
Posted by
Cruice [legacy]
07 January 2010 00:00:00
Player Kill

Servant thief in Moral FR clan. Also had a personal contract.


  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    10 January 2010 10:25:50

    Hey now I used to be quite the nice guy. Overexposure to idiots IRL and on the internet made me into a bitter asshole :(

  • Author
    Roden [legacy]
    10 January 2010 06:28:36

    Alocke mentioned to me in a conversation that he talked to you about wanting me dead. There is no being stubborn about it.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    10 January 2010 06:11:11

    Roden don't be so stubborn to realize that someone other than Alocke may have disliked the way you left Ranhoth. The contract came straight to me through a tell and was not public.

  • Author
    Armandil [legacy]
    10 January 2010 05:39:21

    It's first time i ever hear shabba talking without flaming anyone, flaming is pointless, yeah, exactly, i respect you more just by reading this :D

    Happy new year everyone!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 January 2010 21:19:40


  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 January 2010 21:19:20

    Don't call Scapegoat a fucking idiot :(

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    09 January 2010 18:57:24

    Do i really have to read all this?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 January 2010 16:44:17

    And whoever can't see that is a fucking idiot.

  • Author
    Roden [legacy]
    09 January 2010 16:38:44

    Two things. The clan doesn't actually exist and Cruice was only looking for a reason to justify his kill after the fact. The real reason still stands firmly on Alocke's shoulders.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    09 January 2010 12:36:54

    That logic is flawed. The intention of the supposed roleplayer has to be considered, Tireless. When you only log on to get a quick kill on anything, in or out of Mordor, that's not RP, all it is is getting your personal jollies. That's not to say you can't find a theme to make it sound like RP, but just sounding like it doesn't make it so.

    I cite The Noob as proof. Now, we know Ohforf isn't really a retard and isn't roleplaying one, but the theme is used for personal gain when it was needed in an argument. Sir Darkblade banned Ofhorf from ever joining his guild because Ofhorf gave the Code of Conduct to a beggar to craft underwear with. Using your logic, after hearing that it could be explained away somehow as RP, the ban was lifted when it should not have been. Ofhorf's intentions were not considered, he didn't care about the Code of Conduct and was in it for the free gold (previous strip, wanted pants).

    About Cruice killing Roden for being in Mordor and in a moral clan.. That's a bit different, he shouldn't have been able to stay in that clan as a servant in the first place. If you're in a good guy group, you're one of the good guys whether you typed serve or not.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    09 January 2010 08:53:08

    If Aragorn had known that he could revive and relevel in an hour if he got killed I'm sure he would have been much more aggressive against evil, done many more courageous things and generally been more of a badass, with a few deaths thrown in.

    ergo, Winnetou = Aragorn! :) /like.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 January 2010 08:44:37

    No one's 'afraid' of them and that tie between PKing and RP is complete bullshit, at least outside of Mordor. Inside Mordor sure, but no one hates them because of that. During BPs it was a full-scale FR vs ER war and PKing the other side anywhere in Arda you could have called RP. Not anymore, and the lawsys messages clearly show that.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 January 2010 06:55:49

    I pressed ctrl+f and checked if my name was on Tireless' post. It wasn't. Thank god, I won't read it.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    08 January 2010 01:37:41

    Nice Roden, you should have been way more patient and just stayed logged off. Using their own comments much earlier on, its not quitting if you aren't in the same room and you don't show disconnecting. :)

  • Author
    Roden [legacy]
    07 January 2010 17:51:20

    I was poisoned and at 20hp. I decided to deposit the 3k I had on me instead.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    07 January 2010 14:10:47

    Durbatuluk went inactive over the holidays, but we're around. Some of us don't RP simply because we're no good at it, but we don't claim to be what we're not anyway.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    07 January 2010 11:04:15

    I'm mocking the fact GB constantly tries to establish themselves as an 'RP orientated guild' when again and again they show no initiative to back up those words and always go back to PvP. The wars? You've brought them all on yourself, people don't like GB because of the shit that GB has started with them. Those guilds you listed don't RP because none of their members play. Why don't they play? Because they don't want to waste their time on the MUD as it is.

    Don't get me started on 'hating select members'. The only member I hate on in GB is Gizmalin, and for a very good reason. I've given him chances. I did repairs for him a few months ago and was respectful, and of course later GB decides to start shit with FRA and he attempts me. The attempt I don't care about, but how he proceeded to bitch about reporting solo attempts and threatening I'll 'get the death I deserve' is just fucking pathetic. Pop quiz: Did he report solo attempts on him that happened after he said this? No shit.

    If anyone is asked to say who wasted plenty of their life on this game, they'll say Gizmalin. He's the one who played 10+ hour days constantly and took this game way too seriously. Now he tries logging on and bragging about how awesome his life is and how the rest of us suck. Everything that comes out of him is so hypocritical it makes me cringe reading it. These aren't childish grudges. How people act on the internet says a lot about their personality. If I ever met Gizmalin IRL I'm pretty sure I'd think he's a bitch. If I ever ran into you I'm sure we'd get along well enough. So long as he's in GB there's no possible way you'll ever get any respect, for very valid reasons. So long as all you guys continue to support his pointless style of play and/or do it yourselves, you'll all continue to be detrimental to the game and its playerbase.

