WHATS THIS!? My typing versus their typing.

Posted by
Daeman [legacy]
06 February 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Results in another Mute Solo. This is Mute13.txt. On my comp.


  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    09 February 2008 21:40:15

    I do that from time to time, it's called alcohol:)

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    08 February 2008 16:06:04

    This Daeman fellow has me confused. In the beginning of this thread his comments were making sense and he sounded quite articulate. Then, towards the end he begins double-triple-quadruple posting and slowly starts sounding insane.

    Hmm. I wonder who that insane guy is? :P

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    07 February 2008 15:00:28

    Um, what makes you think killing Durmanhoth is bad? Just because you created a character, this character deserves to live? It's a good deed.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    07 February 2008 08:17:09

    Ok i read the last long comment log and read most of penth and Delkin's spamming. I got one thing to say.

    Delkin: 'BkD is, for a lack of a better word, harboring characters who exist for the sole purpose of killing Durmanhoth.'

    What the heck happend when bkd started the war in the first place again durms? After a while of you getting your ass handed to you, you suddenly invited 6-10 players that begged for invites just to be able to kill BkD.

    Reminds me of Dungs BKD war when dungs invited G-unit and then took creds for the kills doing no dmg themself, but G-unit racking up some nice kills.

  • Author
    Aginor [legacy]
    07 February 2008 07:37:17

    How embarrasing.. Especially when you were actually trying to set that up :P Way to look nooblike Remmo!

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    07 February 2008 04:29:36

    Go comment on the other log. It can get more comments!

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    07 February 2008 04:22:40

    Yeah you wouldn't have gotten that if it wasn't for my stupidity


    You decide to put Grakas out of his misery.

    =||HP:230 EP:148||=ROV=

    Daeman puts Grakas out of his misery.

    You decide to put Grakas out of his misery.

    =||HP:230 EP:148||=ROV=

    Daeman puts Grakas out of his misery.

    Daeman puts Grakas out of his misery.

    Daeman puts Grakas out of his misery.

    You cease attacking Grakas, noticing he is unconscious.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    07 February 2008 04:18:51

    + 75,000,000 puppies :(

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    07 February 2008 04:12:54

    + Daeman

    + Bentelbow

  • Author
    Pentheus [legacy]
    07 February 2008 03:22:12

    I must have counted the number of kills before revising my list to take Durm alts etc off or something. My bad about the incorrect count thing.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    07 February 2008 03:18:13

    Dansk is durm, Draco is app, Celerity was durm, Tyras is durm, Evendim was durm, Next comment please.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    07 February 2008 03:09:49

    I just want you pricks to stfu and go away. Fucking just mud or end the fucking war if you really care about the community. I can't seem to get away from you guys at all It's fucking horseshit.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    07 February 2008 03:03:05

    Like I said about 74 comments ago, I really don't care about numbers of kills. I don't even have a guess as to how many kills we've had because it doesn't really matter. Let's rock the mutual warfare for another week or so and see how things shake out.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    07 February 2008 03:01:08

    You're also counting like anyone who's ever been invited to our guildhall... Toss out Celerity, Evendim, Draco, Tyras, Reyals, and Dansk. Also Pentheus listed 13 kills counting the sucker punch on Panayoti and Deathmatch, not 22 kills. And I don't know if its worth counting kills from the first week, before we declared war on 10/4. Our official policy during that first week was that we'd try to avoid a war... Then on the 3rd Azer declared mutual war and we were forced to respond with mutual war on the 4th. We killed a bunch of people that week, which weren't listed in Pentheus's comment.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    07 February 2008 02:47:23

    And now, watch as they attempt to discredit the absolute truth of Nalthic. The undeniable truth for which there are no lies strong enough that it will not penetrate. Like a paedophile penetrating a 7yo boy, Nalthic's truth will bust through Delkin's deception in an orgy of blood and screams.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    07 February 2008 02:45:41

    You can gloat he killed four of us but I talked to two of the party members. One didn't know wtf he was doing and the other was screaming in party says. So if sacrificing your members lives for a bunch of eq is what the Durmanhoth is all about. By all means keep the eq. We here (besides me) actually care for each other.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    07 February 2008 02:43:37

    His list also doesn't include numerous kills I logged off after and forgot to post. It's just a pissing contest really. We know who owns who. *shrugs* Arda knows:)

