^ (OOC) Transeu: I am on his ignore list because he's a retard and ignored me in a little baby whiney fit of rage over nothing. ^ (OOC) Transeu: What a pile of waste. ^ (OOC) Tireless: "He's ignoring me for being a tool, so now let me flame him in a very tool-like fashion" Transeu told you: Tool, eh? Transeu told you: He really ignored me because I asked him what tidbits are. Transeu told you: I honestly didn't know, I asked him, and he flew off the handle at me, told me I was stupid, and ignored me. You told Transeu: Let me review the reasons: "He's a retard", "ignored me in a little baby whiney fit of rage", "pile of waste" Transeu told you: That sums it up, yeah. You told Transeu: You fail. ^ (OOC) Esker: it's a sad, sad day when we can't objectify one another's mother's in an entirely sexual way [ Chat ] Warrax: Dow Jones is up 8% [ Chat ] Warrax: WHY [ Chat ] Warrax: This makes me sad [ Chat ] Warrax: I was already dreaming of stockpiling trenchcoats and fedoras [ Chat ] Warrax: To have a stylish decade of depression [ Chat ] Warrax: god dammit [ Chat ] Warrax: christ, I am saturated with this drivel [ Chat ] Warrax: when does football season end? [ Chat ] Otoron: January. [ Chat ] Warrax: fuck [ Chat ] Warrax: man [ Chat ] Warrax: a friend of mine was defending his phd thesis [ Chat ] Warrax: and it was a study of some curved surface [ Chat ] Warrax: and I swear it looked identical to a vagina [ Chat ] Warrax: clitoris and all [ Chat ] Warrax: four years studying a mathematical vagina, christ ^ (OOC) Elwing frolics. ^ (OOC) Varan: Naked? ^ (OOC) Elwing: Nah, sorry. ^ (OOC) Varan: Oh. ^ (OOC) Varan: One day. ^ (OOC) Elwing: Maybe! ^ (OOC) Elwing: Now you've scared Aule away! ^ (OOC) Eaoden: At least we still have you! ^ (OOC) Varan: If Aule imagining you frolicing naked scares him away, you've got bigger problems than me. ^ (OOC) Elwing smirks. A white bird lands before you, and slowly changes into the elven form of Elwing. Otoron wields his black rod. Otoron pokes Elwing in the face with his black rod. Otoron flips Elwing onto her belly. Otoron grunts as his black rod does its magic at Elwing. Otoron shoves Elwing into the wall with his black rod. Otoron smacks Elwing on her asscheeks. Otoron hangs onto Elwing as he climaxes. Otoron removes a jet black rod. Otoron dismisses Elwing. Otoron yawns. Otoron passes out cold. Otoron snores loudly. Elwing says in Westron: That wasn't even funny :P Duk enters. Otoron yawns. Duk hmms. Otoron gives Duk a jet black rod. Otoron says in Westron: All yours. Elwing slowly transforms into a white bird, and takes to the skies. ^ (OOC) Glaurung: which was the case with enoch and the only case ^ (OOC) Crusaderr: sounds like a myth that didn't make the cut for the final story to me ^ (OOC) Nichodemus: Yes, I am. :p ^ (OOC) Glaurung: according to the talmud enoch was made metatron and put in charge of the archangels in atziluth ^ (OOC) Glaurung: the highest heaven ^ (OOC) Nichodemus: What is the Talmud, and is it actually a notable religious text? ^ (OOC) Nichodemus: Because I've never heard of it, and it seems like it's some invented piece of literature to support some left-field sect's views. ^ (OOC) Warrax: you're almost 30 and you made out with a teenager ^ (OOC) Warrax: You get two Jad stars [ Valacirca ] Reeth: grimscars back playing again? [ Valacirca ] Carver: Eh [ Valacirca ] Carver: Maybe just event weekend [ Valacirca ] Reeth: hes at edo with a full set of gear [ Valacirca ] Carver: Let's hope it's just temporary ;p [ Valacirca ] Aaganara: He said something likes night about breaking a string fingering a minor on his guitar [ Valacirca ] Aaganara: Last night that is. Good heavens. [ Valacirca ] Carver: ahaha [ Valacirca ] Zoso: must have been the G string [ Valacirca ] Tarik: Hahahaha [ RoI ] Jasumin: OTORON! [ RoI ] Jasumin: Stop being mean to my girlfriend, and DEFINITELY stop doing freebies! [ RoI ] Otoron: JASUMIN [ RoI ] Otoron: Your gf? [ RoI ] Otoron: I thought that shit when down in flames as it was supposed