    You can't insult someone for being stubborn, people are fully entitled to hold grudges based on the stupid things people have done in the past. It's not a matter of being closed-minded, if you want someone to change their opinion you had better give them a good reason to and do something to make up for it. Anyways most of this isn't coherent but it's late and I can't manage to fall asleep.

    Basically, stop trying to make GB sound like the victim. Any problems GB have is what they have gotten themselves into. People are fully entitled to hate a guild based on a few members that make up the higher ranks of it, and there are dozens of things these people have done to deserve it. People are fully entitled to not like someone based on who they associate themselves with. People are fully entitled to dislike a guild based on what the guild itself or its members have done in the past. You guys constantly fail at character separation, attacking everyone in Mordor yet letting your alts raid it for hours at a time. If a guild wants to RP they can't go around PKing whoever they please, it doesn't work like that. Any hate people have for GB is fully deserved.

    This game is more of a job right now than it is fun, I'll get back into it if it ever picks up again.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    07 January 2010 10:25:10

    I liked Cruice in Udungul.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    07 January 2010 09:24:09

    At least GB makes attempts to RP. You don't want to give us any respect saying that we don't at all. When there are quite a few guilds that do not participate in RP, and hardly ever make an attempt to do so.

    Find the last time Durbatuluk, SoU, AA, FRA, NiA, or TH have tried to RP. Most of those guilds have been around longer and have had time to settle in to establish RP.

    Most of the mud didn't want to give GB any kind of chance, and look people are warring us left and right. How can we look away from guilds warring us to focus on RP?

    Maybe a time will come when people get over the mostly undeserved hate they have for GB. You hate select members, there is a time to grow up and get over childish grudges.

    Shabba you said you give everyone a chance. Have I not done the same for you? Knowing who you were in GB and Udungul, and see you flame me constantly on this page. I still showed kindness and tried to establish friendship. If there is anything I've learned about the playerbase on this game, it's that people are too stubborn for their own good and will rarely change their mind in fear of being away from the majority.

    I know I'm pulling a Tireless with this comment, but the flaming, harassing, and name-calling doesn't bother me anymore. The only thing that bothers me is how close-minded a lot of you are.

    Lobo for instance, with all his 'herki this and that' ask him how often we have friendly and civil conversations when he logs in.

    I've given everyone their fair share of kindness when the occassion has come up. But I rarely get any in return. Why? Because I used to run my mouth to defend my friend, what? 3, 4 years ago? That's stubborn by the book.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    07 January 2010 08:46:09

    I have no idea what is going on in T2T so i wont bother with the situation. All i see tho, is a lvl 20+ that after not being able to Innbreak, just gives up. When did the skill of breaking die out?

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    07 January 2010 06:41:00

    Cruice, that still doesn't mean anything. Those bloodlines are simply an internal system designed to promote activity, competition, etc. within the guild for it's own benefit and has nothing to do with RP. Yes, I try to be nice and although I've avoided any negative attitudes towards you lately I've never been much of a fan of you. I give everyone chances and basically there are just certain things I don't like about you that can't be changed, even though you are a bit better than the crowd you hang around with. I don't really bother with all the flaming anymore because it's quite pointless and that's why none of you would have heard from me much. This time I simply had to point out that no matter how hard any of you try, GB will never be able to convince any of the playerbase that they are around for RP and we will see it as it is: A powerplaying stronghold for your circle of friends, who do as they please and act surprised when a lot of people dislike them.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    07 January 2010 06:27:13

    How can you expect herkies to RP? they never read a single paragraph written by tolkien.

    Ranhoth is being infected by herkies and soon will fall and lose all respect it once had. Write that. It has happened many, many times before.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    07 January 2010 06:06:00

    Oh and FYI, that wasn't aimed at anyone in particular actually.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    07 January 2010 06:05:41

    Drama.... is it that time of the month already??!??!

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    07 January 2010 04:00:18

    All this hate for nothing. The only times I've been interacting with Shabba, I was nothing but nice and respectful, so I thought.

    Shabba you should know that we have bloodlines set in the guild. Some for RP, golding, PK etc. The bloodline I created and control is PK oriented.

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    07 January 2010 03:40:00

    Servant thief in Moral FR clan... How about free races in a ER uruk guild. Your gm used to be a nonserving FR (even if it was for a short period of time)

  • Author
    Roden [legacy]
    07 January 2010 01:51:24

    Cruice told you: I told you someone from Ranhoth contract you.

    Cruice told you: And it wasn't Alocke.

    The fact that he had to specify it wasn't Alocke without any questioning on my part makes it pretty obvious.

    The ONLY thing I've done to Ranhoth is leave the guild. And for this I get contracted? (Not from Alocke, no really) I argued against letting Alocke join Ranhoth and this is the only reason I can think of for somebody wanting me dead.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    07 January 2010 01:34:13

    Also for the record, I told Roden this would happen if he served. Kind of predictable.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    07 January 2010 01:33:23

    Nice failed attempt at justifying a GM of an evil 'RP oriented' guild killing a servant in Mordor. Way to go against the basic etiquette that ERs have had since its inception. You don't RP, never have, and so attempting to use someone else's lack of current RPing as justification is kind of amusing. MDMS is hardly a clan right now anyways. I have no intention of bothering to manage one in this MUD's current state nor would I allow a servant to be in it if it were an actual clan. Many incidents such as this one gathered over the last couple years is why no one will ever have any respect for GB.