Octavian and Parethian

Posted by
Cruice [legacy]
06 April 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

We owe Yussuka for the intelligence on knowing they were there..


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 April 2008 01:38:10

    cries some more

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    12 April 2008 00:27:11

    You're all emos.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 April 2008 00:16:34

    I don't see how it hurts the mud either. Unless somebody wants to use that material to make their own mud, then all it does in essence is distribute game/quest info in a very detailed way. That sucks for those of us who know a whole lot about the game that most players do not and now will, but as far as ruining the game, I just don't see it. The only thing it hurts is valinor's feelings. And some of the admins definitely deserve that, imo, but I'm sure there are some there who don't so I'll agree with Manni in the two wrongs don't make a right idea.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    11 April 2008 21:06:05

    Mute posting the system code doesn't affect the MUD whatsoever. It's just the immaturity in him acting up :P

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    11 April 2008 20:41:36

    I don't think I've explicitly said without qualification that posting the code was good or should have been done. There are some good things about it and a lot of bad things. But Aule threatening to get the FBI involved is ludicrous. The only way hosting those files could be illegal is if the MUD itself were illegal, which is actually a strong argument. So by going down the path of law enforcement, Aule actually threatens MUDs ability to operate.

  • Author
    Barzel [legacy]
    11 April 2008 19:43:29

    Valinor has never been obligated to post their reasons. The amount of explanation they have done in this case is more than in some cases in the past. I'm a little confused as to why they haven't publicly explained their reasoning (since they were willing to tell individual people at least some of it), but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say that no matter what they said, even if they had a timestamped videotape with the day's newspaper in the shot of Mute cheating and narrating his actions it wouldn't satisfy anybody and everybody would argue with them just as much.

    I think they _have_ explained to Manni and a fair portion of the mud why he was nuked, and as they have said every time the subject was broached, it was a borderline decision. They really struggled with it.

    I personally feel very strongly that Manni should never have been sitebanned, and that the nuke was questionable. In Valinor's defense, though, post-de-facto Manni has given them some pretty good reasons to justify themselves, particularly regarding his sometimes tacit and sometimes explicit endorsement of absolutely the most serious crime that can be committed on the game (I am excluding external crimes committed through the mud such as underage sexual interaction and the like.)

    Overall I'm pretty conflicted on the matter. I won't be horribly disappointed either way, but I would be glad to see Manni back on the mud.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    11 April 2008 17:18:26

    Yeah, I know Koz. :)

    Malorian, whether or not Mute actually deserved to be nuked, he feels it was undeserved. It's hard to argue that if it was deserved, an explanation from the ainur as to why he was nuked would require trivial effort but would go a long way. I can't speak for Mute as to whether or not an explanation would have prevented him from posting the code (in my opinion probably not), but it was definitely wrong to nuke him or anyone without giving a legitimate reason.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    11 April 2008 16:52:09

    How was Mute being nuked an injustice? Sure, you (Manni) maybe, but not Mute. Or Delkin.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    11 April 2008 16:02:43

    Manni, you know very well that I am not saying its exactly the same as blowing up a building. Ok, I dunno, putting powerful laxatives in the apartment complex' water supply or something. My point is is that he is harming a bunch of people who haven't really done anything to him. So now: I haven't done anything to Mute, he did everything he could to ruin my toy. There's no way I can bring myself to feel any sympathy for him.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    11 April 2008 16:02:41

    What revenge? It is pretty fucking futile. What? Is he going to open a new mud? What practical negative effect can he possibly use it for?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    11 April 2008 15:23:30

    I wouldn't say it's like blowing up a building, but I understand your analogy. And I think it's revenge on the admins in the sense that it really pissed them off. Pissing people off isn't constructive so much as therapeutic, but in this case that was Mute's sense of what was just retribution to an injustice... and in the lawless world of the internet, everyone defines just and unjust for themselves. In this case it probably led to two wrongs not making either one right.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    11 April 2008 14:38:37

    Again, he is having his sweet revenge not on the administration, but on every single person who plays the mud. It's like blowing up your girlfriend's apartment building, killing thousands of people, cause she cheated on you and then attempting to claim some moral right to it.

