Aryl & Syra

Posted by
Aeldor [legacy]
11 July 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Aryl likes death at any cost.


  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    19 July 2008 08:05:44

    I reckon you're a fucking liar btw, Bakling. Just like you were a pro football player and water skier.

    Now Vie, that dude IS actually in special forces. own.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    19 July 2008 04:02:47

    You see, occasionally there are reasons to check past the first page of logs :)

    I like it. is also pretty decent, though the humour isn't quite as good.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    19 July 2008 02:15:17

    Holy shit Formid, that site is fucking hilarious.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    18 July 2008 13:49:29

    (Yeah it's a wow comic but the joke fits)

    I think we should rename Miroth 'Donald'

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 July 2008 01:59:08

    The shards were only working for items with an id 'boot', I found this between gmedits (guildpants had been changed to boots but hadn't been re-desced) and asked a couple ainur if the shards were id-based (I believe it was Mathias and Galuf from memory :P). I don't know when you used the panther boots but either they didn't have id boot (wtf?) or, if postchange, they didn't cover the foot slot (wtf?), or else someone specifically planned for you to die there knowing you'd wear those boots just like the voices in your head have been telling you.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 00:18:45

    I hang platemail on my cock but whats your point! That still shouldn't protect me from walking over glass!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    17 July 2008 22:15:48

    i dunno about you pounder, but i wear boots on my wrists.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    17 July 2008 21:59:06

    Honestly, they are too stupid to figure out to just simply do a check on armour slots (you know how armour checks to make sure you aren't wearing more than one on each type) and base it off that.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    17 July 2008 12:19:01

    The soul of the panther just doesn't love you anymore.

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    17 July 2008 11:52:04

    Why a bug? The panther boots are soft and stealthy and don't offer protection against sharp objects like shards of glass.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    17 July 2008 10:27:45

    dude, pk became a lost art before you even got in on the scene :p

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    17 July 2008 06:16:22

    I've seen Kelevra out and about, and apparently somehow Vermond was actually involved in a playerkill the other day... Herakles rolls around once in a while, but at least refuses to ever play with me :( Other than that, no, the pendulum has swung much too far in the opposite extreme (as opposed to BPs). PK is basically a lost art. Hurrah.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    17 July 2008 06:14:51

    Mathias and Galuf randomly decided they should tamper with MT Glass. Apparently the motive was to allow legging type armour that covers the 'feet' armour slot to protect you from the damage as well. This was fine and dandy, but their new 'filter' failed to pick up on at least one pair of boots: the assassin panther boots. How was this brought to their attention? Murray killed me on MT glass shortly after the original change, knowing I was wearing boots. Yet he hit his alias anyway, and I died. Suspicious? My bug report was rewarded with 272 gold. After that, they decided it was too hard to fix the code itself, or maybe they were too lazy. In the end, they just decided to make it only hurt you for 10 HP a login. Balance FTW! Rumour has it Mathias is actually on the lookout for other terrain advantages, like MT Oven, Osg guards, etc... he wants to remove all of the non-lock-up defensive PK tactics from the game. I ask you, why?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 July 2008 05:34:57

    You know the Ainur hate you right? They hate you all with a passion. That's why they do these things.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    17 July 2008 03:36:58

    It's almost impossible for thieves to steal from Eored's anymore, even with a mixed potion/amulets. BD level 4 was taken off, less npcs=less gold. And nerfing shards is just bullshit :P

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    17 July 2008 00:52:55

    Yay :-)

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    16 July 2008 22:36:27

    Does anyone PK or do anything mildly interesting anymore besides you and Duncan +hangers on?

    Someone sent me a list of the recent updates and I've got to wonder what people are thinking.

    Sounds like they've done something to nerf Eoreds?

    Something with BD to make it harder for thieves (as if being somewhere that 5 guys can come in and kill you for whatever gold you might have on you just for the fun of it isn't hard enough)?

