Jasumin and Mornaner

Posted by
Utatha [legacy]
04 December 2008 00:00:00

Hurricane, same as lightning but no damage reduction modifier.. SRS strike, necros have no modifier for that either. Are you telling us we must pickup 'resist magic'


  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    06 December 2008 08:33:47


  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    06 December 2008 05:34:21

    Ice spike does a little more damage but it costs more EP too. It was better the way it used to be.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    06 December 2008 02:52:19

    The kind of 'damage' (ice,fire,etc.) done by a spell has nothing to do with the actuality of casting it. Wizards understand (and are trained in countering) magic, ice spike is magic, wizards can counter it.

  • Author
    Evis [legacy]
    05 December 2008 15:09:04

    Daywalker for one you aren`t anyone to talk who is how skilled, propably if id use a mapper like you or Skyman have milion aliases and spend as much time on as you in youre opinion would make me a skilled person but honestly after 10years here i don`t give a shit about anything you might say.

    And yes does 2 spells do some decent damage(fireball and lightning) but so does ice spike now and the hurricane spell, i don`t know how nerfed is leech right now but it still hurts the attacker. And the fact that wizards do not use cold spells doesn`t mean they don`t know them at all (from a thematic point of view).

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    05 December 2008 08:18:23

    I think the fact that there was ever balance there was deemed to be a bug.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    05 December 2008 04:15:59

    What justification was given for the change so they can't train it?

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    05 December 2008 01:58:50

    Ah, good old Saruman. Somehow I never thought of trying him. :/

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    05 December 2008 01:38:26

    *Could* train RM at Saruman until it was changed a few hours ago (well after your posts that they can't).

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    05 December 2008 00:42:14

    Smoky, since you've been behaving I don't want to flame you, but you're wrong. ERs can train RM at Saruman.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    04 December 2008 20:46:14

    So, uh, if a wizard casts a spell at you... just leech them?

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    04 December 2008 20:19:53

    Wasn't leech more powerful in the old days? As was ice spike. The ice spike change was never announced but it takes more EP and supposedly does more damage. I never found that to be the case.

    It's still too early to say whether Valinor ruined necromancers. We should wait and see what the new sandstorm will be like.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    04 December 2008 17:46:21

    How are they ruined? They are useless now, just like sniffers. Someone just threw away the work and ideas of many, and good ideas that is.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    04 December 2008 17:45:47

    How can you compare a necro back then with the gameplay of today?

    I hate it when people say, back then XXX was a great player - he is the best ever. 90% of the players of the old times will find it hard even to move around in the game of today.

    Same for the professions, guilds, quests etc. You can't compare an old class with the current gameplay.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    04 December 2008 17:41:17

    I still don't get how ainur ruined necros. Back then when ERs were first reintroduced, there was no sandstorm, and necros were undoubtedly the most played and probably most powerful of ER professions. So, why exactly are they ruined now?

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    04 December 2008 17:08:18

    ah, and Utatha, idiots like you need to die, a lot. Wish I played so I can personally help them kill you.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    04 December 2008 17:06:15

    Evis, it does more than enough damage, and you are not skilled enough to discuss this.

    One thing is clear, Ainur ruined Necromancers. End of Story.

    Regarding countering and not, first spell types and elemental damage needs to be defined.

    For example, fire arrow does fire damage. Fire skill. Wizard knows fire skill, they can counter. However, ice spike, ice damage, cold skill, wizard does not know cold, can't counter. Its simple.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    04 December 2008 13:53:27

    I'll say it again.

    ER's can't train RM, only servants can.

  • Author
    Evis [legacy]
    04 December 2008 12:16:37

    For does who might not understand wizards have only 2 spells that do damage.

    BTW a quest for all you wizards, cast a fireball on a maxed equiped warrior who has 60RM, and see how much damage the spell does.

  • Author
    Evis [legacy]
    04 December 2008 12:13:34

    Sorry to say it but whats the point in showing that a wizard vs necro fight makes it possible for a wizard to counter youre spells. First if i remember well counter takes 40ep when it succeds and a it was shown not each attempt to counter works and failed counter takes 20ep plus wizard can`t cast during counter attempt.

    You can always train RM and be fine againts SRS.

    Lightning backfire takes about 100hp sometimes over 100hp.

    You have leech which still is a great skill, you have flaming arrow which is cheaper than coutner and works as well and how often does a necro vs wizard fight, more of the time there is also an assassin hunting.

    Funny to hear ERs saying about unbalance when you look back at old bounty hunters or even necros where 2 necros could do eoreds with no heal.

    Necro and wizard are close to each outher profession but are not equall the fact they have only 2 spells doing damage is enough to point out the diference.

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    04 December 2008 10:36:31

    I have to agree balance seems way off on that. I did not realize that necro had no resist to strike and I used to play as one something that was just assumed I guess.

    But back to you surviving DAMN. at first I just thouht you were sense crazy. Living through that musch damage in two rounds is intense.

    Maybe one of those ainur will get.off their asses and fix something that they have fucked up

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    04 December 2008 10:00:36

    Hurricane? Seriously? At least call it cyclone or something. Hurricane is kind of dumb considering what a hurricane is.

