{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs18 ^ (OOC) Nameless: wth is happening, eaoden gv, burgul gv\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: i would suicide if it was me more\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: You don't understand that GV is hurting for members\par something fierce?\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: "me more"\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: so i think, i got actually big chance to join?\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: If you can spell apply.\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: i guees, i could\par ^ (OOC) Anvik: you just gave him the c optiobn Kolten :(\par ^ (OOC) Anvik: erm, copy and paste*\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: if i good recall, that odoesn't work on telnet\par ^ (OOC) Ndrangheta: where's GV's hall? I might apply :P\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: near some shithole called osgilliath\par ^ (OOC) Ndrangheta: Ah\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: i can't spell:P\par ^ (OOC) Ndrangheta: so they're not in wetwang swamp anymore\par ^ (OOC) Ndrangheta: ?\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: they didn't like the frogs\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: quin is outsite bd!\par ^ (OOC) Burgul: omgomg\par ^ (OOC) Brett: How much to train assassination from 10 to 100?\par ^ (OOC) Huvintude: About 21k I think\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: 100k\par ^ (OOC) Huvintude: Maybe 21 in change\par ^ (OOC) Quinn: Nameless\par ^ (OOC) Octavian: Name\par ^ (OOC) Octavian: Oh no! I'm exposed!\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: yeah, you have sold yourself to him\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: Put some damn pants on!\par ^ (OOC) Octavian: hxahxhahxahxa\par ^ (OOC) Quinn: hides\par ^ (OOC) Quinn hides in the corner\par ^ (OOC) Octavian: Tho .. that was a good sum of money :)\par ^ (OOC) Octavian winks at Quinn.\par ^ (OOC) Ansgar: omg Quin hides\par ^ (OOC) Ansgar: hey Quinn.. Did you know the first Quinn?\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: I knew a Quintin\par ^ (OOC) Ansgar: i'm serious. No one remembers him?\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: No.\par ^ (OOC) Ansgar: Meh, am i getting old?\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: Getting?\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: Anyone wanna sell a stunning gold ring and shimmering\par silver ring for like 3k a piece?\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: Or can the ainur just open the newbie lands to both\par sides since we can't kill for frees anymore ? :)\par ^ (OOC) Urgat likes them kept apart.\par ^ (OOC) Urgat: We just need a ring forge of our own.\par ^ (OOC) Ansgar: I miss the days of the random clans ;)\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: Could you imagine what would happen to the Shire were\par you and I set loose Mourngrym?\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh cackles\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: I'd uh... start questing autoloads.\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: I'd kill them all! All of them!\par ^ (OOC) Ansgar: Ugh, why bother you're all wankers\par ^ (OOC) Ansgar comms off\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: Especially Ansgar.\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: damn, it's getting light there\par ^ (OOC) Ansgar: hi nameless\par ^ (OOC) Nameless: good morning\par ^ (OOC) Toby: Someone please challenge my intellect.\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: What do you know of the lake isle of innisfree.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: Nothing.\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: Ahah!\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: Your intelligence of the lake isle of innisfree is\par lacking and incompetant!\par ^ (OOC) Toby: I said challenge, not criticize.\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: Well, see, this would be you challenging my\par intellect.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: Right. It's a two-way street.\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: If you were to travel a trillion trillion googleplex\par light years in any direction what would you encounter Toby?\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: I go down the right side...\par ^ (OOC) Toby: That depends on the topology of the universe,\par Raznakh.\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: That's not really an answer! Based on what you know,\par where do you think you'd be?\par ^ (OOC) Toby: I'm not sure. We haven't done good enough experiments\par yet. It would be neat if it were closed and we could arrive at the\par same place where we started if we went in a straight line, and seems\par reasonable since curved space explains gravity so well, but it could\par just be endless.\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: l\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: It's interesting isn't it. I was thinking about it\par last night. You could just keep repeating the same path and stop at\par some point in the known universe\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: Or arrive at some far distant point in the middle of\par nothing where you couldn't even see the universe because the light\par hasnt had enough time to reach you.