Pollux tries to hunt

Posted by
Skyman [legacy]
07 March 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill



  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    10 March 2008 12:43:34

    Malorian, I just don't read them, :)

  • Author
    Nadir [legacy]
    10 March 2008 05:55:06

    no come back t2t we need you:(

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    09 March 2008 20:01:32

    This comment thread is full of the most hypocritical bullshit I have seen in my life. I swear, T2T is gone.

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    08 March 2008 11:03:00

    Atleast Manni didn't show up yet :P

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    08 March 2008 09:23:50

    Why should we? Anvik may be a nice kid or whatever, but he is a fucking moron.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    08 March 2008 06:40:03

    Its ok, the rest of us all know who the real assholes are.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    08 March 2008 05:12:05

    What I mean, Kalmah, (aka douchebag) is that Anvik is a nice kid. Lay off him. Initially I had a lot more 4 letter words in my post, but did a bit of editing.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    08 March 2008 02:22:19

    ahaha yeah we might as well stop as trying to have any discussion with a durm based upon evidence and logic is like trying to have a meaningful chat with someone in a vegetative state. It just isn't going to happen.

    Hypocritical narcissist? That describes every single kid in your guild :P Also, what the hell does 'Lay the off assholes' mean? Oh, you meant to say 'Lay off the assholes' ie. your guild.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    08 March 2008 01:57:14

    Lets talk about Bias and logic here for a minute. Skyman, I never attack and hunt? I asked you the other day why you never attack and never hunt and your response was 'maxed fines'. I still have the log where I kill you without help and you give me this answer, shall I post to proved you are a hypocritical narcissist? Also, the only people who should really have PK opinions (i.e. advice or critical criticism<which is mostly just assholes ranting about how newbie people are>) are those who either actively participate in PK, are good at it(or once were considered elite), and still play the damn game. And for Anvik, have you guys ever really played with him? How is it you judge his skill level? Oh whats that you have no fucking idea? Lay the off assholes. Honestly, all the fucking comments on here are biased and most illogical

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    08 March 2008 00:34:50

    I don't get it, the fact that he uses healing discredits him, but the fact that you have superior eq does not credit him because he has the opportunity to get it..?

    Think of two kids fighting in the kindergarten. The kid that loses runs to the teacher and starts shouting 'he hit me! he hit me!' and the other kid 'You hit me first!'.. The first kid has the best comeback ever 'You had the same opportunity to hit me!'

    That's what you are doing.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    08 March 2008 00:18:00

    God, it pains me to see just how much influence Exhalev and Gizmalin have on the newbie Durms. Is it so fucking hard to be unbiased and use logic to realize that what you're saying is making you look stupid? Standing up for your guildmates is one thing, but making totally ignorant accusations/claims when the proof is there to debunk you... man, think before you type.

  • Author
    Anvik [legacy]
    07 March 2008 23:46:43

    superior gear is a bad thing now? that's a new one, and last I checked skyman uses a mordor cleaver in most of his logs, wow, talk about a shitty weapon<--(note sarcasm) and as for him not using armour, BKd is largely inactive, and skyman has gotten it so that we are after him as soon as he logs in not allowing him to get armour, and when he does find time to quest, all he gets is healing as can be witnessed in his logs. So before anyone else decides to throw out that durms has better EQ and shit, just remember BKd also has the ability to get that stuff, they just don't log in anymore :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    07 March 2008 23:44:36

    I had Anvik soloed but I fucked up and mercied:(

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    07 March 2008 23:13:00

    Carrying as much healing as you can is the same as carrying the best weapon and armor that you can.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    07 March 2008 22:32:11

    Its called damage control Razey :p

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    07 March 2008 22:31:35

    wow Anvik.. just wow :P He actually probably doesn't even use 100hp in packable healing in almost every single one of his logs. Sure he uses healers, but that's just using a good strategy to compensate for the fact he was level 14 PKing level 19s when he was doing that shit. Also, fucking hypocrite much? It's your guild that does nothing but gangbang and use superior EQ

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    07 March 2008 22:28:18

    I wonder... This is where Manni usually should show up and say something with alot of sarcasm :P

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    07 March 2008 22:27:07

    Anvik just stfu...

  • Author
    Anvik [legacy]
    07 March 2008 22:20:24

    Warrior attacking an assassin isn't the best idea, but if Skyman want's to attack me, bring it on.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    07 March 2008 22:18:11

    Anvik learn to read before you speak on here. One of the things with Skyman against you guys is that almost every log he has pulled of a kill he have had considerably worse EQ and less healing and often much lower lvl and still been able to pull of some nice moves. I agreed Skyman should learn to keep his big mouth shut sometimes, but he is still a good player. Surviving isnt very hard either Anvik. But since you like to talk alot why don't you go solo against him without backup and see what happens?

  • Author
    Anvik [legacy]
    07 March 2008 22:17:13

    oh, and jubal does too, i think the bkd board says 'don't worry about actually using skills, just use a fuckload of healing and you might not die'

  • Author
    Anvik [legacy]
    07 March 2008 22:16:16

    I'm out of the guildhall plenty, and not going low just resolidifies that I know how to play, or do you have to be able to drop to 1hp and pull of a PK on someone from perfect to be a 'decent player' now? wait, no, because 'SKYMAN R TEH ROX!!!' and he uses at least 300+ healing in each of his logs.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    07 March 2008 22:13:03

    dude you have no place to talk seeing as its usually your guildmates that have the advantage in healing. Also, not leaving your guildhall, never going places alone, and never going very low probably help in not dying.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    07 March 2008 22:11:55


  • Author
    Anvik [legacy]
    07 March 2008 22:09:37

    hmm, i'm just about the only durm you haven't managed to kill, i think i can play just fine

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    07 March 2008 21:58:31

    Go learn to play, Anvik, and then come back.

  • Author
    Anvik [legacy]
    07 March 2008 21:48:26

    Skyman, how about you focus more on skill than assloads of healing, what was it 3 vovs and untold trips to the healer? Pollux used 4 bota hits.... he was pwning face you just had him outhealed.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    07 March 2008 20:41:10

    oh, and before you spew more shit, I'm not saying I'm good I'm saying that's how fucking bad you are

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    07 March 2008 20:38:53

    Actually I probably did better in my few weeks of being an assassin than you have.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    07 March 2008 19:35:24

    Well, Pollux, considering that you never hunt, and when you do, you die always, then - yes, you are. You also never did a good pk either, so... Cya.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    07 March 2008 19:12:26

    Kalmah, this was actually a setup gone very poor. Cant win them all, yesterday I died, the day before I killed. Its easy to talk shit when you don't actually pk though isn't it?

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    07 March 2008 08:54:20

    Too much spam imo

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    07 March 2008 04:27:34

    goddamn he's a horrible assassin