Arthlor, Aether, Baradul

Posted by
Exhalev [legacy]
09 July 2009 00:00:00
Player Kill

The Lord of the Meglivorth finally dies. Cowardice invites treachery. Good battle everyone.


  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    21 July 2009 14:16:13

    As usual, Kelos has the most reasonable and logical comments out of anyone else.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    20 July 2009 00:38:45

    Manni was actually fun

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    16 July 2009 13:54:11

    I think what Sigmund said makes perfect sense :) Can only agree.

  • Author
    Arandur [legacy]
    16 July 2009 07:43:47


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    16 July 2009 04:14:17

    Acronyms on the internet (such as wtf, lol, etc) are short versions of verbal acts (Saying 'What the fuck?' or laughing). Speaking the acronyms (Saying el oh el) is... utterly humiliating to anyone who ever respected the speaker. My soul is crying right now.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    16 July 2009 03:51:23

    Damn it, who put Exhalev on brief. Its much more fun when he does spew huge chunks of his typical bullshit. At least he shows how good a teacher Manni is. :P

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    16 July 2009 02:21:45


  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 July 2009 22:24:04

    'Just because Pounder probably didn't make it to the end of my post:

    'Ultimately: I have nothing but the utmost respect for the older players on this game. I worshiped them all in my infancy here and I appreciate what they did for the community.''

    Idiot, no one here buys your bullshit like Hirgail said. Start showing respect for the actual mud through actions and people might buy it. Actions, not some bullshit induced spew from your mouth.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    15 July 2009 08:46:33

    Just because Pounder probably didn't make it to the end of my post:

    'Ultimately: I have nothing but the utmost respect for the older players on this game. I worshiped them all in my infancy here and I appreciate what they did for the community.'

    Try reading first.

    To Kelos: I've played this game for over 9 years...

    To Hirgail: (Insert 10 paragraphs here) Damn man, we used to get along! Get a new job, will help your mood. *hug*

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    15 July 2009 08:06:36

    I hardly comment on here nowadays, and usually stick to myself. I didn't know who Formid was, and when I asked, I didn't get a response as to who he was.

    I'm sorry you can't seperate myself from other people you dislike.

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    15 July 2009 07:41:07

    NEve pop at leat 30 xaa ix fi u .. mmy qesedas tooday are the oners gettin iu heop, ht eonly udiesss ooooho fcji!!!!!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    15 July 2009 05:20:33

    That's really funny Exhalev. Your wit is like cheap wine, it comes out of a box and gets dumbfucks wasted. You don't have a picture of my ass. You are, however, a mentally ill person obsessed with your reputation on a fucking mud. Argue against that. Spent an hour writting 10 paragraphs on how you're totally ok in the head and that you deserve your recognition on this game. That will show everyone.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    15 July 2009 04:43:24

    What Pounder said.

    Ever since they got here, these guys do nothing but talk smack about how awesome they are at the game, how much respect they deserve, etc., but two things standout to me:

    1. Like Pounder said, they came during ERs

    2. They base everything on how good a PK-er you are (from my experience, maybe they are different now)

    3. They don't respect the people that played the game long before they showed up.

    I was just talking about this with a guildmate last night. Unlike other games, like WoW, etc., this game HAS a history with real people over time, instead of just random servers where most of the time, you have no clue who you are playing against.

    Here, relationships form, friendships, hatred, enemies, etc. While it may seem ridiculous because it's a friggin' MUD, it's true. I always come back because of the people I know and the fact that I fee like a part of this place and the history.

    I just ask that they start to respect that and learn more about the past and how things started instead of thinking that just because they can PK half the MUD that makes them UBER.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 July 2009 04:32:15

    Oh and the best point, you cannot force respect onto people. That's exactly what Exhalev and his junk buddies are trying to do.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 July 2009 04:31:28

    Even from recent evidence, I can easily agree he has improved a good deal. I cannot however come to any reasonably decent conclusion that he is at any point respectable yet. He is getting there, he has a much better chance of getting there than I would say Exhalev does with his me first, mud never perspective on respect. A lot of people worked hard as hell to build the game and player base. It is very evident that a player like Exhalev and unfortunately still to some degree Cruice have no concept of this nor any form of respect for what was done before them. I am not suggesting that they go 'OMG Hail all people more than 5 years ago, they must be best pk ever we suck!', the fact is, they have no respect whatsoever of the community that was present before ER V.Mistake was released. If they actually showed any respect for the game itself and the community it was, I don't think anyone here would have problem. The problem is, they just DO NOT get this. They miss the boat completely in part maybe because of how their early years in the game was with ER's.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 July 2009 03:17:54

    Well, I disagree with you, Pounder, but I'll concede that your position may have merit.

    I suspect that our differing positions are based on subjective measures and valuations which aren't really subject to argument (How bad, quantitatively, is it to have made a faux pas involving respecting older players? If, on a scale of 1-10 [1 being most benign and 10 being most heinous] I say it's a 3 and you say it's a 7 I don't think there's a very good way for one of us to convince the other we're right.)