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: It would be funny if the fabric of space was shaped\par like a torus (doughnut shape) and depending on the direction you\par picked, it would take you much longer to get back where you started\par (a path around the extreme outside of the ring) than another\par direction (say, around the ring the short way).\par ^ (OOC) Aule: How would you outrun light?\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: Run faster.\par ^ (OOC) Aule: I keep trying to do that... and failing\par ^ (OOC) Burgul: escape from a black hole... you'd have to outrun\par light\par ^ (OOC) Toby: I'm not sure what you mean by that one, Raznakh.\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: You could't Aule, as far as we know. It's a\par hypthetical. It's just if you could travel any distance in an\par instance, where would you be?\par ^ (OOC) Huvintude: No, you would have to outrun the escape velocity,\par which is something greater then light\par ^ (OOC) Ansgar: Quinn, Only the thought that you use the name Quinn!\par is an insult... Atleast to me\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: It's something we don't know Toby, if you want to\par challenge an intelect you ask a question that doesn't yet have an\par answer:P\par ^ (OOC) Aule: I've heard some interesting theories about escape\par velocity.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: Well, Stephen Hawking thinks we should be spending all\par of our money on developing a faster-than-light propulsion system.\par ^ (OOC) Aule: I bet Toby disagrees with them al.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: Try me!\par ^ (OOC) Zantos: Isn't that impossible since Ol' Eistein set the law?\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: We have to find something that moves faster than light\par first:P\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: Bad news.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: That's not entirely true.\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: Even if we travel through a wormhole, we're still not\par breaking light speed.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: There's a solution to the general relativity equation\par that has an odd property...\par ^ (OOC) Toby: The space in front of the object in question\par contracts, and the space behind it expands, while the space inside\par the "bubble" stays stationary.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: So, the object will move through space. If you could\par expand/shrink the space around the bubble fast enough you could\par travel faster than light.\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: That's the one I've heard\par ^ (OOC) Bentelbow: so howdo ya contract space then?\par ^ (OOC) Toby: Raznakh, you could theoretically travel faster than\par light through a wormhole...\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: Gravity pulls light to travel faster?\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh is a layman, in case it's not obvious\par ^ (OOC) Drauger: I haven't heard that explanation before Toby. I\par thought you would do the spiel on phase vs. group velocity, i.e., how\par they 'kind of' exceeding light speed in experiments.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: No... a wormhole is a place where there's a 'hole' in\par the fabric of space that connects to another 'hole' in the same or\par other space fabric.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: If it was a wormhole between two points in our space,\par and the connection was short enough compared to the distance between\par the wormholes, you could go in one and come out before the light\par could travel the whole distance between them.\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: Yes, so you would end up somewhere else. A distance of\par space would be covered but the speed you travel doesn't exeed light\par speed.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: Well, Drauger, group velocity violates the speed of\par light all the time, but an individual particle can't do it.\par ^ (OOC) Ansgar: Oh well. I guess your only here to announce your lame\par kills... Like any sane person (in the free world) would care.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: Right, Raznakh. The thing is that if you consider a\par ^ (OOC) Zantos: But if you curve the piece :P\par ^ (OOC) Bentelbow: the universe is Flat!\par ^ (OOC) Bentelbow: just like earth used to be\par ^ (OOC) Zantos: Dont go faster, pull the location towards you!\par ^ (OOC) Gilstro: you know how they think water got onto earth?\par ^ (OOC) Toby: Comets?\par ^ (OOC) Zantos: They rained?\par ^ (OOC) Gilstro: ice meteors! how gnarly is that\par ^ (OOC) Toby: E.g. comets :P\par ^ (OOC) Gilstro: i was watchin The Universe today on the history\par channel and i was fried off my ass\par ^ (OOC) Gilstro: definately good television\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: bah, watch Carl Sagan's Universe. It might be out\par dated, but he's so enthralling to watch\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh has a mancrush\par ^ (OOC) Toby: As far as a cosmology show goes, Sagan's is good\par because it doesn't try to explain incomprehensible physics to people\par in stupid terms.\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: Yeah I hate that crap. It seems harder and harder to\par find good physics books that spell out in full past the beginner\par level\par ^ (OOC) Drauger: I rather like that Physicists have ceded at least this\par solar system to Geologists.\par ^ (OOC) Toby does a Brian Greene impression: Ooooh, the universe is\par made up of tiiiiiny striiings. They are made of puuuure energy. I\par can't tell you any more unless you take fiiiive years of maaaath\par claaaasses.