Skenda, Shadowy, Kelevra, Tiamat.

Posted by
Ravathir [legacy]
29 February 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Two intense fights, didn't expect four of them to come.


  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    03 March 2008 01:51:39

    Check it out how the hero switched targets to Shadowy - pure lack of brains. Sad Tiamat did not focus at the end. And cut the crap about Mariella being just a level14, she owned Kelevra to dlsg without any hit by you.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    03 March 2008 01:42:06

    He did lock the guys, and he did kill them. What more do you expect from him? Superior brains? Good luck.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    02 March 2008 16:53:09

    i bet SKR-HUB is what his friends call him

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    02 March 2008 16:52:34

    omg, trempk is right.... he scruice signed it as scrub

  • Author
    Zillak [legacy]
    02 March 2008 12:31:37

    Good log imho, nice work Ravathir...

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    02 March 2008 11:21:07

    Go to You can see pallasch's item.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    02 March 2008 10:08:18

    'I just hate to see asshates (like you) make yourself look like a dick.'

    No wonder he signed his post with the name 'Scrub,' lol.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    02 March 2008 06:33:27

    did it float?

  • Author
    Delin [legacy]
    02 March 2008 04:34:00

    I don't believe you! Post a picture!

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    02 March 2008 04:32:27

    The only beautiful log I've seen is the one I laid in the toilet last night.

    It was flawless.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    02 March 2008 03:38:13

    Sorry Duncan but a log, any log, is not a thing of beauty in most people's eyes.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    02 March 2008 01:50:28

    No girrik, its just fun as shit to mud drunk sometimes. Especially when others join you on a comm. :) Being drunk while mudding is not hardcore or cool or PIMPZORS, its just straight up fun to do provided your not doing it to act like that (and I am sure some people do that), holy shit hehehe 'hardcore', fricken hilarious. :))

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    02 March 2008 01:34:19

    Snd Hoshkebosh, we all know you own :)

    Oops I was drunk 2 secs ago when I mispelled and. My bad

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    02 March 2008 01:33:22

    Why is everyone always claim to be 'drunk' when they do something that...well, I dunno. I think people just want to seem hardcore ;P

  • Author
    Hoshkebosh [legacy]
    01 March 2008 23:39:30

    Duncan, almost every single one of my typist's kills have been defensive locks; I don't like pking and if I ever kill it's usually a kill in retaliation. So why don't I do this myself? Because I don't want to waste my time doing something that I don't enjoy. Just because I'm in VC doesn't mean I've never played any other facet of this game - I've played a maxxed dwarven warrior and I know how strong they are. I don't need to carry my weight in healing and lock random people, nor do I need to prove myself to anyone.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    01 March 2008 21:45:20

    I can point you to about 20 other logs that deserve a 6, this is NOT one of them. Just because you died in it doesn't mean its so great and deserves a 6 either.

  • Author
    Skenda [legacy]
    01 March 2008 21:36:10

    IMO this deserves 6 cause they managed to lock two parties one after another. Yes they owned cause of so much healing but so what, they prepared well. Should he be ashamed he carried so much healing? You wouldn't bring that much if you tought you may be attacked and you had it in your armoury?

    People should take this game less personally and simply enjoy. Someone killed you buhu, revive and lurk for an oportunity to get revenge.:-P

    I understand flaming and whining only when someone is killed in an dishounour way (due to bug abuse, idle kill, etc.)

    BLah drunk ignore me....

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    01 March 2008 20:30:13

    I agree with most things Pounder said, except the part he says it deserves a 3-4... It deserves a 1!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    01 March 2008 20:02:46

    First I appologize for my comment earlier, I was drunk and at the time it was damn funny. I can see both points as Jaron can on the rating of this log. While it might not be quite worth a 1, running an alias/script to lock someone and then killing people because you have lots of healing and they aren't prepared is not ever nor should ever be cause for a 6 rating IMHO. I would place it at around 3-4, but if you need reason for what a higher rated log is, look at some of the originally high rated logs. Thirdly, since most people who care about the ratings on logs anymore (and think they are relevant indicators) are overall morons because they take a skewed system and get mad when its not to their liking. If you honestly think rating in this place actually makes a log good or bad, please go back to kgarten! Thanks!:)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    01 March 2008 19:50:26

    Even if I don't know how to cook an egg, I'll know when an omelette is good enough, Duncan. I hope you can get the idea.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    01 March 2008 19:18:21

    You seem to be rating the effort, while they are rating the log. Not saying either is wrong, but I think that's the cause of your disagreement.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    01 March 2008 17:49:45

    Why don't you do this yourself, Hoshkebosh?:P Or this weightlifter guy on the TV isn't doing anything remarkable, because if anyone built the same muscles and took the same pills before the contest, they would have done the same?:)

  • Author
    Hoshkebosh [legacy]
    01 March 2008 17:10:13

    While it was a nice lock, I don't see how this deserves to be a 6. It was very straight forward, I'm not rating a log a 6 because a level 21 warrior can tank. :p

  • Author
    Delin [legacy]
    01 March 2008 15:18:57

    Heh. Want me to sit and let you kill me 5 times? Then you see if it makes a difference.

