Close call from Brubaker

Posted by
Perrota [legacy]
24 November 2007 00:00:00

Crazy stab this is why stabs should be nerfed!!!!


  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    27 November 2007 22:17:40

    **note to previous**

    a different person does each differnt command, individual players still can only do one special per round

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    27 November 2007 22:16:45

    personally, i think that allowing multiple stabs in the same PK isnt that great an idea, however i wouldnt be opposed to allowing more than one special per round, perhaps limit it to one type of special per round though, but have that limited to one backstab, one headbutt, one feint, one weapon/armour special, etc, per round. so you could stab, heatbutt, feint, strike, and kickback in the same round, but you couldnt charge, berserk, whip, and singe.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    26 November 2007 07:14:24

    I'm sure you were.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    26 November 2007 07:05:12

    Tell me about it, these scrubs have no sense of humour. And Pallasch, I was obviously mocking Tireless. Sorry you're a dumbfuck :(

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 November 2007 05:25:32

    Oh God shut the hell up:P I like comments, but for Christs sake make them interesting or amusing.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    26 November 2007 04:46:53

    I take Homer's flamemobile to school.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    26 November 2007 04:41:59

    Well, it looks to me like either Tyras was accusing me of not reading comments before replying to them (which, as I stated, is not supported by reality) and insinuating that because my responses were more than 1 line long that I was committing some kind of crime.

    My responses were not multi page. The longest was 10 lines long. If I get insulted for writing a response with some modicum of body to it, I am perfectly justified in complaining about people who post 20-line paragraphs with no periods, or about people who sound like they're 8 years old and participating in a flame war on the bus to school.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    26 November 2007 04:26:23

    Just wait until we export democracy to your country, Trempk. Just wait.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 November 2007 04:15:46

    I would say it depends on the infraction. If its punctuation, capitalization, etc. then who cares because its not formal in the least here. If its not knowing the difference between they're/their/there, or spelling 'apple' wrong, etc. Then if you're from the US you're a dumbass.

  • Author
    Tyras [legacy]
    26 November 2007 04:01:25

    I'd say insulting someone because of their bad grammar is pretty lame regardless Tireless, not everyone cares as much as you about words said on a forumn and gets butt hurt over the slightest comments, it's ok though man, you'll survive.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    26 November 2007 03:27:43

    'Tireless is just a long-winded fool who revels in being more articulate than his fellow mudder.'

    Haha. Pot, kettle.

    Hypocrite :P

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    26 November 2007 03:21:40

    Tireless...I don't have my library card, but can I check you out?

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    26 November 2007 02:46:33

    I don't think any number of people should guarantee a kill if the target is, say, 1d from his inn room or in his guild foyer.

    That being said, I definitely think there should be better methods of group participation in PKs. At present the idea I like best (which is mine) is to have scaled specials - allow multiple per round, but reduce their effectiveness proportionally to the number being done.

  • Author
    Saurus [legacy]
    26 November 2007 02:07:14

    Instead, lets remove pk-death, lets all be mercifull, it will be more fun then silly be 10manned

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    26 November 2007 01:53:11

    I was seconding the motion that we're all wankers.

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    26 November 2007 01:22:22

    What's wrong with having a guaranteed kill?

    If someone wants to bring 10-15 people to attack you all at once, you should be dead before you can react. Not be able to run across Arda from belegost to thranduils before you fall and that is if you fall.

    There was always something majestic to see 10 people all triggered to headbutt someone to death. Or to see a group of 5 assassins backstab someone to death.

    Were they common place? No, not at all. But they did happen sometimes...

    Perhaps we should move back towards that. Remove the limit that prevent multiple special attacks being used at once, and remove the backstab protection.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    25 November 2007 22:25:40

    I second the motion.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    25 November 2007 21:55:34

    You're all wankers.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    25 November 2007 21:34:05

    'deflecting someone's argument by criticizing their grammar or spelling is just a diversionary tactic that manifests disbelief in your actual capability to construct a legitimate counterpoint'

    This is correct; in order for a counterpoint to be made, first there must be a point to begin with.

    I didn't want to just come out and insult his English; if it's his second language he's not doing badly, and I was making an effort to be sensitive to such possibilities.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    25 November 2007 21:17:50

    So... was he trying to be healed to repair the stab damage, or to regain EP from his comm? :P

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    25 November 2007 20:40:20

    Tireless is just a long-winded fool who revels in being more articulate than his fellow mudder. As Delkin stated, deflecting someone's argument by criticizing their grammar or spelling is just a diversionary tactic that manifests disbelief in your actual capability to construct a legitimate counterpoint. Skewing your posts with 'statistics' as substitution for actual gameplay experience is just a baffling technique, and doesn't really impress anyone - it does, however, impress upon me the fact that you do have enough free time to formulate realistic, logical opinions pertaining to the MUD. I guess you're just too stricken with animosity, envy, or too lazy to make a consolidated effort. Try harder and get a clue.


  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    25 November 2007 15:39:45

    I know your next post is going to be larger than my manhood. So, screw it :P I'm going to go read Reuters now.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    25 November 2007 15:34:58

    Tireless...does his level of English education reflect what quality of person he is? Or does it mean that you are any better than him as an individual? Nope!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    25 November 2007 08:33:23

    Unless you were being sarcastic, Tyras, my response addressed your comment pretty well, methinks. If I may ask, what level of English education have you received, and in what state/country?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    25 November 2007 08:29:38

    I'm not sure if any mentioned that, but we didn't have poison 5 years ago, and you could heal 150 hp instantly with jerkies. Stabs are fine as they are now.