\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: I've never studies physics, so I can only understand\par things in broad terms. Sagan is great at encouraging wonder in the\par universe.\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: There are lots of well written books on quantum\par mechanics and relativity, generally by the guys that actually did\par work to formulate them, but they're obviously dated now :(\par ^ (OOC) Toby: Tried any textbooks?\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: But they are good 2nd or 3rd book reading, then\par generally, just as a reader, you can move on to tougher stuffs, Raz.\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: I accepted that I'd never understand more than the\par basic idea a long time ago, math isn't my thing:P\par ^ (OOC) Zantos: I have the Omnibus of the Scientific American, the\par chapters they have on Gravity baffle me already :(\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: Nah, wasn't able to take any high-level physics\par classes in college, which saddened me. Although I guess I could try\par to find used textbooks online.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: The thing is that physicists are completely misguided\par in the way they try to explain physics to people. They try to give\par definite mathematical entities some sort of a physical embodiment or\par personality that people will understand, but they end up just\par misleading people.\par ^ (OOC) Drauger: To be honest, I've forgotten 90% of my college Physics\par courses (I was physics major). However, the point was learning how\par to solve problems and not memorizing specific equations anyways.\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: Well yeah.\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: But I think it's kinda cool to have some of the math\par there to see what's going on.\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: That's what we did in all of the philo classes I took,\par but I think at the same time, for philo nerds it's nice to also read\par historical readings\par ^ (OOC) Toby: The best book would probably be something on "modern\par physics", which would cover special relativity and QM, and maybe some\par thermodynamics.\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: Yeah, we had a class exactly like that at school.\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: But nooooo... you can't just jump into a 400 level\par class :(\par ^ (OOC) Toby: General relativity is way too complicated to actually\par understand.\par ^ (OOC) Drauger: Really, the holy grail of physics books are the\par Feynman Lectures. (Three volumes). I don't know how approachable\par the second and third are, but the first is fairly straightforward.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: Good suggestion.\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: Too bad they're out of print :(\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: They got them on Amazon for like 150 bucks\par ^ (OOC) Drauger: Shrug, I have two sets. You can find them.\par ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: I actually should read the books I have sitting on my\par shelf now. Been so lazy I'm too lazy to read.\par ^ (OOC) Raznakh: I don't think we're smart enough to really understand\par the laws of the universe at all..Except maybe those few people with\par 200 IQs\par ^ (OOC) Toby: On Big Bang Theory, the gift that one of the nerds got\par the other for his birthday was an autographed set of the Feynman\par lectures.\par ^ (OOC) Toby: I love that show.\par ^ (OOC) Burgul: I think Kolten whines to much, which makes me have a\par clue on where he has born.\par ^ (OOC) Esker: I think you're all a bit too quick to lynch someone\par whose probably just pissed off that they died. I think a vast\par majority of the playerbase get angry, and possibly say things they\par regret, in the aftermath of being playerklilled.\par ^ (OOC) Esker: playerkilled, even.\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: True. But that's why you avoid the little carrot when\par you're saying those things you'll regret.\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: Really, Esker, I'm pissed that I died to an ainurs\par shitty coding, and that is ass.\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: Ass = All.\par ^ (OOC) Burgul: Kolten, are you from herkimer.?\par ^ (OOC) Aslan smells lightning in the air\par ^ (OOC) Huan: Now now, Kolten, we are all not asses\par ^ (OOC) Blade: well, look on the bright side, now you can bug or idea\par the bad coding and when those same Ainur you bitch about fix it, they\par might give you a couple gold reward.\par ^ (OOC) Esker: if he gets nuked for blowing off steam on the comm\par after he got killed, then the aniur really ARE asses\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: I didn't say you all were.\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: Just the asshat who coded archet's guard.\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: And aule, right now.\par ^ (OOC) Aule: And what have _I_ done to you?\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: Not sure why he is being one, probably a rough day at\par the lab or something.\par ^ (OOC) Quinn: Kargorth\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: Whos that?\par ^ (OOC) Burgul: Volun?\par ^ (OOC) Huan: Kolten I dont see Aule being rude to you in anyway\par what so ever\par ^ (OOC) Burgul: OMG, KOLTEN IS ON FOR 12H! I know who he is now! :P\par ^ (OOC) Moroso: aule was just stating a fact id like to see you persue\par him though\par ^ (OOC) Blade: who let Anguss back?