    If you're one of those people who can only end your discussions with violence, then I have nothing for you but pity.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    01 March 2008 15:01:12

    Hrm, ideologically, when you see beauty, you should take off your hat and bow, even if beauty is on the 'other ideological side'. I guess that rating this log 1 means you don't respect beauty! Even Shadowy voted it a 6.

    Or it just gives the bloodthirsty hypocrites like me targets to kill.:D Anyway, Delin, don't rely on my common sense, ask Orcoron - it doesn't exist!

  • Author
    Delin [legacy]
    01 March 2008 13:39:22

    We should implement a 'Two minutes' herkhate' into MT timecode!

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    01 March 2008 12:26:48

    And remember, Alkath was ok with you guys up until a point! Now look at the Herkhate in his veins. And Alkath's veins flow with love that bubbles like the cheese in a fondue!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    01 March 2008 11:16:06

    Obviously they got under your skin, Cruice.

    And please, please stop using 'scrub'. It makes you look ignorant. (seriously, I am starting to think you guys are idiots beyond repair thanks to your over-use of that word)

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    01 March 2008 10:01:35

    Yes, Delin is a real asshate.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    01 March 2008 09:07:35

    Delin I'm not sure if you noticed, but I'm not in the log so it doesn't really matter to me what it is rated. I just hate to see asshates (like you) make yourself look like a dick. If you think that you are getting under mine or anyone's skin by rating it a 1, then you are most definately wrong. It just makes you look ignorant, and trying to bash Duncan also does.


  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    01 March 2008 08:46:28

    burnted gotat pooop

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    01 March 2008 07:23:10

    <3 Delin

  • Author
    Delin [legacy]
    01 March 2008 04:07:31

    You grew up already Duncan? Sorry I hadn't noticed.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    01 March 2008 03:56:31

    Alkath, I have seen people think it healed as much as 100HP :)

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    01 March 2008 03:27:38

    Rating this log with a one gets you into an ideological argument with me. Guess how ideological arguments were solved where I grew up *egrin*.

  • Author
    Delin [legacy]
    01 March 2008 02:03:16

    This log had a rating close to 6. I think it's a 5 at most, if I'm being nice. So I rate it 1 to help it reach the rating I think it's worth. If it was already at 5, I'd probably rate it 5.

    So there's it, if you were wondering why I rated it a 1. It's an easy logic that any Herkimer sp. can understand. Not that I'm worried if you think I did it just to piss you off, because that would also be a good reason to rate it a 1. Unfortunately (for you at least), the world does not go round around your ego.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    01 March 2008 01:10:20

    People drink VoV's all the time, read about them in logs and see how much hp/ep they give, yet so many people keep claiming it gives 80 or 90 hp/ep instead of the actual amount, 85.

    Yeah, pretty must just a minor detail :p But it baffles me everytime I see someone (and someone who used them a lot) claiming they only heal 80, or as much as 90 :p

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    01 March 2008 01:08:38

    Type: Player Kill Title: English Language

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    01 March 2008 00:24:43

    Your whining about ratings alone makes it deserve a 1.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    01 March 2008 00:21:01

    Can I rate it again if I login another character, read it while logged in one that account and then rate it one because it would annoy you? Is that shit legit?

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    01 March 2008 00:19:53

    I rated it a one because I get bored reading logs and this one being rated highly gave me an expectation that it would be exciting. I got to about the 10th line and realised that if there isn't something funny in a log then it's boring. So, one for disappointment.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    01 March 2008 00:09:14

    Is this SKR-HUB thing a 'cool' way of saying scrub? LOL GUD 1

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    29 February 2008 23:39:07

    People that died/dislike Ravathir's typist still rated it a 6 so Lobo and Delin rated it a 1 just to be assholes. Eh whatever.

    Trempk= SKR-HUB

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 February 2008 23:37:08

    SAFOOMA means Stick A Fat One On My Ass

    He meant to say In instead of On, but you know how them herkies are with the english language.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    29 February 2008 23:36:32

    Wow Lobo=SKR-HUB, he always rates Ravathir's logs a 1. Last I knew people got rate and comment banned on here for biased ratings. *shrug*

    Yes Ravathir and Mariella out healed them, but as Ravathir said he had a level 14 ranger with him. If her skills really are all 70's then I have no clue how she wasn't killed. 2VoV's is only 160 hp, if 4 people over the span of this log couldn't put 340 hp worth of damage on a level 14 is sad.

    For anyone looking for balances in mordor right here is one. Er's cannot get the keys for this cell, unless an FR gets it for them. Either way good log, I like how they focused the level 14 first though.

    Very few logs deserve a 1, like Ulzhul's log.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    29 February 2008 23:28:40

    ^ (OOC) Ravathir: SADOOMA


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    29 February 2008 15:38:39

    If Kelevra hadn't been a pathetic excuse for a fighter :p and Tiamat attacked earlier, perhaps the log would've had a different ending. As pointed out, healing is what won this match, but good job nevertheless.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    29 February 2008 14:02:04

    'We do not choose when will we go to defend Mordor'

    You choose when you hunt in Mordor.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    29 February 2008 11:19:41

    This log is actually a GOOD ONE. For a change. Bravo:)

  • Author
    Skenda [legacy]
    29 February 2008 09:16:24

    Excelent log, got massively outhealed, we knew we will hardly manage to kill them and i was hoping they will run to well and leave Mordor. When i saw lockup with 2vov's and mixed potion i knew we were toast, especially since entrance door are not pickable and there is no way any of my allies could get key for it.

