Quiauh told you: hey You told Quiauh: sup? Quiauh told you: someone recently told me something about you :) You told Quiauh: eh Quiauh told you: your kalmah right? You told Quiauh: yeah Quiauh told you: good, can you stop opening your mouthpiece about me on every occasion you get granted? You told Quiauh: I hardly comment about you or anyone dude :P You told Quiauh: mainly the herkies Quiauh told you: oh but kalmah talked loads of shit about me on logpages.. You told Quiauh: I wouldn't say loads You told Quiauh: I've had my opinions probably, sure Quiauh told you: yeah the funny thing is, i never met kalmah in person ever on the game, so theres like 0.00001% in the back of my mind thinking whats this creature talking about non stop:P Quiauh told you: atm i think i must have hurt your feelings big time once upon a time in arda but thats all that i can think off :D You told Quiauh: nope, I've just heard all the insane rants on the comm Quiauh told you: and felt this uncontrollable lusty urge to talk shit from the side line? ;) You told Quiauh: Uncontrollable? Lusty? No.. Probably more along the lines of just voicing my opinions Quiauh told you: is there a word for creatures like you irl? Quiauh told you: lemme see... see's a group of people talking about someone, and decides to join in on the 'fun' and put in his shitty 2cents talking garbage from the sideline, while not even knowing whom they are talking about at all hmmmm.. You told Quiauh: Yes. 'Human'. Or more specifically, homo sapien. Or if you want to add descriptive words, sane human being Quiauh told you: aaah! sad human being even sadder when opening its mouth :) You told Quiauh: Buddy, you're the one talking shit using alt info :P You told Quiauh: See, you've already given me all the reason to talk shit about you Quiauh told you: well we all know kalmah aint here no more, which is good on a side note.. hello tuomasis Quiauh told you: and who else could you be .. hmmm hmm Quiauh told you: viriato could be you as well but i dont need to know, i just know that in the past i allways thought that shabba was a decent fella You told Quiauh: rotfl Quiauh told you: saddens me i was wrong entirely :( You told Quiauh: Go look up whatever I might've said on the logpage, I'd really like to see it You told Quiauh: But I think the point is: Stop caring what people say about you. They're random people on the internet and it doesn't affect you at all whatsoever Quiauh told you: Date: 06. Dec, 2007, 18:15:58 By: Kalmah He's ALWAYS like this and on all of his characters, Zarhbub :P You told Quiauh: Yes, that is fact. You told Quiauh: I've seen you rant on about RL shit on the comm on two chars at least :P Quiauh told you: and how would you know that ahahahahaha a :PD goddamn sorry but i need to stand up now cause im going to laugh hard :DDDD Quiauh told you: the fact is Quiauh told you: you, even though im not commenting on log pages at all, have been opening your yap non stop, continously about nothing at all but the mere purpose of flaming me or trying to talk shit about me, i just wanted to say this to kalmah but since it aint here no longer i was like well lets see if this works :P You told Quiauh: I fail to see where a few comments here on there qualifies as 'non-stop', but sure Quiauh told you: and well i never knew you at all which is why i was still looking forward to having this little conversation with you =) Quiauh told you: i think your pathetic and must be an incredibly weak human being irl :) You told Quiauh: You don't need to know someone to realize they're completely insane from what they say on the comm, thanks. Quiauh told you: dude, every log about me on log pages, got more then one comment from kalmah in it :P You told Quiauh: And of course bringing out the IRL insults Quiauh told you: and all the time im thinking wtf is this kalmah shit :P You told Quiauh: I hate to pull the 'I don't give a shit stfu' line, but in this case it really couldn't be more true. Quiauh told you: yes, just i never talked shit about you ;) Quiauh told you: and i dont hide behind my alts either.. You told Quiauh: Its probably because a) I hardly talk on the comm, and b) I don't ever have drunken idiotic rants You told Quiauh: Hiding behind alts? As far as I know he was my high level character. You told Quiauh: Namechange? Because I wanted that name. Its not like his legend didn't exist while those comments were made Quiauh told you: one i didnt know at all and one who didnt know me at all either, but you just felt that urge to talk about a lot of shit all at once on and on and on :) Quiauh told you: things like that just make me wonder what kind of other types of dirty lame games you play on this game You told Quiauh: rotfl Quiauh told you: but hey i remember shabba and his infamous bang heads against stuff so im a little sorry about having to talk to you like this now but i had no other ways yet You told Quiauh: Lets see... I age for my guilds and do the occassional questing and golding, that's what I do on here. Quiauh told you: which is lame. please dont ever join NiA ok? You told Quiauh: rotfl You told Quiauh: I would never want to Quiauh told you: i think you would, just to have a laugh ;) You told Quiauh: nope, I don't have that kind of time or would want to put that kind of effort in levelling