    Do you think you could, without expressing any special respect or friendliness towards Cruice, accept that in at least some contexts his behaviour and character may have improved such that he could be justifiably called a respectable player from some peoples' perspectives?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 July 2009 02:59:11

    'With respect to you and I, and the way you blatantly suck people's nuts (I.e. Sunflash)' -> 'Akhazir knows more than both of us btw.'. Now what again?

    And Tireless:'You actually haven't interacted with Cruice in a long time so I don't think you're qualified to comment on what kind of a person he is.' Actually, if you honestly think the interaction on the mud is that much different than the interaction here, half of the arguments you have made here as Tireless become invalidated. He comments in a frequent interval (maybe not as much as say myself while I am at work but), thats a good enough sample for me. Finally, I don't need to group Cruice with anyone, his comments here more than enough indicate what he is like. And grouping old timers who didn't hang around and influence each other as a direct contact group is very different than grouping a set of people that talk ALL the time especially when they are online, they do things together all the time. You have had MUCH MUCH more solid arguments than this in the past Tireless.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    15 July 2009 02:37:20

    I wonder how quoting me, sticking up for yourself with a myriad of excuses and false provocations, and clowning about is egging me on. Lol @ deflection. Akhazir knows more than both of us btw.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 July 2009 02:10:51

    Akhazir, you don't get it, I am just egging him on. It's more and more hilarious to see the response he gives each time. One can actually make a case that his ego will reach critical mass at some point and explode given certain indicators. :P

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    15 July 2009 01:26:08

    Urban knows every line of code in T2T by heart. He also soloed Kharash. Twice.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    15 July 2009 01:23:52

    It's pointless to argue who might know more than the other. There's probably a few questers out there playing right now who know more than both of you together but just aren't loud enough to make it known. Unless you two are competing for some title, just consider that you both know a good bit about the MUD and leave it at that.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 July 2009 01:17:10

    'I know as much or more about this game as you ever have Pounder, and you played before I did. I am well versed in MUD history, and know of many legends/know them personally. I can't say the same for Cruice, or my newer generation of friends. I regret their lack of knowledge, but it isn't really their fault is it.'

    Hahahaha, and only 1/10th of that you actually gained yourself and not through your buddy's stealing of the mud code and you leaching it off mud clients/settings you got from people. That and, I am willing to bet if I came back active for 1 month, I would find that I have forgotten far more than you ever have known (which isn't hard at all trust me). Again, as hirgail says though, do you need a medal or something and then go away? I will easily fund your ass 20$ for a plastic trophy. Also, why don't you mention, that knowledge is only because I haven't kept up with the new areas or played in the last 1+ years? I would at least hope they would release some new places.

    And before you try to say I copied the same way for my client, my client isn't very common and all the information that is in there is self found by myself. Thanks and go back to parading your group of ball huggers thanks.

    Sigmund, dead straight man, solo is the only way to go.

  • Author
    Hurin [legacy]
    14 July 2009 20:32:30

    'Form is temporary, class is permanent' - an old cricket adage

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    14 July 2009 18:30:52

    Lets tone it down with the sexual orientation slurs. Be more creative.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    14 July 2009 17:12:33

    Hirgail, I'll stick with my laminated picture of your ass. Serves me well.

    Norin, your comment is hilarious!

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    14 July 2009 14:41:52

    I am very bitter, btw.

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    14 July 2009 14:37:36

    5? Dude, I was yawning through eight... but hey, that's not what i was referring to... when I say solo-play, I mean solo-play... i.e, you play solo... not have a bunch of douche fag friends back you up and whatnot, from my p.o.v it seems that you got your own little gay ER army to back you up whenever you decide to make a move (or run to some lockup)... real playing solo is something one rarely sees these days and I find that sad :'(

    Anyhoo, you are right, my glory days are way over... but it was us old faggots that set the standards and you seem to think that you're above that...

    And yeah, TD used to boost your skills... if you were below level 10 (iirc (you could still have avg. stats 100/skills 100)), I once killed 2-3 people in a full level 19 party like that with a level 9 char, was pretty retarded...

    /Random Faggot...

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    14 July 2009 11:40:26

    Kalimac having a high number of kills does not disprove Pounder's characterization of him as lame, particularly since he got a bunch of those kills in an extraordinarily lame way.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    14 July 2009 11:27:45

    Wow, you really need recognition for your contribution to a shitty rpg on the internet huh? Can someone print out something for him and get it laminated? Then maybe he'll shut up about it for a week or two.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    14 July 2009 09:45:08

    Norin, if I remember correctly, everyone was cursing at FRA for killing anyone they like back then:P so I guess you were one of the hated guys too, although not as much as Ruiniel or Mizrahi or Kalathen :))

    But it was fun, we all took a piece of that show :)

    After all, its just a game :))

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    14 July 2009 08:50:57

    It's kinda like the old vietnam vets sitting around drinking Jack and badmouthing all of the new soldiers who got now clue how crazy/bad/awesome/hard things were back int he day, eh?