\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: No, Burgul, I am not Demis.\par ^ (OOC) Esker: if he's anguss i'd like to retract my sticking up for\par him :P\par ^ (OOC) Blade snickers\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: I'm not anguss either.\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: I'd have killed myself by now if I were.\par ^ (OOC) Burgul: you're him for sure! on for 10h freaking out because\par of a text game calling people idiots when you're the one\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: Sorry asshat, Anguss doesn't have the balls to stand\par up to ainur, unless its in legendinfos while logged out.\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: I wouldn't really call it standing up to either, but I\par can't think of the right words, just this second.\par ^ (OOC) Esker: Or unless he's coming up with bizarre conspiracy\par theories...\par ^ (OOC) Blade: i can...help whining\par ^ (OOC) Drauger: I think the phrase you are grasping for is 'being an\par asshat'.\par ^ (OOC) Blade chuckles\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: I'm tired\par ^ (OOC) Zantos: Nightcap Maelstrom?\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: It's quarter to 5am.\par ^ (OOC) Urgat: Isn't there a new helpfile some ainur put in as a\par joke? 'help how not to be an asshat' or something.\par ^ (OOC) Huan: Would be quite funny but no\par ^ (OOC) Kolten: It was removed. I'd like it back so I can read it\par every few hours though.\par ^ (OOC) Zantos: Try Essence of Chicken and Ginseng Mael\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: Nah, I'll just sleep\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: Also called junk :P\par \par An inn(sw, e, u, s and n)\par Aslan ar-Zalkhran the uruk-hai Blood Mage\par Lobo the numenorean Lich (Soul Gaoler) Arda's Hatemonger\par A wooden bowl\par Ocieric, the innkeeper\par HP:230 EP:140> \par \par ^ (OOC) Mythard: the gravitational differential does\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: Wow, I'm so failing.\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: The structure of a black hole isn't known. It might\par help to think about neutron stars first; they're easier to wrap your\par head around.\par ^ (OOC) Mythard: write some stuff down about a quantum singularity\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: Black holes form when a star explodes right?\par ^ (OOC) Zantos: Don't we take pictures of Black holes through\par Radiation?\par ^ (OOC) Loco: its kinda a headache when you get hard into it, there\par is a bunch of theories but no actual cold hard proof\par ^ (OOC) Loco: IMPLODES\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Matter under extreme compression basically becomes on\par giant atomic nucleus. Electrons and protons are combined into\par neutrons, and the neutrons all stick together\par ^ (OOC) Loco: when stars implode they form a black hole\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: A black hole is even more compressed than that.\par Nucleons (probably) break down so you have a quark-gluon soup\par ^ (OOC) Loco: damn tevildo\par ^ (OOC) Loco: you a professor or something\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: My vote is no, he's just bored.\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: Right, but I thought that when stars implode they\par create new stars?\par ^ (OOC) Loco: haha googling it\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: That could exist at almost infinite density, or be\par fairly diffuse, as long as the conditions which originally created\par the "soup" still exist\par ^ (OOC) Mythard: when stars go nova they create nebula out of which new\par stars may be born\par ^ (OOC) Loco: some make stars some make holes\par ^ (OOC) Loco: if i rember right mind you its been like 5-6 years\par since i took astronomy\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: Right so only some stars implode?\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: Dear Tevildo: I know I've stopped registering what you\par say when I have to read your text like thirty times in order to\par comprehend that it does not say "they could exist at almost infinite\par dentistry"\par ^ (OOC) Zantos: What are wormholes then.....? omg......getting\par confused\par ^ (OOC) Loco: yes\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: A star must be above a certain size in order for it to\par create a neutron star and even larger in order to make a black hole,\par since much of the mass explodes outward.\par ^ (OOC) Loco: some explode some just burn out and die some blow up\par shit like that\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Some black holes may be created by colliding neutron\par stars. Some may have been created in the Big Bang and still exist.\par ^ (OOC) Loco: wormholes are a invinit slipstream through time and\par space\par ^ (OOC) Loco: infinate*\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: infinite*\par ^ (OOC) Loco: yea however\par ^ (OOC) Loco: closer than the first one\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: invinit is pretty good.\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Wormholes may not exist. If they do, they're different\par from black holes. The "hole" effect only describes the gravity well,\par not the object itself.\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: Enough with the google already, Tevildo.\par ^ (OOC) Loco: hes definatly googleing this\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo hasn't googled anything :P\par ^ (OOC) Mythard: Tevildo yahoo!s\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: Ok, I'm confused as it is.