    And what the fuck is with nerfing the shards? Shards have been in the game for years and years with no problems. They only really got overused when the Admins decide that wearing boots meant they wouldn't hurt you.

    So why is the solution to remove the whole trap instead of just the recent thing they added which made it 'unbalanced'??!

    I've been at work for 7 and a half hours with little sleep, excuse the rant! Or don't.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    16 July 2008 22:22:34

    I don't dislike anyone. This is a game. It isn't a personal affront if you get PKed.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    16 July 2008 21:39:08

    Aryl, do you still dislike me? :(

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    16 July 2008 21:15:21

    Oh thanks man, just enjoying summer, looking forward to school, etc. Best of luck with the hobbit-based homosexuality that is that trilogy :)

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    16 July 2008 20:47:03

    Much the same. I'm working the graveyard shift and I've started reading The Lord of the Rings again for the first time in something like 5 years. The movies are way better. More action less stupid poems, shitty songs and people gaying it up as much as they can. How're you doing? Some pretty sweet kills you've been doing lately.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    16 July 2008 20:36:53

    Hmm a mix of both actually Hirgail. How are you doing anyway?

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    16 July 2008 19:16:03

    everyone likes dry humping...except when you let it go on for too long, then you just get sore :( but hey, it's not as easy as you'd think to just have sex at work. sometimes dry humping is as far as you can take it there :/

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    16 July 2008 19:14:35

    let's call it dry humping!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    16 July 2008 17:44:11

    That's not dry mockery. Dry mockery is where you subtly take on your targets persona, position or mannerisms and skew it in such a way as to make them or their argument appear ridiculous.

    Or you could take on the appearance of a sympathiser and embolden them to carry on in an even more outlandish way.

    Perhaps what you mean is dry self deprecation?

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    16 July 2008 17:35:16

    I'm just going to stop posting because no one gets the dry mockery.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    16 July 2008 17:15:53

    Your mom is insecure.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    16 July 2008 17:07:00


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    16 July 2008 16:06:02

    I can't figure out which one of you two is more deeply insecure.... I will make my mind up based upon the next post!

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    16 July 2008 16:01:09

    So people say that you are no expert but you counter by denying that without explanation are one! Come on people, Aryl just figured out how everyone can call themselves experts!

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    16 July 2008 15:40:48

    When you're an expert on a matter, those lines are sufficient Aeldor.

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    16 July 2008 11:19:29

    Pounder is very right. It's funny how Aryl can't come up with anything better than 'You don't know', 'I know better than you', 'That's not right because I say it isn't'.:)

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    16 July 2008 05:56:59

    Please, please tell me that sarcasm and pseudo-irony isn't that hard to pick up these days...

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    16 July 2008 03:33:02

    Jubal idles a lot :P hah!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    16 July 2008 02:04:08

    Hahahahaha, Aryl, do you realize calling people a scrub was done in 1996 and ended around 2000? I suppose you dug up some old ass books or movies and think its awesome. I swear, Aryl doesn't have any sort of ego issue. The sad thing is, most of the good pk'ers on the mud have left to take on ever expanding games where PVP is far more advanced or at least the lines between skilled and not are much much more vast. Its easy to be an active top 10 killer in arda nowdays. There is no real competition, all the good ones idle. :(

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    16 July 2008 01:29:00

    Pounder uses his immature spite of being a tool to motivate his inaccurate comments. GET BENT OVER SCRUB.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 July 2008 21:16:44

    And it is very obvious they were completely owned in this log, they had no clue they didn't have boots and realized much too late complaining about lag this and lag that. Aeldor simply used their immature lust for blood to kill them.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 July 2008 21:14:24

    That was exactly my point Grimscar and Jaron. It was somewhat obvious what he was doing once I saw the log start in the marsh of dale. I wish I had thought of it, its awesome.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    15 July 2008 11:14:43

    Always funny when someone makes an excuse and then in the next sentence says they don't make excuses, lol.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    15 July 2008 11:01:55

    I second what Grim said.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    15 July 2008 10:48:36

    Does anyone got a mythos beta key? If so what do you play, shadowlands, elite, normal, hardcore?

