Warning QQ

Posted by
Formid [legacy]
09 March 2010 00:00:00

Yeah you can ignore this if you don't want to see a bit of a whine, but since we all like bitching about how the ainur are enforcing the wrong rules these days, you can see here. Apparently the ainur class 'putting out' as worse than PG13.


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    31 March 2010 22:35:46

    Try using this site to help find a new name.


  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    30 March 2010 17:07:08

    I just figured out the name I should use for my surname:

    Brad Thematic the Numenorean Defiler

    Then he cannot say my surname isn't thematic!

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    30 March 2010 16:30:25

    Some self-righteous cretin of an ainur sent all of SotPotUASFoR a mail imploring us to change our name 'for the good of the MUD' and 'out of respect for Tolkien's work.' We sent almost the exact same mail to Spoonster and then got warned for it. Good times, I say. Good times.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    30 March 2010 14:14:01

    I decided to do a little checking, as I was curious, these are (at the time of writing), current titles set by ainur.

    Mathias: Mathias sets his sights on PvP

    Salmar: Salmar the Salamander Salami

    Luthien: Leave Luthien a message after the beep. Beep.

    Aule: Aule wore his T2T T-shirt to King Richard's Faire

    Fingolfin: Fingolfin the noldor N00Berlord

    Castamir: Castamir drinks Haterade and looks at you

    Osse: Osse sojourns for a while in other lands... be well, T2T.

    Ungoliant: Ungoliant says: Come surf my web!

    (These are only the ones who I felt may be classed as 'unthematic', plus I probably couldn't remember a few, some of them I haven't seen in a very long time)

    Ones who were fine Ghorin, Carcharoth, Morwen, Melkor, Khelban, Daraagus, Scatha, Glaurung, Manwe, Beren.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    29 March 2010 18:31:20

    The top part scrolled off, my new name was Brad, with surname set to Pitt (and I did get a bunch of good comments about it)

    Mathias tells you: Yes, I do have an axe to grind when it comes to people

    who have a flagrant disregard for our rules.

    You told Mathias: flagrant......

    Mathias told you: And flaunt this disregard in the faces of the

    administration - i.e. me.

    You told Mathias: I only started getting pissed off after you guys

    went WAY overboard

    Mathias told you: We enforced our long-existing rules. If you

    consider that overboard, then you chose the wrong game.

    You told Mathias: yes but you enforce those rules VERY


    Mathias told you: I enforce every rule as soon as I am alerted to a

    violation of it.

    You told Mathias: there are hundreds of unthematic names that have

    been around for years

    You told Mathias: there are even alt names which point to other alts,

    some of which have been very high up ainur Gazza/Mazza

    You told Mathias: wormbaneii

    Belkas told you: sacrifice yourself and heal zaben

    Mathias told you: I don't see a character that Wormbaneii is pointing

    to, or any character that Mazza is pointing to.

    You told Mathias: and I got a lot of people telling me Alucard Dnegel

    was a good thematic name to be honest

    Mathias told you: Then you were lied to.

    You told Mathias: yous ee, I'm willing to bet if you put up a vote

    you'd be outnumbered

    Mathias told you: Does this look like a democracy to you?

    You told Mathias: I'm curious how old are you?

    Mathias told you: 47.

    You told Mathias: figured as much

    You told Mathias: well, in the 40-50 ballpark anyway

    You told Mathias: I could point out your title isn't particularly


    Mathias told you: You don't really understand that I'm about to

    siteban you, do you? :P

    You told Mathias: I'm pretty sure I understand pretty well

    Mathias told you: Then stop poking the bear.

    Mathias told you: All you're accomplishing is putting me in a bad


    You told Mathias: and you didn't put me in a bad mood by takign it out

    on my alt?

    You told Mathias: just like I got put in a bad mood for a very long

    time when formid got nuked for a first (accidental) infraction

    Mathias told you: You broke our rules.

