Adanethel and Bjurdur

Posted by
Kado [legacy]
17 June 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Not sure if this was posted already but since the logpage is dead I'll put it up anyway. (Older Log)


  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    22 June 2008 02:45:08

    no matter how much i bitch, i think the only real reason i keep coming back is because i thrive on conflict and mudslinging, and you guys feed it to me as if you were trying to fatten me up for the slaughter.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    21 June 2008 07:56:32

    If you mudded, you would!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    21 June 2008 05:03:27

    i couldn't tell if he was insulting you or kissing your ass.

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    21 June 2008 02:04:44

    Ha nice one bro. Same to you :P

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    20 June 2008 23:56:04

    Depends how many alts you have in circulation at the time, Rhakyrh. :)

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    20 June 2008 23:35:28

    Try 96% Haarni.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    20 June 2008 20:12:17

    If he takes the effort to respond to people, he gives somewhat of a shit of what they think.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    20 June 2008 19:36:47

    'You are what other people think you are.'

    I don't think that applies on the MUD, considering 3/4 of the 'people' that play don't have a clue about ...anything.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    20 June 2008 19:09:37

    If someone thinks you're bad at something, then you are. At least in that little bit of space which is the person's mind. Perhaps that only person who thinks you suck is the one that will be responsible for giving you (or not) that promotion in the future. Then the one person is like 100% what matters.

    I know it's silly in a game, but still applies. In this world, you are not what you are. You are what other people think you are. That's been proven many times, and that's what will come out in the daily news. :D

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    20 June 2008 13:11:25

    Corsair makes it straight.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    20 June 2008 07:55:20

    Ffs, why does Adanethel give a fuck about what Shabba and Zaellyer think of his skills?

    If he is good, what these two think does not change anything, if he is not, there's nothing to argue about.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    20 June 2008 06:00:44

    Adanethel, the fact that you respond to my comments must mean it means something to you.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    19 June 2008 21:21:06

    And that other log:

    First part: Typical battle of who has the better EQ and most healing.

    Middle part: Typical huntbreaking, typing in a one word alias from a signpost to do a huntbreak. Lots of luck involved with HP, for example the very first break where he was clearly caught mid-alias in a good ambush by Duncan and co, but luckily he was already headed to a huntbreak.

    Last part: Yes, that was impressive. Still doesn't change the fact most of his kills look nothing like that.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    19 June 2008 21:17:40

    ahahahaha. oh man, jealous of adanethel :P fucking hilarious dude.

    It's a fact that you're not that great though, sorry.

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    19 June 2008 18:32:01

    Shabba, you simply seem jealous i could do stuff which you can't. Zaellyer your comments means as much to me as every of your friends.

    Either way, Shabba, if you comment to piss me off, try to be better or anything it won't work Probably because:

    a) You don't do shit, meaning you don't see shit

    b) I PKs and posts logs, you can't (PK)

    c) I don't give a shit about you, and therefore you don't see me

    d) I really don't care about... impressing you.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    19 June 2008 14:38:34

    He's seen it, his comment was that he 'failed to see what was so spectacular'.

  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    19 June 2008 09:23:50

    Shabba, whoever the hell you are, check this log out posted by Adanethel:

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    19 June 2008 07:46:07

    Plenty of people already know I'm better than you, Adanethel. Zaellyer's comment was straight on.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    19 June 2008 06:29:55

    Adanethel, look at how many times you died while attempting to pk someone, if your target wasn't a total noob you did half the work to getting yourself killed by hunting them, nuff said.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    19 June 2008 02:53:09

    Rhakyrh, you should look at my log list. I don't mean the pk crap I posted, I am way the hell more proud of the non-pk ones. (Especially the multiple characters one and the comments made on the log afterwards, rogars log comes second)

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    19 June 2008 00:55:53

    Pounder, I like you again :)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    19 June 2008 00:49:16

    If anything, I sucked ballz the worst on the towers. I mean look at my ass, 1y and I hardly did shit, I have like 4 logs posted evar.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 June 2008 00:23:00

    I own you all.

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    18 June 2008 23:56:28

    Actually Shabba what is your point there? You are the only one who's trying to prove that i'm not a good player and that you could be much better, nobody will believe you unlees you give some sensible arguments to back yourself up, because so far you are just proving that you have bigger mouth than i.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 June 2008 23:16:37

    Unless you're saying you're to PK as Bush is to politics.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 June 2008 23:16:06

    What a sad analogy. It's not hard to be a better president than Bush.

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    18 June 2008 23:09:42

    Ifs... nobody cares about them. I can as well say that i would be better president than Bush, if anyone let me be president of US.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 June 2008 23:07:04

    I bet I could still PK better than you if I had an assassin for a week.

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    18 June 2008 23:03:23

    That's why your opinion won't mean much to me.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 June 2008 23:00:42

    Well you sure haven't ever killed me. Or maybe once, a long time ago, but if you did I have no recollection of it whatsoever. You still haven't done anything extraordinary though, sorry.

