Blast from the very recent past

Posted by
Myrddin [legacy]
01 December 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Posted for Norre


  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    03 December 2008 03:36:47

    You're right Tireless.... But you only got a warning for giving him more gold than I did.... I only gave him a sword and 1k.

    I sense some favoritism.

  • Author
    Thak [legacy]
    03 December 2008 03:31:39

    actually, i was just nuked for MP.. eq sharing and transferring :P

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    02 December 2008 18:50:47

    Really, not nuking Sean when he was mass cheating and nuking the guys from Herkimer just when they started having a brilliant law record... Valinor first intimidated them into following the rules and then nuked them anyway.

    I've fought them and I've been friends with them. They are really not worse than half of the MUD. Law reporting them because someone can't deal with them is very cheap. Yes, I would law report my enemies too whenever I had proof they cheated - but I'd at least levelbash them a bit before they get nuked.

    People keep transferring gold and eq, alt sharing still exists and we nuked the only guy who played by the OCPP rule.

  • Author
    Astachar [legacy]
    02 December 2008 12:52:16

    What about lying to Valinor about my sexuality? :(

  • Author
    Evis [legacy]
    02 December 2008 11:00:31

    I don`t udnerstand one thing, Ravathir is telling us none of them knew you were YOU, so tell me what`s the possibility % that all you`re friends help an annonymous person to gold, level up, gear up. Friends who you propably know in RL and i don`t know grab a beer or a burger from time to time...

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    02 December 2008 10:48:17

    Lucky I have to agree with cruice seems like you need some sort of anger management

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    02 December 2008 09:47:57

    lol, so much hate. Haha.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    02 December 2008 09:38:07

    lol @ Lucky :)))))

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    02 December 2008 07:37:06

    Cruice, I am far more happy than angry.

    I repeat...

    Fuck you.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    02 December 2008 06:02:25

    I'd like to point out that Cruice has in fact been nuked for _this very deed_ before -- As I recall, Anubis and Ravathir were nuked after helping Vindin level 'for aiding a hardbanned character'. Even if that nuking wasn't terribly fair (or even if it was), of all the people on the mud, he and Ravathir should best have known what wasn't allowed in those regards.

    I've heard unconfirmed reports that Rauku and/or Norre also lied to the admins to try and conceal Hurykai's identity. If this is true, lying to a power about any topic is nukable... so there you go.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    02 December 2008 05:52:05


  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    02 December 2008 05:23:43

    You're right. Aiding a hardbanned character was always ok until now.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    02 December 2008 04:51:17

    Yes, I said Have fun then don't have fun... figure it out.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    02 December 2008 04:18:47

    Seems I don't fall into any of those catagories....

    Also seems that aiding a hardbanned character didn't exist until Osse nuked us for it....

    Maybe it is just me, or maybe Osse just has the same ridiculous grudge that some of you on this MUD have.

    All I'm going to say, and all you will ever hear again..... Have fun, don't get yourself noticed, don't have fun, don't have friends. Seems the only way you can keep a character on this mud if you are from Herkimer.

    All in all was fun. Lucky anger management is a good thing.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    02 December 2008 04:15:38

    These are the rules of conduct for The Two Towers. By playing The Two Towers, you are implying agreement to follow these rules regardless of whether you agree with them or not. Continuously ignoring and/or breaking these rules is taken as indication that you no longer wish to continue playing The Two Towers and we shall act accordingly.

    In general there are three guidelines for acceptable behavior:

    Respect the MUD as a Community.

    Respect the MUD as a computer system.

    Respect the rights of other people to use and enjoy the system.

    We expect players to follow the spirit of the rules, not just the letter of the law. If you think you have found a way around the letter, you can be fairly certain you are violating the spirit and will be treated no less harshly.

    Profanity. Keep foul/abusive language out of public forums.

    Harassment. Try to keep personal attacks and arguments out of public forums. We will become involved if such things get out of hand. We may also get involved in private instances of harassment.

    Spam. Do not spam commands, spam on channels, or spam in any other way.

    Multiplaying. Your characters cannot be online at the same time or aid each other in any way. The same character cannot be shared by more than one player.

    Bug Abuse. If you find a bug, or think you might have found a bug, report it. The exploitation of a bug will not be tolerated.

    Triggers. Triggers used to simulate hunt or artificially inflate your character age are not allowed.

    Botting. Do not use scripts to control your character while you are not at the keyboard.

    Killstealing. Do not attack a creature which another player is already trying to kill. And if you didn't kill it, don't loot it.

    Playerkilling. We allow limited player killing, subject to the games internal law system. However we do not allow the killing of new players, nor do we allow repeated killing of the same player as a form of harassment.

    Playerstealing. We allow players to steal from other players, subject to the games internal law system. However, repeated stealing from the same player as a form of harassment is not allowed.

    Questinfo. Do not give out quest information using public lines of communication such as comms and boards.

    Roleplaying. The Two Towers is a roleplaying mud, and some level of roleplaying is required when using certain features.

    Advertising. Do not advertise other muds or commercial products on The Two Towers.

    Troublemaking. General trouble making such as public insults, flames, taunts, excessive complaining, and similar disruptive behavior is not tolerated.

    Please refer to the specific help file of any of the above rules for more detailed information.

    Violation of any of these rules may result in various punishments, from a formal warning to deletion of all of your characters and banishment from the game.

    If you observe a violation of our rules, please use the 'law' command to bring it to our attention.


    If you break a rule, you will be subject to punishment depending on the severity of the offense and the judgement of the Ainur.

    Our punishments include, but are not limited to:

    * Warning A warning is an official record that you have violated our rules. A warning serves to remind you of our rules and how you have violated them, so that you do not violate them again.

