So, I logon and go to pk Durms. During my travelto quickly to thranduils, Tulkas appears in one of the rooms, and the following conversation commences: _________ You told Tulkas: sup Tulkas told you: I am irritated. You told Tulkas: yes? You told Tulkas: how can i help You told Tulkas: use tells please, i am on a mission You told X: find delvar please You told Y: find delvar! Tulkas told you: I am irritated with the way you play the game. I have given you slack, considering you were at war with Dh... but it rubbed me wrong, and continues to do so. Then I read some of your posts on the log page, and wonder why I've been easy on you. You told Tulkas: how do I play the game? Tulkas told you: couple that with the whole thing where I am sure you received xferred chars, and all of the sudden, I am seriously wondering why we let you be here. You told Tulkas: you're talking about Daywalker, I presume? You told Tulkas: that's my brother, not me Tulkas told you: yeah, I know, we've been through all that... You and your brother cause me headaches. You told Tulkas: I cause you headaches? I thought Mute with his 4 simultaneous characters is causing you headaches trying to prove he is cheating? Tulkas told you: oh, don't worry... Mute has received similar gripe outs. Tulkas told you: By throwing yourselves over and over at the durms, you have really made a mockery of the pk system, and it surely isn't roleplaying if you can just keep going back and attack them. You told Tulkas: I've spent over 400k in relevelling You told Tulkas: I play as I wish to play You told Tulkas: Are you accusing me of allowing to be levelbashed multiple times? You told Tulkas: I mean, of being levelbashed? You told Tulkas: Dude, are you alright? You don't sounds right. You told Turin: is tulkas alright? he doesn't sound like himself Tulkas told you: yes, as a matter of fact, I am accusing you of getting levelbashed :) You told Tulkas: You do realize how hilarious that sounds? Tulkas told you: at some point it really crossed the line to ridiculous. You told Tulkas: What is your point here? Turin told you: how so? You told Turin: nevermind, I suppose it's not that bad Tulkas told you: my point is, your play style of late has been a mockery of the game, which means it is an afront to the mud. You told Tulkas: Therefore what? Tulkas told you: Therefore, I want you to change your style of play. You told Tulkas: That is ridiculous You told Tulkas: I thought Mute's 4-man simultaneous playing is a mockery of the system. I thought Durmanhoth's continuous cheating is. I thought Kvedulf's transferred/or botted/ gold is a mockery of the system You told Tulkas: And you're saying I mock the system, because I got killed over 40 times? You told Tulkas: What you want me to do, stop playing? You told Tulkas: Can we speed up the conversation, it is late in this part of the world. Tulkas told you: We drilled mute and his "alts" twice when they were accused of MP. They weren't doing it Tulkas told you: but yes, they also mock the system, and have come under even worse fire lately. You told Tulkas: Do they have one ip? Tulkas told you: no. Tulkas told you: mute and elexar, for example are from different continents. You told Tulkas: So you can't explain how suddenly Elexar went inactive, how Faywen and Bursh stopped playing? You told Tulkas: How Wrek stopped playing? (I think that's Murray) You told Tulkas: You probably caught Elexar and Mute at a time when Mute found an irl friend to play Elexar You told Tulkas: But that's not the topic of the conversation You told Tulkas: I don't really wanna go hostile to you. so I'm seriously considering whether to post this conversation on logomania. I sympathize to you in a way, you're having a hard time You told Tulkas: But if you don't nuke Mute and Murray (both simultaneous playing alts), you're encouraging more people to mp the same way. You told Tulkas: Do you have anything else to say to me? You told Tulkas: Do you mind me posting this on Logomania? I think it's hilarious. Tulkas told you: Your posts on logomania can, and will be used against you if I ever make a case to hardban your sites. You told Tulkas: I haven't done anything, duh. Tulkas told you: Yeah, that's what the durms always say. You told Tulkas: Well, but they are being accused of something. You told Tulkas: What are you accusing me of? Tulkas told you: the same thing I accuse them of... pushing the rules. You told Tulkas: Which rules? You told Tulkas: Cite. You told Tulkas: Please. Tulkas told you: *getting* levelbashed is not against the rules. You told Tulkas: Good morning, America? Sorry for the sarcasm, but if you look at it, it IS FUNNY. Tulkas told you: but you push that rule by continually attacking, reviving, and attacking again. You told Tulkas: Which rule? Tulkas told you: Bottom Line: By continually throwing yourself against other players, reviving, and attacking, you are in pushing the harassment rule, but even worse, you are pushing the spirit of the game. Tulkas told you: sure, durms might be harassing back. That doesn't make yours right. You told Tulkas: Point taken. You told Tulkas: And I am going to post this log on Logomania, regardless of the consequences. Tulkas told you: Post this too: I can consider logomania posts to be 'troublemaking' -> help troublemaking for details