The Mighty Durmanhoth?

Posted by
Guruk [legacy]
20 December 2007 00:00:00

This is Arda's elite assassin guild? . . .


  • Author
    Zillak [legacy]
    05 January 2008 09:25:04

    Log is pretty good but i found this most amusing...

    --->You tell Azrylar: <3 tlaloc ;)

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    04 January 2008 21:36:25

    It took you 20 minutes to think of that come back!!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    03 January 2008 22:16:16

    Probably just any old skank.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    03 January 2008 21:54:40

    'And we certainly do our share of killing the Linhir governor, Galadriel, Barad-dur officers, Ulkhalad, and others.'

    Yea, take Galadriel off the list Manni :) You shouldn't kill her because what would Hirgail do without Gala?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    03 January 2008 19:22:13

    It's mostly because the de facto RP in Mordor is PKing. There's nothing wrong with RPing inside or outside Mordor. Though the MUD has long shunned PKing during RP outside Mordor, that for some reason never translated inside Mordor. You can't really give ERs the benefit of the doubt when ERs don't bother going to Mordor unless they're looking to steal or PK. There are a few relatively peaceful ERs that we've learned to get along with, inside annd outside Mordor.

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    03 January 2008 18:27:25

    'There's a big locked post on two guild boards stating that only BkD, hitlisted people, and ERs/sFRs in Mordor may be attacked.'

    Theres one thing killing in Mordor, but targetting ERs in Mordor - the land you once served... how things can change:P

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    03 January 2008 18:08:32

    You didn't offer an olive branch, you offered more of that pompous BkD double standard that the MUD has come to know and disdain over the years.

    When you have waged war in the past, you have scoffed at the notion that peace could be made on even terms, requiring surrender of your enemies.

    Now, I did not say that unconditional surrender was a stipulation. I did say that a surrender was required. There's a huge difference. I don't even know how an unconditional surrender would work on the MUD because it's pretty much impossible to do. A conditional surrender is a negotiated peace where a winner and loser and acknowledged and there are ramifications for the loser, such as the destruction of the letter. It's just that none of us on the Durmanhoth side really see any sense in destroying that letter. It's as much a part of history as your victory in that war. In fact, it's an excellent reminder of the consequences for unchecked guild aggression.

    Finally, while I already addressed the 'elite assassin guild' thing in a previous comment, I'll explain a little further. Sure we have some damn good assassins. But having a guild of assassins that indiscriminantly kill everyone is stupid. It doesn't work. There's no constructive strategy there. It was unsustainable in 1996 and it's an even worse idea now that there are 26 other guilds that can be mad at you at a given point in time. I've never given anyone in the guild the impression that Durmanhoth is about killing anyone and everyone with a contract. There's a big locked post on two guild boards stating that only BkD, hitlisted people, and ERs/sFRs in Mordor may be attacked. However, I do think this falls within the guild's theme. Nowhere in 'elite assassin guild' is it written that we are required to player kill. There's plenty more thematic value in 'assassinating' high profile NPCs than any random player with a contract. And we certainly do our share of killing the Linhir governor, Galadriel, Barad-dur officers, Ulkhalad, and others.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    03 January 2008 17:08:20

    Pentheus, if we're the 'elite' assassin guild, why do we let in level 13's who aren't assassins? =p.

    Unfortunately for BkD, the Durmanhoth rejected this, as thematically they really only care for gold, gear and it's own members.

    Rau, he never said you were the elite assassin guild. He said some Durms 'are not under the impression (of not being an elite assassin guild)'.

    Also, since when in recent times has Durmanhoth ever acted thematically?

  • Author
    Rau [legacy]
    03 January 2008 07:05:10

    'Don't listen to everything you read!' ;)

    Pentheus, if we're the 'elite' assassin guild, why do we let in level 13's who aren't assassins? =p.

    Here's my take on the war, by the way.

    BkD began the hostilities, where, surprisingly, they were beat down quite a bit. After the initial 'pwnage' from the durmanhoth, BkD started being a bit more solid (a bit less active also, but that is expected). This continued for quite a while until BkD brought forth a proposition to end the war.