    I for one, have been here a shitload of years, and i still play. I am rusty as hell, but i know my way around still. I like to think that most of the seniors that used to go around waging wars and stuff back in the day are more like me now, casual playing and enjoying the game in questing and exploring, with the occational pk here and there to still show we got teeth in our old maws, not just words.

    That's why if a 'new-era' (or whatever you call it) pk'er comes after one of us oldies, most of us can't even get off our asses and grab our walking canes quick enough (without breaking our backs) to show this youngster who we were back then and beat their faces in or whatever. Rusty as we are, we need to give the active killers of today some respect too.

    ...then again, i can not remember back in the day that so many % of the (skilled) killers were so retardedly full of shit though... But i suppose we all were, and like to think otherwise. ;)

    -Rantings of an old beaten dwarf.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    14 July 2009 08:24:52

    Let me tell you something Sigmund. I am fully aware that none of these logs have any style whatsoever. I wouldn't normally post them, but doing so was part of the war tactics my guild employed.

    I have earned my place in the history of Arda as a talented solo killer, if you really care to do so: educate yourself. On another note... your MP was legendary, and I give you props for it. I've played 2 characters at once in PKs and it's challenging, 5 must have been off the wall. But one of my closest friends here, who shall remain nameless, has you outclassed. He has played 8 different people at once. He has soloed MELS with 6-7 characters logged in at once, and created a disparate, recognizable personality for each one. You were something great back then, but move on. I'd rate most of these logs a 1 myself.

    Let me get my crippling disease removed, and even with no lawsystem protection I'll score some nice solo kills for your enjoyment, ok big boy? :)

    Love and kisses.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    14 July 2009 08:21:15

    I know as much or more about this game as you ever have Pounder, and you played before I did. I am well versed in MUD history, and know of many legends/know them personally. I can't say the same for Cruice, or my newer generation of friends. I regret their lack of knowledge, but it isn't really their fault is it.

    With respect to you and I, and the way you blatantly suck people's nuts (I.e. Sunflash) when they agree with you, and flame people you dislike... Our history goes like this: You respected me, complimented me, were nice. I killed you when you tried to set me up with Mornaner (In your eyes, a 'god'). Afterward, you couldn't help but take issue with everything about me. I'm not using this as a definitive proof, I'm not saying I'm a saint, but it is fairly clear to me you just judge people based on vendettas and bullshit. Get over it. Another thing... in a different thread, maybe this one... you were criticizing someone for not knowing their facts about accomplished PKers... and then you dragged Kalimac's name through the dirt. Kalimac has killed more people than anyone else in the history of this game, just ahead of me, Oracle, and a few oldschoolers who reported unverifiable numbers... Tsk tsk.

    I know Formid well. Never was anything special, but a fun, honest guy I enjoyed a few great conversations with. We also enjoyed a surprise PK on the old Morgul road on Core which he got wrongfully nuked over. He captured my level 12 ER once... excellent RPer in the ER community.

    Tireless makes an excellent point about cross-era comparisons. They're really subjective and impossible since the medium has changed so much. I played back when most of these amazing players did, but I was 11 years old IRL and played an hour a week. Shit if I didn't compare to them then. I'd like to see any of them come to the MUD now and hold a candle to me and my friends. (See also: Grimscar v Aryl, Pounder v Aryl, Maelvor v Ugrim, Fyng v Akheron, the list goes on).

    Ultimately: I have nothing but the utmost respect for the older players on this game. I worshiped them all in my infancy here and I appreciate what they did for the community. They were exceptionally innovative and set a lot of standards - that being said, regardless of shifting dynamics on the game... less and less innovation is possible over time, so you can't fault people for being incomparable.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    14 July 2009 06:57:50

    'But since cruice and the rest are so fucked up by other people IRL and must come to the towers to act like fuckheads, they will NEVER be granted even a portion of the level of respect shown to those I just mentioned.'

    First: Cruice not showing appropriate respect to older players is the exception, not the rule. Furthermore, people OFTEN show less than optimal respect to people who disagree with them. It's a failing, sure, but hardly a unique one.

    Second: Lumping all of them together isn't any more appropriate than saying when Rendor does something embarrassing it reflects poorly on you since you're both old-timers.

    Third: Saying 'He's a bad person and he'll never be anything but a bad person' isn't constructive. It supposes failure instead of allowing for success.

    You actually haven't interacted with Cruice in a long time so I don't think you're qualified to comment on what kind of a person he is. (And I say that with as much respect as I can!)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 July 2009 04:35:36

    Oh, I didn't even notice I put that in, I honestly got them two confused a lot because they were both very good players and fun to talk to and both from VC. I meant Kelos the whole time though.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    14 July 2009 03:57:23

    I think Kelos was referring to you quoting what he said as being from Alkath.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 July 2009 03:53:43

    Kelos, believe it or not, I meant you. I gained a very good deal of respect for you. Maybe others don't hold the same view but I did actually mean you. I could have listed a rediculous amount more such as, Alkath, Calendril, Morpheus etc etc etc etc etc. Well known Icons during different times. And I bet if you ask some of the people who played about 2 years ago, they would almost all know you.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    14 July 2009 03:53:34

    Kelos makes a good point. You can excuse Cruice for not knowing who Formid is, but he's the idiot who tried to use that as proof that Formid wasn't a good player/PKer. So he sort of loses the right to that defense when people call him up on it.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    14 July 2009 03:18:42

    Ummm, I'm Kelos, not Alkath ;)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 July 2009 03:03:28

    Tireless, it has nothing to do with his skill.