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    07 February 2008 02:42:16

    Yah, your's doesn't show me soloing mute like a rockstar either.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    07 February 2008 02:41:04

    Actually Mute cliffed 2, Korath cliffed himself

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    07 February 2008 02:39:55

    mute cliffed 3 of ours :)

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    07 February 2008 02:37:56

    11/04 Bentelbow to Mute

    11/04 Pentheus x2 to Brubaker

    11/03 Azrim to Brubaker

    11/01 Pentheus to Kaparen

    10/29 Mongwen to Delkin

    10/29 Azrim to Delkin

    10/25 Azrim to Jared

    1/08 Pentheus to Mute

    2/03 Murray to Skyman

    2/03 Mute to Skyman

    2/01 Murray to Skyman

    2/01 Jaime x2 to Skyman

    2/01 Jaime to Korath

    1/29 Murray to Bentelbow

    Those are the additional ones that we have from the guild war system... Those don't include some backhunts on Skyman and Daeman and the Mordor kills, like when you counted the kills where Mute cliffed 8 people, 4 of yours and 4 of ours, and got all their gear.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    07 February 2008 02:18:11

    Panayoti, Deathmatch, Rellik, Smoky, Kiviel Smoky, are all unnacounted for. Just have kill count on the board. No dates.

    Baklen - Havok 9/25

    Jakar - Wouned 9/25

    Pentheus - Kelevra 9/26

    Baklen - Rellik 9/30

    Baklen - Smoky 9/30

    Regorn - Smoky 9/30

    Regorn - Panayoti 10/01

    Jakar - Rellik 10/01

    Regorn - Smoky 10/01

    Baklen & Pentheus - Kiviel 10/01

    Baklen, Mog & Miliken - Kiviel 10/01

    Baklen - Evendim 10/01

    Baklen, Mog, Panda, Cyric, Rowen - Kvedulf and Evendim 10/01

    Pentheus - Kelevra 10/03

    Regorn - Coranth 10/05

    Regorn - Evendim 10/05

    Regorn - Celerity 10/06

    Regorn - Sadren 10/06

    Regorn - Wounded 10/18

    Regorn - Brubaker 10/23

    Baklen and Mog - Azkrayel 10/30

    Baklen and Daeron - Mute and Rellik 10/05

    Azhrarn - Foxxx 10/09

    5man - Fyng 10/10

    Azrharn and Korath - Pollux 10/15

    Azhrarn - Mute 10/22

    Azhrarn, Cyric, Panda - Jared 10/22

    Azhrarn, Nalthic can't remember who else - Mute 10/22

    Azhrarn, Nalthic can't remember who else - Fyng 10/22

    Azhrarn, Nalthic Can't remember who else - Pollux 10/22

    Azhrarn, Nalthic can't remember who else - Mute 10/22

    Azhrarn and Nalthic - Pollux 10/23

    Azhrarn and Nalthic - Ravathir 10/23

    Brahm - Burgul 11/29

    Korath, Balzamon and Calicious - Celerity 12/17

    Regorn - kilik 12/18

    Pentheus - Khaos 12/22

    Korath - Reyals 12/22

    Calicious - Kilik 12/24

    Daeman, Nalthic and Memic - Omit 12/26

    Daeman, Nalthic and Memic - Omit 12/26

    Daeman and Korath - Pollux 12/29

    Verus - Serex 12/30

    Korath - Kilik 01/01

    Daeman and Nalthic - Dansk 01/02

    Memic and Verus - Wounded 01/02

    Verus - Pruebala 01/02

    Shardik, Calicious and Nalthic - Nyquil 01/02

    Korath and Nalthic - Cion 01/05

    Korath - Fes 01/05

    Pentheus - Mute 01/09

    Pentheus and Shelob - Mute 01/09

    Regorn and Balzamon - Rau 01/09

    Regorn - Intem 01/09

    Verus - Magnus 01/11

    Verus - Draco 01/11

    Regorn - Kilik 01/16

    Saurus, Nalthic, Daeman, Balzamon - Mute, Klardin, Darkhour and Pollux - 01/16

    Daeman and Co - Wounded 01/28

    Daeman and Korath - Klardin 01/29

    Skyman - Erest 02/01

    Skyman - Fes 02/01

    Skyman - Darkhour 02/01

    Regorn - Omit 02/02

    Skyman - Meerni (Durm or Helper) 02/02

    Skyman - Jaime 02/04

    Skyman - Intem 02/04 (Merciful)

