I was Delin here, which later namechanged to Mordhred as most of you already know. No fighting involved. This is a peaceful log. Herk jokes used to be fun at the time, so don't mind them. Pounder tells you: Rotfl Pounder tells you: pollock is online he can help you with making friends. ll pollux Pollux the dunlending Master Assassin (Villainous) On for: 12m 36s Gender: male Age: 28d 55m 14s Info: The road is long and this man is weary, but the strong always press on.  (-HP:230 EP:230-) tell pounder haha i will send him a reminder :P You tell Pounder: haha i will send him a reminder :P (-HP:230 EP:230-) Pounder tells you: its hilarious... ^ (OOC) Pounder: So pollux, did you try to break in osgiliath gates again and then run past mt to your guild anytime soon?:) ^ (OOC) Pounder: lol. ^ (OOC) Pollux: Actually I was going to where two of my guildmates were ^ (OOC) Pollux: Its called a backhunt ^ (OOC) Pounder: Of course you were. ^backhunt from GH? ^ (OOC) Delin: backhunt from GH? (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^ (OOC) Pollux: Stfu pounder, any bkd who I have fought in this war can tell you the things you are saying about me are bs ^ (OOC) Pounder: Thats true Delin, I didnt' think about it. ^ (OOC) Pollux: So can it ^ (OOC) Zoso: I don't know whose side to be on or who to believe! ll zoso Zoso ComelyBeard the silvan On for: 18m 18s Gender: male Age: 151d 21h 32m 32s Can be mailed: Zoso@Lothlorien Zoso has recorded a life story. Zoso is a member of the Valacirca. Info: Too bad, so sad. (-HP:230 EP:229-) ^ (OOC) Pounder: Zoso, pollux died when osgiliath break didn't work and he ran for guild. ^ (OOC) Pounder: And he's trying to say he's supreme skill:P daytime It is late in the evening in Middle-earth. (-HP:230 EP:230-) we The Two Towers Pollux the dunlending Master Assassin (Villainous) (free) Total enemies: 1 Total users: 61 (-HP:230 EP:230-) ^ (OOC) Pounder: Saying he can hang with the big dogs. ^ (OOC) Zoso: I like dogs too. ^ (OOC) Alkath: very mature zoso ^stop picking on the guy, it's not his fault, he is infected with this pathologic microorganism called Herkimer sp. ^ (OOC) Delin: stop picking on the guy, it's not his fault, he is infected with this pathologic microorganism called Herkimer sp. (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^ (OOC) Pounder: I know, I feel for him though. ^ (OOC) Alkath: Zoso is not infected ^ (OOC) Pollux: Delin, I disctintly remember a time when you had SS and a 5k C, nuff said there. ^ (OOC) Alkath: Zoso is the virus ^ (OOC) Pollux: Pounder, I play with the best players everyday ^haha i know. but i meant pollux :P ^ (OOC) Delin: haha i know. but i meant pollux :P (-HP:230 EP:223-) ^ (OOC) Pounder: You think you do. ^ (OOC) Pollux: No, I do, which is why I die a lot ^ (OOC) Pounder: But most of the best players are inactive. ^ (OOC) Pollux: And frankly, its cool ^ (OOC) Pollux: Im down to play hard and get better ^ (OOC) Premnon: You know, just because people are pking constantly in a war doesn't mean they're the best players. :p ^pollux, everyone dies one time or another. ^ (OOC) Delin: pollux, everyone dies one time or another. (-HP:230 EP:222-) ^ (OOC) Pollux: Pounder go inactive, seriously. ^ (OOC) Premnon: There are a lot of very good players who aren't even involved. Alexa tells you: an onyx helmet is now on sale as lot 330, minimum bid 200  gold fresh ^ (OOC) Pollux: Ok, the best players who play today ^ (OOC) Pounder: So now you change your stance? ^ (OOC) Etrius: I think we can all agree with Alkath is the best player ever. ^ (OOC) Pollux: For pounder to read a few logs and by like omg he was headed toward SG gondor, he is gh breaking, noob! ^ (OOC) Pounder: Alkath rules:) ^ (OOC) Pollux: That is just plain ignorance. ^etrius is on the right track here ^ (OOC) Delin: etrius is on the right track here (-HP:230 EP:223-) ^ (OOC) Pounder: Except its dead on. ^ (OOC) Pollux: No pounder it is ^ (OOC) Pollux: No pounder it isnt* ^...okay? ^ (OOC) Delin: ...okay? (-HP:230 EP:222-) ^ (OOC) Zoso: is it fun to argue? ^ (OOC) Pounder: If you were going to a backhunt you would go to the backhunt with a little more life. ^ (OOC) Pounder: Instead of dying like a noob. ^ (OOC) Pollux: Pounder you really make me think you know nothing about pk ^ (OOC) Alkath: Zoso, you should agree with the nice guys saying I own. ^ (OOC) Pollux: Basically my mistake was not hitting my healing ^ (OOC) Pounder: Your right. ^ (OOC) Alkath: Or you go back to the kennel tell pounder this guy is more fun than the rest of the crew :P ^ (OOC) Dahnir: Alkath, A! You tell Pounder: this guy is more fun than the rest of the crew :P (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^ (OOC) Pollux: You have to get low to get the extra help to attack you ^ (OOC) Pounder: I have never been in parties that took down bangs either. ^ (OOC) Pollux: They arent just gonna waltz in and be like oh pollux is in combat, lets stab him, ^ (OOC) Pounder: Nor have I ever killed someone before. ^hey pollux, i never cared about knowing who you are. just out of curiosity, please send me a tell saying your alts? ^ (OOC) Delin: hey pollux, i never cared about knowing who you are. just out of curiosity, please send me a tell saying your alts? (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^ (OOC) Pounder: Anyways, I gott go my girl is in the shower. ^ (OOC) Quiauh: except 400 gollums offcourse Alkath tells you: Caenedrin the mighty ^ (OOC) Pollux: Pounder you are ruining your reputation, and thats too bad ^ (OOC) Osse: OK, I've got the ruler, you bastards line up and let's settle this once and for all. ^ (OOC) Pollux: Pounder, have you Pked anyone in this decade tell alkath i know :P You tell Alkath: i know :P (-HP:230 EP:228-) ^ (OOC) Rehoboam: i thought pounder was a nice guy... dont understand why you are being real mean, pounder ^ (OOC) Pounder: And fyi: I don't care what people think about me, unlike you and