    And his whole tirade 'I am sorry I dont have any cheating or alts to reveal, but oh, here's the code which I stole and have been using for my personal benefit, for the benefit of my guild, and to blackmail the ainur' shows that the only way he was wronged by the administration was that he was not nuked and hardbanned a year or two ago.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    11 April 2008 14:25:15

    I was an Overlord and had access to a lot more code than Mute posted... you'll notice none of /d/arda or /adm or /cmds is in Mute's .rar. I guess it's a fine line as to how I feel about him posting the code. On one hand, I wouldn't have (and have not, noting the absence of the above directories) posted the code for the reasons Kozlodoev stated. But on the other hand, I understand where Mute is coming from in feeling wrongd by the administration. Our responses to it kinda went in different ways, though.

    Judging by Aule's subsequent attempts at quasi-extortion to give up Mute, his hissy fits, and his incredibly empty threats, maybe posting the code to show Aule that his poor decisions can have consequences was the right move. I don't know. My opinion on that is irrelevant anyway because it's Mute's website, hosting, and file access.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    11 April 2008 13:35:58

    I've never heard anyone accuse Manni of cheating, only for not reporting his friends to the Admin, which are two _entirely_ different things.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    11 April 2008 09:23:24

    uh, why would they let him immort and give him access to even more code? From what I've heard, the code that Mute has is a bit outdated and not complete, so.. Besides, it just opens up so many opportunities to cheat.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    11 April 2008 09:18:32

    Manni, your diplomatic skills are failing you. You just openly supported Mute's code hosting. And if you two believe you are hurting the administration for what the administration did to you... Damn. You are in fact hurting me, for what the administration did to you, hurting your guildmates which continue playing for what the administration did to you, hurting all the people that had some respect for you, and hurting all those who cheered at your downfall. And lastly hurting the administration.

    Worst thing is, it's pointless trying to get you to see things my way, for the same reason your blackmail scheme has no chance of success: the damage has been done. The code has been spread over the whole world and if Mute suddenly has a change of heart and sees the light and stops hosting it some other asshole will. Oh well.

    The ainur are also at fault, they failed to deal with the Durmanhoth situation until it was too late, and they are failing to deal with the situation now. I would wholly support you immorting to try and set things right. Good luck with that.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    11 April 2008 07:12:19

    Yeah, that's what I thought as well, but I wanted to believe he wasn't an asshole. Oh well. :(

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    11 April 2008 07:00:47

    He is finally admitting to being a jerkoff that knowingly covered up his guild's transgressions for an entire year, but still wants to believe that he wasn't in any way responsible for the length and seriousness of their repercussions. It is a twisted form of schizophrenia.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    11 April 2008 06:56:32

    Erm... quoting from Manni's post:

    'Bottom line is that I want people to know I'm not an asshole. I had to say some whacked out shit when I was GM because I was backing my boys.'

    So, what you're saying is that you admit all the stuff you said was bullshit, like many people here called you on time and time again? Or... what? I don't get it, I'm seeing too many angles of cop-out.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 April 2008 03:42:51

    Wait, are you guys saying that you give a shit about Manni's situation or that you give a shit about what this Shabba guy gives a shit about?

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    11 April 2008 03:25:06

    I know you're not an asshole, Manni. :)

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    11 April 2008 02:03:02

    Are you guys going to form the MUDaholic Anonymous now? :P

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    11 April 2008 00:57:12

    Fair enough, Hirgail. I'm giving that a try and it seems to be OK. :)

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    11 April 2008 00:56:01

    I give a shit as well. Thanks.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    11 April 2008 00:41:45

    It's a shitty community Manni. It's not the vibrant place full of all kinds of different people it used to be. It's stagnant and it's run by a bitter and fed up Administration. Remember it for what it was and move on. I know I have ...kinda... I still like to login to this to keep me entertained at work!

