My talks with Marthaon

Posted by
Korzan [legacy]
07 January 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Some interesting reading.


  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    14 November 2002 12:46:52

    Grin really i have a cabel internet to i get laged from time to time. And really just because you have cabel internet and havent hade lag for over 2 month it dont mean you never will get lagged it happens to all peopel soner or later.

    Grin sorry for the bad spelling

  • Author
    Terius [legacy]
    10 January 2002 00:47:09

    this is a COMMENTS board for COMMENTS. not a 'write us a fucking book' board.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    08 January 2002 09:04:38

    Sheesh Ruiniel, you just outdid the Unibomber's manifesto.

    I still maintain that looked really fishy though, I don't think it was Ruiniel, but I'm not convinced it was bad luck, the way he got knocked off mud and such.

    I hope this mud doesn't degrade to getting sheriff's to do finds on people and then doing that to them when they are in Mordor or with watcher.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    08 January 2002 07:14:03

    I'M THE EXCEPTION,DAMNIT! Yeah, maybe Korzan too.

  • Author
    Beatnik [legacy]
    08 January 2002 05:36:16

    Heh! Cable internet? Cable sucks 'nuff said.

    It's slow, It's unstable. Go figure. It all depends on the provider how stable it is, yours might be stable..but it's far from always being 'unlagged'. I talked to Marthaon this night, he said he didn't have anything todo with it. He was just messing things up. I have no idea why he msgd you, does he even know that you are you? The guy is on drugs. He doesn't even know Ruiniel or Ulric? If he doesn't play, why would he want to mess with you? Stop being paranoid!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    08 January 2002 01:58:04

    Talked to Korzan, it's clear now.He's a cool guy after all.

    The above 3 logs are FUN!Skip this useless junk and see them:))

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    08 January 2002 01:21:48


    Yeah, I dont think ruiniel did it. All that stuff he just wrote is good reason not to, and plus i would imagine it would be hard to organize a denial of service attack when you dont even have a permanent internet connection.

  • Author
    Ulric [legacy]
    08 January 2002 01:21:25

    First off I want to say that I had nothing to do with the kill on Korzan. I *was* following Korzan at the time, and was setting up a trap outside Mordor..however I was not in Mordor nor was I at Ulkhalad. Just to set the record straight. Also, I did not have anything to do with any hacking. If that's what occurred, I think it's lame and a pathetic way to kill someone or get even with them on the MUD. I have never cheated, hacked or abused bugs and it's going to stay that way. I play fairly and expect the same from the rest of you. If you can't play fair..then don't play at all.

    - Ulric

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    08 January 2002 01:01:52

    Korzan, you are an idiot.

    This about flooding wasn't a mistell.

    I was mudding last night, checking the logs from

    time to time.Then I saw your log.I legended you and THEN I saw you were on.From what I heard from

    your tells it seemed that Ulric had idle killed you.I didn't care if he had hacked you.Idle killing is bad in general.I was disappointed with him (and didn't believe he would idle kill) and asked him what had happened.He told me

    that you both were there with Ulkhalad, you lagged

    and Ulkhalad killed you.And I do believe him.

    He then said he didn't even know how to flood people and I told him the simpliest windows method - as you see badly mistyped (as were all my

    tells anyway).I then have no idea how this conversation went to Marthaon (whoever he is).

    Ulric, POST THE GODDAMN CONVERSATION if you keep a log of it.

    Now, idiot.When have I had any personal quarrel with you?When have I gotten pissed at you?Why would I flood exactly you and not Mirgul and Ivan?Or, let's say Klouse?Why exactly you?

    How many times have I insulted the durms pointing out that you are an exception?Why would I do it if

    I hated you?THINK!

    You killed me - did I get pissed?Didn't I say props to you?On the other hand, when you die, you start screaming like hell as if noone has the right to kill you.The same with the lag.I have a constant lag here.I get disconnected often.Just think - why do I stay at level 19?The wimpy command already saved my life once after the new year.You know, Ivon once went LD at the DWH at level 22 (and died).But he never said a word about it.I myself have died from lag MANY times.