    Skyman and Tlaloc - Panayoti 02/04

    Skyman, Tlaloc and Nalthic - Klardin 02/04

    Daeman and Nalthic - Kilik 02/05

    Big Bang - Klardin 02/06

    Quick count not sure if accurate is: 82

    Also this is a rough number and I didn't count any of many durm alts that have been combatting us as well. Also not all kills are posted. Especially when we dropped to mutual war.

    There are alot of kills I have been on that aren't posted here.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:39:50

    You're right :( My hollow walls and insecurities are caving in like a star dying! This is the winter of my discontent! Ok, I seriously have to study now, everyone have a great evening!

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:38:28

    Ah yes, removing the evidence of your misapropriation of the truth so that it is unavailable for scrutinity I see? Laughable.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:37:49

    Yep :/

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:37:18

    Or in Delkin's case, it simple didn't happen. He is just telling lies to make himself appear to be better than he is. They're just lies. Do not validate his untruthes by giving them any level of credibility or ever even considering his arguments for their accuracy. You must simply ignore them and brand him as the liar that he is.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:36:58

    Exactly. As you can see...I just don't see much of a purpose in posting logs anymore. It does nothing to bring the war to conclusion, but rather inflames tempers. Also, the whole notion of 'haha I have a LOG of you dying' is just childish. Who cares? Speaking of which, the image is deleted now. It was presented as a debate exhibit and there is no more need.

  • Author
    Pentheus [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:32:29

    Pretty sure kill counts have historically relied on logs to convey the count. It's like the newspaper at the turn of the century: If it's not in the papers, it didn't happen. If it's not on the logpage, it doesn't count. Post logs or be quiet about the kills :P That goes for both of you.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:25:48

    Gonna check something hold on.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:19:22

    People like Wounded and Welsh are BkD/BkD applicants?

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:18:37

    These 'facts' as you so liberally name them are in fact 'falses's'. You invented that .jpeg. Your shameless invention is as shameless and inventive as any of your past shameless inventions. I denounce you as a liar and a charlatan!

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:15:26

    Even so, 39 is a fairly close number. I'm going back to studying now. Play with those facts and twist them however you want. Peace.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:14:01

    How I got that number was select the the files from 'panda baklen adoni.html' to the last file, count the file list and add 2 for the three kills in 1 log. I count applicants as BkD.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:12:07

    I counted the names in that image, I found 30 that was BkD, of course, I could've missed some people, but I think you were counting people like Naedrim as BkD, but I dunno :(

    I am sure you killed a bunch of people, but most statistics will be pretty hard to prove after people not keeping score. I liked the 18 whatever VCs you claimed to have killed with your alt too. I think you are messing your numbers up a bit sometimes :p

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:11:57

    I'm glad to see that you admit it. However the admission of a liar is no admission at all!

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:11:03


  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:09:29

    I can make a bunch of files with random names on it as well. Delkin I have killed you 200 times in the past month and I can prove it.

    You lie. You're a liar. That image is a lie.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:05:20

    Yeah but 14 in the past two days. I'm pretty sure his memory stretches back that far.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:05:07

    The proof is in the pudding, I guess.


  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:04:14

    A kill count is impossible to determine now. Everyone can say oh I have 11 I have 22 but most of the time in this war it isn't solo, so numbers will overlap with other members. Only ears will tell an acurate and not everyone has a necklace.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:01:44

    Come on Delkin, back that shit up. What 14 BKD have Murray and Mute killed in the past two days. What 39 BKD have you killed since October?

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    07 February 2008 00:00:10

    When Alkath says soloed, he doesn't mean pked.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    06 February 2008 23:59:40

    Nobody believes it. Pity.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 February 2008 23:59:21

    Personally I have soloed Orcoron 13times in the last three days.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    06 February 2008 23:58:14

    Oh please:P Nobody believes that. What 14 in the past two days? What 39?

