More Random Tidbits

Posted by
Loco [legacy]
27 January 2009 00:00:00

I didn't know that people posted these things.. I have quite a few more, but these are just a few I like, lemme know if I should post them.

 [918] [23:03]   ^ (OOC)Verikal: Yumm, a bologna, cheese, kim-she, wasabi
      mayonaise, pizza sauce sandwhich
[919] [23:04]  ^ (OOC) Fofester: Holy god
[920] [23:04]  ^ (OOC) Cerissi: I don't like pizza sauce, I like
      barbeque sauce.
[921] [23:04]  ^ (OOC) Fofester: That sounds revolting
[922] [23:04]  ^ (OOC) Verikal: My mouth is crying
[923] [23:04]  ^ (OOC) Caruthiel: Silly goose, mouths don't have tear
[924] [23:05]  ^ (OOC) Verikal: lol, a figure of speech, it means, get
      my some frickin milk before i kill someone, my mouth has been
      over spiced
[925] [23:06]  ^ (OOC) Verikal: Once you get passed the fact the it has
      the hottest food substance in the world, its quite delicious
[926] [23:06]  ^ (OOC) Rusak: Verikal, that sandwich sounds a lot like
      what vomit looks like.
[927] [23:07]  ^ (OOC) Hirgail: So Verikal, when you grow out of the
      cRaZy sandwich stage, whats left?
[928] [23:07]   ^ (OOC) Rusak: And I have more trouble with bad hot sauce
      than wasabi.
[929] [23:07]   ^ (OOC) Verikal: I cant fit that into a legendinfo, can
      you shorten it so it'll still be a quote
[930] [23:07]  ^ (OOC) Hirgail: wAcKy milkshakes?
[931] [23:07]  ^ (OOC) Rusak: Verikal, that sandwich just yawned in
[932] [23:07]  ^ (OOC) Rusak: How's that?
[933] [23:08]  ^ (OOC) Verikal: This has to be the hottest sandwhich
      ever spawned
^ (OOC) Blaggen: 1k to the guy who finds me a mountable pig! and i don't
mean nasira!

 ^ (OOC) Verikal: I was just attacked!!
 ^ (OOC) Razey: ok
 ^ (OOC) Gurlach: that sucks
 ^ (OOC) Razey: yeah
^ (OOC) Dahnir: HP:218 EP:185> You have been unbanned from the comm
<<<  HP:100 EP:75  >>> ^ (OOC) Dahnir: That makes me happy.
^ (OOC) Verikal: Niiccee
<<<  HP:100 EP:70  >>> ^ (OOC) Zoso: it makes your mom happy
^ (OOC) Pest: ?
<<<  HP:100 EP:71  >>> ^ (OOC) Zoso: let's get you banned again
^ (OOC) Dahnir: OK! GO!
^ (OOC) Verikal: haha
<<<  HP:100 EP:66  >>> ^ (OOC) Crusaderr: yeah what'd you say that got
you banned

^ (OOC) Orcoron: Well, was it for saying the F word, or was it more "F
you you fwording little anotherFword Cword?"

 ^ (OOC) Torn: Am I the only one that puts cats into the trash? Cause I
think it's hilarious

<<<  HP:130 EP: 43  >>>  ^ (OOC) Mog: YOUR
     MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111oneeeeeeeoneoneoneonone exlamation

[123] [16:46] ^ (OOC) Toby: I think anyone who answers yes to "Is this   
your first time?" should be sitebanned.
[124] [16:46] ^ (OOC) Toby: And the front picture should be "Abandon     
all hope, ye who enter here."

Sam the hobbit Bad Apple (Impartial) 
On for:  32m 27s                          Gender: female
Age: 3h 37m 30s   
    This is a small pile of dust that is slowly
being blown away by the wind.  It is all that remains
of Sam.
^ (OOC) Undertow thinks the person who programed solitaire should burn in

^ (OOC) Xafer: Hey, i spent 304 gold on this thing, you will want it     
 ^ (OOC) Kabanon: Well its like a woman xafer...If you get her...dont    
sell her she will get angry..she wants love..

Erest says in Westron: Erest Faturi the dunedain Assman (pounded)     
(Immoral) (Immature)

Anguss says in Westron: oh god my cat just took a hellacious shit 
Tulkas chants, "Get your head in the game." 
^ (OOC) Azkrayel: Ow! Damn it!
^ (OOC) Azkrayel: I just tried to put my head in the game, and I ended   
up smacking my head on the monitor

^ (OOC) Pounder: Is everyone out drinking already?
^ (OOC) Verikal: Pounder!!
^ (OOC) Teromier: couldnt stay away could you :)
^ (OOC) Pounder: You got the wrong person.
^ (OOC) Torn: Holy bals it's pounder
 ^ (OOC) Pekke: a whore is a hard-working girl with an unconventional....

Mathias tells you: Do people ever tell you your name sounds like "Very
cool" ?
Mathias tells you: Too bad your personality clashes :(
Mathias tells you: Yeah, you're not very cool :P
^ (OOC) Smoky: ahhahahhaa! ) Newbiehelper Adoni stabs Carver in the     
eye.  ) Newbiehelper Carver: Hope you have a step stool ;p

 ^ (OOC) Sahasrahla: gurlach mom's once fell off the bed on both sides.
^ (OOC) Zelindo: Fell off the top and bottom sides, or the right and     
left sides?
 ^ (OOC) Gurlach: all four
^ (OOC) Zelindo: And was it at the same time, or no?
^ (OOC) Gurlach: it was rather sad
^ (OOC) Zelindo: No shit.
^ (OOC) Aadi: And what size bed? :P
^ (OOC) Gurlach: king

^ (OOC) Zoso: my fetish is to watch the My Milkshake video while
     eating rice krispies from a bowl woven from coarse body hair.

Quiauh tells you: ugly but still worth to fuck = fugly?

^ (OOC) Pallasch: The mexicans working on the roofs in our apartment
     complex just tried to steal our cable.

^ (OOC) Brom wields his Durmanhoth with a glint in his eyes.
^ (OOC) Brom destroys Pallasch with the fury of Delkin!
^ (OOC) Brom makes a mockery of Pallasch's skill with a devastating
     DOMECHECKA blow!

^ (OOC) Tevildo equips a supersoaker with a heating coil, to scald
     mofos from fifty feet

You told Nyquil: Thick green alcoholic cough medicine!!
Nyquil told you: say what?
You told Nyquil: Nyquil=Thick Green Alcoholic Cough Medicine
Nyquil told you: it's red. i like the red kind.
You told Nyquil: I think it all tastes like shit

Alexa tells you: The following items just closed:
Lot  Winner      Price  Description                               Tag
#705 Teleporno   10000 - a haradrim helmet (mended)               Falling Apart Condition Mended/Repaired.. BUT +10 TACTICS!!!!!!!!!