    From Alkath:


    However, at the same time, there is that lack of respect coming through as always. I want to like these guys, but this stuff is just tiring:

    'Formid, I've never heard of you in my life.'


    If they actually acted like mature adults (like ok, lets say 17 years old) even once in a while, including exhalev, they would have a much much higher level of respect for them not to mention, much less resistance to what they do. Why do you think Kelos, Morn, Kharash(non/pker), Yoshi(same), Ash(for his insane RP) and other players had such constant and high levels of respect for them? Hell, even though I didn't get along with Rendor late in our playing days (assuming he no longer plays much) I still had a ton of respect for him because of what he did with the real Durms and contributions to the mud. But since cruice and the rest are so fucked up by other people IRL and must come to the towers to act like fuckheads, they will NEVER be granted even a portion of the level of respect shown to those I just mentioned. This will sadly only make things worse for them IRL because it will translate to RL behaviour tendancies. Even, I have even witnessed this myself once asking a bus driver if it costs 50 gold to ride (and trust me his reaction was fucking priceless)?

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    14 July 2009 02:47:33

    Tireless, I do respect you, so if you say he's gotten better and more mature, then I guess I believe you. I've heard the same from other people.

    However, at the same time, there is that lack of respect coming through as always. I want to like these guys, but this stuff is just tiring:

    'Formid, I've never heard of you in my life.'

    I've played for over 5 years now and I never say shit like that because there are many, many old players who came before me and made this game what it was. With all the alts and different characters out there, who the heck AM I to say 'I don't know you!'???

    There is a deep history to this game and there have been a ton of players before us.

    I'd love to see someone like Stele post a comment here and then the douchebags go 'I've never heard of you in my life.'

    That's all I want to say. Respect the game, respect those that came before you. If you don't know who they are, find out before spouting your mouth off like a friggin' noob.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    14 July 2009 01:42:54

    Cruice has gotten a lot better than he used to be, Pounder, and is now genuinely respectable. (By that I don't mean that everyone does/should/must respect him -- I mean that if someone does it's reasonable to do so) He occasionally slips up and does something obnoxious - we all do that - and while he has a pretty clearly biased perspective of the MUD (also a trait common to most or all players) I've found him to be a very mature and respectful typist when I've interacted with him in the last 3 or 4 months or so. He was absolutely the kind of player you characterize him as when you knew him, but if you have any respect for me at all you can take my word when I say he's better than that now.

    That all said, everyone had to start playing at some time and when Formid was around (on Formid) Cruice was still a newbie without a good sense of who was who in the community. For virtually anyone there can be found some player who was gone before they started; all that means is that they were once a newbie.

    While I'll agree that there were spectacular PKers before Cruice that he never ran into who deserve respect, the game _has_ been evolving and the playerkilling game _is_ different. You can say 'If they'd kept playing they would have adapted...' but that's not really fair. If Cruice had started playing 15 years ago and Oracle had started playing 3 years ago I strongly suspect the claims could be legitimately reversed. Cruice is not bad at what he does. The old guys/PKers departed were great at what they did. There's no need to compare the two.

    Putting myself at risk of being called similar names, I'll confess that I never really interacted with or was aware of Formid as Formid and I don't know who his ER pker was. I knew he was reputed to have a tricked out client and that he got nuked for some bug involving mounts and a river, and that's about it.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    13 July 2009 22:19:56

    I'm a lowlife newbie. :)

    You're a great comedian.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    13 July 2009 22:09:24

    Cruice, that's because you are a lowlife newbie. Herk's never know about players that are good or have style. It would provide proof that there is actually something massively better than you (which there are countless instances of).

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    13 July 2009 22:08:26

    I verify Formid's claim at least on 2 occasions. He tried the kills solo at the very least. Grouping him with Kalimak or something whatever that lame er was that humped nasira's leg is not correct.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    13 July 2009 21:46:50

    Formid, I've never heard of you in my life.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 July 2009 18:14:00

    Daywalker, and as I have said many times every time I've had the misfortune to deal with you (and to an extent, your brother), you're an idiot. (I'm sure the response to that will be when I ended up getting locked there if it's still posted, I wasn't using/losing some of the best gear in the game though)

    I think my track record (which I'll admit isn't fully on display on the logpage as most of the logs were crap, you don't seem to have this issue posting crap that I did) speaks for itself. I made myself a reputation for killing very high levels, solo. I didn't attack lowbies, hell, at one stage I even took on a FULL BkD party coming back from getting MELS, got my target, ended up looting MELS, Dragon Cutter and the BkD guild pack (To be fair to who I killed, that was whoever was leading the BkD's party back from the governors fault, they didn't allow people chance to heal, the guy who had all the gear was very low and they rushed right along the travelto's trying to get back to the GH, the kill was only 2-3 rounds max).

