Dunkin, don't act like a pro. :P

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    14 November 2007 21:22:58

    LOL, Dunkin is calling negev a noob, I think dunkin needs to work harder on living then calling people noobs.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    14 November 2007 21:03:26

    oh and nice alt drop negev

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    14 November 2007 20:35:52

    haha little gimp got a kill.

  • Author
    Dunkin [legacy]
    14 November 2007 20:15:04

    <3 Nalthics Mom <3

  • Author
    Negev [legacy]
    14 November 2007 20:15:01

    ok, first off. why don't you comment on the right character...and second that said lvl 12 was dead, but i forgot to mercy off. third....why were you even in the room if you claim to not be involved?

  • Author
    Calicious [legacy]
    14 November 2007 20:13:45

    I'd quit too if a level 12 locked me :(

  • Author
    Negev [legacy]
    14 November 2007 20:11:02

    for those curious...I started getting bad lag around thranduils... last i saw was rhos sp. i typed hunt off about 3 hundred times, but it obviously didn't go through. wish i still had my screen, but the disconnect doesn't allow that for me. it was somewhat like this...

    Rhosgobel sp

    hp:230 ep: 55




    h off

    h off

    h off

    h off

    h off




    ...I don't quit in combat to avoid death.

  • Author
    Calicious [legacy]
    14 November 2007 20:10:50

    Wait you were you disconnecting.......? OMG

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    14 November 2007 20:09:29

    I hate you all

    Really there is no need for my mom to be in this log.

  • Author
    Calicious [legacy]
    14 November 2007 20:06:31

    You hear Leviathan yelling: 'for Mrs. Early', and feel your courage growing.

    LOL Awesome!!!