    You on the other hand start bitching the moment something bad happens to you.So, you can kill people but they shouldn't do anything to you.There are so many lagged people and noone complains but no - when you get lagged, it's a hack attack.Even if, as you say, you don't usually get lag.Think, you are not the only one on the internet - what if someone hacked your ISP because he didn't like some admin?Would they think of you?What if there was some cable problem?

    What should I say when some dumbass in the lag Dloads films and disconnects me?Of course, it's your fault.And what when some of my RL friends (who have never cared about mudding) chats on the IRC and gets flooded and my connection suffers because of this too?Sure, your fault again.What to say when they have problems in the ISP and I get disconnected?It's your fault again.Oh, sure, and when the Bulgarian telecommunication company (BTC sucks!, had to say it) screws something again, it's sure your fault too.

    It's lame to blame me, Korzan.I would NEVER do something like this to you.I think I wouldn't do it even to Mirgul.Not that it's not a tempting idea.But see, if I try to flood you thisway, I'm gonna get flooded myself.To flood you, I gotta use trojans and such and coordinate an attack from many people.Do you have any idea how much work is this?And why would I do it at Ulkhalad?

    We were after you today but we didn't attack.Don't you think the moment would have been much better than at Ulkhie (when I had no idea you were on)?And why would I hack you at all?I can do much more if I really do something like this.

    I'm expecting an apology from you.How can you blame such a dirty thing on me?Think, do I report you?I mean at all, even in gangbangs.Wouldn't I do it if I hated you or something?

    How can you even think I'm gonna use such means on anyone?How many times have I tried to explain to all that it's not important whether you are gonna screw your opponent but to fight with honour?Who posted on the Rimsilval board 'please, let's not report 2 man parties, it is dishonourable'.

    Yes, I don't mind having Mirgul nuked now.But until like a month ago I was trying to prevent people from doing it.Everything you do outside the

    arena might earn you money but not self satisfaction and honour.I don't try to get my enemies screwed (Except Mirgul).I don't even consider you an 'enemy'.It is you who start things.And it's you who think that I think of you as of an enemy.You are an enemy as far as you are a durm.But nothing more.Yes, I killed you.But do you have any idea how many times I've declined parties from attacking you saying 'Erm, nah, let's find another durm to kill, Korzan is cool'.

    And you killed me first.We can't avoid attacking each other in this war and you refuse to look at it from the funny part.

    Blah, my time is over.I had saved some money for tomorrow's night and now they are gone, wasted on this post.

    Do whatever you want with my alts, I can defend myself.But think if I've ever attacked yours.

    erm, gotta go

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    07 January 2002 23:49:03

    Ah bro I know how you feel, people can't stand the best. About a year ago or 2 somone logged on all my alts, lokie, siger, couple others and suicided them all. Go figure, probablly some little man I killed, or just can't take us being that good. Bro all I can say it sucks, but I would take it as a compliment, Your just that good they have to CHEAT that bad:)

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    07 January 2002 23:34:49

    Sorry, Beatnik, but I don't just 'get' lag.

    It simply doesn't happen. If I lag on the mud, the whole mud is lagging. I have cable internet. I've had it for 2 months. I have never been disconnected ONE single time in 2 months. However, the day that Ruiniel and Ulric and Marthaon talk about how to pingflood not just anyone, but ME, specifically, I suddenly get my entire internet connection shot to hell, while killing Ulkhalad...and Ulric just happens to be there, faded, to reap the rewards.

    Coincidence? I think not.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    07 January 2002 22:21:33

    Well, i for one believe Korzan was pingflooded. I'm sure once he wakes up he'll post some info on this string, which might change some of your opinions. I however have no idea who the culprit was.

  • Author
    Beatnik [legacy]
    07 January 2002 20:02:03

    DoS attacks are 'illegal', yes, mostly never really cared for unless they are very strong and go on for a long time. Pingfloods, well. Anyone can do that without really meaning that, exploring the different triggers with ping might set off a pingflood, shrug. Noone really cares about that stuff, if someone had pingflooded him for a few hours every day, then it'd been something to maybe look into. But something like that? Nah. To me it looks like lag, He started to lag, got disconnected. He reconnected but still didnt reconnect directly since he was lagging.

