An announcement

Posted by
The Society [legacy]
06 February 2008 00:00:00

The Society offers its services in arranging the deaths of any character in Arda, 
regardless of guild status, playing style, or personal affiliations of any Society 
Members. The minimum fee for such services is 5000 gold.

The Society has hired an Agent to conduct all dealings with the Clients. All Contracts 
are to be placed through the mud mail system with the Agent. The Agent is Kozlodoev.

Upon completion of a Contract The Society will provide a log of the events and the 
agreed sum is expected to be received as soon as the Agent and the Client are both 
online. A failure to provide the agreed sum will result in dire repercussions for the 
Client until the sum has been paid in full.

The Society does not guarantee the fulfillment of any Contract. Unless the time frame 
has been defined for a Contract, or the Contract has been explicitly withdrawn, 
The Society views a Contract as active until completion, and expects payment in full 
upon such occasion.

The Society guarantees that no fake logs will be provided to simulate a Target's death.

The Society does not require for the Contract to be in a specific form - X gold for 
player Y, although these will be the most common. The Society is willing to take 
Contracts on groups of people or Contracts with special requirements upon the Target's 
death (messages, weapons used, etc). All such speciality Contracts are to be discussed 
with the Agent.

The Society is not to be viewed as a group, but rather as a system. The Society does not 
consider its responsibility to avenge any hostilities against a Member or target any 
individuals because of a Member's personal preferences. The Society will target those 
that it believes to have harmed the Society as a whole, but such cases are expected to be 
extremely rare.