    You told Mathias: no warnings, no nothing, straight nuke

    You told Mathias: until that point I'd never even had a warning, or

    ever been nuked

    You told Mathias: and it seems that people break your rules all the

    time, and you try your damdest to get them to stay

    Mathias told you: Draugluin nuked Formid, so I have no idea what

    that's about except that it was labeled 'bug abuse'. We don't give

    warnings for bug abuse generally.

    You told Mathias: it was an accidental bug abuse, as well

    You told Mathias: and I see people who abuse bugs get off all the time

    these days

    Mathias told you: We try our damndest to get players willing to follow

    our rules to stay. This includes players who have, in the past,

    broken them. Players who do nothing but argue why their violation of

    the rules should be some sort of miracle exception are not


    You told Mathias: so am I allowed 'Holee' as a surname?

    Mathias told you: Why on earth would a tongue-in-cheek Brad Pitt

    reference be allowed?

    Mathias told you: OK, forget it. I'm done dealing with you.

    Mathias told you: At this point, you are wasting my time.

    You told Mathias: ok

    Mathias told you: Consider this your final warning: another unthematic

    name/surname combination and you are banned.

    And Mathias current title is:

    who a

    Mathias looks at sparring and PvP. (Power)

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 March 2010 02:43:53

    I guess my ice is starting to get a few cracks in it.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    24 March 2010 01:27:10

    Mathias told me I didn't realize how thin the ice I'm skating on was, and I pointed out that the 3 hours I was logged in for were the only 3 hours I'd been online for in like 6 months, and (In polite, non-nukable terms) suggested he go fuck himself.

  • Author
    Yoana [legacy]
    23 March 2010 22:28:49

    That's what I do, and they keep making remarks about how I'm on increasingly thinner ice :P

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    23 March 2010 21:29:20

    The only solution for you do go about currently is ignore their asses and continue to actually have fun at the cost of their sadastic tendancies to ruin everything that is actually fun. I am sure at one point every one of them actually did things to help the mud and make it better for the players instead of assume they knew what was better for the longevity. :)

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    23 March 2010 20:26:50

    Mathias is not all bad. I asked him for a namechange when I was a level 1 ER and he allowed it. I, then namechanged to Snoopdawg which he didn't like... although we have cunts like thuglife running around...

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    23 March 2010 20:17:33

    Sounds to me like Mathias is harassing you, and should be deainured for abuse of powers!

    Get the other 5000 people on the MUD to sign a petition, demand that he step down!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    23 March 2010 19:02:34

    I feel dumb :P But that was nifty ;)

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    23 March 2010 18:08:26

    I have a new name for Alucard already :)

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    23 March 2010 18:07:00

    Maybe you should start pretending you're a Decepticon or something, ainur don't seem to mind that.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    23 March 2010 17:22:49

    It's Dracula backwards. The surname was legend backwards. I think it's really stupid to namerestrict it. Alucard is a more thematic sounding name than 90% of current characters.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    23 March 2010 17:07:47

    I don't get the reference.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    23 March 2010 11:55:48

    Your name, Alucard has been reported as being overly unthematic. At The Two

    Towers, we strive to deliver an immersive world as close to the works of

    J.R.R. Tolkien as possible. As such, we ask that you think about your

    name and use one that is more fitting. At this time, please choose a new

    name to use with your existing character. You will not lose any data for

    your character - your experience, stats, skills, gold, and any autoloading

    items will remain the same.

    Surname was set to Dnegel and has been removed.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    20 March 2010 02:06:01

    I had a character called Sawsaje once and was made to namechange, so I namechanged to Normalname... they forced me to namechange again though :(

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    19 March 2010 23:23:49

    I wish you could do that Formid. I would log on just to see that. :)

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    18 March 2010 16:50:06

    I realised what I should namechange dracula to


    and then set my surname to


  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    17 March 2010 23:00:06

    People post because they're bored. The whole 'you care because you posted' line is old, overused and flawed.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    17 March 2010 14:57:46

    Obviously you did care, otherwise you wouldn't have felt the need to post the initial comment....