to?! [ RoI ] Jasumin: no :p [ RoI ] Jasumin: We live together [ RoI ] Otoron: Jesus Tapdancing Christ. [ RoI ] Otoron: Please, please use birth control. [ RoI ] Otoron: On second thought, please get sterilized. [ RoI ] Jasumin: Screw you! I'm having enough babies to for a whole pk party. [ RoI ] Jasumin: And me and my fast-typing children will be pking you! [ RoI ] Jasumin: No, they will be named Subzero, Treebeard, Stfu, and Noob. [ RoI ] Jasumin: Noob is clearly the youngest ^ (OOC) Corwin spins the wheel of time. It lands on the Holocaust. Corwin frowns. ^ (OOC) Osse: any author that takes 12 1000+ page books to tell a goddamn story can go get stuffed. ^ (OOC) Toby: My roommate bought Rock Band 2 and it's ruining my life. ^ (OOC) Elwing: I prefer "has a conscience" to leftist. ^ (OOC) Fofester: Hippy! ^ (OOC) Otoron: Oh, yes. The conscience: the luxury of undergrads at 30k/year schools. ^ (OOC) Elwing: If only. I'm sure it's up to 42 by now. ^ (OOC) Osse: Are you suggesting that life the real world necessitates a forfeiture of conscience? ^ (OOC) Tevildo: I've seen that show, and I think yes. What would tidbits be like without a Baklen joke? ^ (OOC) Letina: where the heck is baklen ^ (OOC) Tevildo: In the army, training to be a leet sniper. ^ (OOC) Manco: L33t Sn1p3r ^ (OOC) Letina: he pks people irl?!!? omg ^ (OOC) Kimimaro: first he hacks their radios to whisper "the storm is coming" Or an Obair joke? ^ (OOC) Edzin: ping t2tmud.org -- four packets: three lost, one got through in 3877 ms ^ (OOC) Transeu: Weird. ^ (OOC) Lobo: Obair must have been trying to go through the same port. Herkimer? ^ (OOC) Burgul: herkie keyboards are different, we all know that, adoniot ^ (OOC) Burgul: some slight differences, like no commas Mocking Jasumin's name: [After Sandstorm spell was renamed to Hurricane] ^ (OOC) Jasumin: Hurricane is kind of a stupid name for the spell though imho ^ (OOC) Osse: Jasumin is kinda a stupid name for a guy. ^ (OOC) Osse: point? ^ (OOC) Tiridien: I never understood Monet. It seemed that her entire purpose here was to hook up with random mudders. ^ (OOC) Rusak: Meri. ^ (OOC) Syfhin: sounds like jayna ^ (OOC) Tiridien: What about Meri? She was nice ^ (OOC) Rusak: Didn't Tevildo get some mudchick pregnant? ^ (OOC) Otoron: Sounds like 80% of all female mudders, ffs. ^ (OOC) Tiridien: I liked her. She was friendly. ^ (OOC) Azer: i'd get a mudchick pregnant.. out of spite. Tiridien tells you: yeah but with Monet I think the second sentence she said to you had some sort of 'why don't you fuck me' undertone ^ (OOC) Khazer: Question is, would you make a char for the kid? ^ (OOC) Tiridien: bahaha ^ (OOC) Alcavant: I would ^ (OOC) Tiridien: suicide it when she gets an abortion ^ (OOC) Rusak: HAHAHA ^ (OOC) Khazer: Hah ^ (OOC) Rusak: Okay, Tiridien. We can be friends if you want. ^ (OOC) Tiridien: have the name picked out and everything, and then put in your legendinfo: 'You killed me, Monet, you did it!' ^ (OOC) Braze: bleh, i go through all this trouble to make a log of the last 3 mud days for Kalenriel and she leaves without responding :( ^ (OOC) Turgon: ...why would you do that? ^ (OOC) Turgon: Who would want to read a log of 3 days of... the mud? ^ (OOC) Braze: because apparently some funny bottom feeders thought it a great thing to start collecting logs and sending them to her clouding her mind for whatever reasons i do like to know about . ^ (OOC) Braze: its really funny if she asks me if i wanna marry her on the main comm, and about 10% of the mud goes through as much effort as is great fun providing her with negative information about me :( ^ (OOC) Braze: anyways, crusaderr as disgusting as he is, made a point so the mud wedding is not going through, her husband irl doesnt look as bad as she allways described him to me from pics i saw. ^ (OOC) Braze: which she agreed on, she send me a tell: he doesnt look as a mean person at all does he.. ^ (OOC) Zippen: RoAR! ^ (OOC) Braze: and i replied no, not really.. ^ (OOC) Kalenriel: Braze seriously please shut up ^ (OOC) Braze: ah so its just about your real life. ^ (OOC) Kalenriel: stfu now ^ (OOC) Braze: well seriously, its the only reason i decided that its not good for you to mud marry me. ^ (OOC) Braze: thank crusaderr for it instead of me. he brought it up and out in the open. on the comm. ^ (OOC) Braze: perhaps asking me on the comm wasnt the best idea either, allthough i understand your reasons todo so where based on pure and honest intentions towards a greater thing. I'm going to be thankfull for that, and it wont change. ^ (OOC) Laila enjoys the 'tell' command ^ (OOC) Braze: i got enough reason to use the comm however ^ (OOC) Fernando: logomania should have RSS ^ (OOC) Crusaderr: that would be the most annoying RSS feed ever ^ (OOC) Crusaderr: now that would be interesting to be in a meeting and have a message show up saying "Summerwind/Paraiko mudsex log" We all miss the great wit that is Caber: [ Chat ] Caber: So, amusing thing I read on Wikipedia. [ Chat ] Caber: You may be aware of Microsoft's failed "Bob" product. [ Chat ] Caber: Which was like, their attempt at making Windows friendly 15 years ago. [ Chat ] Caber: Okay, more like 10-12, but still. [ Chat ] Caber: Anyway, they registered bob.com for the product. [ Chat ] Caber: And after they abandoned the project, they traded bob.com to a guy named Bob that happened to have windows2000.com registered. [ Chat ] Caber: And the idea of it is hysterical to me. [ Chat ] Mithgil: Haha. [ Chat ] Otoron: ...I love that. [ Chat ] Otoron: That makes me so happy. [ Chat ] Caber: I can imagine some guy trying to get his own name .com, finding that Microsoft has it already, and being like "Yeah? Well let me just plan for the future, fuckers." [ Chat ] Otoron: Sweet! When do I get the new mud and chat clients?! [ Chat ] Caber: If you're lucky, I'll try to finish up tomorrow. [ Chat ] Caber: If you're unlucky, I won't, and I'm away all weekend at a wedding. [ Chat ] Caber: I like this wedding, though. It's my friend Sam in Pittsburgh. [ Chat ] Caber: Once upon a time, my friend Matt, Sam, and another guy used to play Call of Duty 2 a lot in Pittsburgh. [ Chat ] Caber: It was an awesome 4-player shootathon. [ Chat ] Caber: Then Matt and I moved out here, Sam moved to Virginia because he couldn't find a decent job in Pittsburgh, and the party broke up. [ Chat ] Caber: Sam also got engaged to a chick that I used to not hate. [ Chat ] Caber: Unfortunately, once engaged, she became the evil arbiter of his time. [ Chat ] Caber: Such that any time Matt and I have seen Sam in the past 2 years, he hasn't been able to play video games with us because his fiance wants him to go do stuff with her. [ Chat ] Caber: They don't have a registry for this wedding. [ Chat ] Caber: So our wedding present, to the both of them, is an Xbox, a subscription to Xbox Live, and a gift card to buy the new Call of Duty game when it comes out next month. [ Chat ] Caber: Fuck you, Rachel. [ Chat ] Caber: I've had bad nights where I can't connect to most websites, and I've had to steal wifi from my neighbors just to get online, which sucks. [ Chat ] Warrax: hahaha [ Chat ] Warrax: That's hilarious [ Chat ] Warrax: 'bad nights where you had to steal wifi to get by' [ Chat ] Warrax: LOL [ Chat ] Warrax: tough times man, tough times [ Chat ] Warrax: Sitting there with your cheap wine bottle in a paper bag, unshaven and unshowered, huddled away with an old laptop in an alley listening to the neighbours having sex while stealing their wifi from under the window [ RoI ] Xaron: Oh geez... look at Impy's title [ RoI ] Xaron: Why would anyone... [ RoI ] Xaron smirks legend impy Impy the eorling Fluffer (Fluffing) [ Idle for 11m 32s ] On for: 14m 14s Gender: female Age: 118d 9h 10m 28s Can be mailed: Impy@Bree Impy is a member of the Preservers of Tharbad. Info: Thorn says in Westron: so I need to do some sheep ^ (OOC) Grimscar: Anyone like D&D? ^ (OOC) Zing: Woot! ^ (OOC) Zing smacks you with a kraken. ^ (OOC) Grimscar: yes no? :p anyone? ^ (OOC) Athin: I never