Pook dies.

Posted by
Daywalker [legacy]
16 August 2009 00:00:00
Player Kill

Do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you! Posting for Dev.


  • Author
    Aldur [legacy]
    01 September 2009 02:28:28


  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    01 September 2009 02:23:03

    doh* thnx Sunflash :P pew pew

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    01 September 2009 01:35:32

    Best log evah? Me breaking Darkterror, hah!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    26 August 2009 23:54:40

    haha, nice

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    26 August 2009 11:26:56

    that sounds like you're going to www.logs.dyndns.dk, Jubal. Take out the WWW.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    26 August 2009 02:38:12

    Blah! I envy you Lucky... My Phone only displays 'It works!' everytime I access Log-O-mania using Opera mini... :S i ar suckz

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    25 August 2009 23:39:29

    The most important thing right now, is that my new phone can post onto the log-page and even read logs!

    Now I get both ESPN MVP and the Log-Page?!

    I have entered the Golden Age of Taking a Shit.

  • Author
    Gramul [legacy]
    25 August 2009 18:10:58

    This comment section is awesome!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    25 August 2009 04:32:25

    This log is awesome. Hahaha.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    24 August 2009 18:39:40

    Fofester makes another brilliant comment!

  • Author
    Gramul [legacy]
    24 August 2009 08:45:02

    Hi there X!

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    24 August 2009 07:22:06

    Lobo is awesome.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    24 August 2009 00:49:05

    and sorry Xaron, you've been gone only for about a month, max two. Time goes slow without mud, eh?

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 August 2009 00:44:25

    But we miss Xaron.

  • Author
    Xaron [legacy]
    24 August 2009 00:44:15

    Like seriously... step back for a moment and reconsider what you're oh so passionately arguing over, and how personal choice is actually involved.

  • Author
    Xaron [legacy]
    24 August 2009 00:41:44

    Wow, I'm glad I've been gone for a few months. I don't miss this shit at all.

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    23 August 2009 21:58:42

    comment 100! :)

  • Author
    Dawn [legacy]
    23 August 2009 21:14:34

    You go directly for the ass?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    23 August 2009 21:05:10

    Imagined what? licking balls? eek!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    23 August 2009 20:40:16

    I think you imagined that:P

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    23 August 2009 18:15:00

    screw you.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    23 August 2009 18:01:38

    Don't hurt me at all, Hirgail. I remember when you were kneeling down before me. Everyone does once I'm on their side. But I never lick balls, unlike all of you.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    23 August 2009 08:34:46

    Mithgil at Rhos SP with Vornmegil, that was scary.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    23 August 2009 06:06:11

    Guild Masters of the world united!!!!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    23 August 2009 05:46:25

    lolololololol i wrote like a herkie, except herkie don't know what gmotwu is

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    23 August 2009 05:45:43

    i'm fucking druk drinking at my neighbour shouse, came here to piss... now i'm going to another party... mithgil is the best pker ever-true GMOTWU for life-, and fofester is the best commentesr (shabbba is in 2nd palce).

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    22 August 2009 21:38:54

    Winnetou is humble, he said he 'probably was'. Fyng is different tho, he's sure.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    22 August 2009 19:31:05

    Haha, best response.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 August 2009 19:17:59

    But you have rated a log in 4 years you fucking liar. You went and downrated a bunch of logs so you could get your own in the top 20. Stop lying you liar. You're a lying liar you liar.

    Also, everyone but you thinks you're pathetic. How does that feel? No matter what you do from now on everyone thinks you're a loser. You could solo a 10 man bang and nobody would give a shit. How does it feel to spend 10 years working towards being the best pker on a fucking mud and nobody cares? Does it hurt? Open your veins, let me taste how much it hurts.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    22 August 2009 17:18:48

    Sorry, you misspelt 'egotist' as 'pker' there.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    22 August 2009 17:01:52

    Oh, and yes, I probably happen to be the most outstanding pker there ever was on this game, and I've documented it in this page.

    I don't need to 'rate', my job is another - to present you with flawless logs. So fk off, I won't be wasting more of my time on you.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    22 August 2009 17:00:21

    I haven't rated a log in -years- probably. All that you said happened 4 years ago. So what? Does that give you an excuse to do it again? Your logic is weak. And no need to call us 'fucks'.

