Aeternum Vale

Posted by
Aryl [legacy]
28 July 2008 00:00:00

Yes, my legendary pretension has allowed for me to use Latin for my good-bye log's title. Rejoice. I know people always come back, especially if they post good-bye logs. But there's no way in hell I could be back, even if I wanted to. And to be honest, I don't want to. Thank you to everyone, for everything. Good times. Take care. On a side-note, this is where all the spineless law reporting bastards that couldn't deal with me within the sphere of the game because they lacked the ability or courage, get to clap enthusiastically. Yay, Aryl's gone for good!


  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    04 August 2008 08:38:22

    Cya later champ. Good luck in life and stuff. You were an interesting person, like most other people I don't get if you were playing me by acting like a mate or not, but hey you were nice to Kara so that's all that matters to me.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    04 August 2008 08:37:17

    Good one Trempk.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 August 2008 08:15:15

    Actually, all you would have to do to kick this game is get on a different one that you can spend 12 hours a day on. Maybe that lotr mmorpg or wow or something.

  • Author
    Carath [legacy]
    02 August 2008 04:52:50

    Good luck man! Was good having you here

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    01 August 2008 06:04:31

    Like I said, give it 2-4 months max and we will see 4 new players from brand new IPs that happen to know each other start to play. Sadly, I wouldn't care that much if Aryl figured out a way around it (which he already has and has a high percentage of already using it again) but I hope the stupid ass herks don't.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    01 August 2008 05:43:04

    remove C remove c!!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    01 August 2008 03:47:34

    Are those two hardbanned? If not, you can fucking bet they'll play again. Even if they are they probably will too :P

    Like seriously, I doubt you can go from playing 12h a day to not playing at all.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    01 August 2008 03:41:08

    Only way I will play again is if A) The Administration lets me B) Deaths hurt again C) Ravathir and Anubis play again. None of the above are very likely to occur so... take this as permanent :P

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    01 August 2008 03:12:39

    Its not the last time you will see him doh? He will be back (if he isn't already) using a proxy to play within a few months at most. Its just stating an obvious fact, not saying he is good or bad for doing it.

  • Author
    Zillak [legacy]
    31 July 2008 23:35:02

    Still better than a one-sided ass kissing session isnt it Miroth?hehe

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    31 July 2008 22:24:11

    let's stop the giant mutual ass kissing session. it's making me all teary.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    31 July 2008 21:14:02

    You're right Mark, what was I thinking. You pwned! Good times, take care.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    31 July 2008 21:12:40

    Thanks to Zillak and Kelos, ridiculous your names slipped my mind. I've missed you both over the months I haven't seen you. Hope you're both doing well, and take care :)

    Skenda, you're fucking sexy.

    Khaled, you're hilarious.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    31 July 2008 21:00:06

    and nowhere near the best PKer? pffft, just you keep telling yourself that!!! one kill to 8 deaths ratio ain't that bad:P

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    31 July 2008 20:58:39

    If this really is goodbye Sean then good luck, if its not then i'll see you in a few months! If you do decide to come back, just tone down your play style and who knows - peoples opinions change.


  • Author
    Khaled [legacy]
    31 July 2008 18:46:15

    Date: 29. Jul, 2008, 8:01:08 By: Aeldor

    I would bet RL gold that Sean will end up in jail IRL. Murder or fraud or rape or something. And I'd love to see him telling the judge 'Hey, it's me - Sean! You can't send me to jail, I'm a very nice person!'

    Dude are you for real with this comment? It's just pure ignorance. The fact that you would even compare someone that you played a game with to a murderer or rapist is retarded. Eat S***. Dumb ass

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    31 July 2008 17:14:19

    'I'm sure you've all already realized that this is a dying game. Everything is hollow, there are no real achievements on there. Top leveller, top killer, top experience, what have you. The only thing that counts here are the memories and good times, and the friendships and good conversations.'

    I tend to agree with that and have felt that way for a long time. I still enjoy it and enjoy the people who I am friends with and hang out with in the game, but I also think that the 'old' days were the ones where people actually cares and were concerned about the forming and molding of Arda.

    That being said, good luck Sean...we had quite a few interactions, a lot of talks and I always counted you as a friend even if we didn't see eye-to-eye.

    Take care.