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    11 April 2008 00:39:12

    The immorting idea was so that I could show people that I wasn't an asshole, like I said. Last week was really before the 'owners' (admins is a better word) went out of their way to make me feel unwelcome. When you're an immortal you really don't have to deal with Powers that much... I think the way the system is now, you kinda pick a few people you like and you just work with them.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    11 April 2008 00:36:20

    Well, that was last week. Until Sunday, I could even play the character I proxied last week... Now I just log on and don't feel like doing anything. It's kinda a shitty feeling. Bottom line is that I want people to know I'm not an asshole. I had to say some whacked out shit when I was GM because I was backing my boys.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    11 April 2008 00:26:18

    Manni. Why do you want to play again? Why would you want to immort and be a part of that community? Why do you want to go somewhere where the owners go out of their way to make you feel unwelcome?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    11 April 2008 00:22:59

    Mordhred, I already apologized for anything my former guildmates or I did that lessened anyone's experience... I think we did a lot of good on the whole and a few people may have done some bad towards the end, but what's done is done and it's time to move on positively. The day after I was nuked, I immort applied on Hectan to try to set things right... I was denied and a week later nuked for evading the hardban to immort apply. The only communication I've had with Aule in the past week has been posted further in the thread. Re-read my letter to him and try and see who's looking for a solution for both sides. I thought the nuke and disbanding were harsh but maybe somewhere within reason... The things that Aule has said and done since aren't. I don't have anyone to speak for except myself at this point, so I don't have to make arguments I'm not 100% informed about.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    11 April 2008 00:22:10

    Mordhred is right Lobo, it isn't funny anymore. It might be funny again someday but not if you keep banging on about it.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    11 April 2008 00:16:16

    think i care?

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    11 April 2008 00:00:37

    lobo u alredy pasted that stop makin a foo outta yourself, foo. i hat u

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    10 April 2008 23:54:23

    I feel like pasting this again:

    PolluxAlt enters.

    PolluxAlt laughs out loud at you.

    PolluxAlt says in Westron: nub.

    You say in Westron: what?

    PolluxAlt fades into the shadows.

    You tell PolluxAlt: ?

    PolluxAlt tells you: I just dont like you?

    You tell PolluxAlt: why? i think we barely met

    PolluxAlt tells you: Im pollux you fucking noob

    PolluxAlt tells you: Jesus you talk like you actually know shit.

    You tell PolluxAlt: i know, talk about character separation

    he was quiet after that...

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    10 April 2008 23:50:12

    Pollux doesn't realize that if he would stop commenting on here everyone would forget about him after a month and leave him alone. Instead he comes on here and makes comments when he doesn't know anything.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    10 April 2008 23:40:57

    Pollux can't handle us, Vermond.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    10 April 2008 23:33:45

    Pollux, is there a reason to do that?

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    10 April 2008 22:53:32

    Amusing how Manni still vehemently denies everything. I think it's time to gather up your bearings and realize what you did wrong, and seek for a solution for both sides. If you completely fail to see the mistakes that led you to the current situation, or if you refuse to see it, or if you keep on pretending you don't see it, then you will certainly get nowhere. It's their mud, their rule, their decisions. You can't fight against it. Give up already and join the 'good' side.

    End of advice.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    10 April 2008 22:22:51

    Moderators come and remove Shabba and Lobo!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    10 April 2008 21:54:18

    Trempk, still bitter I pointed out the fact you're a retard?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    10 April 2008 21:41:36

    I give a shit.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    10 April 2008 21:05:56

    Nobody gives a shit that you don't give a shit.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    10 April 2008 21:03:20

    Manni, we don't really give a shit

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    10 April 2008 19:25:41

    Since it came up... My response was:

    That's a pretty asshole proposition to rat out my friend so you can have the FBI harass him, or stay sitebanned.

    Since you're asking me for his name and address rather than subpoenaing that information from Verizon, I'm assuming you have zero legitimate legal recourse here, which is confirmed by pretty good legal authority.