    It doesn't change shit from what I, Daywalker and whoever else there was told you.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    21 August 2009 17:18:47

    There is no end to the fun in this thread. *thumbs up* :D

  • Author
    Dawn [legacy]
    21 August 2009 10:32:30

    I can make multiple accounts here and I can guarantee you a 5.9+ rating for the right amount of gold. OK! Now even you can win the internet. (This service is of course provided for free for Armada)

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    21 August 2009 09:54:19

    How fucking precious do you clowns want to be?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    21 August 2009 06:12:06

    Exley's dick is actually bigger, he wins.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    21 August 2009 05:16:56

    So, after reading some of the responses and replies, I have determined there is nothing even closely resembling a counter to my arguments. I win. My dick is bigger.

    Hiya, Jamie. Tell Jona I said hi, please?

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    21 August 2009 03:19:37

    ha ha ha. Wow, thank you for proving my point on how fucking immature you are. *bow* Good day folks, I knew there was a reason I was seriously inactive.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    21 August 2009 00:07:51

    From now on, i'll rate logs according the following rules:

    1st Art. If you are a herkie your log will be rated 1.

    ----1st§: If you aren't a herkie, but I think you care about ratings, your log will also be rated 1;

    ----2nd§: If you aren't a herkie, but I find you to be a major imbecile and/or associated with herkies, your log will be rated 1.

    2nd Art. All contrary dispositions are revoked.

    3rd Art. This law has no vacatio legis period.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    20 August 2009 23:57:32

    You know, re-reading these comments because I find the thinking displayed here so interesting, I have to make another observation.

    DW, Winnetou - While you guys were going around crusading for logs page justice and righting the rating wrongs, exactly how many logs that people other than yourselves posted did you rate up? Did you go through all 10000+ of them just to make sure that each log was fairly rated according to your perfectly impartial system? Or did you just rate your own up because you're sad fucks?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2009 23:21:22

    'I mean go make yourselves important somewhere else, cause here, you obviously aren't.'

    I bet daywalker feels he's important. It must be such an achievement to be considered important in a logpage comment section. Oh my, herkish values are spreading.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2009 23:13:38

    <3 Shabba, as always.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    20 August 2009 22:51:46

    But Mooooooom, they did it first!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    20 August 2009 22:18:16

    Daywalker, if that filter were enabled you wouldn't even be able to check what ratings you got.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    20 August 2009 21:41:28

    Goodness gracious. The whole lot of you seriously need to get a grip.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    20 August 2009 21:22:39

    Hey, I don't worry I got this one DW. I evened out the ratings so you don't have to bother. You owe me a solid.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    20 August 2009 21:02:33

    Since when is it fucking up to you to decide what needs evening out and what doesn't? jesus fucking christ.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    20 August 2009 19:58:21

    Galandrin, I want the option, 'idiot filter rating enabled'

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    20 August 2009 19:57:02

    Date: 20. Aug, 2009, 1:26:09 By: Daywalker

    I agree with you Ketan. This is why ratings should not be public available imo.

    There's an option to not have ratings on your log. Feel free to start using it.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    20 August 2009 19:56:43

    Jerf, I just re-rated the log with 1.

    You know why? I don't think you deserve the 2 that I have actually given it, because you did 2 things:

    1. You had luck to catch 2 unexperienced players at dlsg the one and ND the other.

    2. You typed, hunt, backstab. When player 1 died, you typed hunt, backstab again. Targets died.

    Nothing special at all.

    You have better logs out there, like this one:


    As I said about the logs, I have barely managed to even out the other up voting or down voting, depending on which log.

    Regarding the rating system, I have already explained to you, what is the point of it even existing if nobody is going to take it seriously?

    I mean go make yourselves important somewhere else, cause here, you obviously aren't.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2009 19:21:49

    indeed. my english is getting rusty... i should start mudding again.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    20 August 2009 19:18:58

    Seriously Lobo, commas much? :/

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2009 18:58:15

    Daywalker, we have been friends since ever, an as i friend i will keep telling you: don't take this shit seriously, don't get pissed because of futile things, such as log's ratings, you know better than that. Like Shabba said, you're making yourself look worse with every comment you post. Stop behaving like a herkie, just chill.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    20 August 2009 18:45:07

    If I remember correctly you, he and Duncan rated many logs down and many logs up with many accounts in what was a pretty transparent attempt to get your own logs into the top 20. Are you really this full of shit?

    If it's was any other place that the logs page I'd assume you guys were trolling and had been doing it for years because nobody can be that outrageously hypocritical and not see anything wrong with it.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    20 August 2009 18:01:07


  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    20 August 2009 17:57:24

    So how's that changing anything, Jerf? He rated a log with '2' with two chars. Big deal. When you like something alot, rate it with both chars!

    But don't give random 1s to every log you see, just because your enemy is posting them (look at my last 10 logs, they're like all incredible, none of them above 5 something).

