Damn thieves

Posted by
Lmno [legacy]
20 August 2009 00:00:00

I'm rich!


  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    04 September 2009 04:39:19

    It was a joke. You couldn't pay me enough to play this shit again :P

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    04 September 2009 02:21:55

    You know you just need to mail me and you've got 150k to level if you want. Don't fucking get nuked for mouthing off like a fuckwit this time but :P

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    03 September 2009 11:54:28

    Joshers. Gimme gold to make a new char. I'll do my best to get nuked the next day. Or I could pretend to be a bulgie and act like I leveled the char on my own, separated my chars, and made my own gold, then share the account with my brother and whine that I got nuked unfairly.

  • Author
    Dawn [legacy]
    27 August 2009 21:00:48


  • Author
    Gramul [legacy]
    25 August 2009 18:10:11

    Hurin's log is fucking awesome!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    25 August 2009 11:33:25

    No it's ok, I really dont want to:P

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    25 August 2009 07:06:43

    Hurin's comment is the best ever.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    25 August 2009 06:22:23

    I will spot you that 5k Hirgail!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    25 August 2009 06:21:51

    My log is teh best shelob's log ever!

  • Author
    Naerwen [legacy]
    25 August 2009 04:57:09

    Damn I love internet drama.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    25 August 2009 04:41:03

    Hehehe, I was going to start a log site up when logomania kept dying and not coming up. But then I realized, I wouldn't allow normal junk logs and would only allow single kills, 2+ vs 2+, or rediculously nicely set up logs (such as the 2 locking doors tricks), and I would probably post some decent shelob logs there and some others I had but decided it wasn't worth the work. That and people would probably accuse me of shit like tracking IP's or trying to cheat even though I don't play the game nor do I care enough anymore and its far too much work. :P

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    24 August 2009 22:31:22

    Hurin's comment deserves a 6!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 August 2009 20:32:55

    Wait..so in scenario 5 is C commenting to him or herself that that P and they need to get a room?

  • Author
    Ulkhilyrh [legacy]
    24 August 2009 20:31:40

    I'm definitely getting the lawnmower out.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    24 August 2009 20:25:47


  • Author
    Hurin [legacy]
    24 August 2009 20:00:41

    I think we need a 'hypothetical logs' page.

    For instance, let us assume that in all my awesomeness, I single handedly butcher a party of 5. Let's say they have the best gear possible, but I manage to beat them with a combination of pure brilliant strategy, such as poisons that are yet to be coded, attacks that even Aule can't think of, and with a strength stat that is higher than Tulkas'. How awesome do you think that log would be?

    1. That log would totally suck. It should never be posted.

    2. That log would be pretty crappy. We all wanna post something, but I will think twice about that one.

    3. Decent hypothetical log, not too flashy. Would blend in with the rest pretty much.

    4. Would be a nice log. Slightly above average. Would have some cool things here and there.

    5. The log would be great! A perfect example for people to follow. Keep such hypothetical ideas coming!

    6. Awesome, spectacular, incredibly stylish potential log! This is what the log site would be all about!

    Say P posts the log, and C wants to comment on it. The comments section would be a drop-down menu consisting of the following options:

    1) C's lips are parted wide open, desperate pleas to P to insert his schlong here asap (or her stuff).

    2) C has a nose desperately in need of some browning with material obtainable from P's rear.

    3) C totally thinks that P has no dick (if P is a male) or has a dick (if P is a female).

    4) C totally thinks that P is a retard/moron/imbecile/mentally challenged, since he is from P's country/state/town/village/city/apartment/neighborhood/lab/sexual orientation.

    5) In response to C1's comment: C thinks that P and C1 should get a room, or that P and C1 are lovers.

    6a) C thinks that Hirgail/Exley is sexy.

    6b) C thinks that Hirgail/Exley has man-boobs

    7a) C thinks that Daywalker/Rhakyrh has rock-hard abs, and would love to eat a sandwich using his abs as a tray.

    7b) C thinks that Daywalker/Rhakyrh need a lawn-mower to trim their hairy bodies.

    8) C thinks that Mithgil should be forever comm-banned.


    and so on

    Note that in true spirit of any good comments section, there will be several customized comments, that are totally unrelated to the log.