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    17 March 2010 11:49:11

    slash care

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    17 March 2010 05:26:41

    hilarious comment. especially coming from daywalker

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    17 March 2010 05:13:48


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    17 March 2010 01:38:26


  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    17 March 2010 01:35:58

    Formid you sucked 5 years ago you still keep sucking. Just find some other community to whine to, ok?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 March 2010 06:39:22

    Gramul now loves you Jakar. The rest of us are now scared because he's probably going to kick the shit out of everyone now! :)

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    14 March 2010 16:02:31

    I'm posting this here since I don't feel like making a log or anything, but if our blind players still read this site, I found this which may be very useful for you:


    It's a mud client specifically tailored for blind players and screen readers.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 March 2010 15:06:54

    It's at the bottom of the log.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    13 March 2010 11:06:19

    So, what was the comm that got you the warning?

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    12 March 2010 18:58:11

    And no cum on male lips. :S

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    12 March 2010 18:47:38

    Also it mentions nothing about peeing in someone's mouth. Clearly not Quiauh.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    12 March 2010 16:26:22

    Clearly that was beyond Quiauh's capabilities of coherence.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 March 2010 16:21:40

    Changing topics, someone stole Quiauh's bike:


  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    12 March 2010 03:45:03

    haha, seriously.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    12 March 2010 02:29:13

    This just in: Moroso fucking sucks at sentences.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 March 2010 01:40:28

    Wtf is this herkie saying?

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    11 March 2010 21:44:39

    damn formid a book of a post interesting thing to run across

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    11 March 2010 01:43:41

    Stop being such a whore, Urban

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    11 March 2010 01:35:45

    Urm, I got a warning for Britney Spears' lyrics one from Mathias because he deemed it as inappropriate. 'Give me, give me more, give me more'...

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    10 March 2010 17:05:09

    It seems intuitive to me that there are three categories: Non-consensual harassment, consensual harassment and consensual behaviour. Consensual sex is the third category -- if it weren't consensual it would be the first. But, in the workplace, harassment is what it is not just because of the damage done to the victim, but the damage done to the society -- witnessing the harassment makes (or ought to make) people uncomfortable.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    10 March 2010 14:05:33

    Drama queen:)

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    10 March 2010 14:05:26

    I have to say harassment does include the person objecting to it. Consensual behavior is not harassment. Just like sex between consenting partners is not rape.

    In any case, I think you brought it too far, making a big fuss out of a mere warning. Get real.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    10 March 2010 13:51:31

    Aren't there two parts to it? Like, xxx.yyy, with the second part being an identifier or some shit. Anyways, what rank did you end up in?

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    10 March 2010 06:56:54

    Operate consistently with the promulgated rules governing a system -- I fully endorse this and agree with it completely.

    Also, Pounder: Agreed, re:Aule. I've had my clashes with him, but in retrospect I think that when we disagreed I was consistently in the wrong and he treated me much better than I deserved.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    10 March 2010 04:10:23

    And yes, Sunflash, completely dick move. If they had any common sense, they would write and follow a rule as such: 'Any player with an inappropriate name with content that contains sexual or obscene references or connotations(sp?) may be subject to a name change.'

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    10 March 2010 04:02:15

    Lots of long posts. First, Formid, your book mid comment was very well thought out, which means there is no chance for the current administration to actually read it. Tireless, while I am not advocating one way or another, someone indeed CAN do something for people in a way that their intentions have nothing to do with actually helping/assisting those people. Just because you cannot quantify it does not mean it is not the case (give me a proof that a version of your perception of reality exists for instance?). A couple pieces of record for you guys, Melkor and Aule should not be grouped whatsoever with the remaining powers (Salmar/Mathias/etc). They are of completely different breeds. If someone is ever to claim Aule did not do things for the people of Arda for the sake of making a fun game for people, you should instantly lose all credibility for such an unintelligent comment. The difference between say Mathias/Draugluin (don't know Salmar enough) vs Aule/Castamir is a very significant one. While I was much at odds with Draugluin for his inability to admit mistakes with BPs, both he and Mathias are of the breed that they must force their vision on people with minimal input (enough to appease players). Aule and Castamir were probably two of the most intuned from Valinor with what the players would want. Unfortunately, I think Aule is burned out pretty bad and has lost his will to make the towers great. All said, any Ainu of power or higher has put in considerable work into the towers at the very least. Sadly, the thing that is never understood is that, you can put all the work in the world towards something great, but you can ruin it easily if you work the wrong direction.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    10 March 2010 03:38:05