had anyone to play it with :P ^ (OOC) Athin: otherwise I probably would have! ^ (OOC) Athin: Does that count? :P Jakar tells you: what I'm about to send you will disturb you Jakar tells you: but mornaner sent me it Jakar tells you: so that's all i have to explain You tell Jakar: I already saw the link on R, and was smart enough not to go there. Jakar tells you: that's my boy Jakar tells you: it was seriously animal porn Jakar tells you: WTF Your headache clears up. You tell Jakar: I didn't look. I don't know. Jakar tells you: I did click, much to my horror. Jakar tells you: I trusted. Jakar tells you: oh, how that trust was betrayed. ^ (OOC) Namina: and if i have to hear my boyfriend's mother say "living in sin" one more time, im going to hurt someone. ^ (OOC) Otoron: Is she blaming you for corrupting her little Jasy-poo, Namina? ^ (OOC) Otoron: You harlot! ^ (OOC) Namina: meh. who cares. i'll effing sin all over this damn apartment. she should mind her own business. ^ (OOC) Otoron: Do you make Jasumin wear your panties when he cleans up your "sin"? ^ (OOC) Keats: what do you mean make him ^ (OOC) Toby: I settled on clam chowder. ^ (OOC) Toby: When I eat something with a lot of individual creatures in it, I like to picture Mon Mothma in my head going "Many X died to bring us this Y." ^ (OOC) Toby: For instance, just now I saw "Many clams died to bring us this bowl of soup." A stunning debut from Tian: ^ (OOC) Otoron: I'm late, but was afk. 1) Obama is not hot, and 2) I'd bang the shit out of Ann Coulter. ^ (OOC) Osse: I think life already has, Oto. ^ (OOC) Osse: she is nosferatu, the devil's concubine, haha! ^ (OOC) Elwing: That is because you clearly have no taste. ^ (OOC) Elwing: Unless you're banging her ironically. ^ (OOC) Osse: He has lots of taste. ^ (OOC) Osse: it's just all bad. ^ (OOC) Tevildo: If it would shut her up, I'd find her a date, sure. Would I risk my own extremities by putting them near her mouth or anywhere else she's likely to have teeth? Oh hell no. ^ (OOC) Elwing: Fair enough, I suppose. ^ (OOC) Otoron: C'mon, Tevildo. ^ (OOC) Otoron: Bound and gagged? ^ (OOC) Otoron: She's such a fan of enhanced techniques... ^ (OOC) Elwing: She's an ugly shrew. Despite the fact that I doubt any other sort of woman would date you, you don't have to pretend you enjoy it. ^ (OOC) Tevildo: If you gag the dentata, how are you going to go about banging her? ^ (OOC) Otoron: We'd use implements first of a non-organic nature to determine if, in fact, she 1) has a vagina, and 2) if said orifice has teeth. ^ (OOC) Tian: om nom nom ^ (OOC) Osse falls over. ...which has caught on, apparently. ^ (OOC) Tiridien: what did Namina's mother say to her father when they first met? ^ (OOC) Tiridien: answer: nom nom nom ^ (OOC) Namina: oh this should be good. ^ (OOC) Alcavant: Get that out of there! ^ (OOC) Namina: why? because she has a toothed vagina? ^ (OOC) Alcavant: yea! ^ (OOC) Celembir: I was hoping for something involving dentistry... ^ (OOC) Namina: i bet its hereditary. ^ (OOC) Alcavant: "Have you grown your wisdom teeth yet, Mrs. Namina's mom? ^ (OOC) Tiridien: even 'Namina' sounds like 'nom nom nom' ^ (OOC) Tiridien: ever wonder why you're an only child? ^ (OOC) Alcavant: I do! ^ (OOC) Namina eeps. ^ (OOC) Namina: i am, too. =/ ^ (OOC) Alcavant: me too :( don't feel bad. ^ (OOC) Tiridien: hahaha ^ (OOC) Celembir: Namina does lead really well into "nom"s Naminomnomnom kind of thing. ^ (OOC) Tiridien: my work here is done % Alcavant: {I}'d like to take a trip to VietNOMNOMNOM ^ (OOC) Alcavant: I wish people would stop pooping in chimneys ^ (OOC) Celembir: Me, too. I've had to hire three chimney sweeps AND chimney plumbers this past month alone. ^ (OOC) Tevildo: ... ^ (OOC) Alcavant: It was me ^ (OOC) Alcavant: Sorry Celembir, I'll reimburse you ^ (OOC) Otoron: We're getting so close to tidbits. ^ (OOC) Celembir: Figures that it's the one who calls for the end of chimney pooping. You just want a monopoly. ^ (OOC) Otoron: And that Tian kid who started the 'nom nom nom' is