    Daywalker, I sincerely hope that you include this in your web-page. If yes, I will be sure to visit it every full moon.

    (i.e. when Morwen transforms into the werebeast that she is)

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 August 2009 15:28:27

    The only person who I can think of you are referring to as 'being blocked for personal reasons' is Rhakyrh, and even I would block him from commenting if I were a mod and I would obviously be the best mod ever (not because of blocking Rhakyrh, but just in general).

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 August 2009 15:26:14

    Yes, I see how being blocked by moderators there for personal reasons cause it's their page and they care about it TOTALLY beats it...

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    24 August 2009 11:39:57

    Yeah you are right, its far better to get blocked by moderators here for personal reasons cause its not their page and they dont give a shit about it...

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    24 August 2009 06:21:12

    Lol...Koz hit the nail on the head. Bravo.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 August 2009 06:05:18

    Oh, and obviously there's no safer place for your alt info, should you want to create two accounts from the safe IP...

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 August 2009 06:01:59

    I love the idea of a new logpage hosted by the most objective among us!

    Galandrin, I am sure you will be able to comment and perhaps even rate as long as you have perfect taste. Like Daywalker's, for instance. Otherwise I hope he will not hesitate to block your sorry ass. I mean, who do you think you are?

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    24 August 2009 05:40:17

    I don't think boycotting his website is the best solution. He has a right to state his opinion, just as you and I do.

    As a side note, the Robot Chicken episode which has Toad from Mario Kart as the getaway driver for those bank robbers was fucking AWESOME! :D

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    24 August 2009 05:30:17

    Will that even be needed? :P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    24 August 2009 05:29:53


  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    24 August 2009 05:27:20

    You know there IS another log page, the official T2T forums (I assume they're still up) had the capability of posting logs.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    24 August 2009 05:25:29

    Very true, although I'd also like to point out that this whole thing started when Dev sent me a long, whining rant about the ratings of his log.

    Daywalker said:

    'Criticism is always welcome, as long as it is constructive.

    Bullshit like 'you suck', 'I will rate the overall log as 1 because I dont see loot' and similar can go into some teen forum, not on my logs.'

    I want you to explain to me how my criticism wasn't constructive. I had a problem with the logs in question, I stated my objections clearly, and offered a solution that I would like to see. I understand that what I want to see in a log may not be what the rest of you want, but that doesn't make my opinion any less valid...or yours, for that matter. As I've been trying to beat through your abnormally thick skull, it's a matter of taste. You can either accept that 1) My taste is different from yours and 2) I have a right to express this difference, or you can continue on your ethically questionable quest to silence those whom you disagree with. It's up to you.

    Now, since you have yet to respond to anything I've said with anything even remotely resembling 'constructive criticism', I'll consider this matter closed. If you wish to continue this discussion in a more reasonable manner, make some reasonable fucking points.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 August 2009 04:31:34

    DW is the only one whining. We're just in it for the lulz.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 August 2009 02:45:53

    Lobo is correct. I really don't see how we're whining in any kind of way.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    24 August 2009 01:15:42

    whiners? are we the ones whining because our logs got rated a 1? oh no! it's you! ahhhh CRY SOME MORE!!!

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    24 August 2009 01:01:29

    Shabba, since when are you 'everyone', cause the only whiners I see is you, hirgail, lobo and exley.

    The new log page is almost in test stage. The design is web 2.0 made, the functionality is the same, even a bit better I'd say.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 August 2009 00:43:31

    Galandrin, no one's going to use that shit.

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    23 August 2009 21:02:50

    DW if yer making an alternate logsite can you please allow comments from anyone? They make for good fun when golding. You can prevent people from rating but please please allow comments ;)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    23 August 2009 16:18:45

    You do give a shit. Grow up.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    23 August 2009 10:05:57

    Hirgail you are nothing but sad... sad guy that is so bored off his ass he has to spit bullshit all directions on a log page of a game they dont even play.

    I don't give a shit about you all whiners. I just want to post a log somewhere, where people who actually play and understand the game will have the option to rate and comment on it. Criticism is always welcome, as long as it is constructive.

    Bullshit like 'you suck', 'I will rate the overall log as 1 because I dont see loot' and similar can go into some teen forum, not on my logs.