    Too bad. The forced namechange throws any defense they might have for their punishments away. It was a petty, dickish move by Mathias, and it's the kind of immature power-tripping bullshit and condescending response I've come to expect from him.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    10 March 2010 03:02:54

    '03/08/10 15:26: Comment by the Valar:

    It was not obviously a joke, and your words were completely

    inappropriate. Think before you speak. 'Just kidding' afterwards

    doesn't make them any less inappropriate.'

    I think a better way of phrasing that response would be -

    'It doesn't matter if it was a joke. It was not appropriate.' instead of the first sentence.

    And, apart from the forced namechange (fully half the characters here are from other genres/works of fiction) I still think that every representative of Valinor was acting appropriately in this log.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    10 March 2010 02:39:40

    'I have consistently seen Valar, particularly Melkor, say that they don't care what the players think, they do what they want.' -- indicts ONE vala, not ALL the Valar. I was careful to always refer to groups, and Melkor doesn't do any of the things which I ascribed to Mathias as proving that Mat cares about the players.

    'Mathias' attempt to claim to me that the majority of players don't know the ainur exist invalidates any claim that he does what he does for player gratification.' -- This is a non sequitur. What this claim actually indicates is one of three things: 1.) Mathias is working with a bad data set. 2.) You are wrong. 3.) Mathias is misinterpreting his dataset. It does not invalidate the claim that he does what he does for the players -- it might mean that he isn't in contact with the reality of the player base.

    'Shockingly enough, people can have hobbies for purposes other than pleasing someone else.' -- Every person's hobby is either intrinsically enjoyable (like fishing, supposedly) or is enjoyable after the fact (produces something which the creator can enjoy, like model airplanes). I'm pretty sure Mathias doesn't find fixing typos intrinsically enjoyable, which means that he must be pursuing a product which can be displayed. He doesn't play as far as I know, which means that his final product is meant to be displayed to other people.

    'This isn't stealing a car. It's not a comparable analogy, and never will be.' -- Nothing on Towers equates to stealing a car, and no punishment Valinor can dish out equates to jail time. I still think the analogy is apt.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    10 March 2010 02:23:24

    Valinor isn't like a judge in a courtroom. They're not doing this for the players. I have consistently seen Valar, particularly Melkor, say that they don't care what the players think, they do what they want. Mathias' attempt to claim to me that the majority of players don't know the ainur exist invalidates any claim that he does what he does for player gratification. It's a hobby. Shockingly enough, people can have hobbies for purposes other than pleasing someone else. His hobby is to make whatever he wants and tell anyone who argues to fuck off, in condescending form.

    Valinor has a major issue in that they think those rules need to be enforced. They don't. This isn't stealing a car. It's not a comparable analogy, and never will be.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    10 March 2010 01:40:51

    I only skimmed over some of the longer comments here so this might already have been said, but Camyll just sat through a few hours of Quiauh's ranting about her on the comm and likely got a lot of tells from people regarding it as well. To bring it up - even in a joking manner - was just continuing it and was highly rude to her. If she was at all upset by what Quiauh did then she would likely want it to either go away or to be left alone about it. She wouldn't want some jackass logging in because he's bored and taking jabs at her about it.

    Maybe this isn't against the comm policy itself, but it did make you an ass and you shouldn't have done it.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    10 March 2010 01:25:21

    I prefer the term mud wrestling with a pig...

