My talks with Marthaon

Posted by
Korzan [legacy]
07 January 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Some interesting reading.

     ICQ History Log For:    
 Started on Mon Jan 07 06:35:18 2002
marthaon      1/5/02   11:30 PM IS IT JASON?

SuperJ        1/5/02   11:30 PM yeah who is this

marthaon      1/5/02   11:30 PM WHAT IS UP?

marthaon      1/5/02   11:31 PM I WAS PLAYING THE MUD :)

SuperJ        1/5/02   11:32 PM why are you typing in caps

marthaon      1/5/02   11:32 PM :) IT ROCKZ

marthaon      1/5/02   11:32 PM ARE YOU RENDOR RIGHT?

SuperJ        1/5/02   11:33 PM I'm putting you on ignore now

marthaon      1/5/02   11:33 PM please can i join your guild

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:24 AM  so whats up marthaon

marthaon      1/7/02   5:25 AM  THIS ISN MATHAON

marthaon      1/7/02   5:25 AM  HAHA YOU HAD ME ON IGNOR

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:25 AM  yeah of course, Marthaon

marthaon      1/7/02   5:25 AM  YEAH WHAT DO YOU WANT MAN IT IS ME

marthaon      1/7/02   5:25 AM  I PLAY THE MUD I AM RAUKO

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:25 AM  sure ya are

marthaon      1/7/02   5:26 AM  YEP I WN NUKE YOU FORM THE MUD

marthaon      1/7/02   5:26 AM  HAHAHAHA

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:27 AM  That was shitty of you

marthaon      1/7/02   5:27 AM  OF WHAT

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:28 AM  To win nuke me 

marthaon      1/7/02   5:29 AM  heh, didnt winnuke you...didnt even touch you,
                                  i get a request from this REALLY nice guy on
                                  my list..he wants a advice :)

marthaon      1/7/02   5:29 AM  i've been hearing you are talking crap about
                                  nate and me..i dislike it..

marthaon      1/7/02   5:29 AM  it was uncalled for

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:29 AM  Oh? 

marthaon      1/7/02   5:29 AM  ya

marthaon      1/7/02   5:29 AM  it was..

marthaon      1/7/02   5:30 AM  we arent playing need to trash

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:30 AM  so you just out of the blue messaged me last
                                  night right

marthaon      1/7/02   5:30 AM  nah, they wanted you down then..i said, fuck
                         not down with that crap anymore..

marthaon      1/7/02   5:30 AM  i gave them some simple directions..(rimmies
                                  you know)

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:31 AM  what do you mean, wanted me down?

marthaon      1/7/02   5:31 AM  some fag named ruiniel...

marthaon      1/7/02   5:31 AM  shrug, they wanted to take you down using
                                  cheap techniques..heard they succeeded..

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:31 AM  Like how to pingflood me or nuke me?

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:31 AM  They did

marthaon      1/7/02   5:31 AM  something like that..shrug, i gave them a
                                  webaddy for some proggies..

marthaon      1/7/02   5:32 AM  im pretty amazed they managed todo
                                  something..what happend? simple 00B nuke?

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:32 AM  So is there a way for me to get back at
                                  Get him deleted from the MUD? How can I prove

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:32 AM  fuck if I know dude, Im not a computer expert

marthaon      1/7/02   5:32 AM  heh, can't...get him todo it
                                  again?..i mean..

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:33 AM  I dont know how it'd rpove it

marthaon      1/7/02   5:33 AM  i know you aren't..and i REALLY dislike it
                                  when you guys trash us..i never said i was
                                  good on the mud..heh, never even pretended to
                                  be...but dravin was a fucking champ..and we
                                  dun deserve to be trashed..not by anyone..we
                                  are relics :P you are probably better then us
                                  now..but that doesn't change the fact that we
                                  could kill people back then...

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:35 AM  I've always respected your skill man
                                  You were the greatest warrior of all time in
                                  my opinion...loved the sob tricks

marthaon      1/7/02   5:35 AM  nah..i and your brutes own
                                  me..heh, old school killers fucking
                         guys are the new age...but
                                  what i disliked was the trashing

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:36 AM  I've never trashed you.
                                  I simply claim that I'm like, the greatest
                                  assassin since fjant.

marthaon      1/7/02   5:36 AM  yeah, you probably are..indd..noone left now
                                  that can do shit..

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:38 AM  Anton's good.
                                  old rimsilval guy.
                                  Ulric's good of course. Except for his
                                  cheating ways

marthaon      1/7/02   5:38 AM  heh..ulric..well..he was a fun guy..him and
                                  his brother..i remember killing piotyr
                                  barehanded with that bug outside his guild
                                  with a level 9 char..that was pretty funny..he
                                  never knew what hit him :P

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:38 AM  lol

marthaon      1/7/02   5:39 AM  it was lame to bug abuse and cheat all the
                                  time..but then again..i'm lame :)

marthaon      1/7/02   5:39 AM  so..hmm

marthaon      1/7/02   5:39 AM  they actually managed to fuck you over? what
                                  happened? computer locked up? bluescreen?

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:39 AM  My connection completely dropped
                                  I couldn't connect for a couple minutes

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:40 AM  computer started lagging really bad

marthaon      1/7/02   5:40 AM  ah..they probably packeted you then ./slice or
                                  something...anyone of them running on a unix
                                  based system?

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:40 AM  I dont know
                                  Lemme send you something that a friend
                                  Ruiniel sent a misstell to Ulric

marthaon      1/7/02   5:42 AM  okay

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:47 AM  This was sent to my friend, from Bashgeroy. It
                                  was meant for Ulric
                                   Bashgeroy tells you: ping blahblah blah -l
                                  f35000 blah

marthaon      1/7/02   5:47 AM  haha..damned idiots

marthaon      1/7/02   5:48 AM  heh, seems that 'bashgeroy' guy packeted your

marthaon      1/7/02   5:48 AM  but he misspelled it alot :)

SuperJ        1/7/02   5:48 AM  Bashgeroy is Ruiniel

marthaon      1/7/02   5:48 AM  oh..explains it, yeah, he pingflooded you...

marthaon      1/7/02   6:29 AM  anyways..jason, mhmm..with that info you
                                  pasted about him misstelling you/or whoever it
                                  was...should be enough to get ruinel nuked

SuperJ        1/7/02   6:29 AM  we'll see.

marthaon      1/7/02   6:30 AM  yeah well...just tell them they asked
                                  'marthaon' or something for info about