Osse told you: So rumour has it you are getting very buddy-buddy with our friend Sean. You told Osse: yeah i like him Osse told you: Nothing good will come of it for you, you know that. You told Osse: its just a matter of admiring style and personality ya know You told Osse: i told him a person with his skills doesnt need to cheat at all Osse told you: I can see admiring and respecting someone's style and personality if they make a point of doing good, respectful things. You told Osse: told several others that as well and i never have and never will resort to cheating cause i think its despicable and far far too far gone if you truly wanna play this game normally You told Osse: well that is debatable, the genius of some truly evil human beings has been admired by some, and some drug and crime bosses had really cool personalities but that is also not something i would personally think i wouldnt try to change if i knew them personally. Osse told you: He is a user, a liar, a sweettalker and a dissembler. He will tell you anything you want to hear to win your trust. Osse told you: Be careful. You told Osse: im pretty solid when it comes to keeping to my own views on how i think the creators of this game would like to see this game played You told Osse: and im just good friends with sean now, i used to be good friends with duncan /alt/ /alt/ as well on this game You told Osse: if there's anything else you'd like to share with me i'd be interested to hear more. Osse told you: No, I've said all I care to say. You are an adult and can make your own decisions. You told Osse: what decisions? Osse told you: who to be friends with. You told Osse: yeah