A friend of mine sorta drowns...

Posted by
Span [legacy]
06 January 2002 00:00:00

*blubb blubb blubb*

News in Arda!  18 messages, type "news" to read.

Last logon:  Tue Dec 11 10:17:31 2001 from 0.

Near the quays of Laketown
Taking a deep breath, you begin to swim.
HP:130 EP:8} You are too tired to swim there!
HP:130 EP:8} Mortal Council elections have begun
You are currently registered to vote for Havens.
Would you like to vote now? [y|n] :n
Maybe later...
HP:130 EP:8} You strain against the waters, keeping afloat.
You can't go that way!
HP:130 EP:4} swim shore
You are too tired to swim there!
HP:130 EP:4} You gasp for breath, struggling to stay afloat. Your tired arms flail
helplessly against the churning waters, and you feel yourself falling,
sliding into the watery grave you have so carelessly entered, your body,
forever lost....
You stop swimming.

HP:-870 EP:0} You have died.

You have a strange feeling.
You can see your own lifeless body from above.