    Btw i'm not a wizard anymore, im actually thief, but with Ravathirs headbutts it would end the same.:-P We do not choose when will we go to defend Mordor, we heard they were in BD, we were in the area and we tried to do our best. Too bad we lost Tiamat at BD gates since he was the only one carrying phial:-P.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    29 February 2008 08:10:16

    'SAFOOMA' is an ancient Basque battlecry, meaning (roughly) 'I am both mature and eloquent.'

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    29 February 2008 08:05:22

    Ravathir for president!

  • Author
    Tiamat [legacy]
    29 February 2008 06:38:41

    Dude he fucked our worlds up! Good shit man.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    29 February 2008 06:23:31

    Check yourself Duncan, Shadowy wasn't whining about dying. Noone is whining about him carrying healing, we are just making fun at him being pathetic enough to believe that outhealing (and in many cases in other logs outclienting) an opponent makes you good at this game. It is actually fun to see him try to enforce his 'abilities' by his comments here though. Then again, you have to be partially biased much like Manni is with Exhalev.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    29 February 2008 05:42:30

    You don't want to know Lobo, trust me.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    29 February 2008 05:35:33

    wtf is SAFOOMA?

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    29 February 2008 05:02:13

    See Trempk's comment. I can't agree more. Imagine, there were four of them and they have the same access to healing quests as Ravathir and Mariella. With the ER phials, they have access to even more healing. What are you complaining about?

    Is it Ravathir's fault that he fights prepared?

    Actually, the truth is that I used my uber ainu alt to clone VoVs and phials for Ravathir so he can own people. He never quests, this bastard.

    If you are putting yourself in a situation to risk your life, could you at least make some effort to quest yourself some healing and equipment before the situation so you don't have to whine after the situation?

    4 tummies > 2 tummies.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    29 February 2008 04:02:41

    Jesus, you made a fucking acronym for that? Mission accomplished chump. I no longer think that there's anything good in this world.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    29 February 2008 04:01:35

    Ravathir, that is not at all why Lobo or anyone dislikes Herks. But yeah, a 1 is pretty bogus.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    29 February 2008 03:50:06

    You are 16 years old aren't you ravathir? That would be my guess, definitely not older.

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    29 February 2008 03:40:54

    Yes i did have a party member which she was level 14 ranger with 70 commons of all, and why wouldn't we have more healing? They could of been smart and had a bota and hand healing not my fault i think before PK. Secondly they had 1 level 21 wizard/2level 20 assassin/rider and 1 weak ass assassin. Not my fault they couldn't win, and btw SAFOOMA

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    29 February 2008 03:21:44

    God, I just realized, I don't really need to respond to them anymore, everyone who has half a brain knows whats the deal.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    29 February 2008 03:20:29

    <3 Orcoron

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    29 February 2008 03:19:25

    If by challenging you mean: Chugging 500HP of healing from full health and always being with at least one or more people. Then yeah, definitely challenging for some. I am still saddened by the fact they are from the US if I have heard right. I am considering moving out of the country, except thankfully I am from a place reasonably far away.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    29 February 2008 03:18:14

    I don't hate herkimer at all, what makes you think that? And if i did, it surely wouldn't be because you 'make the game challenging' or because you 'have potential'. It's rare I rate a log a 6, friend or not, it's also rare i rate a 1. But, i have autonomy to rate it whatever i like, and if i feel it deserves a 1, i'll rate it a 1.

    btw, it's pretty grown.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    29 February 2008 03:11:38

    Yeah actually it's because you're ignorant loud mouthed kids. And this game is no more or less of a challenge because any of you play. Unless you're challenging our tolerance of stupidity.

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    29 February 2008 02:46:39

    Of course lobo is gonna rate it a 1. Come on now people i am from herkimer and he dislikes herkimer because we actually have potential on this game to do something unlike most people. Lobo grow a dick and start acting like nobody for once. You know for damn sure if it was one of your so called friends you would of rated this log a 6 no matter what, i'm sick of people who hate herkimer just because they actually make this game a fucking challenge.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 February 2008 02:35:31

    Maybe if they would have actually used some specials it would have been closer.

    Anyway, we need less healing so that they can bring even less than a metal flask (lol), bota, and VoV?

  • Author
    Sadoc [legacy]
    29 February 2008 02:23:57

    Lobo gives a poopy rating.

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    29 February 2008 02:04:48

    That's what I wanted to do when I was a warrior:P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    29 February 2008 02:00:11

    this log shows exactly what we were talking about today: we need less healing

  • Author
    Shadowy [legacy]
    29 February 2008 01:47:25

    Yeah, nice lockup, too pity we can't get key for this stuff:(, and it was just accident we were questing around, but we got owed:(