KoDA Code of Honor?

Posted by
Roual [legacy]
22 January 2002 00:00:00

Hmm Whats it like to go wanted? Thats what I wanted to know... So I did. This little sheriff handcuffed me, this other little sheriff thought he was clever and handcuffed me afterwards....


  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    23 January 2002 10:32:03

    hmm, I have been informed that I cant return for 9 days, not 6. Irregardless, I will deal in 9 days instead of 6.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    23 January 2002 07:05:40


    the reason i didnt get him on his first entry was cause i was outta ep.....

    For I didnt realise they capped the arrest so you couldnt go in minus EP any more... I thought that was capped to lvl 15?


  • Author
    Ahocho [legacy]
    23 January 2002 02:40:49

    Yes, I finally find myself forced to register here. To answer your questions. I do read this page :P


    For your information, I have been informed about the doings of Coolioman and I think that Exarkun is as well. But I do not feel inclined to talk to you further about the inner workings of our Guild.

    You should not judge a pledge (applicant) for not following the rules that are set for members. That is just folly, but already said here today.

    I should start encouraging Coolioman to learn the ways of being Sheriff better. A sheriff should hunt the criminal that he tries to arrest not to lure it into his clutches. That would be using the means that a thief uses and knows (lies and deceit) against him. He will know those means well, because he uses him each time. But the hunt of a criminal itself is just fun and thrilling on itself. Because come on the reimbursements we get are rarely worth the effort.


    PS: Wasach we await you :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    23 January 2002 01:20:47

    Roual, your handling this all wrong....

    check my last comment then adjust your curren course of action.

    Jairo, my GM Lord Ilian is not inactive. He just has a life outside the mud.

    Anyone has anything to say about my Guild...I return in 6 days and we can take it up then but I wont be nearly as civil.

  • Author
    Roual [legacy]
    23 January 2002 01:12:32

    btw Kujo, I only said little cos it sounded better. Your ok for a sheriff :P

  • Author
    Roual [legacy]
    23 January 2002 01:11:24

    Ok, ok. Maybe I shouldn't have posted the log but I felt like the KoDA didn't realy care and that they thought *I* was the one who did somthing wrong. Which, if you are a moral knight I did. There is just ONE thing: I am a thief! I am ment to try and fuck the sheriffs around. Coolioman did somthing wrong and by his RP and the guild he wants to join RP he shouldn't just get away with it. I'll admit that it wasn't realy Androns way of dealing with it that got to me, but Feris realy pissed me off.

    Besides I was already a tad pissed off with the KoDA ever since I tried to steal from one of them and he pissed on me. I didn't even get an apology for that.

    And I am still waiting on that sapphire sword and mithril mail.... Watch your backs y'all.. And your pockets.

  • Author
    Melfice [legacy]
    23 January 2002 01:01:07

    If you're going to try and bash KoDA, at least try and do it with an actual member. Why do you think they even have pledges? It's to weed out anyone that might not fit the mold. It takes a hell of a lot of work to get into KoDA, and while I love bugging the hell out of them, trying to bring them down because of something a pledge did is just retarded.

  • Author
    Jairo [legacy]
    22 January 2002 22:43:39

    Okay well first of all this log could have been cut in half, especially since you dont have much log of the actual subject.

    Secondly, Knights are supposed to be leathal to their enemies, but still be honorable. So yes, Coolioman did act dishonorable, and it was good for you to report it. When you did, they told you it would go to a higher ranking knight and there would be consequences, so thats obviously taken care of so far. So why even bother posting this here?

    Thirdly, its probably better to judge a guild by their MEMBERS, not their applicants! If an applicant does something wrong, report it, but in no way does an applicant represent the whole guild. If he wanted to, Sauron himself could put 'Pledge of Dol Amroth' in his legend too!

    Andron said there probably wouldn't be any negative consequences, and there should be, but Andron isnt handling the consequences himself, as he clearly stated. So wait until you have a response from the inactive GM (lol) or any of the other ruling members, then you might have something worth posting! Also, Coolioman is _learning_ how to be a knight. No knight should be dishonest, but I am sure many of them have been while they were growing up, and that they learned from it. :P

    And lastly, to all Knights. Yes Coolioman was wrong for lying, and yes it is more than simply trying to lure an enemy. Aragorn did not use the Palatir to tell Sauron 'I'll give you some cool armour if you come all by yourself to Rivendell...' all the while secretly plotting to enslave the Dark Lord with his own ring. Such actions are more alike to Saruman's ways than to Gondor's. So if you have uncontrollable urges to do such things, join the Rimbor-Anim! Even if you have some intelligent, devious plan to damage a foe, (even tho Coolioman didnt at all act intellgent), you must sometimes put aside that wicked intelligence for the sake of your honor. Now a quote:

    Boromir.. had.. his war horn.

    'Loud and clear it sounds in the valleys of the hills,' he said, 'and then let all the foes of Gondor flee!' Putting it to his lips he blew a blast, and the echoes leapt from rock to rock, and all that heard that voice in Rivendell sprang to their feet.

    'Slow should you be to wind that horn again, Boromir,' said Elrond, 'until you stand once more on the borders of your own land, and dire need is upon you.'

    'Maybe,' said Boromir. 'But always I have let my horn cry at setting forth, and though thereafter we may walk in the shadows, I will not go forth as a thief in the night.'

    Maybe not the best example, but the principle is there.

    Capt. Jairo

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    22 January 2002 19:00:53

    I highly suggest that you remove this log before I return from my slumber, you impudent wretched piece of trash.

  • Author
    Musui [legacy]
    22 January 2002 17:25:26

    I'm a bit confused. The log shows Kujo getting you fair and square, but it doesn't show Coolioman actually handcuffing you - just trying to lure you to adornas in a very obvious and stupid way.

    Then later you tell the KODA that he false arrested you.

    Did he?


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    22 January 2002 16:06:37


    my first real appearance in any log

    *ponders me being a little sheriff*