    So given that, frankly the only way I could see him taking the link down is if we are all (you, Mute, me) able to come to some sort of understanding about what happened on the MUD, why it happened, and why it happened in the way it happened. Mute and I absolutely feel disrespected by all those things and that breach of respect is what led Mute to post that information. But Mute didn't start that cycle of disrespect. It was begun when we got nuked and the guild got disbanded. So I think talking it out (if Mute's still willing) is the best way to go and really the only plausible way he would consider taking the site down. You have my contact information and his, which is posted on the site, if you'd like to talk.

    End Response

    And then last night he nuked Hectan and Walton to make his e-peen erect.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    10 April 2008 17:46:58

    I still can't believe he played the G-Men card.

    I would have said something like 'Well, I'm not quite sure where he lives, or what his real name is; but there are some who call him... Tim? He knows much that is hidden.'

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    10 April 2008 17:32:31

    Oh... No trust me, the situation has been reversed between Mute and me before. We're good friends... We've had to stick up for each other when there are actual choices to make... Actual choices would be like when you're dealing with a cop, a boss, a relative... Someone who actually matters. This obviously wasn't close to being a choice.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    10 April 2008 17:12:36

    his name is Brandon and lives in herkimer, that's all i know! send in the FBI!

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    10 April 2008 16:52:07

    Pounder is talking about you and Mute being reversed, I think :P

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    10 April 2008 16:22:41

    The situation wouldn't be reversed because I wouldn't use impotent scare tactics to intimidate people.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    10 April 2008 15:10:07

    If the situation were reversed, he would do it to you. :P

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    10 April 2008 15:04:47

    Haha. That's not how I roll. But it's funny.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    10 April 2008 14:31:53

    You've been given a great opportunity Manni, give him the name and address of someone you don't like and maybe they can get harassed by the feds a little, lol.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    10 April 2008 02:58:28

    Yes, but seeing what level of awful would actually prompt people to really go out of their way to vote it down could be amusing.

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    10 April 2008 02:48:12

    No, that wouldn't be cool. You'd get idiots posting intentionally terrible logs in the hopes of attaining a place there.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    10 April 2008 02:26:45

    Maybe a 'bottom 20' category would be cool.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    10 April 2008 02:23:55

    Rating logs down to get your own logs boosted? HAHAHAHHAHAH, That is lame ass shit. Get a life, fuck-o.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    10 April 2008 00:13:51

    Well it's simple. If a person is doing that to get their own logs on the top 20, just head to the top 20 list and rate whichever log they rated up a 1.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    10 April 2008 00:05:22

    Just ban his account Vermond. Anyone who rated old logs that were awesome down just to get their own gay shit on the top 20 should not be able to use the site.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    09 April 2008 22:35:06

    Vijihrannnanangadgadgadgadhadh. whatever the fuck your name is. yeah i moved away from carpentry, i leave for basic on monday. royal artillery, light gunner - fireing a 105mm gun that blows the fuck outta stuff. cant wait!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 April 2008 22:31:15

    mmm long comments... comment people, studying for finals blows :(

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 April 2008 22:13:26

    I thought Vijraihn was going to be glad he was allowd to have a single account after what he did, but apparently he wants to bring the issue back up.

    The situation I faced was this: Majority (about 70%) of top 20 logs were rated by multiple alts. Almost all of the cases of multi-rating was done by Vijraihn, 3-4 alts, and the a good deal of the logs involved were posted by other people that had nothing to do with him. Only a single case or two could be justified as 'retaliatory rating' against Brubaker, and even that is NOT OK since he was supposed to report it rather than do the same thing. Actually, now that I remember, only 1 of the logs was posted by an account of Vijraihn, and it was the only one I removed (because it was unfairly keeping other logs out of top 20) since removing others would have punished posters, who were not related.

    Why was it a big case of abuse? Well, 1) it involved rating logs with multiple alts 2) It influenced the top 20 list, which is supposed to be the only measure of good logs - It is not good when logs like Spike's are rated by many people years after it is posted. 3) It was done on old logs, in a serial fashion, so that it escaped moderators' checks.

    I mean, think of it. We have a lot of old logs that are great, and there are a few bastards who keep rating them with MANY alts ages after they were posted to get their own logs in top 20. How would you feel?

