Evis is executed

Posted by
Fyng [legacy]
12 December 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

2,000 gold contract. Gear returned for no report. Glad to see some honour left in the game for a solo assassin.


  • Author
    Korgan [legacy]
    14 December 2007 00:42:08

    That would involve physical contact, Colven.

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    14 December 2007 00:32:02

    Bakal is just afraid to embrace his inner nerd :(

    We should all give him a hug.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    14 December 2007 00:31:46

    I hate you, Tortuga.

  • Author
    Tortuga [legacy]
    14 December 2007 00:28:19

    Anyone going to a Magic: The Gathering tournament this weekend?!

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    13 December 2007 23:34:59

    Jesus Christ, the 'nerdocracy' on the log page just jumped 80%. Please, for the love of God, never talk about two games that a majority of the outside world considers 'geeky' in the same comment thread again. I started reading this shit and threw up in my mouth a little. I know I play this game... but I'm far from a nerd, and to see how many of you, 'my peers' also play WoW almost made me feel embarassed.

    Moral of the story, you're all dorks.

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    13 December 2007 19:49:06

    I actually liked WoW up untill I got to 70. Then it stopped being a game and became a chore.

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    13 December 2007 19:38:05

    all jokes aside, i gotta agree with the pro-towers group here, i recently bought startcraft again(getting ready for SC2 woot), and it came with a 30day trial to WoW, and i played it for the entire month, i even got up with a bunch of the people who had been playing towers back in the day, but stopped, like Darkclaw, and Mutalator, and a bunch of others, but even with some familiar faces, and people helpin me out, it was just too boring, there were no consequences, i mean, sure it was great to look at, but there is just no room for creativity, and like manni said, just no strategy. i mean, what do you do for gold...get a group of people together and go farming. ok its similar to getting a party together and running around the plains, but on WoW you just sit in one spot, and attack anything that runs towards you. the thing that i like so much about t2t, and muds in general, is it takes a certain type of gamer, first of all you have to be able to read and process LOTS of information quickly, moreso than you would in games like warcraft, and you also have to have atleast some rudementary social skills. not to mention the close, even if sometimes strained, relationship between the playerbase and the admin.

    but what makes this game more dynamic than anything else. probably the simplest thing, the fact that you dont get to keep your equipment when you log off. that alone changes the whole playing style of the game. when mmorpgs start forcing people to quest new eq everytime they log on, then the dynamic will be CLOSE to t2t. but again, nothing will ever come close enough to replace it fully.

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    13 December 2007 19:25:23


  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    13 December 2007 18:45:49

    WoW barely depends on interpersonal interaction and trust, outside of actual combat... That's a huge difference that T2T has that WoW doesn't. If someone in WoW doesn't like you, it really doesn't matter. If someone on T2T doesn't like you, you could be in for a whooping. I just think T2T fosters a lot more creativity. I found that my vocabulary really took a hit in the two years I played WoW because I just never used complete sentences. That's very different than T2T, given the amount of writing you do via comms, tells, mails, posts, log page comments, etc.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    13 December 2007 18:25:33

    WoW and T2T are, in no way at all, similar. I played WoW for an hour at a friend's house and I was already bored by that time.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    13 December 2007 17:05:40

    Come now, t2t and WoW are pretty similiar.

    From what I notice when casually reading the logpage (I still do it! You guys are a hoot.) it seems the most important thing is you really need to know how to quest for the healing items at this day and time in t2t. Besides, I'm a testament you didn't have to be particularly skilled to do stuff. :p Though of course those that are stand out, just like in WoW or wherever else.. except maybe in Progress Quest.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    13 December 2007 16:40:22

    400 days aging on two years? That's like 14 hours a day, every day, for two years. And 300's like 10 hours a day for two years, good lord. I no longer feel bad for occasionally mudding for 5 or 6 hours on one day.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    13 December 2007 16:26:59

    I was in several guilds and did a few dozen server firsts and a couple world-wide top ten first boss kills. Once you have a strategy, you keep the same strategy while you're 'farming' the boss for a year so everyone and their alt can get the same 8% drop crit ring or whatever. WoW's dumb.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    13 December 2007 15:49:41

    BUT, i think T2T is alot more adictive then wow, and wow can be pretty boring once you hit 70 pre tbc 60, but it depends alot on the person playing aswell.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    13 December 2007 15:48:40

    Saying WoW isnt about strategy is just stupid. Try being in the top 10 in pvp or being in a high end raiding guild doing the end game instances and then talk about not using strategy.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    13 December 2007 15:44:22

    WoW rots your brain. At least in T2T you have to be clever. WoW is just a matter of putting in time.

    Like I think about T2T a lot when I'm not playing, but it's all about what strategies I'm going to take when I play, diplomatically and action-wise. With WoW, all you think about when you're not playing is the gear you're going to amass, but it's not even about strategy, it's just about the amount of time you put in to it. There's very little room for strategy in WoW -- really the only way to get better is to put in time. I can't even count the number of times I fell asleep at the keyboard playing WoW during the 2 years I played. It's awful.

    I racked up something like 300 days of aging there in 2 years. In contrast, Pounder has racked up 365 days of aging in about 10 years. I talked to Marthaon the other day and he said that it's taken him a little over two years to break 400 days on his character there. It's insanity. It rots your brain.

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    13 December 2007 05:04:04

    The game really just begins when you get to 70. And it isn't a game anymore either, its just a chore.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    13 December 2007 04:45:02

    WoW used to be fun but it really turns into one massive grind.

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    13 December 2007 04:09:07

    I never said it sucked at all...all I said was WoW is really really cool :)

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    13 December 2007 00:05:56

    I agree with Hirgail.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    12 December 2007 23:41:40

    Haha props to Alkath. You are my hero

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    12 December 2007 23:36:00

    Adoni.. just curious, if T2T sucked, why would you need a hardban to stay away? :p

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 December 2007 23:15:49

    GETTING??? Aside from retired ainur (and a couple who are trying not to get completely burned out AGAIN) and newbies (and MAYBE a few players still trying to fight da fight), the towers has become a place for little kids to type kill orc. I am willing to bet that the average active age of the towers has dropped at least 5 years overall.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    12 December 2007 23:11:01

    What else am I going to do while i work? Actually work? fuck that.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    12 December 2007 23:02:04

    I having an angry day.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    12 December 2007 23:01:31

    WoW rots your brain.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    12 December 2007 23:01:13

    Or you could NOT play a computer game online. You know that is an option you fucking geeks.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    12 December 2007 22:48:42

    Yeah I think im about to start playing a bit more Wow. Towers is getting lame.

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    12 December 2007 22:46:21

    actually I think i've finally got that hardban i asked for, though I had to create a character called 'Adonii' and call Mathias' mother a whore. I didn't want to take the route, but Aule refused to do it. besides I just started playing WOW a couple days ago.... 50000 times better than T2T.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    12 December 2007 22:41:27

    Adoni leave! You cant, Towers got a hold of you!

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    12 December 2007 22:38:16

    kinda kinky if you ask me.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    12 December 2007 22:26:00

    The love/hate relationship between Fyng and Pentheus is priceless.

  • Author
    Pentheus [legacy]
    12 December 2007 19:12:16

    I remember thinking Evis was a poon and needed to die not very long ago, but I don't remember why.

    Either way, pretty, and props.