    And about that proof. Well. DoS attacks can be

    co-ordinated with several computers and well...even up to a thousand computers, no ISP will go through the trouble to report all those computers and have them fix it, if someone pingflooded Korzan, it was probably NOT from their own box, but a box that they hacked or something. Which leaves him outside the door again.

    My advice (as before) Is that Korzan installs a firewall, which will BLOCK most things and LOG it too. Then he can see if he really got pingflooded or not, the next time (if it happens again).

  • Author
    Sckon [legacy]
    07 January 2002 19:50:40

    Well Korzan you could have been pingflooded but really you dont have much proof unless you were running a firewall and were logging your pings. So is it bad luck?, maybe. Something that might help to determine is if you had lag before you lagged out and then if you had lag once you reconnected, if you had lag before or a little while after my guess is it was simply unlucky lag, if not then it looks more like you were pingflooded to me, but there is no real evidence it seems to me just peoples word, and how credible is that? Also is pingflooding illegal or just really looked down on.. for my own knowledge?

  • Author
    Beatnik [legacy]
    07 January 2002 19:14:04

    Oh for f**** sake! I was talking about the COMBINED bandwidth of all those boxes. A D-DOS attack can use up to 1000000gbit of bandwidth depending on how many floodnets are involved and zombiebots or whatever. :)

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    07 January 2002 19:11:10

    I'll give you an answer you'll be able to understand:

    If having trouble, and belive someone is trying to hack you, call your Firewall providers support line and ask them to help you get the relevant information ... Just hope noone altered the logs yet :)

    And Beatnik, stop that ranting :) It'll be months before they develope a 1000000gbit line... even for a backbone wire ;)

  • Author
    Beatnik [legacy]
    07 January 2002 19:10:24

    Well Wasach, I dont know what kind of firewall you have set up there, but most firewall programs log to a logfile or something like that. And if your character got hacked, i guess it was someone AT your network (if you are connected to one) that sniffed packets to find out your password and stuff, telnet isnt encrypted. But yeah, the information should be stored in some kind of logfile on your computer.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    07 January 2002 19:05:06

    Beatnik or whoever else may have an answer,

    I already have a firewall and my char has been hacked before. You said that the firewall blocks this type of thing and I can use the information to get back at these people. How do I find this information and how can I use it?...keep in mind any answer you give (no matter how 'layterm' it is) might be over my head.


  • Author
    Beatnik [legacy]
    07 January 2002 18:44:10

    Heh! Believe me! I know my things. And yeah, i doubt it that anyone on this mud can do anything like that. Watched the log? Doesn't look like anything else then some heavy lag. I've had lag worse then that. No lines get through, 100% packetloss. What's the big deal?

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    07 January 2002 18:41:31

    Beatnik, although I'll dispute your idea of 1000000gbit bandwidth, then yeah, that's how a D-DOS attack occurs (Distributed-DOS) ... I really don't belive Ruiniel or whoever could be behind this would have the resources to do this. But even then, it still doesn't change the fact, that if you have higher bandwidth than your attacker, you're able to get some throughput. Although ofcourse, as you mention, it's highly unlikely you have that in the case of a D-DOS attack.

    On another note. Rolf, the ainu cannot see IP's of the players anymore. Thankfully they've changed that so only OL+ can do that stuff.

  • Author
    Beatnik [legacy]
    07 January 2002 17:53:11

    Hehe! Balinul! You know that most DoS attacks are used with floodbots, right? Eh? You can never have higher BW then that. We are talking about several 1000000gbit of bandwidth..and the source is never one station, it's several boxes co-operating, usually hacked boxes, mostly window machines. Anyways. This proclaimed attack against Korzan doesnt seem like one of those as a matter of fact, it doesnt seem like a pingflood at all, just a moment of bad luck, sure looks to me like Ulkhalad killed him, was he investigated afterwards?

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    07 January 2002 17:17:09

    use a dynamic IP, their ainu friend can't be online all the time.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    07 January 2002 16:31:37

    That log nearly looks like the old ER days, when lag suddenly hit the second you entered Mordor. Oh well, it's not really something you can do anything about actually.

