Alvis Dies

Posted by
Deathmatch [legacy]
29 March 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Nobody leaves this war with a clean sheet...From the series a thousand way too kill a BKD :P


  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    31 March 2008 22:13:22

    What were you saying about being silly again, Pollux? :D

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    31 March 2008 20:43:35

    Oh and Pollux what happened to your trash talking skills? I miss getting in heated arguments with you :/ You have taken the fun out of my day :(

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    31 March 2008 20:42:01

    Smoky, Durms did not beat bkd into inactivity. We have a thriving guild. Our armoury is fully stocked every boot. We have very dedicated members to our cause. Some went inactive due to rl problems. Durms come back and say, 'well bkd's allies give them all the equipment.' BullSHIT, We quest all of our own equipment/healing. Our allies do help somewhat but for the most part its our members that go out and fetch the stuff we use. Neither side is up or down. So Smoky please keep your bug abusing mouth out of this conversation.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    31 March 2008 20:41:14

    To be quite honest: Unless something changes soon, it is doubtful that anytime soon anyone will win any war and it will just continue on for ages. Both sides have shown to be quite capable of maintaining for long periods of time in heated aggression. Additionally, neither side seems to have depleted resources. So all this Durms are doomed to lose business seems silly, but its also the same for BKD as far as I can tell.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    31 March 2008 18:02:00

    Durms are doomed to lose this war, for a simple fact: BKd are a serious guild and respected by our community, whereas Durms are and have always been treated as a joke, even by their own members. And it got worse in the last few months, it's like watching a Family Guy or Simpsons episode.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    31 March 2008 17:41:10

    'Namely, you guys got owned with full activity, and a bunch of your members went inactive.' Why do you make it sound like im a member? I was a member in the first short while of the war where we won, i wasnt a member when the war started up the second time.

  • Author
    Balzamon [legacy]
    31 March 2008 17:21:28

    Manni, we constructed that treaty pretty damned fast. I was willing to listen to other points brought up or to address concerns by both sides. For instance bkd was worried how it would affect some of our visitors. Bkd is willing to admit past mistakes at the onset of this war. We however will not surrender to durms or acknowledge any kind of dominance of durms. 6 months of war is plenty of time for either side to achieve its goals. You have not achieved a surrender now and will not ever recieve one. There is absolutely no point to continue this war further. Bkd's role in arda should never be that of an aggressor. I have told mute, exhalev, and yourself that we would admit our misjudgement for temporarly assuming that role. 2 durms died in mordor. Durms then tried a gangbang on a non hitlisted bkd outside of mordor (cyric was not even involved in the mordor attacks). This is really worth fighting beyond 6 months of war? A stalemate is reached with terms that benefit both of us equally. If you guys really wish a surrender then please contact me in December of 2011. That is when our vault is drained and under the assumption that noone in bkd chooses to deposit ever again.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    31 March 2008 17:12:06

    'by Thursday night it was clear that this treaty was not something I could, in good conscience, put my name on'

    It was also clear, to those who still doubted, what kind of people durms are made of. And I'm not talking about pride or brightness here.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    31 March 2008 17:11:54

    'and/or that Durm deserves an acknowledgment of predominant strength.'

    Are you fucking serious?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    31 March 2008 16:41:56

    Smoky, comments like that aren't constructive. :P There are a lot of people on both sides who have become active or inactive because of the war and a whole slew of other reasons. Some people have been hit harder in the war than others, but there have been people hit hard on both sides.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    31 March 2008 16:39:15

    It might also be fun if there were a player wipe or if MUDding became the official national past time of Uzbekistan.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    31 March 2008 16:38:55

    Mirnac, there's a reason BkD isn't at its old activity. Namely, you guys got owned with full activity, and a bunch of your members went inactive.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    31 March 2008 16:28:51

    Wouldnt it be fun if BKD got back there members to old fun activity and smashed the hell out of durms and it all ended with all durms members coming crying asking for peace? Now it might not happen but it sure would be fun.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    31 March 2008 15:16:45

    In the terms, I do think the change in BkD's Mordor policy (to a no-attack policy) was an implicit recognition of past wrongs. In any event, here's what happened:

    I approached Balzamon about ending the war last Tuesday night. On Wednesday, we talked for a couple hours and came up with some terms, mostly a standard mutual cessation of violence. We both thought the terms would be acceptable and would be supported by our guilds.

