As this may be the first ever tidbits without Widower as a punch line, we'll start out with him starring! Widower tells you: your mom sucks cock in hell ^ (OOC) Mikah: Its very strange to see the last couple comms come from Rami, Otoron, Warrax, and Toram. Feels like I must be trapped in some sort of tidbits log. You told Bakal: type dev staff Bakal told you: I don't even recognize half those names. You told Bakal: Exactly. You told Bakal: It used to be you had to actually be someone to have power in Valinor. Bakal told you: Jesus, dev staff is like a fucking clown parade Bakal told you: Retired clown parade at that! You told Bakal: That's great legendinfo. Bakal told you: That would probably get us both in trouble. ^ (OOC) Rami: i was just reading.. ^ (OOC) Rami: This Ron paul guy.. ^ (OOC) Rami: will veto every anti-gun legislation ^ (OOC) Rami: awesome? ^ (OOC) Delre: ron paul is probably pro pedophilia if grimscar backs him , lolz A well desced room (e, n, s and w) Rami Caresien, the dunedain is all done! Mornaner Monkey the dunedain Dark Knight (eclipsing) A portrait of Mornaner A yellow beeswax candle The board of the Rangers of Ithilien [28 posts] HP:230 EP:148 Rami lets loose a noisome stench! look portrait The portrait shows a tall and noble-looking dunadan. An impressive figure showing all the characteristics of his ancestral numenorean kinship. You say in Westron: God, it's like this is Stalinist Russia.You say in Westron: Fucking portraits. You say in Westron: What next? Statues? Mornaner grins. Mornaner nods. Mornaner leaves west. Mornaner enters. Mornaner drops a statue of a stumpy man. Mornaner points at Rami. You fall down laughing. Karomir gives Oss a set of multicoloured glass beads. Oss mmms. Karomir says in Westron: i offered you beads Karomir says in Westron: yo Oss says in Westron: er, do I have to give you Manhattan? Karomir says in Westron: hahahaha You fall down laughing at Oss. Oss grins goofily. Karomir snickers at Oss insanely. Karomir says in Westron: no Karomir says in Westron: you have to show me your boobs. ^ (OOC) Galidur: tulkas. i find rude jokes about whites funny just like ones against other races im not racist just cause its funny ^ (OOC) Jakar: heh ^ (OOC) Tulkas: I find rude jokes about whites just as warnable as the ones about blacks. ^ (OOC) Tulkas isn't racist either. ^ (OOC) Pounder: What about mexicans? [232] [19:18] ^ (OOC) Galidur: Austin is very.... diverse.... [233] [19:19] ^ (OOC) Lucky: keep austin weird eh? [234] [19:20] ^ (OOC) Hurin: I keep Austin weird by being Indian. [235] [19:20] ^ (OOC) Lucky: dot or feather? [236] [19:20] ^ (OOC) Hurin: dot [237] [19:20] ^ (OOC) Lucky: meh, you guys are becoming more commonplace [238] [19:20] ^ (OOC) Hurin: We better be. We are one-sixth of the world. [239] [19:20] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Hurin, do you work in IT? [240] [19:20] ^ (OOC) Hurin: no [241] [19:20] ^ (OOC) Lucky: healthcare? [242] [19:21] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Oh. I was about to ask how it feels to be a stereotype. [243] [19:21] ^ (OOC) Hurin: I am not a moustached dark-skinned Rao [244] [19:21] ^ (OOC) Hurin: Heh :p [245] [19:21] ^ (OOC) Otoron: The answer, of course, in your case, would have been "pretty damned good, I'm sipping vodka on my boat as we speak!" [246] [19:22] ^ (OOC) Hurin: I wish. I am just a poor grad student [247] [19:22] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Aren't we all. [248] [19:22] ^ (OOC) Seraph: What subject? [249] [19:22] ^ (OOC) Hurin: Comp-Sci [250] [19:22] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Hahahahahaha [251] [19:22] ^ (OOC) Lucky: that would be IT An angry rumbling shakes the ground beneath your feet... the skies darken... ^ (OOC) Urban: Who's angry? ^ (OOC) Gurth: uh oh, some ainur has digestive problems ^ (OOC) Kae: it was Roden's pipe. pls disregard ^ (OOC) Gurth opens an umbrella A mighty rushing sound fills the air, heralding the