\par ^ (OOC) Loco: rotfl\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: Too many holes for my liking.\par ^ (OOC) Loco: 2 holes tha have been mentioned\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo turns that into a "mom" comment\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: ass\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: 2 holes mentioned with so much information that I\par can't comprehend.\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: Plus, ain't wormholes shit out of sci fi films?\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: How could you prove that a wormhole existed?\par ^ (OOC) Huvintude: By disproving it doesn't exist\par ^ (OOC) Loco: haha\par ^ (OOC) Loco: basicly\par ^ (OOC) Zantos: Does Hyperspace exist?\par ^ (OOC) Mythard: black holes make physicists crazy, as distance\par approaches 0 the inverse square function explodes\par ^(OOC) Maelstrom: Everything is false unless proven true.\par ^ (OOC) Huvintude: Square root of two is proven irrational by proving it\par is not rational, so why can't you prove it does exist by disproving\par it doesn't exist\par ^ (OOC) Loco: i wouldnt begin to know how to prove a wormhole\par existed dude\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Wormholes are predicted by physics, but haven't been\par observed.\par ^ (OOC) Loco: you can come out with that shut but you cant figure\par anything out about a damn blackhole\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: The square root thingy has proven to contradict\par itself.\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: I've did that shit in maths.\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: Maelstrom's whipping out the big arguments.\par ^ (OOC) Loco: Everything can contradict itself\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: with the thingy. and the stuff.\par ^ (OOC) Loco: haha\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: I'm tired and about to bed:P\par ^ (OOC) Loco: ah come on i was so close to needing to buy some wine\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: It's like me saying, if a tree falls in a forest and\par no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: Answer = no\par ^ (OOC) Loco: answer yes\par ^ (OOC) Loco: just because you didnt hear it dint mean it doesnt\par make noise\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: If a tree falls on Maelstrom's house while he's asleep\par and kills him, does it make a sound?\par ^ (OOC) Loco: i have dropped to many trees to say it dont make noise\par comming down dude\par ^ (OOC) Brasco: If a tree falls on Loco in a forest, will he make a\par sound? will we care if he makes a sound?\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: How can you prove that it makes a sound?\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: If you're not there to hear it?\par ^ (OOC) Brasco: let it fall on you\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: You could set up a recorder.\par ^ (OOC) Loco: by cutting one down\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: What I'm saying is that anything that is oblivious to\par humans means it doesn't exist.\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: After listening to hundreds of trees falling down,\par you'd be a goof to think that there are silently-falling trees that\par simply haven't been found.\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: I'm talking about no recorders, no thing.\par ^ (OOC) Huvintude: Acutally, it makes a sound\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Few or no macroscale phenomena require an observer :P\par ^ (OOC) Huvintude: it doesn't make a noise\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Does it make a ruckus?\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Could you describe the ruckus, sir?\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: You're missing the whole point of my argument\par ^ (OOC) Huvintude: A noise is something heard, a sound is caused by the\par reverberation of objects cause waves\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: I'm asking a more philosophical question than anything\par else :p\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: It's played out yo.\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: At least ask something hip.\par ^ (OOC) Loco: ok so in otherwords anything moving within the earts\par atmosphear makes sound, because it causes vibrations against the air\par therfor making it sound.\par ^ (OOC) Tevildo: If a tree falls down and no-one's around and it hits a\par mime, does anyone care?\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: yes.\par ^ (OOC) Lydia: I have always wanted a mime as a pet =(\par ^ (OOC) Loco: is that not correct maelstrom\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: My question had nothing to do with science\par ^ (OOC) Loco: just stated that, sound is cause by reverberation of\par objects causing waves correct\par ^ (OOC) Loco: so therfor the falling three is causing the\par reverberation\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: All I asked was if a tree fell in a forest with no-one\par around to hear it (or any apparatus to record it for that matter!!),\par would it make a sound.\par ^ (OOC) Loco: tree*\par ^ (OOC) Loco: and the simple answer is YES\par ^ (OOC) Zantos: The Answer........is 42\par ^ (OOC) Loco: weather someone is there or not to hear it doesnt mean\par it didnt make a sound\par ^ (OOC) Loco: sound only travels so far\par ^ (OOC) Maelstrom: I still believe it doesn't make a sound :/\par \par \cf2\par }