    And no, that does NOT mean I claim I've done extraordinary shit myself either, before the local retards chime in.

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    18 June 2008 22:51:18

    Rhakyrh, i don't know why you make my client so special, but thank you for that. Shabba, BPs were few years ago, lot has changed till then, for example my typist was killing Udungul all the time for a while.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 June 2008 22:37:50

    Myrddin, you make me feel guilty flaming :( Yeah, flaming is fun when you can't sleep at 4am.

    By playing cautious, I mean maybe leaving to heal at 100hp while golding/questing instead of at below 50hp.

    All I know is we used to kill Adanethel's typist all the time in Udungul during BPs, and that trend continued on after that. I guess I never saw why he was considered good, he never did anything unique really. I never said I didn't have ANY respect for him.. he's just not unique or anything. I give him props for trying to RP in KoDA as Adanethel.

    My two newbie quests were ALREADY ruined... by me. I guess that's what happens when a 14 year old with not the best knowledge of tolkien and no coding skills has to think up his own newbie quest :(

    Rhakyrh ftw.

  • Author
    Nameless [legacy]
    18 June 2008 21:00:00

    What that client does to make him so good?

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    18 June 2008 20:29:29

    Meh, Adanethel has been a decent PKer over time but it was predominantly due to his client, which was made by his brother. What Shabba has done extends beyond relying on Bartoss. I used to dislike both of them, but I don't really harbour any negative sentiments about anyone on this game anymore. Everything considered, I'd say Shabba is a much better player overall.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    18 June 2008 19:54:14

    kozlodoev showed that you don't have to leave your gh to get pked =p

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 June 2008 13:55:21

    I wasn't really talking specifically about myself. I'd say most people would echo the sentiment, if they ignore any personal dislike for the guy. And I know what part of the game you play, but you're trashtalking Adanethel for the part he plays, which I happen to think he's done quite well at. And there's a lot of logs and ratings that echo this.

    I don't play that part of the game either, but I can at least have a little respect. I thought you had more maturity than the average flamer, maybe you're just bored.

    P.S - they ruined your newbie quest :(

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    18 June 2008 13:42:33

    'even though I doubt he'd be able to PK me if I bothered playing cautious.' LOL people are funny. Nobody would be able to pk anybody solo if everyone 'bothered playing cautious'. Because playing cautious can be done in alot of ways, one way is never leaving there innroom GH but then some would clame that isnt playing, but if i belive it is then i can claim nobody can kill me. And when you have to add something like that then you know that he might be able to kill you so for not looking like a complete idiot when he kills you, you add this playing cautious thing so you can blame on that if he do kill you.

    Blah long stupid post by me, but i guess i have to keep up my reputation for being a blabbering idiot :)

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 June 2008 13:07:45

    Also please note I never said he wasn't better than me anyways, even though I doubt he'd be able to PK me if I bothered playing cautious.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 June 2008 13:06:02

    Probably because:

    a) You don't do shit, meaning you don't see shit

    b) Adanethel PKs and posts logs, I play the other part of the game

    c) I don't give a shit about you, and therefore you don't see me

    d) I really don't care about... impressing you.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 June 2008 12:55:46

    He's done more to impress me than you have.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 June 2008 12:54:49

    eh.. adanathel has never been classy or one hell of a player :P

  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    18 June 2008 11:43:00

    Adanethel continues to impress me, I wonder who the hell he is because he seems to be one hell of a player...

    I liked how he was aware of the wizard casting at him even though he was focused on arresting Duncan. In the end, it was a battle of numbers and fire power, they made you leave more than once to heal and they were to continue fighting while you were resting, cowardly to come back and tease them about it.

    Anyways, props to Adanethel, this log coupled with the other one where he outlasted some guy with MELS makes him a very classy player.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    18 June 2008 11:15:50

    Yes, Zaellyer - we went to the KoDA GH and attacked the KoDAs. Bad Dunlendings, they attacked the poor innocent idling KoDAs! As to 9 - if I go and start a fight, I know I can get owned.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    18 June 2008 06:58:01

    There at the top two most owned teams list in NBA Finals history now. Aww!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 June 2008 06:46:35

    Hahahah, I agree and their fans too Jubal! :)

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 June 2008 06:18:25

    So all that KoDA spreekilling was done in response to an ATTEMPTED arrest? How pathetic.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    18 June 2008 06:15:27

    ROFL @ Lakers.

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    18 June 2008 06:10:19

    yes it was logged. but still exiting stuff!

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    18 June 2008 05:58:46

    1. Never draw first blood 9. Never to do another being what you don't want to be done to you. So much for a code of honor eh?

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    17 June 2008 23:43:54

    Poor Bjurdur :( <3

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    17 June 2008 23:22:34

    Exiting stuff, 5.