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    06 February 2008 23:51:51

    I have 39 kills on BkD starting with Panda, Baklen, and Adoni to date. In the last 2 days, Murray has killed 10 and Mute has killed about 4.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 February 2008 23:46:31

    Jerky to Manni on 11/06/07

    ... yeah that was an awesome solo :p

  • Author
    Pentheus [legacy]
    06 February 2008 23:45:56

    As an explanatory note, I've factored out non-sided names who participated in kills to the best of my ability (Tlaloc, Evendim, Tireless, Gizmalin, Perrota, etc) However, if you factor them back in it makes the score something like 25-53.

    Also, this count only factors in logs posted on the page. I believe both sides have some that weren't (Azhrarn specifically alludes to at least 1)

  • Author
    Pentheus [legacy]
    06 February 2008 23:42:01

    War breakdown - I couldn't remember when this one started, so I started with the first log after Azer doing Panayoti/Deathmatch.

    Kvedulf, to Panda, Baklen on 10/16/07

    Mute to Azhrarn on 10/22/07

    Mute to Azhrarn on 10/22/07

    Jared to Cyric, Panda, Azhrarn on 10/22/07

    Ravathir to Azhrarn, Nalthic on 10/24/07

    Pollux to Azhrarn, Nalthic on 10/24/07

    Tyras to Azhrarn, Korath, Nalthic, Azrim on 11/11/07

    Klardin to Daeman, Korath on 1/29/08

    Panayoti to Skyman on 2/4/08

    Klardin to Nalthic, Skyman on 2/4/08

    Kilik to Nalthic, Daeman on 2/6/08

    Mute to Daeman, 2/6/08

    Klardin to Regorn, Daeman, Grozin, Nalthic, Skyman, Diar, 2/8/08

    Total: 22

    Panda, Adoni, Baklen to Amohn, Klardin, Pollux, Delkin on 10/6/07

    Balzamon, Regorn to Winnetou, Rellik, Rau on 10/7/07

    Daeron to Delkin, Kvedulf, Jaime, Pollux on 10/8/07

    Baklen to Putin, 10/9/07

    Azhrarn to Fyng, Lomar, Kvedulf on 10/11/07

    Reijar to Fyng, 10/11/07

    Azhrarn to Foxxx, Fyng on 10/11/07

    Azer, Grozin, Azhrarn to Ravathir, Kvedulf, Mute, Fyng, Fyng on 10/11/07

    Bentelbow to Lomar, Fyng on 10/11/07

    Azhrarn to Delkin, Lomar, Smoky on 10/11/07

    Azhrarn to Winnetou, Pollux, Kvedulf, Jared on 10/12/07

    Regorn to Winnetou, Mute, Jared, Brubaker on 10/12/07

    Azhrarn to Ravathir, 10/16/07

    Grozin to Delkin, Pollux on 10/19/07

    Panda to Delkin, Kvedulf on 10/21/07

    Cyric to Delkin, Jared on 10/21/07

    Azrim to Delkin, Pollux on 10/22/07

    Azrim to Delkin, Pollux, Klardin, Mute on 10/22/07

    Calicious to Mute, Deathmatch, Jared, Rau on 10/22/07

    Azhrarn to Delkin, Ravathir, Mute on 10/25/07

    Azrim to Jared, Felk, Hazin, Pollux, Ravathir, Fyng on 10/28/07

    Mog, Regorn to Brubaker, Jared on 10/28/07

    Azrim to Jared, Brubaker on 10/29/07

    Azrim to Delkin on 10/30/07

    Pentheus to Delkin, Klardin, Kvedulf, Manni on 10/30/07

    Memic to Jared, Ravathir on 11/01/07

    Pentheus to lag on 11/03/07

    Jerky to Manni on 11/06/07

    Azhrarn, Nalthic, Azrim to Ravathir, Pollux, Tyras on 11/14/07

    Bentelbow to Delkin, Fyng, Grimdor, Kaparen on 11/14/07

    Azhrarn to Pollux, Mute, Dahnir, Fyng on 11/14/07

    Pentheus to disconnect, 11/16/07

    Calicious to Fyng on 11/30/07

    Bentelbow to Fyng, Mute on 12/05/07

    Bentelbow to Fyng, Evendim, Mute on 12/07/07

    Pentheus, Korath, Korath, Regorn to Zaellyer, Khaos on 1/06/08

    Daeman to Khaos, Cion, Klardin, Erest on 1/14/08

    Daeman to Murray, Felk, Elexar, Klardin, Darkhour on 1/29/08

    Skyman to Khaos, Erest on 2/3/08

    Total: 50

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 February 2008 22:30:09

    So noone has any numbers? :( I like statistics, Pentheus would've known!