coming of a great storm... ^ (OOC) Kae: ok maybe not... ^ (OOC) Otoron: BAKLEN IS BACK -- And now for some good Durm-deletion humor -- ^ (OOC) Crusaderr: well I can safely assume I'm not the worst GM to ever lead a guild now so that's good % Alkath: Durms theme? Since when was there one % Roden: Durms had a theme? % Alkath > Roden % Roden: Damn you! % Razey > Alkath % Carver: What's a Roden % Roden: A hobbit. % Aaganara: Assassins for hire are neither good nor evil, merely mercenaries. % Jakar > Alkath > Razey % Balmung > Galandrin. % Irun >Dalkar % Feaiaur: Feaiaur > Balmung > Galandrin % Korbin > Jakar % Carver: This is far too much math for me ^ (OOC) Korbin pours out his 40oz for the durmanhoth gangstas ^ (OOC) Serafina: shabazz, I was gm for a day and a half ^ (OOC) Serafina: and I worked my ass off at it, too -- Alas, there should have been more -- ^ (OOC) Otoron: Anything else? ^ (OOC) Osse: still further, yesterday, we learned that it is a bad idea to comm certain links. ^ (OOC) Balzamon: dont forget giving links to mud code is bad too ^ (OOC) Osse: And that threatening the powers with forking the MUD might also shorten your lifespan ^ (OOC) Eaoden: ^ (OOC) Balzamon: woot there it is Brubaker told you: ok who are you?:P You told Brubaker: ? Brubaker told you: what alt you have:P You told Brubaker: I'm Bilungada. Brubaker told you: sure You told Brubaker: well you asked Brubaker told you: i don't belive:D Grandeur told you: how dare you use a beorning name to pk someone? and its MP [02:06:46] Grimscar told you: seriously, every time you take my shit [02:06:50] Grimscar told you: I think to myself [02:06:58] Grimscar told you: "There's another SoU that'll be idlekilled" [02:07:19] Grimscar told you: I'll do everything in my power to fuck your guild up, for the rest of my my time on the mud - and I repledge that to myeslf every time you steal from me [02:08:02] You told Grimscar: You're going into my whining tidbits. HP:230 EP:184> Grimscar tells you: good tell grimscar Along with Grandeur. Grimscar is ignoring you. [ RoI ] Jasumin: bed time [ RoI ] Jasumin: i have to get up early and go back to teh hospital! [ RoI ] Otoron: For what this time? [ RoI ] Mornaner: sounds like so much fun! [ RoI ] Jasumin: Girlfriend is in the hospital [ RoI ] Jasumin: i only came home in order to MUD [ RoI ] Otoron: Good man. [ RoI ] Jasumin: I tried to download Zmud on the hospital computers [ RoI ] Jasumin: They were all "Hey! Those computers are for staff only" [ RoI ] Jasumin: btw...Osse ale sucks. That is all. % Falken: I will take a great dnd session over sex [787] [17:44] ^ (OOC) Rami: please, save the camel :( [788] [17:44] ^ (OOC) Toby: Kudo me if you want Rami's camel to die. [789] [17:45] ^ (OOC) Someone: Kudo me if you want Toby to die. [790] [17:45] ^ (OOC) Rami: No such player: Someone. [791] [17:45] ^ (OOC) Otoron: No such player: Someone. -- Oh, those crazy Valacircans! -- ^ (OOC) Hurin: Dude. The other day I saw people battling with wooden swords and huge shields in 'Hyde Park' Suddenly you have a massive headache. ^ (OOC) Gnosis: that was Carver and Alkath, Hurin Hoshkebosh says to Fofester: We're playing Pleasure Palace of the Visuvian Demon Whore. Alcavant says in Westron: Whore?! Zoso appears from the shadows. Zoso enters the game. $Alcavant_is_a_twit is in sane at the moment. [ Valacirca ] Viola: Alcavant_is_a_twit is in sane at the moment. HP:230 EP:91> [ Valacirca ] Alcavant: Find Target (Valacirca Viola: Alcavant_is_a_twit) is in sane at the moment. [ Valacirca ] Alcavant: Find Target ( ) is in sane at the moment. [ Valacirca ] Vedalhan: [ Valacirca ] Viola: Alcavant_is_a_twit is in sane at the moment, yo. [ Valacirca ] Alcavant: Find Target (Valacirca Alcavant: Find Target ( )) is in sane at the moment. [ Valacirca ] Vedalhan: Alcavant_is_a_twit) is in sane at the moment, yo. [ Valacirca ] Alcavant: Find Target ( ))) is in sane at the moment. [ Valacirca ] Alcavant: Find Target (Valacirca