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    10 March 2010 01:11:25

    You can disagree with me on Mathias -- what constitutes a shitbag is a pretty subjective thing. I don't think I'm a shitbag (I certainly try not to be!) and I do my very best to both enforce the rule of law and not terrorize the users on this site, but I know you disagree with me. I recognize that, ultimately, there is no way to please everyone all the time, and I'm ok with being the villain to a few people.

    However, when you say that Valinor or the Valar or any subgroup of Ainur don't care about the players at all (particularly phrased as vehemently as you just did) -- you are wrong. Whether or not someone 'cares' isn't a quantifiable value so it's pretty hard to prove, but there is no metric you can generate which would, if you input their behaviour (both in public and behind the scenes), return the result which you are preaching. You can say that Valinor is bad at operating consistently with the good of the playerbase. You can say that they make bad choices, or at least choices you dislike. But it is patently false to say they don't care.

    Mathias is online more than anybody. Like, more than Aryl during his peak activity. He is online, and he spends a LOT of that time writing code for the game. If you have ever written a game (or seriously contributed to writing a game) you know that you're not doing it for the intrinsic value and reward of having created something. You're doing it to be appreciated by the players of that game. That's why newbieainur almost never write their newbiequests for areas which aren't released yet. (the crop of Ainur to which I belonged was an exception to this rule, but the principle stands.) Mathias invests entirely too much effort in this game for any claim that he doesn't care about anyone playing it to be taken seriously.

    There may be some ASPECT of the game about which an Ainu or a group of Ainur don't care -- for example, Ghorin doesn't give two shits about the comm one way or the other, from what I remember. But EVERY Ainu cares about the game, and that NECESSARILY implies that they care about the players. They DO listen to player feedback, but the reality is that not all player feedback is actionable, and is often internally in conflict. You can please the majority (or what you believe to be the majority), but you will always alienate the segment that disagrees.

    As for the comm policy, it might bear revision. I mean, practically speaking, the target demographic for our game isn't <18 year olds. Not any more, at least. Certainly not <15 year olds. Confining adults to standards meant to protect children when there are no children around isn't really appropriate. Maybe the standard should be changed to reflect the demographics of the playerbase. The reality, however, is that the standards are stated. The rules are set. If you violate the rules - even rules which aren't fantabulous rules - you are reducing the overall power of law. It's the same philosophy which justifies prosecution for speeding on an empty highway, parking illegally when there is no demand for the parking spaces and ... uh, the war on drugs. Disobeying the rules means that the administration is forced into interacting with you in a confrontational manner and they really can't afford to be persuaded by any argument from you. If disobeying the rules produces a change in rules, there is a positive incentive for breaking the rules. That's bad.

    In Formid's case, the problem began with one of interpretation -- he didn't interpret his action to violate the rules, the administration did, and out of the confusion he wound up with a warning. Unfortunate. Fighting with Valinor, however, like fighting with a judge in a courtroom or a police officer on the street, can only end badly for you.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    10 March 2010 00:19:50

    Here's the kicker, Formid, and it's been driven home over and over. The ainur aren't just trying to create a puritanical, christan mud. They DID. I talked to Osse about it. Valar are pretty steadfast (Namely Aule and Tulkas, obviously Melkor gives less of a shit as he ages) about keeping the profanity off the comm, and are not even remotely cool with it. The reality is that this mud is a carebear bunnyrabbit hell, and it's never EVER going to change, the policies are only going to get stricter. It's not about the player. The players play for free, and contribute nothing IRL to the Valar, they don't give a shit what the players think, and that is a major misconception that a lot of the playerbase has. A lot of us thought our opinion mattered. It doesn't. No mudvote would change anything. Nothing you ever do as a player on this completely free game run by people who aren't paid at all, much less paid enough to give a shit about anyone else's opinion, will ever change the way the game works. There's an issue here, sure, the Ainur are tyrannical dictators who do whatever the fuck they want and don't care about your opinion, but at this point if you haven't quit this game yet, you're already stupid. Everyone should just stop playing, there's so many other things you could be doing with your free time that would be more pleasant than this, and come with less stress that every word out of your mouth is going to offend some fucking christian zealot bible thumper like Tulkas.