a useless character, sorry You told Quiauh: and for the record, the banging head was props to Ierod Quiauh told you: ive not only aged for my guilds, ive worked my ass of for my guilds given them all i could give and then some, but the highest tree's catch the most negative rewards from lame jerks thinking they are the uber shits to this game, which is not you pursay.. Quiauh told you: do you know how many members amruin had active when i joined amruin? Quiauh told you: 9 Quiauh told you: do you know who was their best player then? Quiauh told you: Masar Quiauh told you: do you know whom Masar namechanged too once bp's came out? Quiauh told you: Amearn You told Quiauh: eh, this really doesn't concern me nor do I give a shit Quiauh told you: do you know how much lust for playing roleplaying Ansaril didnt have anymore? allmost none.. Quiauh told you: do you wanna know why Viking started logging back in? You told Quiauh: dude refer to previous comment Quiauh told you: or why Ansaril started liking battlepoints? Quiauh told you: its ok Quiauh told you: I assume you never saw Eomar allways in the front lines either :) Quiauh told you: and more and more Amruin following his lead Quiauh told you: or Chiprox and Oakwood still proudly carrying the Nestor name i came up with :) Quiauh told you: so at least i know who i am, and what i did You told Quiauh: dude stfu You told Quiauh: completely irrelevant to me Quiauh told you: i also know its allways the same asswipes who start acting up trying to humiliate people they cant handle seeing doing well.. Quiauh told you: so to explain my rants, its allways against those types of scum You told Quiauh: Yes but they're still completely unnecessary You told Quiauh: All it takes is a simple 'ignore' Quiauh told you: right Quiauh told you: and then suddenly all kinds of alts start logging in talking the same type of shit Quiauh told you: i could have a day task ignoring shitheads You told Quiauh: well then guess what.. YOU IGNORE THEM TOO Quiauh told you: no Quiauh told you: lemme tell you one interesting comparison You told Quiauh: ignoring takes what, less than a second of your life? Quiauh told you: you are walking on a street irl You told Quiauh: dude I DONT CARE You told Quiauh: omfg :P Quiauh told you: and these little piles of shit try to put themselves before your feet each step, and you try to avoid them Quiauh told you: should i change the way i walk because of those piles of shit? You told Quiauh: That is probably the worst analogy I've ever heard.. Quiauh told you: no. i just wanna walk in a straight line towards where im going. You told Quiauh: Difference is: That is IRL. This is a MUD. Quiauh told you: its excactly the same Quiauh told you: i got a goal to achieve and dont want anything todo with shits trying to throw me out of my own game You told Quiauh: No, its really not, but please just stop or you'll just be making another caemo on the logpage :P You told Quiauh: see, thing is, them talking shit DOES NOT AFFECT YOU WHATSOEVER Quiauh told you: i know i know, its what you do best. didnt i tell you this a few times now? You told Quiauh: Actually thing I do best would probably be golding, thanks. You told Quiauh: but sure You told Quiauh: Its like you want the publicity on there anyways though, or some shit like that. Quiauh told you: lol, no you do, thats why you comment on each occasion you get granted, and you havent seen me talk there once :P You told Quiauh: nah not really Quiauh told you: no? :P You told Quiauh: See I wanted to post this from the start cause I know it would be a nice favor to all those bored at work, then I changed my mind. But I guess I'll have to Quiauh told you: im far from sorry to say this, but you are just that little annoying kid trying to wanna be part of the group talking shit from the side :P Quiauh told you: yes you do have to post it, it will make you feel good about yourself ;) Quiauh told you: in the meanwhile we were talking i swooped up most of the gold allready, so dont bother going golding or well, if you want some leftover scraps, be your own guest :D You told Quiauh: No, it has no impact on my life or how I'll feel immediately after posting it. What is will do, however, is result in a series of amusing comments which will in turn entertain me for a while longer You told Quiauh: I just raised my avg stats to 94 from 90 since I've logged on, so I think I'm rather happy for now Quiauh told you: i couldnt expect you to agree on me calling you pathetic naturally ;) You told Quiauh: No, because I think most would agree it's the other way around You told Quiauh: I guess we'll let the masses decide who's the sane one here that doesn't take this place so incredibly seriously :P Quiauh told you: i dont believe you did, your just trying to act like you did :P Quiauh told you: me on the other hand just put my monthly deposit at 300k and my bank at max, again. so now what :S Quiauh told you: the masses come in piles of shit thats why its funky reeking assholes and not anyone else You told Quiauh: See, first off, I'm not on top activity. Second, I could probably make just as much gold, but I really don't care if someone is a bit better at golding than me on a MUD. Quiauh told you: thats the funniest thing about it: its allways the same garbage opening their yaps