Alcavant: Find Target ( )))) is in sane at the moment. [ Valacirca ] Vedalhan: [ Valacirca ] Alcavant: Find Target ( ) is in sane at the moment, yo. [ Valacirca ] Alcavant: Find Target ( ))))) is in sane at the moment. [ Valacirca ] Vedalhan: )) is in sane at the moment, yo. [ Valacirca ] Alcavant: Find Target (Valacirca Alcavant: Find Target ( )))))) is in sane at the moment. [ Valacirca ] Alcavant: Find Target (Valacirca Vedalhan: ))) is in sane at the moment, yo. [ Valacirca ] Vedalhan: [ Valacirca ] Vedalhan: Alcavant_is_a_twit) is in sane at the moment, yo, yo. [ Valacirca ] Alcavant: Find Target ( ))))))) is in sane at the moment. You throw your head back and cackle with glee. [20:40] [ RoI ] Mornaner: I'm bored. [20:42] [ RoI ] Otoron: Kill Carver. [20:42] [ RoI ] Mornaner: why? :P [20:42] [ RoI ] Otoron: You're bored! [20:43] [ RoI ] Mornaner: we're on better terms with them right now than we have been in quite a while :P [20:43] [ RoI ] Otoron: ALL THE MORE REASON TO KILL THEIR GM [480] [18:30] ^ (OOC) Warrax: I've been trying to learn German though. [481] [18:31] ^ (OOC) Warrax: That 'r' took me ages to learn to pronounce. [482] [18:31] ^ (OOC) Warrax: It's actually the 'wookie' sound [483] [18:31] ^ (OOC) Warrax: You know, the sound Chewbacca makes [484] [18:31] ^ (OOC) Warrax: It's the German 'r', more or less [857] [02:03] ^ (OOC) Toby: It's never happened before. [858] [02:03] ^ (OOC) Toby feels weak and clownlike. [859] [02:03] ^ (OOC) Josi pats Toby on the back [860] [02:04] ^ (OOC) Fofester: I miss seeing that phrase all the time on the log page. It beats the hell out of skhrub. [861] [02:04] ^ (OOC) Fofester: It just has more class. [862] [02:04] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Well, weak and clownlike was a Solonite term. [863] [02:04] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Which just goes to show you how low we've fallen. [864] [02:04] ^ (OOC) Fofester: Yeah, ouch. [865] [02:04] ^ (OOC) Josi: damn I actually met those MUDers in real life [866] [02:04] ^ (OOC) Otoron: When the Solonite's English is what is considered exemplary. [867] [02:05] ^ (OOC) Otoron: I mean, honestly? A decade ago, drunken teenage Swedes had better English than the Herkimers have now. [868] [02:05] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Food for thought. [869] [02:05] ^ (OOC) Tevildo: "This log is clownlike. Many of it could fit in a tiny car. It is wearing greasepaint and a multicoloured wig." [870] [02:05] ^ (OOC) Fofester: It is delicious. [871] [02:05] ^ (OOC) Tevildo: It's picturesque. 742 00:01 ^ (OOC) Lobo: Herkies quick: Kofi Annan is a drink? If so, how much caffeine it contains? 743 00:01 ^ (OOC) Lobo: 10 seconds! 744 00:01 ^ (OOC) Tarquin: 5 ounce HP:230 EP:230 The wind whispers dark tidings... evil is stirring... ^ (OOC) Otoron: Evil is stirring... IN MY PANTS. *Osse smacks you. You told Bergeroth: are there newbie areas in turseg? Bergeroth told you: basically the whole area u r in is a newbie area :) Bergeroth told you: what r u tryin to do? You told Bergeroth: oh i was considering mons and they are tough and i just started an er for the first time and have not played t2t in awhile Bergeroth told you: mons? You told Bergeroth: NPCS Bergeroth told you: im not too familiar with abreviations yet Ulfanil says in Westron: God my brother is so cute. haha Raigor tells you: ... You say in Westron: He's younger than 5 right? You say in Westron: Like, he's a baby or a toddler? Ulfanil shakes his head. Ulfanil says in Westron: He's 9. Ulfanil stands up and says I am a fucking moron! You say in Westron: Oh You tell Raigor: uh... Ulfanil says in Westron: He's cooking instant noodle for me. Ulfanil smiles. You say in Westron: Aww! Ulfanil says in Westron: I know! Raigor tells you: I'm going to guess that it's just that much different over there Ulfanil says in Westron: I pulled his pants down while he was trying Ulfanil rolls on the floor laughing. Raigor tells you: ....................... ok fuck that You tell Raigor: I'll mail Rathmar. Raigor tells you: Thanks [23:34] Korbin told you: Im listening to mexican death metal :P [23:35] Korbin told you: i feel like raping something with a broken tequila bottle [242] [02:27] ^ (OOC) Otoron: That's 110 bottles, if I bottled it. [243] [02:27] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Kegs are so much easier. [244] [02:27] ^ (OOC) Belshazzar: I want to make some mead... that sounds easy. [245] [02:27] ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Mead is easy, but takes forever [246] [02:27] ^ (OOC) Belshazzar: Is your product any good Otoron? [247] [02:28] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Kind of like your mother. [248] [02:28] ^ (OOC) Belshazzar: Sweet and innocent then... [249] [02:28] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Toby and Mornaner can vouch for my beer. [250] [02:29] ^ (OOC) Belshazzar: Toby? Any good? [251] [02:29] ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Toby's too busy tasting your mom, for comparison [ Chat ] Greg: I tried growing a beard to spite Sophie. [ Chat ] Greg: As it's something which she forbade me from doing whilst we were together. [ Chat ] Greg: Unfortunately she was right.. and it didn't suit me at all. [ Chat ] Caber: Did she end it, or did you, or was it sort of mutual? [ Chat ] Greg: I ended it. [ Chat ] Caber: Dreamcrushing whore. [ Chat ] Greg: I wanted to go with a FR, but I think we decided on uruks. [ Chat ] Otoron: We can make them FRs [ Chat ] Otoron: And have Davros be an uruk? [ Chat ] Greg: I don't want to be the person who derailed the process by moaning. I'm happy to go with uruk. [ Chat ] Otoron: I don't really care, Greg. [ Chat ] Otoron: We're playing DALEKS [ Chat ] Otoron: No race is really appropriate :P [ Chat ] Greg: I do suppose theme takes something of a backseat when you're playing Doctor Who characters. [ Chat ] Greg: Do you still WoW? [ Chat ] Caber: Yeah. [ Chat ] Caber: A lot more casually than I used to. [ Chat ] Caber: I PvP and idle. [ Chat ] Caber: Pretty much what I did here, except that I don't have to pay fines for PvPing. [ Chat ] Greg: My friend logged on his e-mail account on my laptop when he was at my house. [ Chat ] Greg: And he saved his password. [ Chat ] Greg: And I've basically just been logging into his account for the last year or so and reading all his e-mails. [ Chat ] Greg: Everything he says to his girlfriend and stuff. [ Chat ] Greg: I also use it to access his facebook. [ Chat ] Greg: That's what I do instead of WoW, really. [ Chat ] Caber: ...hahahahaha. [ Chat ] Caber: That's probably my favorite Greg quote ever. ^ Esker: QFM is awesome. He makes being gay cool. ^ Esker: We need him here to offset the inevitable homophobia that Scatha creates. [ Chat ] Greg: I told a 'Someone' on the comm that their only value in life was as an organ donor. [ Chat ] Greg: Turned out to be Aule. [ Chat ] Zavosh: hahahahaa [ Chat ] Greg: LOL [ Chat ] Caber: Hahahahahaha. [ Chat ] Zavosh: That's awesome ^ (OOC) Osse: There were stewards beneath the kings prior to that. ^ (OOC) Fofester: Ooooh ^ (OOC) Osse: and when I say "beneath" ^ (OOC) Osse: I mean "serving under" ^ (OOC) Fofester: Now I see your point. Ok. ^ (OOC) Osse: and when I say "serving under" ^ (OOC) Borgil grins at Osse ^ (OOC) Osse: I mean "working for" ^ (OOC) Osse: and when I say "working for" ^ (OOC) Osse: I mean "having sex with" ^ (OOC) Osse: wait, no, I don't mean that. ^ (OOC) Osse: let's stop with "working for". [516] [10:21] ^ (OOC) Osse: heh, speaking of Melkor [517] [10:21] ^ (OOC) Osse: who was it a while back, a level 20 who couldn't find her way to Bywater [518] [10:21] ^ (OOC) Osse: so Melkor assumed she had been hacked [519] [10:22] ^ (OOC) Aaganara: Etoile [520] [10:22] ^ (OOC) Osse: and I had to prove it was her. [521] [10:22] ^ (OOC) Osse: ah yes, that's right :) [523] [10:22] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Can't