  • Author
    Tyras [legacy]
    25 November 2007 04:32:10

    Do you read comments before you respond to them Tireless or do you just start shooting your mouth? Also, do you like typing paragraph long responses or again just like running your mouth?

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    25 November 2007 03:29:30

    Tireless good.. I r teh nub. Teach me skills!!!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    25 November 2007 02:09:02

    Well, Tyras, not a guaranteed kill - Even though a 5-man could easily, easily do 230 damage in 5 rounds that way (probably in less!), the target virtually always has healing. On my alt who is frequently attempted (I'm too lazy to change accounts, and given the origin of the discussion this account seems reasonable to use) even at 5m uptime, if I get stabbed I'll at least have jerky to down which buys at least an extra round per, so 2-3 extra rounds at least from healing. ...and I almost always break in less than 7 rounds ;)

    Guaranteed kills from perfect are very rarely good things. However, I'm all for letting every member of the party participate to a reasonable extent.

    That being said, if 4 people landed high end stabs with a high end stabby weapon, even with my proposal the target would still be a corpse, no matter what healing he had on him.

  • Author
    Tyras [legacy]
    25 November 2007 00:55:04

    Yeah ok Tireless, take that 168 dmg (give or take a few) throw in a few headbutts and it's yes it is basically a guaranteed kill. Or throw a strike into the mix before the 4 stabs again, basically a guaranteed kill.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    25 November 2007 00:16:06

    Yeah, its funny how all these guys who think they're so great and would have dominated 5-10 years ago are whining about not having a good possibility of a 100hp backstab.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    25 November 2007 00:07:11

    I think a good adjustment to current stab formula would be to allow the same person to be stabbed with no cooldown, but each successive stab has a bigger handicap. So, say the first stab has no modifier, second stab does 80% of it's possible damage, third stab does 60%, fourth stab does 40%, and so on with the bottom range being 30% or something. So, to put that in practical terms, if you accept that a typical high-end backstab does 60 damage, the first stab does 60, second stab would do 48, third stab would do 36, fourth stab 24. That way it's not a guaranteed kill, but at least subsequent stabs can be used.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    24 November 2007 21:53:05

    Keep current stabs! Allow multiple people to stab a target! Buy me more animal crackers!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 November 2007 19:11:24

    You're right about the double stab thing, Vermond, though I'd like to point out how much ep that'd take. Even with less-ep-intensive-than-fade camo people almost always run out of ep in current day PKs.

    And I have a fairly extensive stab survey, so unless people only posted shitty stabs, I can say without uncertainty that present-day stabs consistently hit harder than stabs of 5 years ago. If I recall correctly, according to my sampling of 40 logs in which either the victim showed hp or the victim of a stab was logging it, the first 2 hits (stab + followup hit) averaged something like... 35-40hp. Modern day according to my same size sampling, stabs average ~60.

    People didn't used to carry as much healing because they weren't forced to participate in the PK scene. All the extra healing everyone carries is a product of the ER/BP thing, methinks.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    24 November 2007 18:42:29

    Actually, when you didn't get a miss, stabs used to do a little more damage back then, you could also get another stab after fading off if your target was slow, attempt to headbutt again immediately after failing, and have as many other assassins as you want stab at the same time as you. Uhm, and MELS could charge without making you busy.

    For some reason I also remember that people didn't use to carry as much healing.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 November 2007 17:58:22

    If anyone remembers 5 years back (Oh god, I'M the one who has to remind people about a time BEFORE I PLAYED) there were _ZERO_ hp stabs. Like, frequently. I did a backstab survey of logs posted - and that's not including all the 0hp stabs where the assassin hunted off immediately after and it didn't make it to the logpage - and stabs now are _consistently_ better than they were 5 years ago. Like, by a pretty wide margin (~50%).

    With nerfed stabs I've managed to kill a few people solo without any trickery involved, and I'm a pretty horrible assassin. Say what you want about people crying about PK and getting everything nerfed, but think about this: The last time healing was upgraded was before I started playing. Sure, there's bota and er hand healings now, but gala vials have been in the game for years; so has lbc. Packable healing is actually _worse_ now than it used to be.

    And one last thing - very recently I stabbed someone who was playing very cautiously; they innbroke me in 3 rounds. I stabbed them from perfect, and they broke at nd. Stabs aren't that bad, they just don't do all the work for you like they used to.

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    24 November 2007 14:02:21

    Daywalker, backstab should clearly be removed from the game. So should assassins. Actually, lets standardize everything and make sure no one can actually enter combat. Just in case someone might get 'hurt', in a place thematically set with violence, strife, war, and medieval problem solving.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    24 November 2007 13:45:15

    When someone from a non-English speaking background is correcting your English, it's time to enroll in night school.

  • Author
    Eigen [legacy]
    24 November 2007 13:41:53

    it's 'Damn', not 'Dam', Perrota :P


  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    24 November 2007 12:02:37

    now you talking, and when there was a petition everyone was 'nerf stabs nerf stabs', now every noob can escape with a silver flask from mt to greyhavens.

  • Author
    Tyras [legacy]
    24 November 2007 01:05:59

    I like when Gizmalin crit me on a backstab with mori and only did 20hp, that was pretty beastly.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    24 November 2007 00:55:11

    Could have done better with a wooden sword or throwing a torch at you.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    24 November 2007 00:47:10

    Dude, what you talking about? The stab was pretty shitty...