    BkD only offered a thematic prize to the Durmanhoth for a 'mutual ceasefire'. Unfortunately for BkD, the Durmanhoth rejected this, as thematically they really only care for gold, gear and it's own members.

    I believe Durmanhoth was in a strong position to do this, as they were the ones who were 'winning' the war at this point (by 'winning' I mean they were simply in a stronger position at the time). This is just like if you attacked by an assassin and you lock them up. You don't wait til they go 'Okay! You're pretty good! Wanna stop fighting now?' and then let them out. You like to kill them.

    So personally I believe neither guild is in the right, and neither guild is in the wrong. It's a war. No right or wrong, no winners or losers. Everyone loses from it, fullstop.

    Simply my personal position on the war :) I've seen a lot of pointless arguments between both guilds, and I believe I have a middle ground type of view on it. I support my guild to the fullest, and I will kill it's enemies. But that does not mean that I condone EVERYTHING it does, or everything a member does.

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    02 January 2008 19:12:10

    'Guruk then glassed them both in MT. That's not something that our guild condones.'

    I actualy removed the 'newbie' from the party before glassing the Ex-Member/Applicant who has been an idiot for as long as I can remeber.

    Don't listen to everything you read!

  • Author
    Pentheus [legacy]
    20 December 2007 04:11:52

    'we've avoided attacking others and have stuck to doing our best to defend ourselves against BkD's aggressions and have no other aspirations for fighting others.'

    BKD offered Durmanhoth the olive branch about three weeks ago, and Durmanhoth declined. The hostilities are at present perpetuated by Durmanhoth's bitterness at past wrongs they feel BKD has perpetrated against them.

    Effectively, BKD informed Durmanhoth that we were no longer interested in pursuing hostilities; Durmanhoth (in the person of Mute and Manni) informed us that they were not interested in any cessation of hostilities unless BKD offered an unconditional surrender.

    This is not a war of BKD aggression any more; it began as such, but for nearly a month the conflict has been sustained out of Durmanhoth aggression, not BKD's.

    I do not blame Durmanhoth - we DID attack them, and it is perfectly reasonable for them to defend themselves. However, it hasn't been a defensive war for them for some time. There's no shame in conducting an aggressive war against someone who provoked said guild, but Durms ought to own up to it.

    And Manni, if Durmanhoth isn't supposed to be an elite assassin guild, I think you should mention this to your members. They are not under that impression.

  • Author
    Zarhbub [legacy]
    20 December 2007 04:05:55

    you can post logs with all the aliases in it now?

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    20 December 2007 02:47:02

    wait a second, did Azrylar just 'sell' Foxxx dragon-helm directly? That's, like... MP?

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    20 December 2007 02:44:51

    So, hmm, is Fyng an exception or something?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    20 December 2007 02:21:04

    Killing wanted people is generally a little disorganized. Wasn't a great job, but you did get like 3 manned down to 70hp after being attacked within a ton of breaks, so that's just about average.

    All that aside, I don't remember the last time anyone claimed that Durmanhoth was Arda's elite assassin's guild. I think that's both an unrealistic, unattainable goal and would be an undesirable outcome for the MUD. Aside from Fyng who refuses to read the Guild Policy board, we've avoided attacking others and have stuck to doing our best to defend ourselves against BkD's aggressions and have no other aspirations for fighting others.

    Guruk was hitlisted for 'selling' the whip for 25k, then not giving us the weapon. He was removed from the hitlist, but chose to continue his swindling ways and landed himself back on. Most recently he invited an applicant and a newbie the applicant was helping to his party. Guruk then glassed them both in MT. That's not something that our guild condones.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    20 December 2007 02:15:52

    Entertaining read :)

  • Author
    Pentheus [legacy]
    20 December 2007 01:20:43

    Durmanhoth seems to have really a great deal of trouble triggering MM catapult for some reason. I've actually never had them manage to hunt me through it.

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    20 December 2007 00:47:42

    Its long, spammy, annoying and unedited. But I found it pretty amusing.