    I didn't levelbash people, I didn't go around in huge groups banging them (I definately didn't go around taking battlepoints in huge ER groups). I'm not sure you can say the same.

    I didn't go ER so I could get free kills on anyone, that happened because of the FR's going around slaughtering ERs with impunity (Yes, I know several groups in the ER's did the same, I didn't join them, neither did many other ER's until they got slaughtered randomly, again I'm sure the same can be said of the other side), after I got killed a few times whilst trying to level up I eventually got fed up enough to try and get my own back, in my own way and I think I managed pretty well. There was a point where whenever I logged on the FR comm lit up with warnings about where I was and that I was online. So I can't have been doing too bad a job at what I was doing.

  • Author
    Roden [legacy]
    13 July 2009 18:09:58

    Actually Ranhoth hasn't ever been involved in a war because we are so feared. People just can't handle being killed by fury feet!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    13 July 2009 17:40:57

    There is also Aether, who wants to pk but can't. <3 Daywalker. And <3 Tireless to, for that mention.

  • Author
    Baradul [legacy]
    13 July 2009 16:34:16

    I dont think we got much more bashed then Gb did to be honest. It might appear that way though, if you believe everything you read here.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    13 July 2009 16:25:58

    If you don't want to riot...

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    13 July 2009 15:54:50

    Formid, as I have always said in any of your encounters, you are an idiot:))

    Let me tell you about pk, cause obviously you have no idea about the current situation.

    There are people who can pkill, those who can't pkill and those who can but don't like to. There is also Aether, who wants to pk but can't.

    If you want to be a peaceful and quiet guy, don't join a guild thats constantly in conflicts. I have not heard of Galadhrim being in a war?

    Or Ranhoth?

    Why? Cause their EGO is not more than the heat they actually can handle.

    Why did Meglivornth get bashed so bad? Cause Arthlor was way over his head on a high white stallion. And we all know what happens with such people, who pretend to be something they are not - they taste the dirt.

    Its simple, dont get into trouble and you wont get trouble.

  • Author
    Arandur [legacy]
    13 July 2009 07:37:32

    Nor does your mom, fucker!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    13 July 2009 07:34:34

    You don't have 50k, fucker.

  • Author
    Arandur [legacy]
    13 July 2009 07:33:00

    Your mom wants my 50k.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    13 July 2009 07:12:56

    I want my 50k

  • Author
    Arandur [legacy]
    13 July 2009 07:10:51

    Yay, Durms are back! Hi everyone from sunny Afghanistan! -Falgor

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    11 July 2009 16:03:48

    Nuked for 3 comm based warnings? Uh oh. I've gotten two in the last week.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    11 July 2009 10:16:54

    Why did you leave again? It was fun Martha. :)

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    11 July 2009 08:49:53

    Lack of style these days, try playing solo and still owning it up, yes?

    Strength in numbers, yes... if they are all you.

    I rate logs with 1's because they bring nothing new to the table and shit like that gets old after a while.

    On a sidenote, this Exhalev prick still sucks... and so does my english.

    /Marthaon (Still the reigning champ)

    Tough luck Exhalev... but you are more than welcome to try again in a few years.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    11 July 2009 07:46:40

    Heh, my nuke was from 3 comm-based warnings. A bad egg indeed. How many players nowadays have more than 3 warnings from far more harmful crimes than saying fuck on the comm?

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    11 July 2009 06:42:09

    Draugluin was paid off by the Mercantile Consortium of Laketown to eliminate competition from Shoeboxes Inc.

    ...I'm dating myself here, aren't I?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    11 July 2009 05:06:57

    Wow, Sunflash a bad egg? I just can't ever see that happening.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    11 July 2009 04:34:25

    I'm not entirely sure. I was nuked, my three alts were either commbanned or even silenced, one had a hand cut off, and I suicided 2 of them. The third dissapeared, maybe a silent nuke or the idle daemon, I don't know. I tried to make a new character a month or so later and found I was hardbanned, so I just quit on the spot. After TNT was brought back into T2T, Telerin contacted me and told me all hardbans were lifted and Draugluin had been usurped, so I returned. I would imagine Draugluin just hardbanned to make sure I stayed gone, he viewed me as a bad egg.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    11 July 2009 04:25:41

    'Formid, if you're claiming that PK is the number 1 reason people stop playing I'd say you're sadly mistaken.' Its exactly the reason I lost a good 5 friends who stopped playing completely during the bloodlust era of ER's VS FR. Its the reason the towers went from 100 on at ALL TIMES but the latest hours to 50 on at peak. Check your facts before you spew fucking noob.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    11 July 2009 04:23:49