    It was in this light that I discussed this with Nicuramar, and we both decided that Vijraihn should not have rating access. Now, this is Nicuramar's site, he has written the code, he maintains it and pays the dues, and I spend a lot of effort to moderate it - If you think it gives you any right just because you have posted a lot of logs, you are wrong.

    After spending 2 hours checking the logs, trying to repair damage, and taking preventatives measures, guess what - Vijraihn was on the comm leading a public flaming/lynching contest against me with his band of friends including Mute, Pollux and others, during which he said he would harass my guild because he got blocked, and revealed my alts.

    Now, considering the kind of crap you did, and that it was intentional, and what you did afterwards (including how you behave bringing it up now) whether ratings are moderated or not does not matter anymore - I don't think anyone reinstated those nuked for qi info when it was legalized - What you did was illegal at the time, you knew it was illegal, and you formulated ways to go beyond it and influence things like old top 20 logs. The lengths you went to are enough to justify permanent banning - people have been cast away for much less.

    So sorry, I am not going to spend any more hours fixing and putting up with your crap when you are obviously in the wrong, and so deep in it. It was a mistake to reinstate you, as it was in Bakal's case - And no amount of asskissing on tells will fix it now.

    The rest of people: Sorry if it was a bit messy, and sorry you had to go through this. If you think I'm a loser or a dictator because of the way I treated him, that's okay, I don't really give a crap, though I don't think any of you would have been easier on someone like that - It is always the same pattern - break some major rule, get in trouble, bitch & whine, try to make it up by kissing ass, get forgiven, use it as an opportunity to bitch & whine.

  • Author
    Vijraihn [legacy]
    09 April 2008 20:45:19

    Dalkar, I never got the chance to tell you that the add you made for T2T on youtube made me shit my pants laughing. The bladeplay, bloodplay part was a hoot. Good work.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    09 April 2008 20:10:27

    Alphabet soup, anyone?

  • Author
    Barzel [legacy]
    09 April 2008 19:43:32

    Making significant changes quickly virtually always leads to mistakes. Presuming that Vermond is considering the matter of your other characters or discussing it with other mods, inconsistency in enforcement of the rules in this particular scenario is acceptable as it is a symptom of change; any time a system is in transition between one state and another there are necessary inconsistencies owing to multiple standards questionably in place. Hopefully, however, this inconsistency is temporary and not a feature of the new system. It seems to me that the new system has a lot of promise and potential.

  • Author
    Vijraihn [legacy]
    09 April 2008 18:10:31

    I'm just going to throw out there that I have contributed more logs to this site than the majority of people, and regardless of your subjective views about me, many of them have been on the top caliber displayed here. I, along with anyone else who has played this game as long as I have, have earned the right to provide fair commentary on the actions or contributions of others. We all accept that this place leaves you open to criticism. But concerning Vermond's comment about not monitoring rating anymore: I had all my logpage accounts banned from commenting. This was explictly stated to have come about, not because of any comment issues, but because I 'was involved in a scandal to heavily influence the top 20 logs'. There is no way to separate a 'ratings' block, from a 'comments' block. I'd like to point out that I brought this up as selective enforcement to the other Logpage administrators, but to defend himself, Vermond went on a mission and spent time researching exactly which logs I had rated with multiple characters. After explaining to him that it had been done in direct retaliation to all the morons that had abused the ratings, including Brubaker, who had incited the incident, Vermond blocks all of my accounts, and all of Brubaker's accounts from commenting. I really don't care about ratings, I used to, maybe 3 or 4 years ago, but I don't anymore. I always posted logs for the reading enjoyment of the public. But when something I accomplished was actually appreciated without the taint of bias or idiocy, I was impressed and took a few measures to protect that. Not to mention that my accounts here have had the most logs on the top 20 list over time than anyone else other than Skyman and his characters. You'd think I'd have the right to defend myself. But instead of admitting that ratings have always been out of control, Vermond decided to just shit on me and remove one of my logs that had legitimately been on the top 20 log list for over 2 years. Oh well, the point is, ratings are not being monitored anymore, so I am wondering why all my accounts are not free from their comment block. Maybe some consistency can be worked towards here.