    Get a firewall? Huh? So what, the firewall still needs to use cpu load to dump the packets. Perhaps it's more effecient than Windows, but it's not going to be much of a difference.

    And then there's the problem of your line. Even if you dump all the packets you're flooded with, your line is still flooded, thus making you lag.

    That said, do install a firewall, it increases your security greatly... just don't expect it to help against DOS attacks of any kind (Denial of Service). Only way to avoid those is to have a higher bandwidth than they do... eh! :)

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    07 January 2002 16:14:08

    Ah no! No! Please!

    *screams and runs like a fag*

    Please no netadmin talking ;)

    I've a firewall on my box+proxy, running pretty well ;)

  • Author
    Beatnik [legacy]
    07 January 2002 16:10:48

    Besides, If it would've been something that the 'guy/guys' did all the time against Korzan, then it would've been a problem. But if they did it one time, shrug. People get lag, get real. It feels like those guys are trying to scare Korzan off the mud by claiming they pingflooded him. Maybe he just lagged, died from Ulkhalad, got looted from someone 'stalking' him.

    Btw. Wyngel.

    Ever installed a simple firewall on a Windows NT+ box? God they get many attempts by people trying to break in...That generates alot of bandwidth and lags things down. Looooads of wormholes on unpatched Windows boxes, easy to mess around with without the owner knowing anything about it. As i said before, Korzan, Install a firewall. Get over it. If they try again, shrug, kick their arses.

  • Author
    Beatnik [legacy]
    07 January 2002 16:04:47

    Blah! A little 12-year old with a floodbot script could flood anyone and noone would care. I got packeted a few times, called my isp, they wouldnt care. Pingfloods is one thing Hacking is another. If he had hacked your box, that would've been real piracy.

    Pingfloods. Someone that mistyped or tried a -setting with ping could pingflood someone by mistake. I mean. If one gets packeted, one installs a firewall. It's as simple as that.

    It's not worth bothering about it. Install a firewall. Catch them bad guys as they try to do it. Can't get any easier than that.

  • Author
    Poseidon [legacy]
    07 January 2002 16:04:14

    Korzan, if what happens was exactly as you think it did, then surely it is lame and faggy. Also , rimsilval will NOT support such actions. The great problem lies on proving what happened, and who did it. And for that kind of thing, who can we rely on for truthfull information?

    I do not distrust you, but who to believe in now?

    I do not fully understand what may have happened but shit happens, and just a couple of days ago i got a lag bubble of like 1 minute, but to my good fortune i was standing in the guild. Internet is very good nowadays, but it's not the MOST reliable thing on earth. I'm sorry about what happened, but i think it's sad you just try to blame my guild as a whole for it.

    Things to think about:

    1- Did someone realy kill you, or was it just Ulk?

    2- Was the looter your killer, or someone who just happened to walk in, since you ARE a quite wanted target, why wouldn't someone be coming to see how you were doing in mordor?

    Again i don't want to accuse anything you say, all i'm saying here is to make such strong accusations we need to prove the whole big picture. I think what happened was lame, dieing like that is gay, if lagged or if pingflooded. And, although you lost the eq you had and your stats, it's not like you lost any moral, that ppl can say they killed you or whatever.

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    07 January 2002 16:00:17

    Actually as punishment, i am talking about real threats, i.e. flooding somebody, which can be considered as piracy of electronic systems.

    Mordor Patrol is after you man!

  • Author
    Beatnik [legacy]
    07 January 2002 14:54:56

    Yeah! It's lame alright. It might just be a lame joke. Maybe he just got lag, then died on Ulkhalad and those guys made up some lame story to fool him? I think they should get punished for even talking about that kinda stuff on the mud, maybe some jailtime or loss of hand.

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    07 January 2002 14:23:55

    This is pathetic, this sucks and this is really proving how some guys should get a life. Anybody who did that is really worth shit.

    P.S. : its also illegal, i hope you'll get caught, fucker.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    07 January 2002 14:18:45

    ugh, if you really did Rui, your a retard :)