Impaler dies for the 5th time in 3 days

Posted by
Exhalev [legacy]
06 June 2009 00:00:00
Player Kill

For teh Fimbu??


  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    08 June 2009 05:44:32

    There you go.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    08 June 2009 05:43:11

    I'm 95% sure that log is up here - somewhere. BB's logs were always a pleasure, same as his alts. I liked that guildwar he conducted with a sheriff alt, all the while one accidental deathblow and he'd lose 100k of professional skills. TRUE SKILLZ.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    08 June 2009 00:09:31

    Of course I killed Fimbu, that was before he was 100% inactive though. And elitist asskissing? I am the best player Arda has ever seen, I rarely kiss my own ass. Was just doing a few retired friends a favour. Suck a nut scrub.

  • Author
    Celdhrin [legacy]
    07 June 2009 23:22:13

    I hate to rain on your parade, Exhalev, but you are far from the only one who has ever done that. I mean, even Durad killed someone that way once (

    Furthermore, before you proceed with the elitist-asskissing through your don't-kill-Fimbu movement, remember that even you yourself have killed Fimbu (

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    07 June 2009 21:23:25

    Damn I thought I was the only person to ever use that trick. I'm a scrub.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    07 June 2009 20:56:46

    I don't have it. Maybe Barazbund does. Dretun tried to solo him, and Barazbund 'locked' him in the log ride sequence that happens when you leave Thrans via waterway.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    07 June 2009 20:53:56

    Post that log.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    07 June 2009 20:46:33

    I should follow that up by saying that I know nothing about you, Panayoti, and maybe I'm misjudging you entirely. All I can really offer is my perspective as someone who has been a major player in a lot of wars. The sense of comradery and the adrenaline rush...they were things we took for granted, because they were a large part of the way we derived fun from this game to begin with.

    And for what it's worth, my clan (TB) was formed as the embodiment of the points I outlined in my previous post. We had something like 8 typists in the clan overall, and every single one of them was an exceptional player. We all understood that a death for one of us was an embarrassment for all of us, and to that end, we tried damn hard not to die. Maybe that sounds ridiculous, or like we're taking the game too seriously or something, but that's the way we played.

    As an amusing side note, Dretun once said he'd suicide if Meglivornth managed to kill him. Barazbund managed to do it in a pretty brilliant way, and Dretun suicided after he revived.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    07 June 2009 20:30:22

    Then I don't think you really understand what it means to be in a guild war. Or maybe you don't understand what it means to be a pkiller with a real sense of pride, I don't know. For me, seeing logs of people killing me is embarrassing. It means that I screwed up, and it means that if I was at war, I probably underestimated my opponents during the timeframe of that log.

    Logs can be posted for a lot of reasons, and I wouldn't argue that any one reason or motivation is the correct one. But if I dislike a guild enough to spend my day running finds on their members, waiting to go ambush someone at a moment's notice, trying to kill someone who knows I want to kill them (and really, they all should know it when they're at war), then you can be damn sure I want that kill available for everyone to see. It says 'Hey, remember these guys who thought that fighting us was worthwhile? This is what's happening to them.'

    But really, I think it's entirely based on how you play this game. Some day, you might realize that the gold spent on releveling, and the time spent on getting experience back...they mean nothing. They're trivial, even more so today than they were in the past. When someone kills you, it's not of material importance. It's a strike against your record as a player, and it's a threat to anyone who wants to join your organization. People are less likely to apply to a guild where logs of the guildmembers dying over and over are being routinely posted. Exhalev is fighting a war, not trying to placate the masses, and when you're at war, kills without logs are barely kills at all. It's a mental war he's fighting, and this is one of the tools at his disposal.

    You can find this post and others in my upcoming collection of T2T essays, 'Jomini, Clausewitz, Ketan: Pioneers of War Theory.'

  • Author
    Panayoti [legacy]
    07 June 2009 19:33:02

    Here is where I disagree with you, Ketan.

    Half of the fun of war may be showing everyone you're killing your opponents to you, but to me it isn't. It's telling your guild and checking the reactions of your guildmates, and the adrenaline and whatnot it provides. Posting it on a place like here will just get tons of idiots commenting useless shit andor you being critiqued for every single thing you do when they probably can't do half the things you're doing in that log. No, I'm sorry, half of the fun isn't posting a log here. that's just showing off, imho.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    07 June 2009 15:41:27

    Not every log has to be posted, Myrddin, but half the fun of a war is showing everyone that you're destroying your opponent. I've always used the log archive as something of a newspaper that reports all of the things on T2T that are important (and yes, pkilling is 99% of what I think is important :P). If someone wants to make a new website that just lists kills and doesn't show logs for them, I'd be okay with using that as my news source instead, and perhaps everyone would feel less spammed. Of course, this website is like that if you just don't click the big link that lets you read the log.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    07 June 2009 14:43:04

    u r corect gud sir.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    07 June 2009 14:16:01

    And once again you utterly fail to properly read comments and blabber inane bullshit.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    07 June 2009 12:30:46

    Just because some logs aren't worth reading in your opinion it doesn't mean everyone else shares your views.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    07 June 2009 12:10:13

    Maybe if you did a little more reading you'd realise that's completely not the point.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    07 June 2009 12:02:11

    But no one said you MUST read every log that's posted.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    07 June 2009 09:58:55

    Ketan, I don't think anyone would believe that this pace is going to be kept up.