    Please, share your opinions on the matter. But constructively, not with flaming. Keep in mind I am satisfied with having one character unblocked, to be able to comment, and I'm just questioning the principle of the matter.

    <3 XOXO <3

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 April 2008 16:19:31

    [new] Date: 09. Apr, 2008, 5:04:57 By: Cruice

    I'm just wondering when the people that run this site are going to start doing their jobs.

    Lobo rates every log that is posted by someone from Herkimer a 1. Last time I checked the rules that is like selective rating, and should probably get rating blocked, and his little faggot friends too.

    Sorry that Lobo can't accomplish anything but making poor ratings.. Feel free to make as many comments or shitty ratings as you want, because I am done logging anything on this site.

    I was going to be nice and post the Anguss log and a few other good ones, but I'll pass.

    That's why he is my favourite herkie.

    Well, as vermond stated, the rules have changed... and stop being a hypocrite because you and your little herkie friends do the very same...

    Last time you checked the rules either the rules were old or you couldn't read properly, i like to believe this second part tho.

    and about being nice and posting a log? It's notorious the fact that herkies can't be nice, and I'd surely rate it a 1, maybe even rate it a 1 with a few alts, just like you do!

    Talking about accomplishments, whoever takes this game seriously enough to struggle to accomplish or achieve something is an idiot, even tho i have accomplished much more that you and your little herkie friends will ever do, and that means you suck for i'm no such an accomplisher :P But now i have the pleasure to announce my newest effortless accomplishment: Cruice isn't logging here anymore! Thank you all who supported me, thank you mom, dad...

    Now excuse me, i have to use my hallucinogen eye-drop

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 April 2008 16:01:30

    The FBI...eh. Well....eh.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    09 April 2008 15:37:36

    Yeah, I know... I think Adoni must've gotten us mixed up.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    09 April 2008 15:21:39

    He said Mute not Manni tho :)

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    09 April 2008 15:18:56

    I work for DoL, not the FBI.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    09 April 2008 15:13:49

    You shouldnt belive what people tell you on the internet tho.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 April 2008 15:07:04

    just the government I think

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    09 April 2008 15:03:45

    Doesn't Mute work for the FBI?

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    09 April 2008 14:57:47

    Sweet. Hopefully a SWAT team will send in smoke grenades and crash through his windows while he sits and nerds infront of his comp.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    09 April 2008 14:37:07


    Will, aka Manni,

    To come back requires a bit more work on your part.

    The player known as 'Mute' you stated to be your 'best friend'. As long as your best friend continues to distribute the T2T source code we simply cannot allow you to access our system. You need to do everything in your power to get him to stop distributing that which is not his.

    You can also help out by giving me his real name and address so I can include them in my report them to the FBI.


    David Rudy, aka Aule



  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    09 April 2008 14:17:18

    Well like so many before me already stated, i don't get why people care about ratings. I mean c'mon if you leet a bad rating get to you, you must have zero life.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 April 2008 14:07:05

    Cruice and others: The rules have changed since the last time you checked - Ratings are no longer moderated in any way, and I am rather surprised that someone complained about it.

    This is sort of why moderating here is a Catch-22 situation. I moderate ratings and I'm fascist, I don't and people start saying they'll leave the site. Well, sorry mate, you should have stood up for us when we were getting lynched for blocking bogus ratings.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    09 April 2008 13:57:58

    Alkath is such a flamer. Ugh. I think he is like 12 or something.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    09 April 2008 13:46:14

    The one thing I love about Cruice 'crying some more' about ratings, is the fact that he has several times said he doesn't care about ratings. Yet pretty much every time he posts a log and someone gives it a bad rating, he whines :p

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    09 April 2008 08:35:06

    Never got the idea behind being upset by Ratings... oh well.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 April 2008 05:25:36

    I was so sad in fact, I said Abuse twice cause I couldn't find the right words in my depression at your departure from here.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 April 2008 05:24:38