    Tireless, I was never at any point in the history of the game banned. Period. No exceptions. Nuked yes, but I could log in under a new character and start over without any restrictions. I was only nuked for getting in constant tangles with ainur because of the horrible loss of players we were going through during that period. I voluntarily did not return to the towers to start over in a cesspool of egodickwhapfuckers and I got the best temporary Christmas present I ever got my entire life and that was Castamir setting up TNT. Throughout all the years, there was nothing close to what it felt like being on that mud. It was the ability to reclaim what was once lost while knowing what actually was lost. This feeling is almost never found ever during ones life. I feel the luckiest ever to have been able to experience that.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    11 July 2009 03:27:27

    Formid, if you're claiming that PK is the number 1 reason people stop playing I'd say you're sadly mistaken.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    11 July 2009 02:35:18

    'despite the ainurs attempts to rescusitate it'

    First, ainur is the plural of ainu. You have one ainu and many ainur. Ainurs makes no sense. It's like saying 'octopis.'

    Second... good try, but the c is after the second s. Props for using the word in proper context, though.

    'I guarantee you, unless he gets nuked and banned again beforehand, less than a week after the whole Megs/GB war is finished Exhalev will be at 'war' with another group for one reason or another.'

    I think they're at war with PoT now too. (I'm not complaining about this, though!)

    'As such, the pk/griefers even at their old levels would start putting poeple off, except that there are even more of them now than there were in the past.'

    Don't be deceived. Pretty much no matter what definition you use for 'pk/griefer' there is a smaller absolute number of them now than 2, 3, 4 or 5 years ago. The number seems larger because of other factors, but it's a smaller fish in a much smaller pond situation.

    'If Exhalev is harming the MUD it's not in the amount of players he and his guild are killing, it's in the amount of hot air given off by both sides in the meantime (and all-around complaining in general). '


    'Sunflash, why DID you get hardbanned btw? I never understood why someone like you would get banned.'

    ...Dude, Pounder, YOU got banned, remember? I certainly do, since I was one of the people agitating to have the decision reversed.

  • Author
    Narshock [legacy]
    11 July 2009 02:17:56

    Kelos The entire town was hardbanned. Hoshkebosh, and I however were allowed to stay. Not sure what got that ban lifted again.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    11 July 2009 01:26:19

    Sunflash, why DID you get hardbanned btw? I never understood why someone like you would get banned. Maybe I am missing something, but I thought you played very legit and were an interesting change of pace from most of the standard stock that now dwells there.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    11 July 2009 01:13:56

    The herkies have been banned how many times, yet they NEVER go away...

    Agree with Tevildo...funny statement coming from a herkie...

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    11 July 2009 00:48:36

    The only reason I ever left T2T was Draugluin hardbanning me :p

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    10 July 2009 23:58:22

    he's a herkie tevildo, never underestimate them.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    10 July 2009 23:56:12

    'Most people are driven away by ainur deletions and bans' may be, in fact, the most absurd statement I have ever read.

    In my life.

    Not even kidding here.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    10 July 2009 22:04:08

    The main form of pk/griefing which has taken place on this MUD in the last few years, and arguably had the most detrimental affect on the playerbase, was the so-called ER community. A community of which Formid was a proponent. I'm not sure why he gets to be on such a high horse nowadays.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    10 July 2009 21:51:13

    I would just like to point out that the people posting here and talking on the comm do not make up the majority of players, they just make up the loudest. If Exhalev is harming the MUD it's not in the amount of players he and his guild are killing, it's in the amount of hot air given off by both sides in the meantime (and all-around complaining in general).

    The MUD does get new players, the reason most don't stick around is because of all the negativity they find upon reaching level 4. It's not so much the PKing, it's the constant flaming/trolling/whining they experience while trying to decide if the MUD is worth playing over some other Tolkien-based one.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    10 July 2009 19:14:33

    *answers brubaker's question with some well used joke about formid being an automated asshole*

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    10 July 2009 17:58:53

    No, 1 PK won't make you quit, how about 2, 3, 10, 20? All just because some asshole decided he didn't like someone you are friends with? It's all about enjoyment of the game, constantly having to be on your guard or, if you're not that skilled, hiding inside the guildhall/innroom, just because some asshole decides he wants to pk your group would certainly make it less fun for some people. Sure they could create an alt but a lot of people don't like levelling up hundreds of alts, they have their main and they stick to it (People like Pounder for instance). They're also likely not powerplayers who can get a char to max level in a few hours age (Pounder excepted from that statement) so it takes a larger investment to start a new character and they aren't used to the whole concept of 'throwaway' chars. It's about enjoying your time here, and constantly being PK'd will have an effect on that.

    As I repeated, with Spartan et al, he had such a large player base to choose from that people weren't getting repeatedly PK'd by him (unless they were knowingly putting themselves in danger in mordor, back when mordor was pretty much the sole playground of the pk/powerplayers).