    Also, there's no rule that every single instance of combat during a guildwar MUST be posted. Some logs aren't worth reading, and when you have so many logs on hand, it's a good opportunity to filter these ones out without leaving people bored from a lack of logs.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    07 June 2009 00:55:33

    I don't see that as a problem if there are no herkies in any of the logs... which isn't the case.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    07 June 2009 00:14:49

    I guess I didn't make it clear, Tireless, but my point was that if he kills 100 people today and posts them incrementally over the next week, what's he going to do with the logs of the people that he kills over the next week? Post them two weeks from now? And the logs of the people he killed during that week will get posted two weeks later, etc?

    If the rate of posting isn't as great as the rate of killing, then he's going to start some ever-growing buffer of logs to be posted. It seems like a pain in the ass to maintain. :P

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    06 June 2009 23:45:29

    I'd rather have as many logs as possible anytime, and keeping them more current seems fine by me.

    Also, what Ketan said.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    06 June 2009 20:52:26

    I wasn't suggesting any of the above, Ketan. I was suggesting that if he kills 100 people today, maybe post them 3-4 per day (or 7-8 every other day) until they're all posted -- I'm all for new logs. But having an orgasm of 20 logs at once means that 17 of them will get about 2-3 comments and basically be missed, 2 or 3 will get their usual big stack of comments and then we'll run out of logs again.

    I'm not discouraging posting logs at all, Thoros. I'm 1.) discouraging BLOCK posting of logs, and 2.) miffed that after I told him to give it a day or two before posting more logs *twice* he kept posting.

    Whatever. Post however quickly you want. Ignore rule 10 (regarding block posting of logs). I like it that the logs are there, and I suppose I'm trying to optimize excessively.

  • Author
    Panayoti [legacy]
    06 June 2009 20:09:15

    I noticed I mixed lots of . with , in my previous post. My bad, :P

  • Author
    Panayoti [legacy]
    06 June 2009 20:08:22

    I think what Tireless means by spam is not that you post alot of logs. It's that you post alot of logs with the same people dying. At least that's how I view spam. Getting 100 tells from a guy is not spam. Getting 100 tells from a guy who says the same thing over and over is spam.

    I'll provide a solution. My guess is you'll kill Impaler say, 5 more times :P. Maybe Aether a few times too, etc.

    Stack the kills of the same guy dying, post a log.

    Makes it look worse for the guy dying, better for Tireless, and everyone's happy.

    Then again, that was just a suggestion :P

    Back to minding my own business.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    06 June 2009 19:06:20

    I'm sorry Tireless, personally I use the view 50 @ a time option so I don't feel like I've spammed the page. Forgot some people use the 10.

  • Author
    Thoros [legacy]
    06 June 2009 17:57:33

    Is it just me, or is Tireless the first moderator on here to actually DISCOURAGE the posting of logs?

    Right now, with the current activity of the MUD, I wouldn't complain about any logs.

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    06 June 2009 16:49:10

    I'm just glad there are fresh logs, its nice to see some activity.

  • Author
    Syra [legacy]
    06 June 2009 16:31:32

    Nice kill.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    06 June 2009 15:54:05

    Is it so much of an effort for people to scroll downwards or click 'older logs' to view new logs? :P

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    06 June 2009 15:34:22

    I agree with the person named Ketan!

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    06 June 2009 15:18:12

    Out of curiosity, Tireless, are you suggesting that he:

    (a) Stop posting logs for a few days, and then post the next 10 kills that he does during that time period all at once

    (b) Stop killing people for a few days to give the log archive a break

    (c) Continue killing people, but never post the logs despite the existence of a site specializing in...the posting of logs.

    They all seem like silly suggestions to me. I mean, I for one do not feel spammed by 15 logs in a day, and it just seems weird to ask someone to stop posting legitimate logs because they're spamming people or something. :P

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    06 June 2009 12:44:44

    Exhalev lrn2count you cunt.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    06 June 2009 12:41:34

    Ok, I know this might be a difficult concept for you... but stop posting every fucking log you get 20 minutes after it happens. You account for 12/15 the last logs and posted them all in like 24 hours. I asked you on your last two logs to not post anything for just a day or two to allow people who don't check the page every hour to appreciate the logs that are there and have the opportunity to discuss them... and afterward... you posted... TWO MORE LOGS! Seriously, cut it out! The logs won't spoil if you wait a day or two to post the next set.