the rest of the herk factory :P ^ (OOC) Quiauh tries to fart like Pounder and only smells himself Alkath tells you: never underestimate him, once he stole a phial from me  and died ^ (OOC) Pollux: Not all Herkimer's have an attitude tell alkath he soloed me once :( You tell Alkath: he soloed me once :( (-HP:230 EP:230-) ^ (OOC) Pollux: discriminating against a playbase simply because they all learned the mud in the same class? ^ (OOC) Pollux: Let do that. ^ (OOC) Roden: Nah. I think its because most of them are cheaters/general scumbags :P ^ (OOC) Alkath: Yes, lets ^ (OOC) Alkath: Herks suck ^ (OOC) Borkaz: you just said that Pounder should go inactive/should retire/is an old generation...and now you say he is ruining his rep (and in that case you say he is not bad/or even good.....that doesnt make sense. ^:hides behind Alkath ^ (OOC) Delin hides behind Alkath (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^ (OOC) Zoso: pounder in the shower ^ (OOC) Etrius: What's the name of that area all the stupidest Swedish players are from? ^ (OOC) Pollux: Thats too bad for all the Herkimer players then who havent ever cheated, or killed another player, or trash talked once in their history here. ^ (OOC) Zoso: I mean. Pounder is in the shower. with his girl. ^ (OOC) Etrius: I still hate that place more than Herkimer. :P ^ (OOC) Alkath: Säffle? :p ^ (OOC) Roden: Yes it is, Pollux. ^ (OOC) Roden: But thats the way stereotypes work ^ (OOC) Alkath: Thinking about Ildar, Etrius? ^ (OOC) Etrius: I meant Hobbe and that group. ^ (OOC) Etrius: The place which isn't even a real part of Sweden or something. ^ (OOC) Alkath: Skåne? :p ^best logpage comment ever when pollux listed the 'cool' people from herkimer ^ (OOC) Delin: best logpage comment ever when pollux listed the 'cool' people from herkimer (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^ (OOC) Etrius: Yeah, lol ^ (OOC) Pollux: Yeah, and then we went to middle school, and they held up cheesy cards to try to explain to you idiots through pictures that stereotypes are wrong. ^why are stereotypes wrong? ^ (OOC) Delin: why are stereotypes wrong? (-HP:230 EP:223-) ^ (OOC) Alkath: The fun thing with that list is that the cool people such as Hoshkebosh wasnt on it ^ (OOC) Roden: We aren't arguing whether stereotypes are right or wrong anyways. ^ (OOC) Alkath: So to me it looked like he was talking backwards-language :p ^ (OOC) Etrius: personally i think that 'trash talking cheating pk type players' are important contributors to the MUD in their own way ^ (OOC) Pollux: Realistically you guys are all mad at a few key players, who may have ruined it for everyone else from herkimer ^ (OOC) Roden: Stereotypes have to have a basis of truth anyways ^im sure hoshkebosh doesnt matter about us making fun of herkimer all the time. because he knows it's nothing about him ^ (OOC) Delin: im sure hoshkebosh doesnt matter about us making fun of herkimer all the time. because he knows it's nothing about him (-HP:230 EP:222-) ^ (OOC) Etrius: i don't think my time here would have been as much fun if i hadn't had spartan/amearn etc to fight against or be wary of ^ (OOC) Etrius: but that's just me :P ^ (OOC) Roden: Ok so you get the point, Pollux. ^ (OOC) Pollux: And only that because they are too good now for you to kill without a lot of skill yourself and you are probably bitter at the fact that a bunch of trash talking high school kids from new york owned you. ^ (OOC) Roden: Why argue? ^ (OOC) Roden: Oh thats why :P ^ (OOC) Alkath: Pollux, you listed the people that ruined Herks reputation as the cool people ^ (OOC) Alkath: Are you saying they actually are asses? ^ (OOC) Pollux: And they are cool people ^ (OOC) Pollux: So what if you dont like their gameplay ^ (OOC) Pollux: Have you ever talked to them? ^they're too good? ah then that's why 2 of them died yesterday while trying to kill VC in Mordor ^ (OOC) Alkath: But they are still asses who ruin the reputation of their neighbourhood? ^ (OOC) Delin: they're too good? ah then that's why 2 of them died yesterday while trying to kill VC in Mordor (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^wait VC are the best pkillers ever though! ^ (OOC) Delin: wait VC are the best pkillers ever though! (-HP:230 EP:221-) ^ (OOC) Alkath: I have, and they can be nice guys. But the difference between them and the people I befriend ^ (OOC) Pollux: VC will be the first to tell you that these guy are good, and im sure they will also tell you that they take them just as seriously, pkwise, as FRA or anyone. ^ (OOC) Pollux: Better than one of the elite guilds, no ^ (OOC) Alkath: Is that the people I choose to be friends with, are awesome all through. They aren't 50% ass-holes and 50% cool ^ (OOC) Zoso: are we talking about people or hot dogs? ^i believe we have advanced to a new stage though, where Herkimer doesnt mean the place you live anymore, but the way you act in the mud ^ (OOC) Delin: i believe we have advanced to a new stage though, where Herkimer doesnt mean the place you live anymore, but the way you act in the mud (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^which classifies you as a herkimer now, pollux! ^ (OOC) Delin: which classifies you as a herkimer now, pollux! (-HP:230 EP:221-) ^be proud! ^ (OOC) Delin: be proud! (-HP:230 EP:216-) ^ (OOC) Alkath: Zoso, if we were talking about you I would tell you. We were talking about people. ^ (OOC) Pollux: Delin, I would rather be a herkimer jerk than a do nothing but spam the comm FRa. ^ (OOC) Zoso: can we play the game where we pick out the hottest girls in the herkimer high school yearbook now? ^ (OOC) Pollux: Typist like hellflame, you get what you put into them ^ (OOC) Pollux: He came along during the bp stage ^well good thing you think i do nothing. dont pay attention to the man behind the curtains ;) ^ (OOC) Delin: well good thing you think i do nothing. dont pay attention to the man behind the