    Now grow up.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    23 August 2009 00:30:53

    Cool. Tell Jona to email me sometime! Exley demands it.

    But yeah, this whole thing is pathetic. I'm almost tired of discussing it, but the amusement factor alone is keeping me going.

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    22 August 2009 21:15:38

    Hirgail, i encourage you to take your girlfriend with you to a trip to europe, maybe you will both learn a thing or two....

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 August 2009 20:10:36

    Ha! Ok so I was just having a cigarette on my balcony and I was explaining this to my girlfriend. She said 'Well maybe in Bulgaria things are so bad that they have to look to things like this?'

    Is it really that bad?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 August 2009 19:59:47

    Since, apparently all bans are lifted, if anyone wants to toss me 5k so I can get to level 4 and torment these guys non-stop on the comm I'd be cool with that.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 August 2009 19:26:31

    Also I can't help but wonder what you mean by 'people like Exley'?

    Do you mean people that aren't obsessed with a MUD to the point where they get pissed off enough to actually go to the trouble of making a new website just so they don't get criticized?

    Encyclopedia Dramatica has pages devoted to people like you, do you really want the recognition?

    I'll give it to you if you want it. I mean, 4chan has nothing better to do.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 August 2009 19:22:36

    Jona says to say hello!

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    22 August 2009 17:40:26

    Yes, Daywalker, that's brilliant. You totally revised my opinion of you as a fascist. Yes, stifle my opinions, don't let anyone with a modicum of intelligence speak! That way you can all cower in your little holes, congratulating each other on another 'log well done', without having to worry about dissenting opinions. Brilliant, I say!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 August 2009 14:35:42

    Well all care so much.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    22 August 2009 14:32:38

    the new log page is in test phase right now, so soon you will have a place where people like Exley will only be able to read and not talk.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    22 August 2009 10:20:16

    I really oughta be contracting Thoros for encouraging whatever the fuck Tyfus said.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    22 August 2009 08:13:00

    Actually it was horribly said, and to be honest I can't even understand it.

  • Author
    Thoros [legacy]
    22 August 2009 07:03:29

    well said, tyfus. unfortunately nobody thinks this way anymore.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2009 19:28:00

    daywalker! you rated it a 2! how dare you downrate logs!??

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2009 19:02:10

    [new] Date: 20. Aug, 2009, 11:23:36 By: Sunflash

    I bothered to read this log; to my regret, it's what I expected.

    Right on.

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    20 August 2009 17:49:47

    Hahahaha this is priceless, and with the ongoing debate about lograte you should all figure. Many pkillers gets banned here for reasons that to me feels like personal. So however when players that dw, rand and sean leave this site. This is the logs we have to read. Ill expect more of these to come.

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    20 August 2009 17:14:08

    Its one of those mysteries

  • Author
    Symric [legacy]
    20 August 2009 17:11:48

    wtf is this?

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    20 August 2009 17:06:26

    I've love to rate it, but honestly (and you can call me stupid if you want), I have no idea what happened in this log or why it was posted.

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    20 August 2009 15:07:57

    Awesome, spectacular, incredibly stylish log! This is what the log site is all about!

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    20 August 2009 15:06:28

    This log totaly sucks. It should never have been posted :^(

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    20 August 2009 11:23:36

    I bothered to read this log; to my regret, it's what I expected.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    20 August 2009 09:25:44

    Are you trying to be funny or something? Sorry, but you're not.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    20 August 2009 06:23:23

    This is a pretty crappy log. We all wanna post something but I would have thought twice about this one.

  • Author
    Lmno [legacy]
    20 August 2009 05:59:50

    Please read the entire log before you rate it. Rating logs at random will undermine the system. Thanks :). Click here to view the log.

    I want to rate this log:

    1 This log totaly sucks. It should never have been posted :^(

    2 This is a pretty crappy log. We all wanna post something but I would have thought twice about this one.

    3 Decent log, not too flashy. Blends in with the rest pretty much.

    4 Nice log. Slightly above average. Some cool things here and there.

    5 This log is great. A perfect example for people to follow. Keep em comming!

    6 Awesome, spectacular, incredibly stylish log! This is what the log site is all about!