
Posted by
Cerol [legacy]
14 January 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Ugrim dies for his crimes towards the Corsairs of Umbar.


  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    21 January 2002 13:40:28

    The chief : see previous log for an answer.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    17 January 2002 18:51:11

    Cerol, i'm pissed because you killed him.

    And no, not a trap by leaping.

    But a trap down the stairs in moria.

    Cerol, nice kill. Hope you will die an even nicer death.

    -Norin the Nameless.

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    17 January 2002 16:30:56

    Hmm...Norin...What is your problem? He was planning on trapping me by leaping off? Oh, that woul?d have made much sense...he still would have gotten himself killed without me getting deathblow and that would be great...His reimbursements would have been less and I would have taken a few zips from my flask and everything would be just fine. You pissed because i kill him when he is wearing no eq? I always thought that an assassins job is to find his victim when he is very vulnerable (spelled how??) and then take his life. I thought i did pretty good on finding him in a for him bad position.

    I also want comment about all this newbie talk that everyone keeps talking about. The CoU got back into Arda not even a year ago, of course our crew will be weakened after such a long absence. It takes time to form a guild into a stabile, good guild with many experience players. What else did you expect?

    That's pretty much what I had to say...enjoy.

    Cerol, Proud Drinker of Bethagan.

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    17 January 2002 01:16:58

    You know what ? go get a name, go get a fucking life. I don't care about you, i don't care even to die, because i've a life outta this mud man.

    Trigger Wyngel todo do close my fucking mouth, go out to get a life.

    The next time you will see Wyngel, you will close your fucking mouth and go get a life.

    Relax man. Peace.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    17 January 2002 00:51:52

    What's the point of making up a name just to post? Are we supposed to go 'Ooh...he's so brave, if ever there's a char named the chief I'll fear him!' I didn't think so...

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    16 January 2002 16:35:38

    1: You got yourself into some serious trouble there Cerol.

    2: Ugrim was trying to trap you and made a mistake. He had considered to leap off.

    3: Dormin is right with his comment.

    4: Congrats, you are the first bitch who has managed to kill Ugrim while he was equipped with only two bottles of wine.

    -Norin the Nameless (Just a friend of Ugrim)

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    16 January 2002 10:13:45

    Oh, this is for you, 'The Chief' of my ass : a little ballad.

    I could drag you to my chambers

    and strip you naked in darkness

    I could pull out your fingernails one by one

    and rape you till you find no hope

    I could rip your guts out

    and let you watch me

    sacrifice your unborn child

    I could leave you to starve

    and even bring you to total silence

    But I won't

    For I find no pleasure in your physical pain

    I want your moronic soul to crumble

    Your fucking soul

    When I have seen your church go up in flames

    and you are weeping I will laugh

    When I have seen you mourn over loved ones

    I will feel bliss when your mortal souls is in ruins

    I will grin in the shadows

    for that gives me pleasure

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    16 January 2002 09:56:59

    I think i've had enough of people blaming or laughing at the CoU. As well as i've had enough of fucken assholes who are too weak to go get an unique and have to steal it from others. See you in Mordor.

  • Author
    Wise [legacy]
    16 January 2002 07:23:55

    Two words about CoU, Waldermir and Juggalo. I don't know the rest of you, but I am pretty sure Ugrim did kick ass on his prime time.

    And who the hell are you, 'the chief', another chicken's asshole? Show your name bastard.


  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    16 January 2002 04:18:31

    Woh! sounds to me like somebody squeezed their nutsack to hard. Lay off the CoU, assmunch, they may seem like a shitty Guild to you but if they continue on their way they will turn out pretty fucking good.

    No one trashes Wyngel, thats my job. Anytime you want to try me out just say the word. I WILL use a red sword and suck the life from you as you die with it. Shitty Guild my ass, I will fuck you like Mark Wahlberg did Heather Graham in Boogie Nights and I wont use the lube motherfucker!

    Note:this was posted after my car brokedown and I found out I might HAVE to stay another semester at college.

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    15 January 2002 06:10:45

    Ugrim could whoop your stupid CoU ass if he hadn't quit playing really. The Baruk I know was of the utmost.

  • Author
    Gilead [legacy]
    15 January 2002 04:33:55

    Man cerol nice solo kill. Good to see some of those

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    14 January 2002 23:31:58

    Doesn't the name already say 'Endless stairs'?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    14 January 2002 21:46:11

    He should have lept off, probably the first time he's been attacked up there though, and didnt realize how long the stair really was, hehe.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    14 January 2002 21:13:50

    Nice logs, Cerol.

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    14 January 2002 20:42:32

    Ugrim, learn better your lesson next time : repeat 100 times 'I shall not mess with CoU'

    You fuck with us, we smoke yer head

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    14 January 2002 20:39:13

    Damnit, I tried for 20 minutes to get this in color but it wouldn't work...bah! *see all them misses?* *ponders aimpotions*