    You don't have that playerbase anymore. Games like WoW are taking their toll on the playerbase as well, I'll admit that. Eventually all that will be left are people who idle in their guildhalls all the time chatting and using the game as a chat client, and the people who play purely to pk/grief other people.

    The reason the game had such a large playerbase previously was in, a large part due to the community around it, yes there were assholes but there were a load of nice helpful people, new areas coming out relatively rapidly. New areas are slower now (more QA/balancing, less ainur) a load of the helpful people have grown up and got different aspects to their lives and basically quit the game.

    As such, the pk/griefers even at their old levels would start putting poeple off, except that there are even more of them now than there were in the past.

    I guarantee you, unless he gets nuked and banned again beforehand, less than a week after the whole Megs/GB war is finished Exhalev will be at 'war' with another group for one reason or another.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    10 July 2009 17:42:42


  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    10 July 2009 15:44:36

    Who is Formid? What does his daddy do?

    First. It's very rare if someone were to actually quit playing forever because they were killed. Dying is the biggest part of the game, because everyone is either trying not to die or trying to kill someone. If you are questing, you are watching your hp and not going under zero, otherwise if someone said they weren't trying to not die. Someone would lose 2 levels killing Ulkhalad.

    Most people are driven away by ainur deletions and banns, loss of interest in the game, or changes they can't stand which detours them from playing.

    Quiting the MUD because you got PKed is like giving up in checkers because you got jumped once. It's idiotic.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    10 July 2009 15:14:11

    Exhalev: Cowardice is Arthlor only ever leaving his guildhall in a boat, to quest in FR only areas... or in the company of 2 or more guildmates to try and bang someone. This time he learned his lesson. Declaring war on people and condemning his members to death might have been a behaviour he was unable to sympathize with - prior to his arrogance finally coming to slap him in the face.

    Oh come, drop it, none of us believe that shit anymore. If it hadn't been for that incident you'd have just found some other reason to wage war against, or some other group to torture mercilessly.

    It's all you do, you enjoy killing other players (whether they enjoy it themselves doesn't matter a single bit to you). So stop trying to sugar coat the fact that you're just going around killing people because you can with 'oh he called me names' or somesuch shit reasoning. When this war is over you'll simply turn your target over to another group.

    No wonder the mud population is in decline. It wasn't so bad with people like spartan, there was only 1-2 people like him at any one time and the playerbase was a LOT larger to give him multiple targets. People like you Exhalev, are why the mud is dying, despite the ainurs attempts to rescusitate it. Eventually there'll be noone left for you to PK except for the other people who only play to PK others and you'll all be back to one nice incestuous hole (which is I believe the tourism tagline for Herkimer is right?).

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    10 July 2009 15:05:13

    Wrong log, but this one at least involves Baradul

    Who the fuck managed to get those weapon emotes past anyone in QA?

  • Author
    Anarsul [legacy]
    10 July 2009 04:45:34

    My first thought when I heard this was 'Damn, that sure is a bastardly tactic to use' but after consideration it was pretty well executed. Not something I would probably do mind you but I can't hate GB for doing it.

    I never quite trusted Munyar and told him so in my interview. When I heard he was quiting, it was a definite 'no' vote for me (Cause that don't fly with me). Still, didn't quite see this coming though. Kudos

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 July 2009 22:10:45

    There are ways to easily beat a storm bow. Unfortunately, it's just the current play level doesn't have the ability to think enough to do so.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    09 July 2009 21:07:32

    And the HP didn't change because I edited Ravathir's prompt quickly and missed the fact Arthlor actually hit him, sorry Hirgail.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    09 July 2009 21:07:09

    There's no way they could have beat me with storm bow Tlaloc!

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    09 July 2009 19:34:32

    Why didn't Berrus attack? That's stupid. This log could've had a good outcome.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    09 July 2009 17:20:44

    Maybe Arthlor's emoting to make it look like the battle's going his way!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 July 2009 16:15:53

    No Cruice, it's not that. Why does whoever this is get hit but not lose any health?

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    09 July 2009 16:15:25

    He's pointing out that Art landed a hvh and Ravathir's HP remained unchanged.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    09 July 2009 15:49:44

    The orcs stopped Baradul Hirgail.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    09 July 2009 14:56:35

    Demandred, your guildmaster is the most pathetic guildmaster I have ever seen. And I have seen many.

  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    09 July 2009 11:52:14

    Exhalev, Arthlor has forgotten more about this mud than you will ever learn... and I mean this in the least flaming way possible:)

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 July 2009 09:51:20

    Tower entrance(out, u and d)

    An orc guard [2]

    Munyar enters.

    Baradul enters.

    Aether enters.

    Berrus enters.

    Arthlor enters.

    HP:239 EP:144 >

    Arthlor hits you very hard. <-----!!!

    You are too busy to make an attack!

    A staircase(d and u)

    An exhausted orc soldier

    Munyar enters.

    Arthlor enters.

    Aether enters.

    Berrus enters.

    HP:239 EP:144 > <-----???