    All that being said, anyone who plays T2T and complains about it is a moron, if you're going to complain, go play a fucking game where complaining might get you somewhere, or quit and then complain on the logpage because bitching is fun. (It is.)

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    10 March 2010 00:09:13

    Before I check out Formid's wall of text, it's Etrius and Myrddin's points (both presented over and over in our experiences with Mathias) that completely invalidate your attempts to defend him. He is a shitbag.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    09 March 2010 23:40:34

    Tireless, thanks for the log restoration, I would have reposted this one with the appropriate comment but would have ended up losing parts of stuff.

    I had dealings with Mathias several times when I was up in Valinor (maybe he remembers them, maybe he doesn't). I always found him to be fine at the time.

    Apologies right away, this is gonna be a long comment, I have a lot to say. Feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna know.

    However increasingly, I'm seeing a total lack of common sense from Valinor. I've always tended to be on the side of Valinor (up until one vital moment, that being my initial nuke, and even then I still tried to be on their side), but lets go with something here I'm seeing more and more where Valinor are trying to enforce some ridiculous moral code. I'll explain this a bit and I'm probably gonna lose some people who were maybe thinking I was hard done by and will decide I wasn't, but I'm fine with that.

    I'll admit, I'm British (I have done many times in the past) and film/entertainment wise we tend to have a more relaxed attitude towards sex (and an less relaxed towards violence, for examples check the various ratings of various films with those particular themes).

    Now, that could occasionally make it a problem where I'd think something was PG13 and an american might think not, however thats not the issue here (no matter how much I thought it was, and tried to make that point earlier). I've had time to think about this now, I'm still adamant I was in the right, but again, still , not the point.

    The issue that I came up against here is, that there are a not tiny amount of people on this mud who are surprised when there is an actual female on the mud (bear with me here), it's happened on other areas I've been involved with as well, and they get treat in two or three different ways.

    1. Hitting on endlessly/Treat like a whore (the protractor of this is usually young, however can also be inexperienced socially or even just happy with the anonymity of the internet).

    2. Overly protective, trying to make up for point 1 (sometimes, in the hope that that they can accomplish a similar goal as no 1 by being the 'caring guy')

    3. Treat like everyone else, (especially older with regards to time on the internet, people on the internet treat most people the same).

    Me? I'd have made a similar kind of comment had it been something completely male related and I'd seen them on the MUD, personally, I really don't give a crap what sex you are on the MUD, I tend to give a lot more time to (I say a lot, it's only recently I logged in to play a few hours again). newer players (regardless of sex). I'd have spent some time (which I did do) helping people out. I've done it as an ER quite a bit, I've helped people figuring out the intricacies of ZMud, I've quested people EQ, and I've tried to stay at least relatively thematic (I'll help out the evil guilds, lets ignore the name).

    Now, all that being said, I'm not the guy the ainur should be pandering to. I am NEVER going to play regularly again, I might go through phases (as I have done over the last 2-3 years) of playing, but I'm never gonna put in enough time to be an active member of, lets say, a guild for 2-3 months straight. I have other commitments, I have other things I prefer doing. However, the main issue here, is I don't think the ainur have any idea what kind of player they should be trying to encourage. There are the old players group, we have very hard set morals which should not be crossed, there are things we would refuse to do, which were inbred to us which we find abhorrant. There are the 'herkies' who couldn't give a shit about that (MPing, char transfer, spreekilling, throwaway chars), I'm sure there are many other groups and subgroups as well.

    What I will say, is noone appointed the ainur to be anyones parents, which is what Salmar was trying to argue with me about. I would be very interested to see a vote on 'what should x policy be' where x can be about comm rating, mping, spreekilling, whatever.