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    15 July 2008 10:30:43

    That was the plan but I had to break at Edoras. Then it turned out they still had no boots:P

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    15 July 2008 10:26:06

    If this was the make him lose his boots and then glass him...

    Then this is one of the best pk logs I've ever read. Cuz that's brilliant.

    If not, its still pretty awesome to even recognize he no longer has boots and is glassable.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    15 July 2008 08:49:30

    oh! I'll look for some.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 July 2008 08:27:18

    eh, there's gameplay videos of D3 floating around.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    15 July 2008 07:30:09

    from the screenshots i've seen in D3, i dont like it that much... but yeah its just the screenshots... cant wait to play.!

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    15 July 2008 06:36:29

    I was kidding Miroth :P

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    14 July 2008 23:45:38

    loth bridge was changed quite a while back, you only get burned once per login.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 July 2008 21:36:36

    Jubal, unfortunately about 1.5 - 2 years. SC2 got announced about 1.5 years ago roughly and it still isn't out (But will be out just as the holiday season comes around of course). I am sure D3 is only partially complete but if its further than SC2 was when it was announced, then it might make next christmas.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    14 July 2008 20:30:01

    you gotta be high :p i don't use big words. i only type a lot when i feel strongly about something, when that happens i have extremely poor grammar, sentence structure, and spelling. i used to drink mac haterade all the time. then i actually got one. i actually use mine less than i use my pc, but the main reason for that is my mac laptop is a few years old now and it doesnt handle age of conan as well. if it were a little more current, i wouldnt use my pc at all.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    14 July 2008 20:10:21

    Man, I was killed twice by the glass when I tried to solo as a sniffer, and *both* times I got extremely laggy right when it started to happen. The first time took me completely by surprise, but the second time I was ready for it and *still* died. Does this shit happen to anyone else?

    Anyways, nice log. It was pretty sweet to see you try to run from Thrands to MT to lure them into a trap. I wonder if they're gonna nerf the Loth bridge next. Or has it been already? Fuck, I don't know, I'm so inactive. :(

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    14 July 2008 17:17:06

    haha @ Pounder. Hey Pounder when will Diablo III be released?

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    14 July 2008 17:15:17


  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 July 2008 08:16:44

    Buy what you want, if you like PC's get one, if you like Mac get one, who the fuck cares, we play a text based game that you can play on anything including a computer built in 1996 (or probably earlier).

  • Author
    Breeze [legacy]
    14 July 2008 07:22:49

    I wouldn't want to fight Baklen in real life... dangerous.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    14 July 2008 04:44:50

    Miroth's relentless crushing blows to his opponents and use of big words has convinced me.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    13 July 2008 23:50:20

    [new] Date: 13. Jul, 2008, 17:57:14 By: Mirnac

    lol. You people are hillarious. It all comes down to what your using your comp for. if your talking games a PC can get 100times the power that a mac can. If your talking video editing cading and such now days they are pretty close since mac uses mostely PC parts in there comps nowdays. But having a discussion about what is best is just stupid, wont lead anywhere.

    Another moron. Those distinctions are no longer there. And the main reason is the fact that both platforms run on pretty much the same hardware. There are plenty of high quality video and audio editing suites available for PC that can do everything the ones available for a mac can do. Just like there are plenty of games that run superbly on a mac. And if the game is not mac compatible, you boot into windows and you run it better than a regular windows machine can run it :P The difference is that macs are built to run both operating systems and run head to head with anything. A machine that is built specifically for windows can't run macos without massive tweaking and driver hunting.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    13 July 2008 21:17:40


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    13 July 2008 19:13:22


  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    13 July 2008 18:56:10

    The only thing that the Iraqis will know when Baklen is shipped there that THE STORM IS COMING! They'll cower in fear and Baklen will win it for us.