curtains ;) (-HP:230 EP:216-) ^ (OOC) Pollux: And was killed incessantly and treaty very poorly on top of that ^ (OOC) Pollux: Oh my god hes an arsehole now? who could have guessed? ^ (OOC) Etrius giggles at Delin. ll etrius Etrius the dunedain Man Behind the Curtain On for: 19m 11s Gender: male Age: 78d 4h 51m 4s Can be mailed: Etrius@MinasTirith Etrius has recorded a life story. (-HP:230 EP:219-) ^ (OOC) Alkath: When he randomly kills newbies, he is bound to be treated as an arsehole :p ^ (OOC) Etrius: that hellflame person is a very good player though, i think ^ (OOC) Etrius: i can't really judge because i don't know how this game works anymore ^ (OOC) Etrius: but i think he is right? ^ (OOC) Alkath: either you understand that people think what you do is wrong and adapt, or you continue being an arse ^ (OOC) Premnon: I think the point at which people considered him a jerk is when he would kill people trying to figure out the level 15 quest as a maxxed character. ^hellflame already annoyed people from the time he was a newbie ^ (OOC) Delin: hellflame already annoyed people from the time he was a newbie (-HP:230 EP:222-) we The Two Towers Pollux the dunlending Master Assassin (Villainous) (free) Skyman the edain Deathmaster (Immoral) (free) Total enemies: 2 Total users: 61 (-HP:230 EP:225-) we The Two Towers Pollux the dunlending Master Assassin (Villainous) (free) Skyman the edain Deathmaster (Immoral) (free) Total enemies: 2 Total users: 61 (-HP:230 EP:225-) Alexa tells you: a big razor-sharp meat cleaver is now on sale as lot 331,  minimum bid 250 gold Fresh, (RoI). ^ (OOC) Zoso sings: Herkimer, let's go, let's fight for Vic-tor-y, we say shoot for 3, you say big green, shoot for 3, big green once more, shoot for 3 big green, get that ball and shoot for 3, let's go green! tell alexa list You tell Alexa: list (-HP:230 EP:230-) Alexa tells you: I have the following on sale: Lot Seller Price Description Tag #280 Hurb 18 - a leather-wrapped spear fresh  #285 Hurb 22 - a cat-hide pack fresh  #296 Hurb 42 - a crystal Light up your day! #298 Hurb 47 - a leather-wrapped spear  #301 Hurb 85 - a runed dagger of Gondolin Fresh semi  #303 Hurb 63 - a skull helmet  #304 Hurb 63 - a skull helmet  #305 Hurb 63 - a skull helmet  #310 Hurb 79 - a blued dagger  #311 Hurb 79 - a blued dagger  #329 Aaganara 200 - Aaganara's auction package [ a silver-studded belt and a dwarven warhammer ] Fresh Valacirca #330 Montog 200 - an onyx helmet fresh  #331 Xaron 800 - a big razor-sharp meat cleaver Fresh, (RoI).  we The Two Towers Pollux the dunlending Master Assassin (Villainous) (free) Skyman the edain Deathmaster (Immoral) (free) Total enemies: 2 Total users: 59 (-HP:230 EP:230-) ^dont let the comm die, im bored ^ (OOC) Delin: dont let the comm die, im bored (-HP:230 EP:225-) wf The Two Towers Alkath Eówalas, the silvan Wolf Spirit (Angelic) (free) Total friends: 1 Total users: 59 (-HP:230 EP:226-) ll pollux Pollux the dunlending Master Assassin (Villainous) On for: 34m 14s Gender: male Age: 28d 1h 10m 8s Info: The road is long and this man is weary, but the strong always press on.  (-HP:230 EP:229-) ^I have an announcement, attention everyone! Here I get massively bored... ^ (OOC) Delin: I have an announcement, attention everyone! (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^ (OOC) Alkath: And detention for Zoso ^I will be giving 50000 gold coins to whoever brings me Pollux's head till the dawn of next day. ^ (OOC) Avalon: You're going to give me free jerky? ^ (OOC) Delin: I will be giving 50000 gold coins to whoever brings me Pollux's head till the dawn of next day. (-HP:230 EP:221-) ^rl day that is :P ^ (OOC) Delin: rl day that is :P (-HP:230 EP:218-) ^ (OOC) Osse: OK, if you guys could stop acting like grumpy old women for a minute, I'd like to discuss something ^ (OOC) Alkath grrs at Osse. ^ (OOC) Alkath: No need to insult grumpy old women :(( ^ (OOC) Osse: new idea for a Game. ^:thwacks Osse with his walking stick ^ (OOC) Delin thwacks Osse with his walking stick (-HP:230 EP:216-) Aeldor tells you: does a stuffed corpse work? ^ (OOC) Osse: I'd like to get your feedback on it. ^ (OOC) Zoso: shoot tell aeldor nope, i want a head You tell Aeldor: nope, i want a head (-HP:230 EP:217-) ^ (OOC) Alkath: Counterstrike? Aeldor tells you: *nod* Editted: Osse talking about his new scavenger hunt... ^ (OOC) Pollux: So Delin, is this a serious contract? ^ (OOC) Flyden: Viva Revolution! ^of course ^ (OOC) Delin: of course (-HP:230 EP:224-) ^ (OOC) Pollux: Any FRA alts gonna be seeking out their own means through the society? ^ (OOC) Pollux: Thats right shirley, we do see right through it. ^huh what? ^ (OOC) Delin: huh what? (-HP:230 EP:221-) Alkath tells you: he is saying that the society is full of FRA alts Alkath tells you: and a fra alt therefor will take out the 50k C for you! ^ (OOC) Osse: I also have to work on better prizes. ^why do people always think we need alts to pick on other people? :P ^ (OOC) Delin: why do people always think we need alts to pick on other people? :P (-HP:230 EP:222-) tell alkath yeah that doesnt make much sense tho You tell Alkath: yeah that doesnt make much sense tho (-HP:230 EP:224-) ^ (OOC) Etrius: the Society is more likely to be affiliated with someone else than FRA Alkath tells you: well, noone ever said he did tell alkath heh You tell Alkath: heh (-HP:230 EP:228-) ^ (OOC) Zoso: make the prizes have real game impact. like a stats bonus for 2 hours or such. dont hand out lame medals or ainur ale. that would be my suggestion. ^ (OOC) Alkath: The Society is actually a branch of Galadhrim ^ (OOC) Osse nods at Zoso. That would also be the hardest thing to get approved, but the fight might be worth it. We'll see. ^ (OOC) Esteban: suck my society alkath More editted stuff about the scavenger hunt... Carbine tells you: Serious about that 50k? ^ (OOC) Rehoboam: random idea :P ll carbine Carbine the dunedain Link to the Past