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    31 July 2008 09:52:37

    This friends list goes into my enemy list you know:) Too bad most of the people aren't active:(

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    31 July 2008 06:30:23


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    31 July 2008 05:59:55

    I don't need to plan ahead with Miroth, he just understand my erections like nobody else does.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    31 July 2008 04:12:08

    Took me a couple seconds to get that, but you crack me up Miroth. Did you plan that with Hirgail beforehand? lol :P

    <3 Hirgail, as per usual :):):)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    31 July 2008 00:28:59

    And some people love to hurt people!

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    30 July 2008 23:46:55

    Sadism can only go so far, Polk ;)

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    30 July 2008 22:46:10

    If you hate someone, you can hurt'em and get satisfaction from that.

    And if you love someone and they get hurt, that hurts you too.

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    30 July 2008 22:24:40

    The distinction between love and other positive emotions and hate, Exley, is that positive emotions have a positive feedback effect -- Because you love, you feel better, which increases the quality of your life. The other side of the coin there is if you get hurt for loving someone, that negates the good. So if you love literally everyone, you probably will hurt yourself due to cheapening affection for people who deserve it, and exposing yourself to lots of pain from people who don't. But if you can feel a positive thing, even if it's over something as silly as an online game, that's an accomplishment worth praising.

    Hatred, however, has a negative feedback effect -- Hating costs you something. You pay something which has a dollar value (and a relatively high one at that) to hate.

    The distinction is that in the one case you acquire resources from an unlikely venue, whereas in the other you spend resources in a foolish enterprise. That is why there appears to be a double standard -- because the two things being compared are not the same at all.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    30 July 2008 22:22:39

    What did i do now? :( *smacks Exley*

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    30 July 2008 21:58:47

    dude, if your erection lasts longer than four hours, you're supposed to seek immediate medical attention.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    30 July 2008 20:35:18

    Oh shit, I've finally gone soft.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    30 July 2008 18:30:09


  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    30 July 2008 18:25:55

    No one cares what you think, Esteban.

    Haha, kidding (but you really are an asshole).

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    30 July 2008 18:19:18

    Well, you get a positive feeling from befriending people on the game. You have laughs, get allies to share in your exploits and if you're so inclined/lonely enough, some companionship.

    Some people have even married people they met on the mud.

    Disliking people and having enemies can be fun too; it gives you rivalry, competition, defines social cliques and can add some depth to your time in the game.

    If you hate someone (keep in mind I distinguish between hating someone and just not liking them) then it's a fruitless negative experience. You're really impotent to do anything about it.

    You just end up frustrated and looking like a psychotic idiot.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    30 July 2008 18:17:40

    I like Bush, so what?

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    30 July 2008 17:49:29

    Yeah, but that's not the direction I was really trying to go. The point I'm trying to make is, why is there a double standard? Why are people who hate others on this game critized, while those who befriend and love others on this game spared that criticism? I see no difference fundamentally between the two, aside from the obvious negative connotations of hate. So, why are all the people who call Sean a friend and express sadness at his leaving not called pathetic like those who call Sean an enemy and talk lots of shit about him?

    This is a genuine inquiry, by the way. I don't profess to have all the answers.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    30 July 2008 16:55:08

    And Exley, George Bush isn't really someone you can ignore. You have the option to ignore people in the game.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    30 July 2008 16:51:55

    When I think of the word hate I think of a dislike for someone so strong that you want to cause them intense suffering, if not expunge them from existence.

    If you have feelings like that towards someone on the game then yes, it's pathetic and a sign of deep emotional instability.

    There's a wide gulf between disliking someone and hating them.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    30 July 2008 16:17:10

    'Even though Zaellyer and I disagree with most everything. I agree with his comment on Aeldor. To really hate someone in RL over this game is pathetic.'

    I disagree with these sentiments. After all, to some degree or another, we project ourselves into our characters in this game. It's only natural for a person's emotions to get wound up in *any type of interaction with others, be it face-to-face or long distance.

    I've never seen the logic behind your type of argument. Have you ever smiled or laughed at something a mudder said? That's a online interaction causing a real-life emotion. By induction, you could replace the word 'hate' in your argument with any type of positive emotion ('love', 'like', 'care for') and still get the same result. Or are you saying it's okay to hate someone, only so long as you know them personally in real life? Then I guess I don't really hate George Bush after all....

    The bottom line is, Aryl knew what he was getting himself into. I'm sure some of his infamy is undeserved, but let's face it: one can't go around killing people then talking some shit and expect them to like you for it.

  • Author
    Zillak [legacy]
    30 July 2008 11:39:41

    Not in your friends list?! :'(...that hurts man...

    jk ;) of luck in RL and when you come back dont let everybody know it is you right away, keep em guessing...hehe...