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    13 July 2008 18:50:58

    nope and agrees with mirnac

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    13 July 2008 18:38:21

    Am I the only one that finds the idea of Baklen carrying live ammunition and being deployed to areas like Iraq very disturbing?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    13 July 2008 18:27:07


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 July 2008 18:00:39

    Join bkd noobs, it's the cool thing to do:)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 July 2008 17:59:05

    I'm in camp lejune atm. Just made guide again of my platoon. I'm in school of infantry, I'm up for a promotion again to an e3. A year in a half ahead of schedule. Check this, I'm not even supposed to be here. I was supposed to go to california for the rip program for reconn. So when I graduate this school I hit a 13month schooling for special forces.

    This shit is the SHIT. I can't log in due to a firewall but I'll keep in touch. Everyone keep it real and enjoy the game, I miss you degenerates immensely:) I'll have a scanner soon so I can show you some of the helio jumps and raids I've done in training. Shit is off the hook:)

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    13 July 2008 17:57:14

    lol. You people are hillarious. It all comes down to what your using your comp for. if your talking games a PC can get 100times the power that a mac can. If your talking video editing cading and such now days they are pretty close since mac uses mostely PC parts in there comps nowdays. But having a discussion about what is best is just stupid, wont lead anywhere.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    13 July 2008 15:36:49

    Just keep telling yourself that Urban, keep telling yourself that.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    13 July 2008 15:15:05

    No way would a PC run faster than a Mac NO WAY

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    13 July 2008 12:14:19

    I've got access to both a mac and a PC. I grew up a one-eyed Mac supporter. Now I would use the PC over the Mac whenever possible, I don't know if the mac I have is just a piece of crap compared to the PC (both are stock notebooks, so I doubt they're that different) but the PC runs faster and with less problems. Probably just a crap model or somehow acquired a mac virus, but yeah...I have used both and prefer the PC.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    13 July 2008 11:15:51

    You people have issues with your computers if you have windows crashing on you. Obviously you have no idea how to set it up with proper software or you are downloading really shitty programs and porn.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    13 July 2008 01:26:48

    Macs run so much smoother than windows :P

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    13 July 2008 01:22:30

    Uh, no my friend has a mac and although it never breaks down (one of the few good things about it) it still fucking blows. Kthx.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    13 July 2008 00:51:36

    Damn it Mordhred! That's the bug I was planning to abuse to facilitate my comeback!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    13 July 2008 00:28:08

    the only good thing is the built in microphone? i change my 'you're an idiot' statement, to 'you're a fucking idiot.'

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    13 July 2008 00:27:01

    shabba, you're an idiot. the only people who talk shit about macs are people who haven't used them for more than 5 minutes. not only can i do everything your piece of shit pc can do better (and that's just running windows on my mac, because macs consistently give the best benchmarks for machines running windows), but i also have a much more stable and reliable OS.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    13 July 2008 00:10:45

    Ooh how do ya do that?

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    12 July 2008 23:46:34

    Look at this nasty thing I found the other day:

    From : Luthien

    Date : Fri Jul 11 23:30:46 2008

    Subject: your report





    To sum up, this bug gives infinite eaglesight + evade

    for free, making a person practically unkillable.

    Fixed by: luthien on Fri Jul 11 23:30:46 2008

    The above report has been fixed.

    Thanks for your patronage.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    12 July 2008 20:59:29

    Firefox is a way better than all...

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    12 July 2008 20:24:05

    That was the point. Safari = mac = blows

    The only good thing about macs is the built-in microphone and garage band, cause I'm too poor to have any recording equipment :P

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    12 July 2008 20:03:02

    safari owns. shabba sux!

    wait, you're using safari for windows? haha. lemme know how it works out for you. i've always used it on my mac, never cared enough to download it for my windows machines.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    12 July 2008 19:40:14

    safari blows

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    12 July 2008 19:03:59

    I would just like to point out that I just switched my main browser from internet explorer to safari. After 5 min of using it, it is already 500 times better.