On for: 5h 7m Gender: male Age: 22d 12h 11m 22s (-HP:230 EP:230-) tell carbine yep You tell Carbine: yep (-HP:230 EP:230-) Carbine tells you: How long until it isn't valid any more? Carbine tells you: I could make it happen, possibly :) ^ (OOC) Foxxx: how would that be beneficial in any way? ^ (OOC) Rehoboam: it wouldnt tell carbine dawn of next day You tell Carbine: dawn of next day (-HP:230 EP:230-) ^ (OOC) Rehoboam: at all ^ (OOC) Osse: The idea behind Kudos was that you'd be able to trade them in for cool stuff. Carbine tells you: Stay online! More comm spam editted out... now about kudos and whatnot. Pounder comes back from afk. ^ (OOC) Pounder: Well shit, I am not gonna read all that commhist. ^ (OOC) Osse grins. ^ (OOC) Vermond: But of course, thanks the MC experience, representative democracy is widely hated here. ^ (OOC) Vermond: -thanks to ^ (OOC) Osse: Or I could just arbitrate it. ^ (OOC) Pounder: zoso were you reading the comm? Can you summarize? ^ (OOC) Pounder: Or delin ^ (OOC) Vermond: The problem with immortals arbitrating things is that they're often out of touch with the latest occurrences in mud and who stands where. ^ (OOC) Osse: very true. ^summary: osse is making a funky scavenger hunt, and some dude is offering 50k for pollux's head ^ (OOC) Delin: summary: osse is making a funky scavenger hunt, and some dude is offering 50k for pollux's head (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^ (OOC) Zoso: it's water under the bridge why do you want to know what people said. just start here. ^ (OOC) Pounder: 50k!? lol I am sure people don't need that much. More comm spam about guilds and fade etc, usual stuff... when... Carbine tells you: Got the head - DEATH ONE Carbine tells you: Meet where? ll pollux Pollux the dunlending Master Assassin (Villainous) On for: 1h 3m 50s Gender: male Age: 28d 1h 30m 32s Info: The road is long and this man is weary, but the strong always press on.  (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^ (OOC) Vermond: Arathorny, ever tried buying a DWH or fang from shop? :P tell carbine MT 4 You tell Carbine: MT 4 (-HP:230 EP:226-) ^ (OOC) Arathorny: I am not questing if I should buy it or not, I am just not find any logic in it ^ (OOC) Arathorny: questioning, I mean Carbine tells you: There in a moment ^ (OOC) Osse: Logic is a crutch of the weak-minded! embrace randomness, it gives life that exciting edge! ^ (OOC) Arathorny: dwh is the same... ^ (OOC) Vermond: Well it is not solely the amount of hack & slash it can do that determines its value find pollux Your find attempt fails. (-HP:230 EP:220-) find pollux Your find attempt fails. (-HP:230 EP:210-) find pollux You extend your eye but the vision is too blurred to make out anything. (-HP:230 EP:190-) ll carbine Carbine the dunedain Link to the Past On for: 5h 26m 42s Gender: male Age: 22d 12h 30m 42s (-HP:230 EP:190-) ll pollux ^ (OOC) Arathorny: so what it is more? :) Pollux the dunlending Master Assassin (Villainous) On for: 1h 4m 52s Gender: male Age: 28d 1h 31m 34s Info: The road is long and this man is weary, but the strong always press on. (-HP:230 EP:191-) Carbine tells you: Invite ^ (OOC) Vermond: Cost of production, the value of materials in it, demand for it, etc. Carbine tells you: Below your mt4 inn d Your actions interrupt your rest. The Rutting Walrus Inn(u and e)  Carbine the dunedain Link to the Past  A trash can  A drunk man stands near the bar  A bored bartender polishes a glass with a rag (-HP:230 EP:192-) Carbine bows suavely. autoaccept carbine You will now autoaccept items from Carbine for the remainder of this login. (-HP:230 EP:192-) ^ (OOC) Osse: Quick poll: is fixing the values of the few strangely priced items the most important thing balance should be focused on? roar You roar loudly! (-HP:230 EP:192-) ^ (OOC) Arathorny: are you kidding? Carbine gets the bloody, severed head of Pollux from an Orc courier pack. Carbine looks at the bloody, severed head of Pollux. ^ (OOC) Rehoboam: haha Carbine puts the bloody, severed head of Pollux into an Orc courier pack. ^ (OOC) Arathorny: YES! woot You go WOOT WOOT WOOT! (-HP:230 EP:193-) l carbine Carbine has the look of a seasoned adventurer. Carbine has completed the trials of the Moria Maze! Carbine is widely known as a dragon slayer. He is carrying: A vial of vigour. A reddish-brown keyring containing 8 keys (worn). A simple snakeskin sheath containing a vicious curved broadsword (worn). A studded green baldric (worn). A small silver ring (worn). A large black cloak (worn). A swordsman's baldric (worn). A magnificent moon shield (worn). A crystal in the shape of the Eye (worn). A crystal in the shape of the Eye (worn). An Orc courier pack (worn). A radiant mithril shirt (worn). A pair of radiant steel gauntlets (worn). A radiant steel helm (worn). A pair of radiant steel pants (worn). A spellbook. (-HP:230 EP:193-) Carbine says in Westron: I demand the gold :) ^ (OOC) Osse: OK, we have 1 yes, and a haha. ^ (OOC) Arathorny: anyway, you agree with me. That is a start 'head first! You say in Westron: head first! (-HP:230 EP:194-) Carbine hmms. ^ (OOC) Vermond: make the haha 2 Carbine says in Westron: How do I know you're paying? ^ (OOC) Arathorny: can I vote again? 'how do i know you're giving? You say in Westron: how do i know you're giving? (-HP:230 EP:194-) ^ (OOC) Osse: I agree with you that the prices are a bit strange. I don't agree that anyone should give a crap. Carbine says in Westron: Lets say 5k gold first, then head Carbine says in Westron: Then the rest shake You shake your head. (-HP:230 EP:195-) Drunk burps. ^ (OOC) Vermond: now that's our Osse. ^ (OOC) Osse: but that's just me! file a balance bit on it, maybe your wildest dreams will come true. Drunk burps. 