  • Author
    Flare [legacy]
    30 July 2008 07:17:43

    Well, the best pk ever so far would be the one with you and Baklen. PK you later!

  • Author
    Skenda [legacy]
    30 July 2008 00:56:34

    Sean take care man and best of luck irl.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    30 July 2008 00:07:26

    My apologies Pounder, that was an excellent post. I suppose I misinterpreted you, although you were saying that people's reputations were being damaged by associating with me. Regardless, well met. Take care man.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    30 July 2008 00:05:24

    I am not calling you a noob, but clearly you had no idea what Marthaon fully did in his time on the towers. And my statement was nothing at all meant to be an insult to you but clearly you still have too much of a god complex and ignorance to boot to realize that. It was a statement regarding what Marthaon did and not what you were or weren't. Noone on this mud has come anywhere even remotely close to what he had done. Talk to people and you might find out 5% of what he happened to do back in the day. The difference is, he was a natural born cheater, meant to stretch the game in ways it was NEVER even remotely intended to be. You generally were mostly legit and stretched it as far as you could in the mostly legit realm but as you even yourself admitted misjudged the level of forgiveness you would get and how much your reputation might have in play for punishments (I am assuming you cheated and MP very infrequently as noone knows exactly what kind of evidence they had to punish you with but there was some even as you said). If anyone is the bitter goofball, I would say it is you. I am sorry you are so hurt someone took your favorite toy away from you.

  • Author
    Norric [legacy]
    29 July 2008 23:28:44

    SEAN IS A FAG, im just kidding bud. we had some good times, right from grade 7 when you forced me to start playing this game... i'll see you around IRL though, so we'll jam.

    Ryan Cillis Aka Norric Blackwolf

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    29 July 2008 23:18:23

    Pounder, this was your chance to show that you're not actually some vindictive, bitter goof ball. Fail :( You never knew me, never got to know me. Blind judgments just make you look like an idiot. But that's what you're going for right? Everything you ever say or do points toward that objective. Just be quiet and move on if you have nothing positive to say, you're already enough of an embarrassment. Peace!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    29 July 2008 22:47:03

    Razey you rule. I would like to correct people who think Aryl deserves to be mentioned in the same context as Marthaon. Please quit ruining Marthaon's image, thanks. (And FYI, very few people even have the capacity much less the perspective to ever do anything to the degree he did, not saying it wasn't wrong, but he also had a personality [that was relatively hilarious as well]).

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    29 July 2008 22:40:32

    [new] Date: 29. Jul, 2008, 18:45:28 By: Cruice

    Even though Zaellyer and I disagree with most everything. I agree with his comment on Aeldor. To really hate someone in RL over this game is pathetic.

    tell that to your herkie friend ravathir and to mr. quiauh.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    29 July 2008 22:27:11

    Thanks Norin, that means a lot.

    Yes Razey, you're a cool guy and a good person from what I've seen.

    Dave, thanks a lot to you too. I miss you as well. Lots of shit was in the air in the end, and I was just trying to separate my characters. You'll notice I was entirely IC the whole time. I feel the same about you, and feel all the sentiments you expressed are mutual. Best of luck with everything. Sketch me something that I can sell on Ebay after you dazzle the world with your art plsnthx2u?

    Seany Boy!

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    29 July 2008 22:02:36

    Sean, to be honest man, I miss you. You were a staple of my conversations in-game for a long time here. I covered your ass again and again and again, and you still burned me in the end. But it's no biggie. Of all the things I don't care about, it's the stats on my character. The only stats I need are 100 strength to carry the ale, and 100 constitution to drink it. You are a GOOD person. You are misinterpreted, mistreated, and suffer a lot of shit from the players who just don't get you, but you were a friend. You're going to do a lot better in life than the majority of the people on this MUD, if you grow the hell up and learn to conform to mass opinion when it's warranted to do so. You've got drive, you've got initiative, and you've got intelligence, and of all the people I've met in this game, I think I respected you the most. Thanks for playing with us for these years.

    Oh, and fuck you for idlekilling me in Linhir a week before being nuked after managing to not kill me on purpose once in the 4 fucking years I knew you, you piece of shit.