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    04 December 2008 05:47:38

    I'm pretty sure hurricane checks necromancy now instead of resist magic. It took necromancers being smacked for full damage from their own spells to get that change that should have been made before the spell even existed, but yeah. That's one thing Valinor has done right for ERs, at least. Although the spell shouldn't exist and sandstorm should have just been nerfed, anyway. It's not as if they couldn't discuss it while it was in the game.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:51:26

    Fireball and lightning take four rounds, and if a wizard tries to counter a flame arrow while himself casting, his spell is interrupted.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:47:05

    Plus, as far as I remember, sandstorm is just temporarily removed. It will be rebalanced and put back into the game once it's done. You should be glad that ainur gave necros a free spell, instead of just taking sandstorm away like they could have done...

    So, if I were you, I'd stop bitching about hurricane, before they find it's not worth to fix its bugs/unbalances and just take it away, since it's just a temporary spell anyways.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:42:48

    Balance isn't making everything all the same. If everyone in the world looked the same as you, just think how terrible it would be.

  • Author
    Utatha [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:41:14

    Mordhred, your comments show you have no support nor know what you're talking about. It's people bitching which got sandstorm nerfed, I'm bitching for balance, whats so wrong about that?

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:38:04

    Just play your profession at best and take out of it what you can. If you want to counter necros or have lightning not backfire or strike random people or cast fireballs or levitate, play a damn wizard. If you want to smash your head on the wall, play a warrior. No one is saying you have to be a necromancer, if you dont like being one.

    And please stop coming up with spacial arguments to try to prove that necromancers are weak, because they sure as hell aren't. Just because they lost sandstorm? Big deal... back in the day sandstorm didn't even exist and necros were great all the same. Granted leech was stronger at some point, but they were still good after the leech nerf, even without sandstorm. So really, no point in this.

  • Author
    Utatha [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:37:57

    Tevildo, what wizard spell takes more than 3 rounds to complete, while you have counter.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:34:21

    Flame arrow is itself a counter.

  • Author
    Utatha [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:32:20


    You cannot counter what you do not understand.


    You attack Gilvaras.

    You begin to rub your hands together, creating a flame arrow.

    HP:235 EP:235>

    The heat on your hands turns into a solid rod of heat.

    Gilvaras barely misses you.

    Gilvaras tried to abort your spell, but failed.

    Gilvaras counters your spell!

    You become too distracted to continue.

    You begin to conjure flames.

    HP:235 EP:197>

    Waving your staff in a high arc above your head, you feel a warmth

    flow over you as you begin to summon the FLAMES of ANGBAND!!!

    Gilvaras tried to abort your spell, but failed.

    Gilvaras counters your spell!

    You become too distracted to continue.

    You attack Gilvaras.

    You swiftly move forward toward Gilvaras and at just the right

    moment, you sneak past his defenses and grab his arm. Gilvaras goes

    pale for a moment as you leech the very life from him.

    HP:235 EP:215>

    You continue to focus your efforts on leeching life from Gilvaras.

    Gilvaras barely misses you.

    Gilvaras counters your spell!

    You become too distracted to continue.

    You are unable to continue leeching life.

    You totally miss Gilvaras.

    Gilvaras barely misses you.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:31:17

    Yes, but being able to take like 100-150 of your own hp from a failed spell is just ridiculous. If they're going to make a clone of lightning, they need to make it a clone with respect to its effect on the caster, or it's not balanced. It's like making a heal for sniffers to balance them with rangers, but having it set hp to -10 if it fails.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:28:03

    Necros aren't supposed to be wizards' mirrors. They're completely different and independent profession. Therefore, all arguments seen here are irrelevant.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:22:59

    There should be a necro skill that protects against necro spells, end of story really. Maybe immort and code an SRS-type thing for necros.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:20:10

    An offensive use of energize is virtually impossible to pull off. There's no usable wizard analogue for leech.

    I've spoken with an Ainu about the backfire thing, and unless they were flat-out lying, it's balanced properly.

  • Author
    Utatha [legacy]
    04 December 2008 04:04:16

    Necromancers -vs- Wizards

    Whats the difference you ask, well..

    *Fireball damage reduction is based off resist magic, ice spike is based off a targets amour. (This is silly, cause thematically what do you think it should be?)

    *Leech slowly sucks the life out of someone and is countered by RM, energize completely drains someones ep.

    *Lightning has a nasty chance to backfire but luckily RM is a primary wizard skill, hurricane is a lightning clone and if there's a backfire.. hold on, this is off the help spell hurricane:

    'If your spell backfires, you still get hit with the full force of the hurricane's fury!'

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    04 December 2008 03:44:23

    Since when can ERs not train RM?

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    04 December 2008 03:35:50

    This was very silly.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    04 December 2008 03:23:07

    ER's can't train RM though.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    04 December 2008 02:54:31

    Fuck yeah you have to pick it up. Everybody else has to, why not necromancers?

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    04 December 2008 02:48:37

    Does RM reduce hurricane damage? If so, then yeah, you got a point. If not, then I can grudgingly agree with the way it is.