
Posted by
Sadoc [legacy]
11 December 2008 00:00:00

I guess he wanted his chance at killing me since he did not attack me when I was locked by Jakar, Proof, Loot and him.


  • Author
    Sadoc [legacy]
    17 December 2008 04:44:42


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    16 December 2008 04:15:22

    You thought wrong :/

  • Author
    Sadoc [legacy]
    16 December 2008 03:51:27

    No I do not Lobo, but when you said 'And I don't whine about it.' I thought you might be implying that I was. *shrug* And Cruice, I was being semi-sarcastic

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    16 December 2008 03:40:42

    Never obsessed about anyone's alts ever. You made yourself known to me Sadoc, I didn't just see your name and say to myself ' Hot damn, I need to find out who that is because I don't know!!'

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    15 December 2008 21:12:34

    Who said you were? Do you also have reading problems?

  • Author
    Sadoc [legacy]
    15 December 2008 18:44:46

    How was I whining Lobo?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    15 December 2008 13:14:07

    We weren't wondering this time any moreso than the first, second and nineteenth.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    15 December 2008 12:31:09

    *hugs Urban*

    In case people are wondering, my second language is sarcasm.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    15 December 2008 12:18:09

    I'd never bitch at you, my dear.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    15 December 2008 12:13:19

    That's not an excuse. English is my third language and people still bitch whenever I make a mistake. And I don't whine about it.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 December 2008 00:12:15

    Oh, right :\ I always figured he was an American though.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    14 December 2008 23:11:14

    He's clearly ESL, don't bitch about his grammar. (read: grammar. Punctuation should carry through from native language)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    14 December 2008 23:03:37

    and you got told by smoky, and that't double failure.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    14 December 2008 22:46:33

    But it's not grammatically correct so you still kind of fail.

  • Author
    Sadoc [legacy]
    14 December 2008 21:49:18

    I like commas better than periods, get over it.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    14 December 2008 21:41:04

    62 word sentence!

  • Author
    Sadoc [legacy]
    14 December 2008 21:32:35

    *shrug* Perhaps other people don't obsess about finding the alts of every person on this MUD. And Lobo, no, I am not a herkie alt, and I have been around for a bit. And yes, I must admit that comment was a bit confusing but if I would have typed out the whole thing I was meaning to say it might have been a little bit longer, which I didn't have that much time because I had to go leave to attend to rl, and when I returned to the computer, I noticed the typo. Is that so bad?

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    13 December 2008 23:15:41

    How you people don't know who Sadoc is amazes me..

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    12 December 2008 09:58:13

    Just another noob... You are boring.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 December 2008 05:59:39

    Winnetou and Herkies are bed buddies currently, so I somewhat doubt it.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 December 2008 05:07:01

    Who the hell is sadoc? After 15 minutes of proofreading his pathetic comment the only thing he was able to correct was a damn typo? Must be a god damn new herkie alt.

  • Author
    Sadoc [legacy]
    12 December 2008 04:11:55

    locking me*

  • Author
    Sadoc [legacy]
    12 December 2008 03:57:32

    Dang, got killed again by 4 people locking my up, and one not attacking. I don't like locks :( But, after Skyman had came out of Fangorn with me when I locked him, after Chelios stabbed, so I left because of low HP, then Brubaker comes and Skyman dies. All is good.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 December 2008 02:18:52

    I love the sigh. A crit and a good headbutt there before you could heal while you were wasting time sighing would have been great. :D

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    12 December 2008 00:32:12

    Good point, Verm, but I figured saving the EP was a better idea anyway.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    12 December 2008 00:29:40

    EP is usually not a problem when being banged as you have to consume ridiculous amounts of healing just to keep your hp above 0.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 December 2008 00:28:36

    Furthermore, how often if you are intelligent, will you not know that ALL 5 of the members of a guild or group that want you dead are all in the same room. This is very nice if someone stabs you and you happen to be in a somewhat active guild. One of your guildmates might be right nearby and could either shield you or stab the guy, or at least get nearby for possible assistance.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    12 December 2008 00:27:53

    I used to have a trigger for stabs and attacks from players for my guildcomm, but then I realized that when I got banged I lost double-digit EP just comming the shit.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 December 2008 00:25:46

    I honestly believe that what the delay was from was the actual people making entire do commands back in the day (which definitely provides quite a bit of delay due to the mechanics). Doing a do comment with wimpy off, focus defense,focus dodge,comm HELKP stabbed ir loth is enough to cause at least a round delay. Also making it a bad enough trigger you could cause additional delay. But if done in a singular command it should have next to no delay.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    12 December 2008 00:07:16

    I'm not sure where this 2 round thing is coming from. Comming on trigger has no effect on combat and happens instantaneously. The only argument I can see against a trigger is that the extra 3ep of the comm could be better spent evading.