  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    29 July 2008 21:39:15

    Am I a good person Aryl? :P

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    29 July 2008 21:37:59

    I liked your Rp actually. Ran into a few incarnation of that stuff. Pretty good actually. Just had to comment on it. ;)

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    29 July 2008 20:33:33

    You're a great person too man, I love your humour. You're hilarious. You were very clear in your last post and it was rather insightful. Thank you for that. Take care!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    29 July 2008 20:31:16

    I'm about to be nuked as well, for my mouth. Or at least I'd nuke me if I were an admin. I basically just told Ungoliant off, and Osse has this thing about respecting immortals. I'll respect immortals when they don't whine like a player. But I won't have a cool log. And I know I deserve it :p

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    29 July 2008 20:03:37

    Aryl, you're great as a person, we're on good terms. Or we were till I ran my mouth. My problem with you, much like my issues with other players like grimscar, is your lack of modesty. You're a fucking awesome player. You know the game well and how to manipulate it. But seriously, what logs like this say are 'please sympathize with me and start a movement to get me unbanned.' It's a bit unrealistic of me to expect my standards of playing from others. I apologize for that. I think everyone should be modest. I also can't stand random kills. And random kills, in my book, are no different than killing someone just because it's free (ie, mordor).

    Benjamin Franklin was notorious for using his intelligence to unwittingly belittle others. Until it was actually pointed out to him what he was doing and he was able to see it, he made everyone around him feel little. This is what I get from you when you talk about your accomplishments here. After he discovered how he was making people around him feel, he took to engaging his peers, asking them their thoughts on something and why they felt that way before giving his own opinion. Of course he didn't give a shit what they thought, because he often knew better, but it made them feel as if they were his equals.

    Anyway, that's what I think. And after reading that, it's quite a bit of the pot calling the kettle black, and I'll try to take my own advice to heart, but then again, I'm not screaming out for everyone to like me :p I'm going back to WoW anyway :p

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    29 July 2008 19:13:58

    Who the fuck is gonna get my enchanted heart inserted in isilme now, we both spent hours doing that damn quest to master it. Anyhow man, I know i'll see you around.. I might reactive a wow account or some shit. Till than, fuck you for leaving!

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    29 July 2008 19:08:11

    I think Lucky wins the 'simultaneously sad and hilarious' award for this comment string.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    29 July 2008 19:08:10

    If you are doing something abnormal, you would need mental help Cruice, tell me the sickness' name of the Aeldor's, then we talk... Nice mp btw :P

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    29 July 2008 19:07:32

    I seriously love 2 people in this game, one is baklen who never give a shit about anything, very interesting personality, and the second one is aeldor, he reacts very angirily as he is not actually 'him', then he comes to the truth but he cannot step back from what he said so he continues how he wants to... i really love those 2 personalities :)

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    29 July 2008 19:02:23

    We are wild and free! Spirit horse, ride with me!

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    29 July 2008 18:57:13

    Personally I wasn't aware that being an unemployed MUDder would afford you the 'RL' gold to make a wager like that. Dera turning tricks IRL is your only source of income? Put it toward a counsellor man :)

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    29 July 2008 18:45:28

    Even though Zaellyer and I disagree with most everything. I agree with his comment on Aeldor. To really hate someone in RL over this game is pathetic.

    Zaellyer sorry for the falmes between us. You didn't seem to agree with me over anything and vis versa. Good luck on the MUD and in life.

    Aeldor seek mental help please. Thank you.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    29 July 2008 17:16:17

    And sorry Jub-Jub, you know I love you.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    29 July 2008 17:12:47

    Miroth you crack me up! Relax, I always thought we were on good terms Mr. Flamer!

    Aeldor. It is very apparent that you are actually serious in your comments, not only here, but from over time in our conversations on the MUD. I suggest you learn to let go and separate the MUD from reality. I wasn't aware that people could take this game so personally that they harboured RL feelings to the extent that you do. I forgive you for being a crazy, vengeful, ignorant, misguided fool. Now move on.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    29 July 2008 15:33:16

    I'm trying to remember if Aeldor has always been like this or if it's just something recent...

    Maybe the psychosis has just gotten worse with age.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    29 July 2008 13:53:30

    Yea, who is Miroth?

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    29 July 2008 13:25:39

    What Miroth said.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    29 July 2008 13:13:24

    w/e Est , w/e :P

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 July 2008 10:59:29

    You don't have to become best friends with a person to tell if they're a good person or not.

    Conversely, people who only come across as good people when you know them are anything but good people. They're just assholes making special exception for their friends. So that's what's with all the hating.

    Aryl invited the commentary about Latin in his title (which ironically made use of incorrect English - so get the first one right before you start on the second could be a legitimate argument for Aeldor to present).