    And it's not just that. The bullshit that goes on, the crap that is being talked. There is a certain group of 5-10 players who're just like garbage spam. I had a row with all of them (they had infected some others as well) and stopped using the comment section. Cause it's a waste of time. And I'd also rather not have spoiled my enjoyment of a rarely good pk that I made by some punks.


  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    20 August 2009 17:46:52

    'Lately, there are more. Because actual PLAYERS post logs. Do you remember what the log page used to look like when there was no Daywalker, no Exhalev, no Winnetou for about a month? '

    Are you implying that with the exception of you, Exhalev and Winnetou, everybody on the MUD is an NPC?

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    20 August 2009 17:22:19

    Umm im going to have to go with Hirgail and Etrius on this one Daywalker. You've been a friend of mine on many of your alts and I've been in a lot of guilds with you. But your being a fucking hypocrit.(however the hell you spell that) You and your brother have both gone through and downrated MY Logs personally because it was on top 20 and your's wasn't. *shrug* look at yourself before you try and talk shit about other people. And if you want proof of what im talking about look at the log i posted back in the day of 'Thanatos and Ihsan get soloed at the same time.' Infact when you first voted on that log you rated it a 6 because you were my friend...then when you realised it was on the top 20 months later you went through with your alts and downrated it to a 2.

    So basically, you're just making yourself look bad. I agree with you on the aspect of people downrating logs because of this and that. It's immature and weak, but you've done the same thing.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    20 August 2009 16:50:11

    There's no such thing as an interesting log.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    20 August 2009 12:35:06

    I just noticed the title of this log. Fucking perfect.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    20 August 2009 11:21:31

    I don't even read 75% of the logs, and I rarely even rate the ones I read, the only reason I come to the logpage is to read the comments section.

    With that out of the way, I'd like to establish that if anyone says any shit in contradiction to what Exley just posted with any serious intent, I'll fucking contract you, whether you're my friend or not.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    20 August 2009 09:31:54

    Double post fail

  • Author
    Teleporno [legacy]
    20 August 2009 09:27:34

    I love long rants. Makes it easier to skip past them and read other people flame them

  • Author
    Teleporno [legacy]
    20 August 2009 09:27:32

    I love long rants. Makes it easier to skip past them and read other people flame them

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    20 August 2009 09:21:02

    Yeah, Daywalker just makes himself look worse with every comment he posts.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    20 August 2009 09:05:04

    let me just quote Etrius here:

    [new] Date: 19. Aug, 2009, 20:07:45 By: Etrius



  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    20 August 2009 07:51:53

    Really? You're bitching about people downrating logs when you, your brother and Duncan deliberately downrated logs and used multiple accounts to uprate your own just to get them into the top 20. Really? Is that what you're doing?

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    20 August 2009 06:52:38

    I reiterate my main, undeniable point: you are trying to dictate to me what my opinion should be, you fascist fuck. I really shouldn't justify a damn thing in your so-called argument, but I give ratings based on one factor only: how entertaining that log happens to be. I don't care who happens to be in a log; hell, I don't know 90% of the people in this game, and I certainly don't keep up with alts. If a log features nail-biting, near-death huntbreaks, or a solo assassin going after a party, or a PK of an elusive foe, I'll rate it high (5 or 6). I am sparse with those ratings, because I reserve them for my favorite logs. If a log features an assassin attacking a DSLG foe and killing him in a few rounds, I admire the patience and timing, but I give it an average rating (3 or 4) due to the fact that a majority of solo-kills are like that. Newbie/lowbie kills, or gangbang logs, or other silly shit I give low ratings to.

    Now, out of the past 10 or so logs, roughly half of them didn't show the killer looting the corpse. To indicate my displeasure with this unfortunate turn of events, and to encourage log-posters to include a simple 'i corpse' command at the end of their logs, I rated those logs 1 point lower than I other-wise would have. Here's the kicker: in each of those logs, I verbally complained about the lack of showing the loot. I didn't just arbitrarily throw these people a shit rating. I had my reason for it, and I stated it quite clearly.

    Take your elitist attitude and shove it up your tightly puckered ass.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    20 August 2009 06:20:48

    Exley, idiots like you, and Lobo and all the others are the thing that brings the mud down to the shitty level it is in the moment and also the log page.

    If you have fun clicking something to rate it for fun, I will leave you to the idiotic logs that get posted every day. Every 1 per 10 or 20 logs is actually worth reading.

    Lately, there are more. Because actual PLAYERS post logs. Do you remember what the log page used to look like when there was no Daywalker, no Exhalev, no Winnetou for about a month?