'well take care then You say in Westron: well take care then (-HP:230 EP:197-) u A filthy bedroom(d)  A trash can (-HP:230 EP:197-) rest You sit back, relax, and enjoy a nice rest. (-HP:230 EP:197-) Carbine tells you: I'll make sure there are followups though, if you're  doublecrossing Carbine tells you: So come down tell carbine followups? doublecrossing? sorry my english is poor You tell Carbine: followups? doublecrossing? sorry my english is poor (-HP:230 EP:199-) Carbine tells you: Come down, have the head here d Your actions interrupt your rest. The Rutting Walrus Inn(u and e)  Carbine the dunedain Link to the Past  A trash can  A drunk man stands near the bar  A bored bartender polishes a glass with a rag (-HP:230 EP:201-) Carbine gives you the bloody, severed head of Pollux. l head This is the severed head of Pollux. It has been ruthlessly  mutilated from its corpse, and there is blood staining the skin  and the hair. It looks like the former owner of this head was  brutally executed. (-HP:230 EP:201-) ^ (OOC) Arathorny: no I won't. I would do it at my work but not here. You, ainu, know well what things are wrong. If you know it, then you should make your todo list and fix things 'nice You say in Westron: nice (-HP:230 EP:202-) Carbine tells you: If this is a trick, I will even the scores. That's what  I'm saying glance The Rutting Walrus Inn(u and e)  Carbine the dunedain Link to the Past  A trash can  A drunk man stands near the bar  A bored bartender polishes a glass with a rag (-HP:230 EP:202-) ^ (OOC) Osse: So noted. 'i coded that quest You say in Westron: i coded that quest (-HP:230 EP:203-) smirk You smirk in amusement. (-HP:230 EP:203-) Carbine thinks that is really cool. 'you like it? You say in Westron: you like it? (-HP:230 EP:203-) Carbine says in Westron: Absolutely ^ (OOC) Ithilcalad: So can we get rid of the password yet? Carbine says in Westron: I like the whole combination thing 'i wanted something much better but they didnt let me do something better for newbie quest ^ (OOC) Arathorny: nod, thank you. btw, in my work, if I claim verbally to my boss about something wrong, it has the same results as if I write it in paper You say in Westron: i wanted something much better but they didnt let me do something better for newbie quest (-HP:230 EP:204-) ^ (OOC) Osse: If we put that as the next-todo on the list, we should get round to it, considering current staffing, in about 2011. Carbine says in Westron: Oh, newbie quest nod You nod. (-HP:230 EP:205-) Carbine says in Westron: Quite a lot of rooms for newbie quest Carbine says in Westron: Nice work Max says in Westron: Are you going to rent one of our rooms? Carbine covers Max's mouth. bribe max You bribe Max with 5 gold. Max grows quiet, counting the money. (-HP:230 EP:206-) wink You wink. (-HP:230 EP:206-) Drunk man raises a glass high in the air! Carbine says in Westron: Now then Carbine says in Westron: I would like to claim my gold 'ok so here's the deal, i will pay your fines and give you 3k Here comes the pain :P You say in Westron: ok so here's the deal, i will pay your fines and give you 3k (-HP:230 EP:206-) Carbine shakes his head. ^ (OOC) Quiauh: can i get some examples of some strangely priced items so i know what this is about? ^ (OOC) Arathorny: so I consider speaking to you here it is the same. If you want this game better. All in all is your game and you must make it better for me and other players. Otherwise we leave Carbine says in Westron: You promised me 50k ^ (OOC) Arathorny: :D ^ (OOC) Osse: Do you work in an organization where all of management is part time volunteers, who can leave/retire at any time without repercussion? 'life is tough. that's all i have to offer You say in Westron: life is tough. that's all i have to offer (-HP:230 EP:208-) ^ (OOC) Ithilcalad doesn't. Carbine says in Westron: My fines are 10k, first of all uh You uh huh, sure sure. (-HP:230 EP:209-) Drunk staggers around. 'you havent pkilled in ages, except for the sexy lock in mordor You say in Westron: you havent pkilled in ages, except for the sexy lock in mordor (-HP:230 EP:210-) 'congrats on that btw, loved it You say in Westron: congrats on that btw, loved it (-HP:230 EP:210-) ^ (OOC) Korbin: I like potatoes 'brb i gotta drop my head on the bed You say in Westron: brb i gotta drop my head on the bed (-HP:230 EP:211-) u A filthy bedroom(d)  A trash can (-HP:230 EP:211-) d head Ok. (-HP:230 EP:211-) daytime It is night in Middle-earth. (-HP:230 EP:211-) d The Rutting Walrus Inn(u and e)  Carbine the dunedain Link to the Past  A trash can  A drunk man stands near the bar  A bored bartender polishes a glass with a rag (-HP:230 EP:211-) i Gold: 94 Encumbrance: unencumbered You are carrying the following on your person: (-HP:230 EP:211-) ^ (OOC) Ithilcalad: I like french fried taters Carbine says in Westron: You aware Durms probably will attack FRA for  this? Carbine says in Westron: Just for the record, I'm not a Durm 'so what do durms have to do with it? :P You say in Westron: so what do durms have to do with it? :P (-HP:230 EP:213-) Carbine says in Westron: Pollux is Durm 'oh right You say in Westron: oh right (-HP:230 EP:214-) 'well im offering you a good deal, which would make you earn 3k You say in Westron: well im offering you a good deal, which would make you earn 3k (-HP:230 EP:215-) 'so durms would be pissed even if i pay you i guess You say in Westron: so durms would be pissed even if i pay you i guess (-HP:230 EP:216-) Carbine says in Westron: And you're backing out on both your words uptime The Two Towers has been up for 1d 19h 49m 47s. (-HP:230 EP:218-) 'well, you have my last offer. send a tell if you decide to accept it You say in Westron: well, you have my last offer. send a tell if you decide to accept it (-HP:230 EP:219-) tip You tip your hat. (-HP:230 EP:219-) u A filthy bedroom(d)  The bloody, severed head of Pollux  A trash can (-HP:230 EP:219-) get head Ok. (-HP:230 EP:219-) i Gold: 94 Encumbrance: unencumbered You are carrying the following on your person: The bloody, severed head of Pollux (in hands). (-HP:230 EP:219-) Carbine