    Anyway I'm just taking the piss as usual, not hating on Sean. Have fun with life.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    29 July 2008 10:05:04

    You people are ignorant. Really. I've never met a more self-absorbed person on the mud. This guy's ego goes beyond that of marthaon. Those that remember martha must realize what a fucking accomplishment that is.

    Stop acting like you're a fucking martyr. There are people that have left this game that made real lasting impressions on the game and the people and even thinking you're anywhere near their class just makes you a tool. The unibomber thought he was changing the world by blowing shit up. The only thing he accomplished was making people a little paranoid when opening their mail. If you want a fucking comparison, there's one. Now please stop acting like this is some kind of tragedy.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    29 July 2008 09:44:15

    oh yeah Aeldor, because I am such a bad influence for this mud, all I do is lie cheat and steal, I'm the worse rule breaker of them all, all the shit Aryl has done, tripple it, I'm a detriment to this community. Get your head out of your ass and wipe the shit from your eyes for just 2 seconds please.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    29 July 2008 09:43:44

    Jubal, actually i am looking for the day you stop playing, GO TO HELL KTHXBIE

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    29 July 2008 08:59:30

    Heh, sad that the only times we were actually guilded together was 2-3months before BkD warred Durmanhoth ( resulting to you getting booted ). Oh, add in the 1 month trying to rebuild Udungul.

    We've been in-character enemies since then. Well enjoyed though. Bye. Peace bro.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    29 July 2008 08:44:29

    Bah! Im not a friend :(

    Bye Sean. I just want you to know that whatever things we talked about and planned before, twas real and I wasn't fooling you or anything..

    I've learned lots from you and Baklen when you were still in BKD. Tbh though I always was careful when you were around, just making sure you wont stab after we chat :P lawl

    Bye dude. You were cool.

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    29 July 2008 08:35:14

    Really, Zaellyer, it wasn't wasted money. People had fun and this game was never meant for the likes of Aryl. Neither for the likes of you. There are enough troublemakers to keep PK and hate alive and there will be more after some time. It's a natural process. But hey, maybe the MUD doesn't need us haters either so no bad guys and no haters is even better? Anyway don't worry, there will always be people to PK.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    29 July 2008 08:21:22

    If only you were half as good at halo as you were at t2t maybe we wouldn't lose so much =p you'll be missed Sean, even the haters will miss you cause soon they'll have no one left to hate! Then they'll all leave and go hate on some other game. Maybe, some day the ainur will realize that with every group of people they nuke without -valid- reasons they will upset more groups of players, and eventually, all their long hours and hard work coding this game will be wasted. All the money spent on paying for that server, all the time spent reading through law reports, listening to bitches like Anguss and Quiauh moan about their vagina being to full of sand will be for nought.

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    29 July 2008 08:01:08

    I would bet RL gold that Sean will end up in jail IRL. Murder or fraud or rape or something. And I'd love to see him telling the judge 'Hey, it's me - Sean! You can't send me to jail, I'm a very nice person!'

  • Author
    Khaled [legacy]
    29 July 2008 06:56:19


    Peace, Good luck in the future. I truly feel you got a raw deal on several different occasions. Anyways thanks for the memories and lessons. The Mud seems to be losing a lot of the better players and is becoming less playable by the day. Tons of fun times. Keep in touch.

  • Author
    Lordevil [legacy]
    29 July 2008 06:37:50

    I still remember when i give some gold to Ariakas when he started and you told me ill be always your Lord. Truly our friendship was stabilished since that.

    Bye Sean .. i wish the best of luck to you ... ill miss you my friend

  • Author
    Adaron [legacy]
    29 July 2008 05:15:54


  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    29 July 2008 05:14:26

    You'll be back, if you aren't already.

  • Author
    Hazin [legacy]
    29 July 2008 04:23:29

    aryl, you did the same thing to me dumb ass. hahaha

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    29 July 2008 03:32:15

    Goodbye other Sean :) And btw, whats with the hate on Syra? 'ive heard shes a bitch?' if you havent even talked to her how can you express an opinion about her. She was very close to Sean, and is a friend of mine as well. Shes a good person. Sean, despite the massive amount of people that hated on you and told me not to be your friend and at some point you would fuck me over...Guess we sure proved them wrong :) You've been a real good friend and its sad to see you go, I can honestly say that after 3 years of inactivity having your knowledge about the game at my disposal is one of the only reasons that I was able to get back into it. You were my go to man if I ever needed to know anything. (like a fucking human computer) haha good luck, and use your brain for something amazing like your cappable of, instead of knowing everything you can about this stupid game :P

    oh and on a side note, he was lying about the order of the names on his friends list...I was OBVIOUSLY at the top for a reason duh!