someone who will hack an account probably find their way to Bywater, though? [524] [10:22] ^ (OOC) Osse: fortunately i had been at a mud party with her not long before and was able to clear thing sup [525] [10:22] ^ (OOC) Otoron: I think dumb mudchick coddled by horny 15 year old Herks is a more plausible theory... [526] [10:22] ^ (OOC) Osse: hacked/transferred/etc. [527] [10:22] ^ (OOC) Osse: this was long before the phenomenon of Herkimer. [528] [10:23] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Fine. Solonites. [529] [10:23] ^ (OOC) Josi: lol [530] [10:23] ^ (OOC) Josi: I actually visited Solon [531] [10:24] ^ (OOC) Zoso: etoile got it on with underage herks? [The following is from September 15th, for perfect context] ^ (OOC) Adaron puts the economy out of its misery. [For humor's sake, Falgorn = Aryl] The small town of Bree stands before you. Many travellers pass through here going to and from the Shire. The road heads to the east, towards the main street of Bree. The Great East Road continues west. The Greenway continues northwest and south. You see the town of Bree to the east. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are north, northwest, west, east and south. Pedron Aislinn the silvan Brigand (Moral) Valmacil Elthine the sindar Soldier (Moral) Falgorin the eorling Orc-target (Impartial) Osse, Lord of Storms. A pipe cart Dorgy, a hideous man A big sign An old wise-looking ranger A town guard [2] Falgorin says: dont silence dorgy Falgorin says: im so stoned man Falgorin says: how are you Falgorin says: im sorry for being a bad bitch Osse chuckles. Osse says: I just think we need some time apart, to work through our differences :) Osse pets Falgorin lovingly on the head. Falgorin says: i can friendly man, if we just want to enjoy a RP environment\ Falgorin says: come on Osse dude~ Falgorin says: Padraig is hardcore Falgorin says: Osse is an Eulogy for an Angel Falgorin says: Osse, Lord of Storms Falgorin says: We could be allies man Falgorin says: I could reveal the darkest mistakes Falgorin says: We could be team mates, all I wanted was a thematic visit with Gildor. Osse says: oh? Falgorin says: I seriously know theme exceptionally well man, lets be friendly! I'm wasted. Osse says: Yes, you keep mentioning that. Osse says: 4 times already, I believe. Falgorin says: All I could possibly do was respect the tonnes of effort put into the game by all ainur Falgorin says: All I wanted to say was that I cared about the community. I wasn't bragging man, just saying I was constructive. Osse says: We have rather differing views on how you chose to carry out that caring, though, don't we. Osse says: have a drink, everyone :) Osse says: we'll have ourselves a bit of a party Falgorin says: osse Falgorin says: man i will apologize for all and everything Falgorin says: i admit i have a deep love for Arda, I am sorry for damaging my relations with Valinor Falgorin says: Smile @ osse lol* Falgorin says: I seriously think I can be much more of a positive than a negative, and so does the majority of the playerbase. Falgorin says: Do you mind please giving me a chance man Osse says: I honestly think you could be too. Osse says: but it is too soon. Falgorin says: Seriously man Falgorin says: I just want to help and be a helper I love T2T look at my activity Osse says: for anyone confused by all of this, Falgorin is Aryl/Fyng/Dofro/etc. Osse says: just for perspective. Falgorin says: I really respect everyone here, I was just being immature. Osse says: a dime bag of weed has made you see the light, then? Osse says: I am not trying to rip on the guy Falgorin says: man I was a fool Falgorin says: trying to boost some goofy ego Falgorin says: all I care about, in the end is this community Falgorin says: all I wanted to do was create something my friends could enjoy Falgorin says: I feel so guilty that I have hurt something I care about so much Osse says: I honestly wish everything could