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    09 July 2009 09:08:24

    Demandred, I have 54 Extra sense from running my own finds. If anyone is haunting GHs and innrooms, it is my enemies. I can relate to you on that. I find his actions cowardly because other GMs, like Kigaren, and Ulkhilyrh, have actively quested, leveled, and killed the members of their enemy's guilds... whereas Arthlor has just let his members die for himself. That's all.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    09 July 2009 07:54:45

    Can't believe this war is still going on... Meh.. Well w/e makes you guys happy.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    09 July 2009 07:46:40


    One problem in your theory. We wouldn't have been sitting there if we didn't know that we had the upper hand.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    09 July 2009 06:49:02

    So he's a coward for making it hard for you to kill him? Right... I dont leave the GH at all I'd hate to hear what you say about me if I died to you. Is it right of me to say all my enemies are cowards because every time I log on my assassin char, all of a sudden there isnt an empty inn room or GH in arda? Methinks not.

    And stop trying to influence people's opinion with falsities and assumptions. What happened before the war may have been a small crossing of the line, but lets make it clear that it was you and your guildmates that crossed said line, and if you weren't prepared to pay the price Arthlor requested, you shouldn't have done so. It doesn't matter how many megs you kill, you won't win this war.

    'The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.'

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    09 July 2009 05:35:15

    Cowardice is Arthlor only ever leaving his guildhall in a boat, to quest in FR only areas... or in the company of 2 or more guildmates to try and bang someone. This time he learned his lesson. Declaring war on people and condemning his members to death might have been a behaviour he was unable to sympathize with - prior to his arrogance finally coming to slap him in the face.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    09 July 2009 05:02:54

    Exhalev, if the tables were turned in this instance I doubt your description would have been corwardice. If Munyar had have been trustworthy i'm pretty sure this log would have ended differently. There's nothing corwardly about trying your hand against a better eq'd opposition.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    09 July 2009 04:41:17

    Twilight dagger has never been hard to get unless you're a pansy.

    Twilight dagger used to boost your commons if you were a low level as far as I know.

    Castamir removed the high-stat daggers from Umbar per weapon value balance regulations, and fixed twilight dagger by giving it a stab bonus.

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    09 July 2009 04:24:26

    Yes twilight dagger was changed, they added a backstab bonus to it.

    On another note, I wonder if Arthlor will reconsider his war.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 July 2009 04:15:04

    Does it still give skill boosts? I remember that fact from a while back even though I haven't used that weapon in about 4-5 years now.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 July 2009 04:14:19

    Zaellyer, hang around Smoky much? If you don't, I am very surprised, you sound exactly like him, her, him, shit... it.

    And did they change TD or something? Suddenly its used by everyone and their mom instead of morimacil (or used first then morimacil). I wonder what the next fad weapon will be? Not complaining at all here btw, I always thought that weapon needed to be a better stabbing weapon a while back like in the 1980's due to how hard and incredibly dangerous it was to get unless you had a good sized group.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    09 July 2009 03:53:51

    Correction Exhalev, Pounder is flaming, I'm laughing at how pathetic he is :)

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    09 July 2009 03:38:03

    Watch out. Pounder and Zaellyer are flaming, like everyone who has ever used this page has... best cease all ties with them since their actions, which are mostly meaningless and have no impact on anything else... might reflect poorly on you for associating with them.

    Pounder, even you could solo a few people with twilight dagger. Baradul plays a predictable game, and only targets low levels or newer players. Good for him, a kill is a kill and I respect his solo style. But the fact remains he is very inexperienced.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    09 July 2009 03:35:23

    BADH? Best comeback you have is saying I'm from a town which I've never been to? lol?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 July 2009 03:27:36

    A 'newbie' making very good and concise kills in his earlier kills.

    'Flame on Pounder! I think you're missing the parade though' <- You really need to learn English BADH if you think my comment was a flame. Then again, its not at all surprising coming from a natural born herk.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    09 July 2009 03:11:41

    Pounder, Baradul is just a newbie.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    09 July 2009 03:06:23

    Flame on Pounder! I think you're missing the parade though

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 July 2009 02:55:34

    And having him lead the party that is.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 July 2009 02:55:12

    Baradul, that is the first mistake I have seen you do thus far. You more than have the ability to lead, there is no excuse for you inviting an idiot who was being hunted by RoI into your party.

  • Author
    Baradul [legacy]
    09 July 2009 02:39:58

    w/e Exh, We were in Munyars party.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    09 July 2009 02:30:01

    Baradul was still triggered to hunt. Woops.

  • Author
    Baradul [legacy]
    09 July 2009 02:23:52

    Munyar was leading the meg party, screwed us

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    09 July 2009 02:19:44

    I'm not entirely clear what happened here. What was Aether trying to do when he left Morg bridge? Why did Baradul run to STS after Aether died? It looks like Berrus never attacked. Why? Was Munyar in Aether's party initially or was he just hunting uncamoed?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 July 2009 02:15:32

    Are the names in one of these two logs edited or is Munyar a completely dumb fuck that sucks cocks of people he dies too? :P