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    29 July 2008 02:05:08

    C-ya, Sean.

    You were a bit idiotic, but our battle (with Ochyrochera) was epic ;)

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    29 July 2008 01:24:46

    Amusing indeed :)

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    29 July 2008 01:14:24

    I wish you nothing but ill will, even in your real life. For those who will inevitably call me bitter blah blah. He and his typist are obviously a piece of shit and that type of stuff doesn't stop when you walk away froma keyboard. Fuck you.

    See you again in 3 months. Cry cry cry, make a goodbye log, come back. Rinse repeat.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    28 July 2008 23:53:17

    True, it's awesome. And I'll take Zubr over Zywiec any day.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    28 July 2008 23:21:19

    Ya, the Heart of the Anduin was my favourite quest I ever did I think. Great area.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    28 July 2008 23:14:42

    Oh, and Osse is a shitty admin/supreme ruler/judge. But I hear he's a funny guy! Yay!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    28 July 2008 23:11:11

    I'd like to apologize if I was the one who got you a warning for 'revealing their alts with some super vague reference.' I remember filing a report on someone who revealed an alt of mine but I don't remember if it was you. I wasn't even active at the time.

    Also, I don't want to say much about it, but I'll give you a little *wink* (no-homo) for the Isilme quest.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 July 2008 22:24:51

    At 4:52am this morning, Police in Sydney were called to a concern for welfare job.

    There were reports of a man in a yard doing strange things with chickens...

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    28 July 2008 20:37:48

    Babima skrhub.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    28 July 2008 20:36:45

    Aryl go to hell, you got me nuked you assclown!!! Dilligaf.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    28 July 2008 19:51:47

    Thank you all for the kind words. My apologies about the misinformation concerning the Durmanhoth account, apparently I did register, and I think I made one post concerning Spartan's alts if I recall correctly. Oh well, that was the true extent of my interaction on that forum. Also, LOL@Agsded, because his post was incisive and hilarious as always. Adanethel, chill man, just be friendly. I wrecked you repeatedly in PK, and you got my last character here nuked. We can still chat about Zywiec anytime now on MSN. I didn't transfer any gear. I sold a full set from Azrylar through Osgiliath shop to Vijraihn once. That's why you noticed I had jeweled boots and a small-hide shield on 2 characters. So relax :)

    Thanks again for all the kind words, I'll miss you all. <3 You too Kathryn.

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    28 July 2008 18:51:30

    Aeldor, what is the minimum criteria for being able to enjoy neat-sounding and aphoristic Latin phrases? Must he... be some sort of professor? Speak the language fluently? A published academic? A universally popular person? Have an IQ of 130? (I'm actually pretty sure he fulfills the last requirement there, so that can't be it)

    If he wants to title this in Latin, no reason to be down on him for it.

    Sean was a challenging foe, a challenging friend, a person of surprising depth and remarkable shallowness, a brilliant idiot: The furious paradox. Nearly a contradiction in terms. But then, greatness often is.

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    28 July 2008 18:40:52

    And to Aryl... all i am going to do for you is to suggest you to listen to that song 'Always look on the bright side of life'

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    28 July 2008 18:31:09

    putting my hatemonger hat back, <inserting random name...Myrddin!> is a fucking idiot that doesn't have a clue on what he's talking about.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    28 July 2008 18:28:23

    Gold: 344 Encumbrance: unencumbered

    You are carrying the following on your person:

    A gold charm bracelet (worn).

    An engraved white gold ring, inlaid with a round diamond (worn).

    A simple pipe (empty).

    (-HP:230 EP:230-) HAR l ring

    This is a white gold ring. The white gold shimmers and it's obvious

    that a lot of work was put into the crafting of this ring. The embedded

    round diamond only adds a noble look to this ring and makes it even more

    valuable. It has a short message engraved along the outer edge.

    Although you realize that famous ring-smiths no longer walk in the lands,

    you must admit the creator of this ring has a great talent and feel for


    (-HP:230 EP:230-) HAR l message on ring

    The engraved message reads:

    Thank you for the memories, my friend. - Sean


    Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well... I'm going to be very frank here, putting my hatemonger hat aside.