    I knew a few people in Durm would be upset by an end to the war and would disagree with my decision. It turned out that it was basically everyone in the guild who disagreed with me. In light of that, there's no way signing a peace is justified to either my guildmates or BkD. My guildmates feel like they are owed a formal apology for the way BkD acted in the run-up to this war and/or that Durm deserves an acknowledgment of predominant strength. BkD is owed a treaty that every single member of my guild would abide by.

    And so after some heated arguments and attempts to advocate for this treaty, by Thursday night it was clear that this treaty was not something I could, in good conscience, put my name on. I apologized to Balzamon, a few members of BkD, and my guildmates for the fuss. I saved the treaty and I believe it will be useful in the future, possibly with some minor adjustments. Now, the war goes on.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    31 March 2008 08:11:11

    There were no terms really. Both sides had been working on just a cease fire. Noone would lose anything and noone would gain anything. It would just simply stop.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    31 March 2008 04:53:48

    So to satisfy my (and prob others) curiousity. What were these terms Durms accepted but then rejected?

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    30 March 2008 23:16:08

    I don't think it's all that complicated... And any guild that actually negotiates with Durms for peace are a bunch of pussies.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    30 March 2008 23:10:07

    That's all up to Durmanhoth. I thought we came to a reasonable conclusion earlier this week on how to end the war. You were for it then changed your mind.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    30 March 2008 23:08:55

    I don't think any one person knows why the war is still going. It's gotten complicated and carried away at this point.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    30 March 2008 21:17:42

    I think it's the other way around, Stobhach.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    30 March 2008 21:00:54

    No, I apologized profusely to Basalisk, and still remain sorry that he died. I asked my party to make sure they had healing, unfortunately he forgot to bring healing and I believe this is the reason he died.

  • Author
    Stobhach [legacy]
    30 March 2008 11:43:41

    So would i be correct to suggest that part of durms motivation for mutual war is to train newbies how to pk with no fines?

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    30 March 2008 10:08:53

    The only reason basalisk died is because he forgot to bring healing. I got what I came for.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    30 March 2008 08:57:13

    [new] Date: 29. Mar, 2008, 23:42:17 By: Pollux

    Wow, lets be done being douche bags... blablabla shittalk

    You start it!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    30 March 2008 08:45:50

    In the year 5555 the human race will be extinct.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    30 March 2008 00:28:48

    In the year 5555 your arms are hanging limp at your sides, your legs got nothing to do - some machine's doing that for you!

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    30 March 2008 00:23:44

    This must be #3,304 in the series: How to lose a man in a 3v2 and then be an arrogant dickhead about it.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    30 March 2008 00:21:26

    Except if the warriors don't know how to focus and/or break spells, like shown in this log.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    30 March 2008 00:00:19

    Additionally, I would take two max warriors against a level 16 assassin, level 19 assassin, and level 17 wizard in bree. Those odd arent terrible.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    29 March 2008 23:59:12

    Deathmatch is just having fun learning to pk. Everyone who has a problem with this, go play in traffic.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    29 March 2008 23:42:50

    Why are you bragging about this (at least it seems so from the log description). One guy on each side died, and you had 3 and they had 2.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    29 March 2008 23:42:17

    Wow, lets be done being douche bags (that is to a select few who refuse to even be civil.) Lets make fun of 14 year olds for speaking incorrectly in a language that is not native to them.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    29 March 2008 22:50:48

    Havnt read comment and havnt read log except glanced at it. Still same fucked up follow sub, and still verbose. Noob stop posting crap.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    29 March 2008 22:08:41


  • Author
    Serafina [legacy]
    29 March 2008 21:25:21

    Thats like the 3rd time you haven't given me my due, deathmatch.

    I gave you that phial :(

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    29 March 2008 21:25:20

    Especially when you guys lost a party member first. And Alvis should have made it out, you guys lost him but he came back for some reason. :P

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    29 March 2008 21:16:12

    Note to self: If you're not confident with your knowledge in a language, don't try to be clever.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    29 March 2008 21:15:25

    the description alone deserves a 1

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    29 March 2008 21:06:58

    Holy brief off, batman!

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    29 March 2008 21:06:08

    I got a party member killed:(