magically be worked out. Osse says: but there's too much water under the bridge, and piss on the shoes, as it were. Osse says: so we need some time to mend the broken bridges. Falgorin says: Osse is right man Falgorin says: Dude me too I think I could bring a lot of good, and learn alot Falgorin says: I would work for anything seriously, I feel so horrible. I LOVE T2T. Falgorin says: Seriously, for 8 years, T2T owns!!! Falgorin says: Osse, please accept my apology, posted herethere or anywhere, I'm sorry for letting down a game I love., Falgorin says: Huan I'm so wasted Osse sighs. Falgorin says: I know all the bad shit, I could simply tell you and then we could move on in a constructive direction for the MUD Falgorin says: Padraig pwns Falgorin says: Valmacil :) Power sword Osse says: Just earlier today you were taking a rather different tone on the log page, were you not? Falgorin says: Not at all, I was simply addressing the chronic haters. Falgorin says: Anyone with common sense can tell how much I love this game Falgorin says: Excuse me Valmacil, its been a few years since I read the Silmarillion. Falgorin says: Aha nice :) Falgorin says: Trivia was one of my favuorite things ever. LOL Osse doll Falgorin says: Man I need to go rip another bowl but please tell Osse I'm very sorry Falgorin says: Seriously I could help anyone but I'm sorry for being so selfish Falgorin says: Please let me know anything I can do to help Falgorin says: Fucking dumb of me, afk smoking weeeeeeed Falgorin returns to the keyboard. Falgorin smiles happily at Osse. Falgorin hugs Osse. Falgorin goes away from the keyboard [weed]. Osse says: I am afraid Falgorin and I need to step aside for a moment and discuss our feelings. Osse smiles slightly. Falgorin is dragged away by security personnel. -- Let's have some more! -- Newname tells you: i need to talk to someone before i suicide Newname tells you: do you know what just happened to me Newname tells you: after ALL the horrible luck ive had Newname tells you: like d'cing in pks, getting triple crit in pkstell jaron all these signs i should quit Newname tells you: dude i just go fucking killed with 60k on me Newname tells you: i was naked unesed Newname tells you: at osg trainer Newname tells you: im about to rent tent Newname tells you: stab and blinded Newname tells you: i run to kad north [04:57] Newname told you: hit alias for tent [04:57] Newname told you: then type quit [04:57] Newname told you: i typoed the alias [04:57] Newname told you: so i start quitting in combat [04:57] Newname told you: so i try and dc [04:57] Newname told you: my mouse is a piece of SHIT [04:57] Newname told you: i start swearing irl and wake up my brother [04:57] Newname told you: like screaming [04:58] Newname told you: i fucking go to hit a button macro i have to reset connections near the bottom corner [04:58] Newname told you: and at that SECOND someone log sin msn [04:58] Newname told you: i hit the msn window [04:58] Newname told you: i switch back with 11 hp [04:58] Newname told you: and i throw my mouse into the wall and manually pull out the computer's power cord [04:58] Newname told you: i log back in and i died with 60k anyway [04:58] Newname told you: like seriously [04:58] Newname told you: i want to kill someone in real life or something [04:59] Newname told you: it is the WORST LUCK EVER [04:59] Newname told you: HOW IS IT HUMSANLY POSSIBLE [04:59] Newname told you: i fucking should have gone to sleep 6 hours ago [04:59] Newname told you: he is probably on the phone with daywalker irl [04:59] Newname told you: telling him to log in [04:59] Newname told you: i cant wait until he posts the log [04:59] Newname told you: i cant wait to see the log [04:59] Newname told you: me quitting/dcing in combat [04:59] Newname told you: and dying with 50k [04:59] Newname told you: i will lose any respect anyone ever had for me [05:00] Newname told you: and wont be able to explain no one will listen to me