    Injustice? I'm sure it is. Surprised? Not at all. Remember one of the theories I presented to you about death Sean? Well, it kinda applies to nuke and hardbans. Unless it's a complete misfortune (like the guy typing your name instead), you're the one to blame, don't blame the administration, your skills in the game weren't high enough to warrant your survival. What kind of skills? Not PK, describing, or RP skills for sure, you are among the best. I mean the skills to keep your image clean, to hang with people that aren't targeted by hatemongers (thus making yourself an easy target too), to tell the truth to friends promptly, to conceal your identity even when explicitly told by the PoL to do so.

    People's opinion do count a lot. Valinor don't want the majority bitching at 'em. They need to balance what's good for the game and what the mortals demand. Knowing that, that's why me and a couple other guys - with a huge help of the herkies 'emselves - could manage to get herkies hated and thus nuked promptly in a situation that other players would get away with a verbal/formal warning. Trying to change their image was not your smartest move, if you don't like something, yes! go ahead! change it! But if it can't be changed, like herkies reputation, you should have just conformed.

    For all to see I have to say Sean is a great person, one of the best i've met here and I am very proud to be included in among his friends. And despite all the warnings some of you sent to me, he never betrayed me on anything. Neither did Skyman, Daywalker or Esteban (for i've recieved warnings saying they would betray me too).

    I won't say goodbye, this isn't a goodbye, at least not for me.

    Thanks for the memories my friend.

  • Author
    Mekero [legacy]
    28 July 2008 18:26:45

    You promised me a veracious fight to the death! That RP-conversation you and I had in the end was the best I've ever had.

    All the best.

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    28 July 2008 18:21:01

    See you man, I had very few but very amusing moments with you, be it on the comm or combat! Take care.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    28 July 2008 18:09:05

    Syra, I did read it in the context you posted, and was still unsure as to what your actual meaning was, thats why I posted my comment. Since Fyng/Whatever/Whoever is/was a known multiplayer it wouldn't have been out of the realms of possibility for him to give away chars to friends. If I took it wrongly, then fine, I apologise.

    <snip long comments about stuff which to be honest, don't matter>

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 July 2008 17:59:47

    At least Ravathir is legal.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    28 July 2008 17:54:10

    Sean, take care man. I have a feeling you'll do good in life, whether it be financial success or the Thoreau/Emerson variety.

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    28 July 2008 17:48:23

    I think Grimscar should be ashamed on that one

  • Author
    Syra [legacy]
    28 July 2008 17:45:46

    lol, that's kind of clever. I'm sure Ravathir would be flattered.

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    28 July 2008 17:33:43

    Yeah, and then Grimscar cheated on him with Ravathir.

  • Author
    Syra [legacy]
    28 July 2008 17:31:56

    Esteban, you had an RP romantic relationship with Grimscar?

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    28 July 2008 17:21:26

    I know it enough Syra, thats the same reason for me to leave GV...

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 July 2008 17:02:29

    Well what you hear from other people and what is true are not always the same thing, right?

    If you didn't know me personally, you could be under the impression that I'm an irredeemable asshole:P

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    28 July 2008 16:52:32

    From what i learned about her, she is kind of bitch...

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 July 2008 16:49:46

    Now let's not be jerks and attack Syra, who did nothing more than express her friendship with Sean and sadness at his leaving.

    And who is, by all accounts, a thoroughly decent person

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    28 July 2008 16:42:44

    I actually heard about those reasons...

  • Author
    Syra [legacy]
    28 July 2008 16:39:48

    Formid, you really should reread that phrase within the context of what I posted.

    Esteban, you are completely ignorant of the situation that transpired between Montog and I. His true reasons for leaving are unknown, except between two people.

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    28 July 2008 16:39:13

    He's lieying bastard: ' I never hosted a QI site, or even logged into the Durmanhoth forums ONCE. I never even registered a god damn account'

    I just logged on that forums, Joined: 14 Aug 2007

    Location: Ontario, Canada


    Occupation: Chemical Engineering Student

    Interests: Guitar/Fitness/Pking Bitches

    That's fyngs account

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    28 July 2008 16:38:03

    Then ainu wouldn't write in law report they disciplined him and i doubt he would pass full set of eq through shop, along with baldric for unique which he wasn't using atm.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 July 2008 16:35:24

    It's legal to pass gear between characters through a shop. I'd be very surprised if he wasn't smart enough to pass any gear via a shop.