    There was no new log with days and all you idiots spilt your bullshit into one comment thread.

    This is not a mental illness help forum, this is a log page. Logs are for things that happen on the mud. When the log is about a PK, it involves a certain aspect of the game, neither of you is familiar enough with.

    Just check the comments from bottom to top:

    You can see Ulkhilyrh rating 6 and giving credit even though her friend dies, right above it, you see Lobo liking the log because a very certain idiot died.

    Then you can see 2 people vote it with 1 for no reason and then two old players (ketan and Tlaloc) actually giving credit where credit is due.

    This is the difference, its black and white. If this log page had actual moderators you whiners should have been banned long time ago. Because you don't contribute with anything and you destroy the morale of the people which actually keep the page alive with quality stuff.

    The sad story is that nobody gives a shit whats going on here and kids like you post here cause you have no penises to play with.

    Grow up and until you actually acquire skill to do something worth posting keep your mouths shut and learn from the logs you see.

    Sincerely yours,


  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    20 August 2009 03:26:41

    So Daywalker, how should we rate logs? What criteria should we be on the look for? I mean, if you plan on dictating my personal taste, then you need to give me some guidelines to work with.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    20 August 2009 03:16:56

    Wow, 31 new comments. I had hoped someone had gone off on a hilarious rant, but it was just people whining about log ratings. More sad than funny.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2009 02:36:32

    Indeed. I must have missed it because there is a 'bandor dies once more'! thank you!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    20 August 2009 02:31:07

    'Bandor dies once.' log, in case you were wondering

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    20 August 2009 02:30:24

    You missed one, Lobo. It was actually the first one of his logs I randomly clicked to see if you actually followed through :p

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2009 02:26:18


  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    20 August 2009 02:18:44

    Most of his already have a shitty rating to begin with :p

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2009 02:13:31

    Ok, starting to rate all daywalker's logs a 1, until he stops getting pissed by my unbelievable imbecility. When he stops taking this shit seriously, i'll rate all of 'em properly. I encourage everyone to do the same :P

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    20 August 2009 02:09:13

    'cause we're not blunt as axes, and keep getting pissed at your unbelievable imbecility

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    20 August 2009 01:53:41

    But if you don't think ratings should be avalible, why do you care if they rate it low? Just fucking ignore it, it aint hard.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    20 August 2009 01:51:45

    Really? You agree? Why the crying then..

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    20 August 2009 01:26:09

    I agree with you Ketan. This is why ratings should not be public available imo.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    20 August 2009 01:19:10

    The fact that any of you care what a bunch of retards click on the 'Rate This Log' page is beyond me. If you're good enough to post a log that should be rated highly, then I hope you're also smart enough to realize how dumb it is to care what anyone rates your logs here.

    Here's a hint: eligibility to rate a log comes solely from being able to: (a) open a mud client, (b) type an address properly, (c) come up with a name that isn't banned yet, (d) send someone a mudmail.

    If you believe that the same process makes someone qualified to appreciate a well-executed pkill, you're delusional.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    19 August 2009 23:46:28

    Ok, DW. If i get back from university and don't see you commenting about houw foolish you are being, i'm rating all of your 90 logs a 1. Just chill, it's a damn logpage.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    19 August 2009 22:47:34

    Etrius, the only thing that we have done in this matter is to balance out the ones that people put with their alts to downrate the logs. Im guilty if thats a crime.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    19 August 2009 22:04:29

    You and your brother have deliberately used multiple accounts to downrate other people's logs in the top twenty, Daywalker, so I'm not sure you're entirely qualified to be the definitive authority on what does and doesn't constitute a fair rating.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    19 August 2009 21:44:49

    Whining about ratings is fucking stupid. Christ, grow the fuck up. It's pretty obvious it has the opposite effect of what you intend anyways.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    19 August 2009 21:41:39

    I am currently working on it.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    19 August 2009 20:07:45


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    19 August 2009 19:55:55

    wtf, are you actually pissed because of that? relax :)

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    19 August 2009 19:33:41

    As long ago someone said, You all whiners don't deserve the logs.

    You sit on your dumb asses and read what someone has done, entertain yourself on the back of the people who actually participate in the logs, and the only encouragement and contribution you can actually make is through the comments or the ratings.

    And there will always be some idiot that will downrate a log for god knows what bullshit reason, like he didnt see the loot, or it was posted for someone...