tells you: First off my fines are 10k. I merely don't post logs in  general. Secondly you offered 50k. Carbine tells you: You are going back on both your promises tell carbine and you are lying to me, so we're kinda even :) You tell Carbine: and you are lying to me, so we're kinda even :) (-HP:230 EP:221-) Need some gold to rent a box for my toy... (-HP:230 EP:222-) d The Rutting Walrus Inn(u and e)  Carbine the dunedain Link to the Past  A trash can  A drunk man stands near the bar  A bored bartender polishes a glass with a rag (-HP:230 EP:222-) e The streets of Minas Tirith(w, sw, ne and gate) (-HP:230 EP:222-) do ne,4n,nw,gate Do: starting commands. (-HP:230 EP:222-) The streets of Minas Tirith(sw, e and n) (-HP:230 EP:222-) The streets of Minas Tirith(e, s and n) (-HP:230 EP:222-) A dark tunnel through the embrasure(s and n)  A dying soldier (-HP:230 EP:222-) The streets of Minas Tirith(w, s and n) (-HP:230 EP:222-) The streets of Minas Tirith(e, s and nw) (-HP:230 EP:222-) The streets of Minas Tirith(se, s, gate and nw)  A tall guard of Minas Tirith [2] (-HP:230 EP:222-) As you near the gate, a guard steps forward and halts you. The guard asks you for the password to advance to the next level. You whisper the password to him, to ensure that no one hears. The guard looks at you, seeming to judge not only your answer,  but also to judge your person and your allegiance. After a moment of thought, the guard waves you through. The streets of Minas Tirith(se, gate and nw) (-HP:230 EP:222-) Do: Commands completed. (-HP:230 EP:222-) nw w w sw The streets of Minas Tirith(w and se) (-HP:230 EP:222-) sw s Carbine tells you: Only way you could even check my fines are through  illegal means He thinks I used an ainu to check his fines. This proves he was lying about it. w The streets of Minas Tirith(w, e and n) (-HP:230 EP:222-) The streets of Minas Tirith(w, sw and e) (-HP:230 EP:222-) The streets of Minas Tirith(sw, ne and nw) (-HP:230 EP:222-) The streets of Minas Tirith(w, ne and s) (-HP:230 EP:222-) The streets of Minas Tirith(w, s and n) (-HP:230 EP:222-) You open the west door. The Fellowship's Hall(out)  Raphial the Fellowship's Master You close the out door. (-HP:230 EP:222-) out You open the out door. The streets of Minas Tirith(w, s and n) You close the west door. (-HP:230 EP:222-) n ne The streets of Minas Tirith(w, ne and s) (-HP:230 EP:222-) ne The streets of Minas Tirith(sw, ne and nw) (-HP:230 EP:222-) e e The streets of Minas Tirith(w, sw and e) (-HP:230 EP:222-) se The streets of Minas Tirith(w, e and n) (-HP:230 EP:223-) The streets of Minas Tirith(w and se) (-HP:230 EP:223-) The streets of Minas Tirith(se, gate and nw) (-HP:230 EP:223-) do gate,se,4s,sw Do: starting commands. (-HP:230 EP:223-) The streets of Minas Tirith(se, s, gate and nw)  A tall guard of Minas Tirith [2] (-HP:230 EP:223-) The streets of Minas Tirith(e, s and nw) (-HP:230 EP:223-) The streets of Minas Tirith(w, s and n) (-HP:230 EP:223-) A dark tunnel through the embrasure(s and n)  A dying soldier (-HP:230 EP:223-) The streets of Minas Tirith(e, s and n) (-HP:230 EP:223-) The streets of Minas Tirith(sw, e and n) (-HP:230 EP:223-) The streets of Minas Tirith(w, sw, ne and gate) (-HP:230 EP:223-) Do: Commands completed. (-HP:230 EP:223-) do gate,2ne,4n,2nw Do: starting commands. (-HP:230 EP:223-) se ne A large gate(sw, ne and gate)  A tall guard of Minas Tirith [2] (-HP:230 EP:223-) A city street(se, sw, ne and nw)  A citizen of Minas Tirith (-HP:230 EP:223-) A city street(sw and n) (-HP:230 EP:223-) A city street(w, e, s and n)  A citizen of Minas Tirith [2] (-HP:230 EP:223-) A tunnel(s and n) (-HP:230 EP:223-) The entrance to the Great Hall of the Guard(se, e, enter, s and n)  A citizen of Minas Tirith  A cheerful dog  A High Guard of Minas Tirith [2] (-HP:230 EP:223-) A city street(ne, s and nw)  A citizen of Minas Tirith [2] (-HP:230 EP:223-) A city street(se, ne and nw) (-HP:230 EP:223-) A large gate(se, gate and nw)  A citizen of Minas Tirith  A shady looking character (-HP:230 EP:223-) Do: Commands completed. (-HP:230 EP:223-) A city street(se, ne and nw) (-HP:230 EP:223-) Damn thieves in my city, nothing left to steal. The Bank(sw)  A bank teller stands behind the counter (-HP:230 EP:223-) withdraw 200 You withdraw 200 gold. The bank takes 10 gold in fees from your account balance. You get 200 gold. Your current balance is 200163 gold. (-HP:230 EP:223-) sw nw You open the southwest door. A city street(se, ne and nw) (-HP:230 EP:223-) A large gate(se, gate and nw)  A citizen of Minas Tirith  A shady looking character (-HP:230 EP:223-) do 2se,4s,2sw,gate Do: starting commands. (-HP:230 EP:223-) w A city street(se, ne and nw) (-HP:230 EP:223-) A city street(ne, s and nw)  A citizen of Minas Tirith [2] (-HP:230 EP:223-) The entrance to the Great Hall of the Guard(se, e, enter, s and n)  A citizen of Minas Tirith  A cheerful dog  A High Guard of Minas Tirith [2] (-HP:230 EP:223-) A tunnel(s and n) (-HP:230 EP:223-) A city street(w, e, s and n)  A citizen of Minas Tirith [2] (-HP:230 EP:223-) A city street(sw and n) (-HP:230 EP:223-) A city street(se, sw, ne and nw)  A citizen of Minas Tirith (-HP:230 EP:223-) A large gate(sw, ne and gate)  A tall guard of Minas Tirith [2] (-HP:230 EP:223-) As you near the gate, a guard steps forward and halts you. The guard asks you for the password to advance to the next level. You whisper the password to him, to ensure that no one hears. The guard looks at you, seeming to judge not only your answer,  but also to judge your person and your allegiance. After a moment of thought, the guard waves you through. The streets of Minas Tirith(w, sw, ne and gate) (-HP:230 EP:223-) Do: Commands completed. (-HP:230 EP:223-) The Rutting Walrus Inn(u and e)  Carbine the dunedain Link to the Past  A trash can  A drunk man stands near the bar  A bored bartender polishes a glass with a rag (-HP:230 EP:223-) Carbine tells you: So I can