    God Cruice, we are so fucking sad you aren't going to abuse, I mean abuse this site anymore. If we somehow rate the towers a 1, can you also stop playing there as well? And Shabba, grown men cry too! Just not at what people are rating their logs as.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 April 2008 05:20:35

    Oh and I missed that 'faggot friends' part.. Aren't you the one who muds in the same room with your other herk buddies? :P

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 April 2008 05:19:33

    Cruice: We don't really give a shit if you post that or not. Anguss suicided. We're all happy and well I'm sure most of us couldn't care less how it came to happen. Also, your herk buddies including yourself do the same thing and rate good logs 1 because of the poster. Who's to judge who started doing it first? Knowing your history I'd say it was the herks.

    Also, ratings aren't moderated anymore. Cry more.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    09 April 2008 05:04:57

    I'm just wondering when the people that run this site are going to start doing their jobs.

    Lobo rates every log that is posted by someone from Herkimer a 1. Last time I checked the rules that is like selective rating, and should probably get rating blocked, and his little faggot friends too.

    Sorry that Lobo can't accomplish anything but making poor ratings.. Feel free to make as many comments or shitty ratings as you want, because I am done logging anything on this site.

    I was going to be nice and post the Anguss log and a few other good ones, but I'll pass.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    09 April 2008 04:21:47

    Down the Highway, not across the Street. Wise advice!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 April 2008 04:10:50

    Because I'm a sadist

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    09 April 2008 03:48:29

    cut WITH the vein, not against it.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 April 2008 03:30:24

    You don't think I fucking know that Shabba? You don't think I stayed up till 5am last night cutting myself because of that? Why do you feel like you have to rub it in?!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 April 2008 03:13:12

    Hirgail, Pablo got the last comment

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 April 2008 00:47:12

    Once a mudder, always a mudder

  • Author
    Vijraihn [legacy]
    09 April 2008 00:44:07

    Mark - What's the deal man, still going to basic now that you took a different path from carpentry, or? Details brother!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 April 2008 00:32:59

    I thought it was man love?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 23:44:09

    like herkies say: mordhred is jeeeealous

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    08 April 2008 23:41:10

    I call it bullshit.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 23:05:31

    dude! you got me completely wrong! i meant we all are glad that you aren't mudding anymore because you showed you have enough will to move away from the mud, and we're all proud of you! It's love man, love.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    08 April 2008 22:43:15

    that hurts. that really hurts. i thought we were friends. those days of age spent in my innroom, the flirtatious comm insults, the character transfers. i thought it was love man, love.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 22:41:18

    we all are!

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    08 April 2008 20:58:46

    Im so glad I don't MUD anymore.

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    08 April 2008 17:00:23

    help how_not_to_be_an_asshat


    Help for how_not_to_be_an_asshat (General Help)


    1. Don't argue with the administration. Just lie prostrate at their feet.

    2. Don't nitpick the rules. Just follow them.

    3. Don't gripe and complain. Pick one or the other. Not both.

    4. Be like Osse.

    5. Keep on Tulkas' good side.

    6. Memorize and take to heart all of 'help disclaimer'

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 14:59:43

    I don't see you picketing Valinor to get the character unnuked if it's so funny!

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    08 April 2008 13:24:53

    'He tried to cheer her up by sending her a video on YouTube of some retarded people singing the American national anthem. Not because retarded people singing is fucking hilarious, but because it was 'inspiring'.'

    Dammit, Hirgail, you just made me guffaw in a room full of coworkers - they asked what was so funny in the code I was debugging!

    This story alone is like a whole log of tidbits. The better ones!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    08 April 2008 07:41:56

    Morals? Who said anything about morals?? Its called common sense!

    I do not want to be murdered if I break up with someone.

    I do not want itchy dick because GF had 100 BF at the same time.

    I do not want death from Aids.

    I do not want to give up my entire current life for a woman(s).