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    28 July 2008 16:26:01

    So why did you have 5 maxxed characters nuked in December, and why was Fyng suspended for 180d?

    I'll tell you why, you passed equipment between characters for example.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    28 July 2008 16:19:10

    3 down, one million to go? :P

  • Author
    Adanethel [legacy]
    28 July 2008 16:16:55

    That all comments makes me laugh, did aryl asked you to post such comments so ainu feel bad for nuking him?

    All i can say about that is 3cheaters less on mud, hopefully you won't be lieing about 'aeternum vale'

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    28 July 2008 16:15:05

    I am a bit shocked after reading Syra's comment, second Sean is coming?

    They spent hours and hours while founding GB with Montog, that part, i understood but did i betray him right after he declared his opinion about Herkies? Oh noes... Aeldor, pinch me pliz...

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    28 July 2008 15:58:51

    Aryl, knowing a few phrases in Latin doesn't make you something more than an idiot who knows a few phrases in Latin.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 July 2008 15:51:10

    That's obviously not how she meant it and even so, I doubt she cares much anymore.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    28 July 2008 15:33:33

    'Thank you though, for giving me Syra' - does anyone else read this the same way I do?

    If so it might not have been wise to say that.

  • Author
    Syra [legacy]
    28 July 2008 15:20:21

    Sean, I just want to say, you've been my best friend here. Both IC and OOC. You taught me so many things about RP, friendship and loyalty. I did my best to return the favor. I am glad we were close in the end, RPing brother and sister twins. It upset me greatly to come back after I had been without internet for a week to find my brother had been nuked, as well as our closest friends.

    As you recall, I ignored you when you brought up the subject on Skype, unwilling to even think about it at that point. I felt such a sense of loss to have invested so much emotion into the RP of these two chars, to end up losing my other half. I believe the only reason I was not among that group to be nuked was because I was unable to log on, as I would have been actively helping your new alt level, which is--from what I understand--the final straw for Ravathir and Anubis. At this point, I don't find myself lucky in that regard.

    Thank you though, for giving me Syra, who is, and will always remain my most intensely enjoyable character. I will always cherish the ear I strung onto my necklace when you lost your level 22 status to my blade for the sake of our unique RP. I will never forget any of our time spent together enmeshed withing the magical fantasy of the game, and especially memorable will be the countless hours we spent founding GB with Montog, designing a new guild, and establishing its place within the imaginations of those who will be around, I hope, forever.

    Love Always..

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    28 July 2008 15:00:56

    Alot of interesting things in that log. Take care Sean, ill drink one for another old mudder gone.

  • Author
    Huvintude [legacy]
    28 July 2008 14:22:48

    Take it easy Sean. Wish I would have had a proper chance to say goodbye to you though.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 July 2008 13:59:15

    Hi Sean,

    I'm sorry we couldn't be friends. My perception of such a relationship with you is a constant circle of betrayal and false apologies. You live behind a mask, not of a jerk, but of a considerate and well-mannered individual, and the real you shows in events such as the one you were law reported for. You're welcome for that, by the way. I'm not quite sure why you'd consider talking on the public channel directly to my alt about things such as 'your Cymbrogi guild' subtle or indirect. Then again, that's an old trick of yours, isn't it? You did it to Duncan on the logpage about a week ago.

    I can also retell events of you cheating/goldsharing other than those mentioned, but what's the point? You're gone. I won't say I'm happy about this, though I hope that the perception you gave me of the person you REALLY are was false.

    This was meant to be a friendly post...don't know what happened. I'm not bitter about any of your actions on the MUD. A game is a game. If there's a real you behind the compulsive lying, I wouldn't mind chatting sometime.

    No hard feelings. The MUD will miss your various talents, but not the rest.

    (Disclaimer: There's a lot to this post and I didn't bother editing or re-reading, so don't count on it making sense)

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    28 July 2008 13:43:30

    Yea, I must admit i read whole log without getting bored this time, my eyes hurt atm but still it was worthy, take care Sean, even through i hate you, i wish you the best in your life, you should consider about writing a book :P bie

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 July 2008 13:40:08

    I skimmed it and I'll read it properly when I'm at work, but a very nice post indeed.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    28 July 2008 13:35:56

    I read the whole thing too, haha. It was brilliant.

  • Author
    Xaron [legacy]
    28 July 2008 13:31:51

    Enjoy the rest of summer.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    28 July 2008 13:20:45

    Take care of yourself.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    28 July 2008 11:38:59

    Bye, my friend.