go ahead and report you then start war on FRA? rent tiny box Thank you! Your box is in your room. (-HP:230 EP:223-) u A filthy bedroom(d)  A tiny strongbox  A trash can (-HP:230 EP:223-) d head into box Ok. (-HP:230 EP:224-) i box Gold: 169 Encumbrance: unencumbered You dig around in the strongbox and find: The strongbox is less than half full. The bloody, severed head of Pollux. (-HP:230 EP:224-) tell carbine well AA gonna war FRA? or what? You tell Carbine: well AA gonna war FRA? or what? (-HP:230 EP:226-) Carbine tells you: Since when am I AA? Carbine tells you: I don't need a guild to wage war tell carbine ah ok. well i dont care either way. you have my offer. do whatever you want :) You tell Carbine: ah ok. well i dont care either way. you have my offer. do whatever you want :) (-HP:230 EP:227-) Carbine tells you: And I'm waiting for the 13k, so go ahead and give it Pollux tells you: couldnt kill me yourself so you had to send your boys  huh? tell pollux sorry i dont stain my hands with your dirty blood :) You tell Pollux: sorry i dont stain my hands with your dirty blood :) (-HP:230 EP:230-) In the distance, you hear a deep *BOOM* as Grond tests the strength of the Gates of Gondor. i Gold: 169 Encumbrance: unencumbered You are carrying the following on your person: (-HP:230 EP:230-) In the distance, you can hear a mighty *BOOM* as Grond strikes upon the Great Gates of Gondor. Pollux tells you: thats probably because at our last encounter I owned you  and you had 3 breaks within 10 rooms In the distance, you can hear a mighty *BOOM* as Grond strikes upon the Great Gates of Gondor again. ^ (OOC) Skyman: Pollux - DEATH TWO tell pollux yeah pity i died. oh well shit happens. i dont blame you for it Pollux is in no shape to receive any messages. (-HP:230 EP:230-) ll pollux Pollux the dunlending Death Dealer (Villainous) On for: 1h 15m 54s Gender: male Age: 28d 1h 41m 26s Info: The road is long and this man is weary, but the strong always press on.  (-HP:230 EP:230-) Pollux tells you: oh well, you probably brought yourself war There is a terrible *BOOM* as Grond breaks through the Gates of Minas Tirith, with a mighty *CRACK*! ^damn i was talking to him you bastard! ^ (OOC) Delin: damn i was talking to him you bastard! (-HP:230 EP:225-) Pollux tells you: your tells etc Pollux tells you: carbines willing to talk to manni get head from box Ok. (-HP:230 EP:225-) hands You have two hands. You are holding the bloody, severed head of Pollux (in hands) You have one free hand. (-HP:230 EP:225-) i Gold: 169 Encumbrance: unencumbered You are carrying the following on your person: The bloody, severed head of Pollux (in hands). (-HP:230 EP:226-) d head into box Ok. (-HP:230 EP:226-) tell pollux okay? You tell Pollux: okay? (-HP:230 EP:226-) Pollux tells you: oh yeah, you definitely cant publicly contract members,  admit to it etc Pollux tells you: you are looking at a whole lot of trouble The sun has risen, and it is time to check out of the inn. If you would like to keep your room another day, please return to the inn desk in Minas Tirith, level 4 and rent room again. tell pollux ok :) You tell Pollux: ok :) (-HP:230 EP:228-) d The Rutting Walrus Inn(u and e)  Carbine the dunedain Link to the Past  A trash can  A drunk man stands near the bar  A bored bartender polishes a glass with a rag (-HP:230 EP:228-) rent room Your box has been moved to your new room. The bartender takes your gold and examines it in the light. After turning the coins over a few times in his hands and accepting their legitimacy, he slips them into his pocket and points a finger up the rotting stairs. (-HP:230 EP:228-) u A filthy bedroom(d)  A tiny strongbox  A trash can (-HP:230 EP:228-) Pollux tells you: for your guild that is, which is fine Carbine tells you: Get going. I want my gold tell pollux OK :) You tell Pollux: OK :) (-HP:230 EP:229-) Pollux tells you: there are a few people who have wanted war for a while  now tell skyman how did you kill him this time? :P You tell Skyman: how did you kill him this time? :P (-HP:230 EP:230-) Skyman tells you: with a weap bought from shop, naed tell carbine your fines aren't 10k, you're lying so i wont do business with you You tell Carbine: your fines aren't 10k, you're lying so i wont do business with you (-HP:230 EP:230-) tell skyman haha nice You tell Skyman: haha nice (-HP:230 EP:230-) tell skyman The bloody, severed head of Pollux (in hands). Carbine tells you: I'm not lying, why would you even say that? You tell Skyman: The bloody, severed head of Pollux (in hands). (-HP:230 EP:230-) Skyman tells you: lol tell skyman :P Skyman tells you: what with You tell Skyman: :P (-HP:230 EP:230-) tell skyman a sword You tell Skyman: a sword (-HP:230 EP:230-) Carbine tells you: a) because you don't want to pay, you tricked us from  start. or b) you are cheating through checking code Carbine tells you: Pick one, or pay up Carbine tells you: I'm not dropping this either way, whichever you do tell carbine oh yeah im a bastard huh You tell Carbine: oh yeah im a bastard huh (-HP:230 EP:230-) Carbine tells you: Sticking with that then tell carbine im offering you a deal to get some money, pay your fines and 3k. that should be 5k at most You tell Carbine: im offering you a deal to get some money, pay your fines and 3k. that should be 5k at most (-HP:230 EP:230-) tell carbine who hunted for you btw? You tell Carbine: who hunted for you btw? (-HP:230 EP:230-) Carbine tells you: I have your answer. Alert your guild tell carbine haha, im sure people can take care of themselves :P You tell Carbine: haha, im sure people can take care of themselves :P (-HP:230 EP:230-) ^i will be giving gold for another of pollux's head. im building a collection ^ (OOC) Delin: i will be giving gold for another of pollux's head. im building a collection (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^scavenger hunt! ^ (OOC) Delin: scavenger hunt! (-HP:230 