    Just thought I would inform you all of that. :P

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    12 July 2008 18:40:16

    I lost my connection before we hit the glass, none of my commands went through. I don't make excuses, I reconnected a ghost with the MUD crashed. So I complained a little. Boohoo!

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    12 July 2008 18:02:13

    Haha Lobo I guess Cruice is a retarded yellow-tailed zebra dog.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    12 July 2008 15:05:00

    I've not spoken to you in a while, where the heck are ya?

  • Author
    Breeze [legacy]
    12 July 2008 14:50:03

    cut the sht, i hate people dying and saying they admire their killer. FO! dieeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    12 July 2008 14:22:47

    I can't hate u :(

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    12 July 2008 14:13:36

    U h8 me? :(

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    12 July 2008 14:12:23

    waiting in line at the apple store writing this from my iPhone. Just wanted to spread the hate and let you all know that you suck. Thanks and bye haha

  • Author
    Syra [legacy]
    12 July 2008 10:55:39

    Interesting, I don't know why he moved north. I know his hunt off alias includes trigger off and he told me he tried to hunt off at MT gates. Might have been wimpy. I'll ask him when I see him on again. Good night. :)

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    12 July 2008 10:40:25

    As you can see in the log, he moved north and then his hunt trigger fired off again. Maybe it was just wimpy, dunno. But the last time my typist glassed his typist, the same thing happened.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    12 July 2008 09:41:13

    They seriously nerfed glass? Jeeez.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    12 July 2008 09:37:09

    nice mp

  • Author
    Syra [legacy]
    12 July 2008 09:30:11

    Aryl did try to hunt off but was complaining of severe lag before this and the command never went through. I also lagged a bit here, but just didn't type party leave fast enough when my lag bubble passed and I saw I was being glassed. Regardless of anyone's lag or the crash, it was a nice kill for Aeldor. It was nicely planned and well executed. Good log.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    12 July 2008 07:28:29

    Really? Wow, fuck Valinor. Let's slowly turn this place into a Mush!

  • Author
    Breeze [legacy]
    12 July 2008 07:19:26


  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    12 July 2008 05:21:58

    You can only cut yourself like twice on glass now I believe? Then it no longer does damage...fucking retarded indeed.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 July 2008 01:45:34

    And glass was really removed? Thats god damn sad as fuck if it was.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 July 2008 01:45:04

    That lobo, or a dog poop chucking hippo sexing white gorilla.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    12 July 2008 01:28:48

    Nice mp.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    12 July 2008 00:41:55

    Usually MT glass logs are complete shit and standard, but that was a really nice plan. Good shit

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    12 July 2008 00:29:32

    Is Aryl the same typist that died with MELS vs. Skyman and an SC? Or solo'd from an SP with a ridiculous amount of gold on him? Might explain this...

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 July 2008 00:22:24

    btw, whoever rates this log <6 is a retarded yellow-tailed zebra dog.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    12 July 2008 00:22:01

    I bet Aryl whined to ainur after this kill, explains why the glass is removed a week later.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 July 2008 00:14:26

    No, Aryl was completely outclassed by the intelligent abilities of Aeldor and his use of good strats. Lobo, obviously he was trying to claim it was the case to make up for being schooled so utterly bad. This is a great log and deserves only a 6 especially how close Aeldor was willing to get to dying in order to make it work and taking a pk group that was twice his number down.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    12 July 2008 00:11:01

    How can one still die to the glass after over 10 years of MT? :P Puzzling.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 July 2008 00:00:32

    best log i've seen in a while, nicely done and surprised to see that aeldor is the author!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 July 2008 00:00:01

    How the hell did he die because of this crash?

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    11 July 2008 23:49:40

    The log is like a week old.