  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    19 August 2009 16:07:45

    People actually read these things?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    19 August 2009 15:52:22

    Brubaker is right. It took me hours of concentration to change my rating. Iron will is needed to help a friend in this situation.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    19 August 2009 15:50:02

    still, rating a log where pook dies with 1 is lame.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    19 August 2009 15:38:42

    And I encourage everyone to do the same!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    19 August 2009 15:38:19

    Dev, wtf? I'm rating this a 1 now, just for the fun of it, and i hope that makes you care less about ratings... that's herkish.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    19 August 2009 14:08:35

    I love how we should 'be grateful' for people posting logs...

    People getting bent about log ratings, unbelievable...

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    19 August 2009 12:16:48

    I never understood ratings anyways. Why even bother to rate every log you see? *shrugs*

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    19 August 2009 11:59:45

    Sounds like Dev is a moron.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    19 August 2009 11:29:29


  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    19 August 2009 11:11:30

    So, first of all, what the fuck? Secondly, does this guy have a valid point? Third, I re-rated his log from a 2 to a 1, just out of fucking annoyance.


  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    19 August 2009 11:10:47

    Dev tells you: what is your problem with rating my log with 1?

    You tell Dev: Which log?

    Dev tells you: pook dyin

    Dev tells you: you rated with 2 actually

    You tell Dev: If you killed someone, then I probably rated it a 1 because you didn't show the loot at the end. Simple as that.

    Dev tells you: he didnt have anything

    Dev tells you: a naked thief...

    You tell Dev: Oh. :P

    You tell Dev: No gold then?

    Dev tells you: about 100

    Dev tells you: i didnt find it worth posting

    Dev tells you: dont downrate logs like that... it sucks

    You tell Dev: :P I downrated it for a specific reason, a problem I had

    with the log. That's as good a reason as any.

    Dev tells you: shrug

    Dev tells you: well, Tevildo rates log with 1 if they are posted for

    someone, you rate them cause you dont see loot

    Dev tells you: tomorrow there will be another who will rate cause he

    doesnt see the surroundings

    Dev tells you: and there will be a bunch of idiots rating a log and making the log poster angry

    Dev tells you: and eventually some day, the posters will grow tired and will just stop posting

    You tell Dev: To be honest, dude, I don't care that much. A log without loot isn't as entertaining as one with loot. Simple as that.

    Dev tells you: then you cant rate, and cant even read a fucki

    ng log cause there will e none

    Dev tells you: or someone, like me, will make an alternative log page

    where people like you will be blocked

    You tell Dev: If I never read another log again, I don't think I'd notice.

    You tell Dev: Be my guest. :)

    Dev tells you: i strongly advise you to change your rating:)

    You tell Dev: So, you attempt to browbeat people into rating a log how you like?

    You tell Dev: It's pathetic, man.

    Dev tells you: no, I am just saying that its abuse to downrat

    e logs

    Dev tells you: you should be grateful you have a log to read, when you

    yourself cant produce anything worth reading

    You tell Dev: It's called the library. Plenty of shit there to read. :P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 August 2009 14:08:15

    When an imbecile like Delvar likes your tells, gambrinus, you should surely watch what you say!

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    18 August 2009 09:38:29

    I like the dumbass tells from Gambrinus

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    17 August 2009 13:27:36

    Haha, what Ketan said :D Awesome log. Simply awesome.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    17 August 2009 02:41:45

    I guess Daywalker isn't in. Because he has a 'do drink mixed potion,wield dagger,get sword from sheath,backstab Pook,wield sword,shift grip' alias.

    Change your alias D, so you can fit in with all the rest who has that other alias that is so famous these days :P

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    17 August 2009 02:25:25

    Not so much impressive as just plain fucking hilarious. This log is great based solely on the context in which it was posted. I mean, it'd be sort of funny if Dev picked a door locked and then killed Pook, but to do it in the exact same room that Pook did it to him? Under the same circumstances, with both of them making uneasy conversation while waiting around at Al? That's pure gold.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    17 August 2009 02:14:15

    how was his rant? post it here!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    17 August 2009 01:51:14

    Low standards people. I fail to see how using someone else's trick they just used on you is impressive :p Although its always amusing when this kid dies I guess.

  • Author
    Symric [legacy]
    17 August 2009 00:41:00

    Well at least you took something from what they did to you and turned it around :)

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    16 August 2009 23:29:08

    Impressive, really nice Dev :)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    16 August 2009 22:56:53

    He probably ranted about the government closing his bar.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    16 August 2009 22:49:43

    Did he go mental after this? I love his rants. :p Nice kill.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    16 August 2009 22:27:06

    Pook in the pk scenario... that almost makes me want to play again :P

  • Author
    Ulkhilyrh [legacy]
    16 August 2009 21:38:04

    You get style points. Nice kill.