    I do not want to be pummeled by a many tailed drama whip.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    08 April 2008 06:07:12

    I have fantastic morals!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    08 April 2008 05:34:23

    We're a dying breed, Pounder. People with good morals!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    08 April 2008 05:23:09

    I think Shabba has my point this time. I only have one girl that doesn't do the drama shit and that's all I really need. Especially, when I can basically play all my games whenever I want and shit it and it never makes her mad? I would rather have that, than some girl that doesn't even know how to not have kids, not to mention the extra stuff she probably picked up as well.(I mean this in general and by no means is this an attack on anyone specifically).

  • Author
    Vijraihn [legacy]
    08 April 2008 04:07:45

    I think he's a woof-woof personally.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:28:19

    Her Daddy shot down 6 Texas rangers protectin' his family! The man is a true Patriot.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:26:43

    Was that Baitalia's compound that got raided down in Texas this week? :(

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    08 April 2008 01:02:02

    Our society is too fucked up by now anyways, there's no turning back. You people are all whores, what's so bad with sticking to one person? :P

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    08 April 2008 00:51:44

    Pounder, can you explain to me how telling girls not to go around sleeping with random guys will make the world a better place? If anything, it will make the world much worse if all girls start following that advice. :P

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    07 April 2008 23:57:30

    I've never really have cheated. Well, except with my Quickblade I guess. I was 'abusing a bug' to stop the old Quickblade members for overthrowing Haylie.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    07 April 2008 23:57:25

    A should never have been nuked for saying that, you were just trying to make the world a better place! (trust me, I had friends who were like that before, its lame).

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    07 April 2008 23:56:08

    Hirg just made me look like some kind of psychic.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    07 April 2008 23:56:03

    Everything I've ever been nuked for is hilarious.

  • Author
    Mazen [legacy]
    07 April 2008 23:55:06

    I've never seen you get nuked for any actual cheating!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    07 April 2008 23:53:53

    God damnit Pablo, you stole my thunder! To answer your question Serafina, A was nuked for:

    Going for Pyro's contract and finding him in Rivendell courthouse with Queenmaeve's alt. She was complaining about how much it sucks to be pregnant and Pyro was being an internet white knight and giving her advice. He tried to cheer her up by sending her a video on YouTube of some retarded people singing the American national anthem. Not because retarded people singing is fucking hilarious, but because it was 'inspiring'. At which point A camoed off and proceeded to roll around laughing.

    A then left and sent a tell to Pyro saying something like 'Perhaps telling her not to go around sleeping with random guys from the internet would be better advice!'

    Which is what got him nuked.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    07 April 2008 23:53:38

    Hahahaha, that is some funny shit, Hirg.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    07 April 2008 23:25:46

    Turn off wimpy?:) Looked like it was on!

  • Author
    Vijraihn [legacy]
    07 April 2008 18:16:04

    Gotta love that cleaver.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    07 April 2008 00:32:26

    But I shouldn't have run. He should have. I can't correct incorrect grammar with incorrect grammar.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    07 April 2008 00:30:05

    No, he should've typed 'I'd have just ran.', not 'You'd have just ran.'

    C'mon Hirgail, get with the program man.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    07 April 2008 00:16:36

    *You'd have just run.

  • Author
    Parethian [legacy]
    07 April 2008 00:10:53

    I fucked up big time

    Didnt expect an attack :p was talking to yussuka the whole time haha

    Well all in all it was fun i think i would have had a better chance solo in there. I'd of just ran :p

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    07 April 2008 00:09:27

    No because you're terrible at it. It should be scathing, not retarded.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    07 April 2008 00:06:27

    F*** you hirgail i'll pwn you all day long U R A NOOB

    *flame flame flame*

    That better?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    07 April 2008 00:02:52

    Oh horseshit. The mud needs more flaming.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    06 April 2008 23:50:15

    I've never heard of him either, but that comment wasn't really smartass.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    06 April 2008 23:31:28

    I've been gone a week and theres already some smartass I've never heard of.

  • Author
    Barzel [legacy]
    06 April 2008 22:48:39

    He's trying to be a gracious victor. The mud could use more of that these days.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    06 April 2008 22:25:01

    I thought it was a pertty average and boring firght actualy.