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    06 February 2008 21:12:19

    Ahh, mutual war. Time for actions to speak louder than words.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    06 February 2008 21:08:42

    I think what made this log so great is the fact it was basically mapper vs no mapper, gangbang vs solo, and well, the solo and no mapper came out on top

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    06 February 2008 19:58:37

    More flaming plz!

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    06 February 2008 19:20:41

    See you always got a smart ass comment even when your guild gets fucking dogged by one khuzd. I can name 12 of your members that play alts too. You seem to have this fucking high and mighty attitude like your shit don't stick and its fucking pathetic. Man up and fucking just spit the truth instead of sugar coating it with nice words and an above highschool speaking level.

    The reason I'm on alts is for my friends and I to know and you to not inquire about. But hey, we could allow in the degenerates of the mud too and a bunch of noobies to get activity up. Yet, our name is BKD not Durmanhoth. Our khazad have alot of pride *shrugs*

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    06 February 2008 19:14:18

    I'm not sure how many times you've killed Fes and Omit and Cion and Kilik... But they're beginning to learn how to break and that's great to see.

    I've been extraordinarily busy the past two weeks, but I've been active outside the guildhall at reboots and when people need gear. You've been on alts at least the two most recent reboots, Daeman.

    As far as who's winning, I don't know. It's hard to tell but the answer is probably nobody. If a negative vault flow and 16 active members is winning, I guess you are, Daeman.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    06 February 2008 19:02:30

    We're winning. What else is there Manni? I was in a new area, I got unlost rather quickly without a mapper. Avoided the search party and killed my target. Seems to me thats more than anything you've done besides hit mtgold1 to steal a bunch of random gold and sly talk a bunch of gms. Seems to me you got an answer for everything while you sit in your gh and let your members die. But hey, thats the kind of mudder you are. There are people who act and people who let people act for them. I prefer to do my own dirty work.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    06 February 2008 19:01:02

    I believe bkd is up on the count but not on the activity. In the end it isn't about the count or who did the killing.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 February 2008 18:54:43

    He kept his cool when there was a bang around, it was sexy.

    So... warscore?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    06 February 2008 18:53:46

    It was OK... good thinking to start moving before he saw Murray. I guess Murray was just a little slow. Sometimes plans work and sometimes they don't... Good job of foiling this one but the extent of the skill involved here was typing '5e' a bunch.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 February 2008 18:48:42

    I will be giving you huge cred for this kill, it was pure awesome getting him and also staying away from the bang party. Murray surprises me though, I thought he'd be able to catch on the second time at least. If he was fiveman banged or not, this was still hotness, Manni, you gotta hand it to him. I am sure you would want to mention that you guys got in a kill on him too, just be sure to give him cred too :p

    Anyways, anyone have any idea of the actual war score? Any of the sides reach over 100 yet? :p

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    06 February 2008 18:46:59

    If this was 2001 I wouldn't open my mouth but it's not. If you think dying at all on this game means jack shit then you don't know the first thing about the pk scene.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    06 February 2008 18:45:11

    No matter what you say I owned them and him like I own my dog. Because in the end it doesn't mean shit to me that your guild five manned me five times. I've soloed just about everyone in your guild. To me thats worth all the gold in the world. Cause in the end deaths don't hurt and its all about how you die. So you can chalk up more shit to throw at me. Yet, I know, and the mud knows who has your ticket and when your boys go inactive and don't have the resources to gangbang me. Then it's on scrub:)

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    06 February 2008 18:42:07

    He died once to a 5 man and was arrested once by a 5 man. At least Daeman's kill showed alot of skill. Not your everyday bang.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    06 February 2008 18:41:48

    I got killed once then arrested, which resulted in a shitload of my bank depleted.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    06 February 2008 18:34:42

    This was while you were wanted and before you got killed twice and arrested, right?

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    06 February 2008 18:16:09

    [ BK-d ] Azer: he's holdin my balls

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    06 February 2008 18:15:38

    Haha, good stuff. What was he doing there in the first place though?