    * Silencing Silencing removes your ability to talk on comm channels, tells, shouts, or other methods of communication.

    * Imprisonment Imprisonment is a temporary measure used to isolate an offender until they can be dealt with by the Administration.

    * Loss of a Hand This punishment involves the removal of one of your character's hands, leaving you only one free hand hindering your gameplay.

    * Leprosy This punishment is the infliction of a disease on your character. While diseased you will constantly lose hit points. Additionally your description will be disfigured and everyone around you will receive notifications that you are diseased.

    * Suspension A suspension is the inability to log in to the mud for a period of time. This suspension period allows you to cool off and reflect on your actions before being allowed back.

    * Deletion Deletion, also known as 'nuke', is the deletion of your character and potentially your alternate characters as well. This is usually reserved for repeat violations of the rules, cheating which has given your character an unfair advantage such as bug abuse or multiplaying, or any incident of a zero-tolerance behavior such as harassment.

    In addition to the above punishments, we have the ability to prevent users from any IP address(es) from connecting with either new or existing characters. This is known as a ban. Bans are placed when it has become impossible to control characters, often cheaters or harassers, from continuing to create characters and disrupt the mud.

    Unfortunately, often as a result of banning IP addresses to prevent harassers from creating new characters, some innocent players end up locked out of the mud as well. If this happens to you, go to the following web address: Using the above link you can send an email to the administration requesting access and we will put your name on an exception list, allowing your named character to bypass the ban.

    There are two types of bans:

    * Softban No new characters can be created from a site. Current ones can still be played as normal, however. Often applied when some idiot decides its fun to create a million characters and harass people.

    * Hardban No one from this site can log on to T2T at all unless registered as an exception as explained above.

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    02 December 2008 02:35:57

    thak shadup

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    02 December 2008 02:35:54

    Adion was Rauku.

  • Author
    Thak [legacy]
    02 December 2008 02:34:27

    wait, was hurb also adion?

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    02 December 2008 01:16:13

    haha lucky

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    02 December 2008 01:12:45


    Fuck you all.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    02 December 2008 00:04:23

    You used your '2nd chance' character to comm a bunch of ainur and mortal alts. You really think you weren't banned?

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    01 December 2008 20:30:11

    why i already figured it out. i'm level 3! :)

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    01 December 2008 20:00:09

    Hell you tools will move just to play towers, so I'll see you around :P

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    01 December 2008 18:33:24

    atleast i got nuked full maxed this time usually im level 12 raped

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    01 December 2008 18:32:54

    Yeah we are all gone now. I've done some stupid shit but you will miss it :P

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    01 December 2008 18:11:04

    Are you all hardbanned now?

    Even if you were a pretender to my FURY tag, I'm sorry to see you go :(

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    01 December 2008 17:51:51

    pretty much. I didn't get them nuked. osse would have found some other crazy thing

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    01 December 2008 17:46:58

    [new] Date: 01. Dec, 2008, 16:28:02 By: Hurb

    i wasn't actually banned i just said i was. none of us were. i never went around any bans or anything so the nuke reason isn't really correct.

    So you got your only friends nuked for do nothing wrong at all, riiight.

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    01 December 2008 17:00:56

    we can't use proxies or anything so if you have a bright idea :P

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    01 December 2008 16:54:30

    You guys WILL be back :P

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    01 December 2008 16:29:14

    the others shouldn't have been nuked. Osse got back to PoL looking for the silliest of reasons. Who will you pick on now? :/

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    01 December 2008 16:28:02

    i wasn't actually banned i just said i was. none of us were. i never went around any bans or anything so the nuke reason isn't really correct.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    01 December 2008 15:23:38

    haha, thats funny.

  • Author
    Evis [legacy]
    01 December 2008 11:48:37

    The best thing is noone would know he is banned if he would seperate chars :D, but i guess it`s a long lost skill...

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    01 December 2008 11:40:44

    Derk the Jerk from Herk and Hazin FURY. Can't forget those.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    01 December 2008 10:42:05

    Guess some things will never change.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    01 December 2008 10:02:32

    Tarquin, Zagthak, couple others

  • Author
    Thak [legacy]
    01 December 2008 07:56:02

    does (or did) hurb have any other well known alts?

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    01 December 2008 05:51:26

    Like 3 days ago: You tell Mathias: btw I think Hurykai is Hurb. (Then I gave him reasons)

    Today: You tell Mathias: I was right!

    Mathias tells you: yes you were.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    01 December 2008 04:19:53

    I've just been informed that Delvar was intending to convey sarcasm with the '*coughs'. Given that Hurykai was Hurb, I'll assume this information was correct ;)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    01 December 2008 03:58:21

    maybe he wasn't sean 100% of the time!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    01 December 2008 03:57:29

    Would you care to let us know who you think he is and why, then, Delvar?

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    01 December 2008 02:38:44

    hurykai is not sean

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    01 December 2008 02:34:27

    hurykai wasn't sean Lobo

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    01 December 2008 02:26:43

    that's in

    thiago just pasted me their legends on msn :)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    01 December 2008 02:26:22

    Date: 20. Nov, 2008, 18:26:47 By: Hurykai

    I have been fighting norre since i have started. He's fun to play against. i don't know where all this hate has come from, but it reallly seems useless to me. Lobo spends so much time hating it seems like he needs a new hobbie.

    Date: 20. Nov, 2008, 19:09:25 By: Lobo

    how have you been, sean?

    Date: 20. Nov, 2008, 19:49:39 By: Hurykai

    are you calling me sean?

    Yes I am, sorry for the delay, bro :)

  • Author
    Thak [legacy]
    01 December 2008 02:15:20

    Someone tell me who the fuck hurykai is?

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    01 December 2008 01:43:33

    Hurykai isn't Hurb! *coughs