a genius. ^ (OOC) Azoroth: Excellent ^ (OOC) Otoron: Let us all salute him. ^ (OOC) Alcavant: Shit, I'm Rich Uncle Money Bags, bitch. ^ (OOC) Alcavant: I almost typed "Rich Money Uncle Bags" ^ (OOC) Alcavant: I don't understand the things that go on inside my brain sometimes. ^ (OOC) Celembir: Those are my favorite sentences. ", , " The comm line has been disabled. ^ (OOC) Mathias: There is a difference between "your mom" and "your mom's throbbing penis". ^ (OOC) Tevildo: I should hope so. A matter of scale, at least. ^ (OOC) Mathias: This is The Two Towers, a place to play in Tolkien's world. There's no sign at the door that says "Come all ye who wish to discuss toothy vaginas." ^ (OOC) Mathias: If you need such a place, alt-tab to IRC. ^ (OOC) Tiridien: okay so it was the nomnom ^ (OOC) Tiridien: look it's a simultaneously recurring myth in a great number of world cultures ^ (OOC) Alcavant: I'm laughing my ass off and it hurts ^ (OOC) Otoron: Furthermore, from the wiki page, "The vagina dentata appears in the myths of several cultures." ^ (OOC) Mathias: Otoron, the number of topics that are inappropriate for the OOC comm, and yet are still somehow OOC, is vast. ^ (OOC) Otoron: Just saying. ^ (OOC) Mathias: Attempting to comm every single one of those won't give you a vast number of warnings -- you'll fall short. ^ (OOC) Petyr: would tolkien's world have been improved with the inclusion of such a thing? ^ (OOC) Mathias: And now I'll be going. Please don't make me have to give permanent commbans when I come back. ^ (OOC) Tiridien: how long will you be away ;p ^ (OOC) Otoron: Just don't read the history. ^ (OOC) Otoron: And no one will be hurt. ^ (OOC) Otoron grins. ^ (OOC) Namina: problem solved! ^ (OOC) Tevildo gives some thought to Petyr's question. ^ (OOC) Otoron: Considering how misogynitic Tolkien was, I'm sure it was here. ^ (OOC) Esker: Tolkien strikes me as the kind of fellow who'd appreciate such a concept. ^ (OOC) Tevildo pictures Ruby from Belegost inviting unsuspecting travellers in for "elevensies" ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Didn't Daywalker want to set up a mud of his own? We could write such a place: The Toothed Towers. ^ (OOC) Tiridien: we should be mindful of Mathias' warnings ^ (OOC) Tiridien: the toothed vagina is a 'sore spot' for him ^ (OOC) Eaoden: Oh my god, the comm is back. ^ (OOC) Eaoden: NOMNOMNOMNOM ^ (OOC) Tiridien: haha, it's funny by itself too ^ (OOC) Korbin: ever wonder what made great men truly great? ^ (OOC) Korbin: booze was the ingredient ^ (OOC) Osse: booze. ^ (OOC) Alicia: cunnilingus? ^ (OOC) Korbin: umm legend don Don't kill the haradrim Messenger Not present in Arda. Gender: male Age: 1d 7h 50m 36s Can be mailed: Don@Tavorus Info: Seriously, cut it out. [584] [21:57] ^ (OOC) Myrddin: thanks all [585] [21:58] ^ (OOC) Teleporno: welcome [586] [22:12] ^ (OOC) Fofester: Otoron, say something entertaining and slightly offensive. [587] [22:12] ^ (OOC) Otoron: Last night I watched a 14 year old girl blow a donkey for ten dollars. [588] [22:13] ^ (OOC) Fofester: Thanks big guy [589] [22:13] ^ (OOC) Otoron bows. Zargon says in Westron: noone goes for me anymore Zargon says in Westron: it's sad, i'm forgotten ...two minutes later ^ (OOC) Winnetou: You tell Zargon: omg You tell Zargon: PK Zargon tells you: ? ^ (OOC) Draco: Osse I'll be honest if you ban me I would move Syfhin tells you: find lacey find lacey You can sense no such presence in Arda. HP:230 EP:168 legend lacey Lacey suicided at 15:34 01/23/09 Lacey the dunedain Princess. Departed from Arda Gender: female Age: 14d 22h 15m 56s Info: Is my crown on straight? mudtime 01/23/09 15:35 Mudtime is in EST (GMT-5) ^ (OOC) Thrond: Lacey suicided, why? Syfhin tells you: nvm :P You tell Syfhin: TOO LATE Syfhin tells you: suicided Syfhin tells you: haha ^ (OOC) Otoron: Close. I want 5 more tidbits before I post. [ RoI ] Jakar: I'll give you a tidbit, right in the ass. ^ (OOC) Azer: get jakar drunk, that shit'll pop right up. [ RoI ] Jakar: That was the point.