  • Author
    Sadoc [legacy]
    11 December 2008 22:25:53

    Yes, Mirnac, it has been changed so NPCs don't set it off, and, I think the attack/bs trigger work best for me because usually I focus on other stuff if I have been attacked like escaping or trying to coordinate something to turn the tables on the attacker. And, I'm not exactly sure what happened with the backstab, I think I just have it possibly omitted from output or something, not sure. And I was lucky that flamer was sucking it up or else I might not have gotten away alive, which I was pretty sure I was done for from the start, as I only had 80hp to begin with :P

  • Author
    Zippen [legacy]
    11 December 2008 18:17:45

    Well Sadoc, I have to very nice job correcting your miss alias and getting away alive! Nice job.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    11 December 2008 16:14:35

    Yup, and when getting attacked by 5 people it's much better they get 2 extra rounds in so your guildmate can sit geared and you die, then using those 2 extra rounds to survive

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    11 December 2008 15:52:49

    But if you're a member of (eg.) BkD who gets attempted somewhere in Rohan, having your guildmates geared at edoras sp when you send them tells for the setup is clearly better than having them sitting in the guildhall with no EQ.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    11 December 2008 15:06:14

    Hopefully you would run and break if your getting owned, and then directions wouldnt help shit. Or you would split them up or start positioning for a backhunt/lockup and most guildmembers don't know that by a comm, so you need to tell them what the plan is anyway.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    11 December 2008 13:52:25

    If you have roomlocation and hp in it, it's a hell of a lot better than typing out a whole comm 'I'm whatevershape at whateverroom in whateverarea' in the middle of a pk.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    11 December 2008 08:28:39

    Yeah thats right, i read some ainu news about that, they changed that like 2 years ago or something right? Hum forgot that. Shrug, guild comming when you get attacked is stupid anyways. If you have time to turn a attempt into a pk you have time to comm/tell for backup and do the setup, otherwise you do it solo or just break/die. I always thought it was mostly showing off that you can write a trigger.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    11 December 2008 08:05:56

    With autoattacking NPCs it says something like 'XXX attacks you.', I believe, and with players it says 'You are attacked by X!'. So really what he should do is just remove the backstab one and keep the attack one, since you don't always get backstabbed when you get attempted.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    11 December 2008 07:45:03

    You guys are drunk, check the comm he makes, but im woundering why the F he have one that comm's when he is attacked and one as he is backstabbed. Keep the BS comm but not attacked, your poor guildmates must get spammed by all npc's autoattacking and you comming all day. Too bad the flaming stab sucked ass this time :(

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    11 December 2008 06:18:08

    Ok so back to complementing your stab.

    I wish my stabs did that much damage :(

  • Author
    Chelios [legacy]
    11 December 2008 06:12:12

    You are giving off too much light to remain camouflaged.

    You are no longer camouflaged.

    backstab Sadoc

    You attack Sadoc.

    Triggered! doing: hunt Sadoc

    You sneak up and stab Sadoc from behind!

    You sink the hot blade into Sadoc, opening a painful wound.

    I definitely backstabbed him :P His client trigger for backstab interfered with the mud output, so it didn't show up on his screen.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    11 December 2008 06:05:42

    unless he subs the backstab into the trigger cause he doesn't know how to make it properly.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    11 December 2008 06:03:06

    Haha, your attack trigger is messed up then Sadoc.

    [ Udungul ] Sadoc just got [backstabbed] by -Chelios- with HP: 80 and EP:

    219 in the region of NH in the room The Harad Desert!

    Yet you weren't stabbed :P

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    11 December 2008 05:54:24

    touche, even worse :P

  • Author
    Azkur [legacy]
    11 December 2008 05:43:01

    no stab, just attacked.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    11 December 2008 05:03:05

    Fucking sexy 11hp stab. Mmm, so hot.