EP:222-) ^ (OOC) Carbine: Btw, the whole 'kill pollux and get his head for 50k thing'. Delin didn't pay ^erm. liar ^ (OOC) Delin: erm. liar (-HP:230 EP:218-) wg The Two Towers Delin the dunedain Crime Lord (Angelic) (free) Total guildmates: 1 Total users: 64 (-HP:230 EP:220-) ^ (OOC) Carbine: Yeah, clearly I would lie about that if I did get 50k from you. Heh ^oh good point. well bring me another head and i will pay you this time ^ (OOC) Delin: oh good point. well bring me another head and i will pay you this time More editted spam, talking to Skyman, he wants to be paid too. Tokin tells you: Carbine tells me he wants the gold you promised him. What  happened? Pollux tells you: rotfl, Pollux tells you: carbine doesnt want trouble with us, Pollux tells you: nor his guild, my guild etc Pollux tells you: so he gave us all the tells Pollux tells you: ROTFL! tell pollux ok? You tell Pollux: ok? (-HP:230 EP:230-) tell tokin told him id give 50k for some dude's head, so he bring me the head so then i dont give him the gold You tell Tokin: told him id give 50k for some dude's head, so he bring me the head so then i dont give him the gold (-HP:230 EP:230-) tell tokin and now he's all like OMGZ RAWRZ WAR! and stuff *shrug* Tokin tells you: hehe, ok? Tokin tells you: you order a hit and don't pay? You tell Tokin: and now he's all like OMGZ RAWRZ WAR! and stuff *shrug* (-HP:230 EP:230-) Skyman tells you: whyd u need his head I had told him I'd pay for Pollux's head, not his death... Skyman tells you: u cant have his head without him being dead right Skyman tells you: i killed him ^ (OOC) Osse: I sure was ^ (OOC) Osse: er, am Skyman tells you: whatever Skyman tells you: you uck ^ (OOC) Zantos: Whats for entertainment today Osse! ^ (OOC) Osse: Good question! Tokin tells you: Yeah. You couldnot like just offer to pay fines or  soemthing? He's a bit edgy that one. ^ (OOC) Osse: the scavenger race I mentioned earlier would take a bit of coding, so that won't do ^ (OOC) Osse: until this bloody lag clears though, not much I can do tell tokin well he clearly made a deal with pollux to give him gold. when i offered to pay fines he said his fines were 10k which is a lie, so no deal :P You tell Tokin: well he clearly made a deal with pollux to give him gold. when i offered to pay fines he said his fines were 10k which is a lie, so no deal :P (-HP:230 EP:230-) ^that was some hardcore lag, am i the only one feeling it? ^ (OOC) Delin: that was some hardcore lag, am i the only one feeling it? (-HP:230 EP:225-) ^ (OOC) Osse: no, I am too. Doesn't seem to be on our server. Tokin tells you: Well if i get killed ove this you pay ME :P ^ (OOC) Zantos: I feeling smooth and loose O.o Tokin tells you: Hahah. ^ (OOC) Zantos: Ok.....I just lagged hell after that comment... tell tokin well he should know better than trust a thief :P You tell Tokin: well he should know better than trust a thief :P (-HP:230 EP:228-) Alexa tells you: a dwarven mining pack is now on sale as lot 333, minimum  bid 200 gold store shoes! Tokin tells you: he should, but it's notlike we need war now. I do not  know what guild he is, but it Tokin tells you: it's not good right now. ^ (OOC) Osse: getting some packet loss on the ping. tell tokin im kidding, i was really going to pay, but i cant if he doesnt show proof that he didnt make a deal with pollux to give him gold You tell Tokin: im kidding, i was really going to pay, but i cant if he doesnt show proof that he didnt make a deal with pollux to give him gold (-HP:230 EP:230-) tell tokin or else it will be like, he gives pollux gold and the guy picks on me for giving him free gold You tell Tokin: or else it will be like, he gives pollux gold and the guy picks on me for giving him free gold (-HP:230 EP:230-) Tokin tells you: ok. what kind of proof are we looking to get? tell tokin i dont know really. i tried to get into a deal with him but all i heard were threats You tell Tokin: i dont know really. i tried to get into a deal with him but all i heard were threats (-HP:230 EP:230-) Skyman tells you: so Skyman tells you: how do i behead tell skyman you need a special sword Skyman tells you: so you give me 50k? Tokin tells you: what dealdo you want? Ill talk to him if you want. You tell Skyman: you need a special sword (-HP:230 EP:230-) Skyman tells you: gimme half tell skyman you're greedy :P You tell Skyman: you're greedy :P (-HP:230 EP:230-) Skyman tells you: what weap u need tell tokin i told him already, fines plus 3k, which shouldnt go over 5k most likely, since he never does any pk You tell Tokin: i told him already, fines plus 3k, which shouldnt go over 5k most likely, since he never does any pk (-HP:230 EP:230-) Skyman tells you: what sworf Tokin tells you: He doesn't? I just saw that log he posted. ^ (OOC) Sicarius: Eww I have a Power showing up under "who friend" tell tokin that was mordor, in self-defense You tell Tokin: that was mordor, in self-defense (-HP:230 EP:230-) ^ (OOC) Osse: kill it! tell tokin it doesnt raise your fines :P Tokin tells you: true :P tell tokin damn fuckin lag :P *whines* You tell Tokin: it doesnt raise your fines :P (-HP:230 EP:230-) ^ (OOC) Strathic: I think wg ^ (OOC) Strathic: He means you.. Tokin tells you: yeah... i should know. :P You tell Tokin: damn fuckin lag :P *whines* (-HP:230 EP:230-) ^ (OOC) Osse acks ^ (OOC) Osse: well, that won't do. $im too much lagged, i will be back later *tips* 1sleep The Two Towers Delin the dunedain Crime Lord (Angelic) (free) Tokin Oldbuck the hobbit Bard (Impartial) (free) Sicarius NeoRayne the dunlending for make benefit glorious Fellowship of R (free) Total guildmates: 3 Total users: 63 (-HP:230 EP:230-) [ Rimbor-Anim ] Delin: im too much lagged, i will be back later *tips* (-HP:230 EP:227-) [ Rimbor-Anim ] Tokin: see you around. Do: starting commands. (-HP:230 EP:229-) You curl up and drift off to sleep. ---------------------------- THE END ----------------------------