    Now, unfortunately (and I'm going to spoil the way of combatting it as well here by spelling it out), you end up with 20 typists voting 400 times. The way of combatting that is to announce the vote, have the vote. Then afterwards (without mentioning this part at all), take 2 tallies, one from unique chars, one from unique IP's. Having now mentioned unique IP's the people who would try to influence the vote with multiple chars will now use proxies etc to do the same, despite the fact that these kind of votes could honestly end in their favour and will actually find out what the playerbase finds impotant, instead of stuff (that I personally find) irrelevant.

    It currently appears to me that the ainur are trying to create some puritanical, christian, everyone friendly version of the mud (by trying to appease every single party). Salmar even suggested that they end up with the 'lowest common demoninator' by group rule. I think they've ended up with worse, something so child friendly you almost can't even say 'fart' without worrying about if you crossed some line. I think they'd please more people by going fully 'PG13' not worrying so much about the irrelevant crap, and shit, if you think someone's being harassed (via report), fucking ask them, it's anonymous (I'm just as likely to bitch at Camyll for the warning whather she reports me or someone else, either way I dunno who reported me. In this case I knew because we were getting on OK later on in the day).

    Finally, to the person who reported me, grow the fuck up, I seriously doubt they will own up and say it. Next time, maybe try asking the person involved before going off the deep end. (Yes I know I pushed this too far with the ainur, I still left work smiling, it takes a lot to wind me up).

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    09 March 2010 23:39:11

    and beat the fuck out of the victim afterwards for swearing about him not stopping the mugger

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    09 March 2010 22:50:37

    No doubt he'd reprimand the mugger for using profanity, then allow him to continue.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    09 March 2010 22:34:30

    Well, I've seen them in different contexts than have you. You only see the end result -- Mathias after he's tried to be nice and been antagonized, decisions after they've been made, that sort of thing. If your only exposure to the police were seeing them beat the hell out of people resisting arrest, I bet you'd think much differently of them than if you spoke to them as, say, an interviewing reporter... or saw them on the street while you were being mugged.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    09 March 2010 22:03:15

    I have yet to see Mathias or any other administrator (Barring maybe Osse) conduct themselves in a manner that might show they have the slightest respect for the players. You're a delusional fucking moron. I take it you still play T2T.

    drokihazan, hobbit.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 March 2010 21:41:11

    Rusak, account name? So I may add you later.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    09 March 2010 21:04:04

    Warriors get 110 max tactics

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    09 March 2010 21:03:21

    dhelm got nerfed? In what way?

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    09 March 2010 21:02:14

    Petition on the comm for a repeal of the dragon helm nerf, repeatedly.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    09 March 2010 20:56:18

    And I've probably had more extensive experience with Mathias than many of you -- I can say that, while he occasionally doesn't react optimally to people who want to fight with him, he is genuinely a good guy, he cares about both the game and the people playing it, and he reacts the exact same way any administrator does when he tries to fix a problem and is given shit instead: the more attention one draws to oneself (when one is doing something the admin doesn't like), the more the administration looks to prosecute.

    On another topic, what'd you do, Azhag?

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    09 March 2010 20:29:30

    Formid: Usually I require people to include the 'posting for' in the log info (so it can be seen before going to comments), but in this case, since you posted it as the first comment and there was considerable discussion before I could get to it, and because it's obvious who it's for I'll make an exception here. I don't see any harm in letting it stay, but I wanted to make explicit that it's an exception so that people won't point back to this log and complain when I enforce the rule in the future.

    Also, log 9054 has been restored.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    09 March 2010 20:00:07

    Draimon, I've decided that I'm incapable of respecting anyone who doesn't respect themselves enough to allow another human being to treat them as if they were a lesser lifeform and suffer the abuse, when any alternative at all is available.

    There's an alternative: Not playing this stupid fucking game, run by losers who can't get people to respect them in real life, so try to instill it through power games and fear of undeserved consequences among an e-populace. Besides, it's not like the shitbags will miss you, they have 5000 active users and almost 1000 unique logins a day. Be a part of the movement: Quit T2T, and go play SC2Beta (I have a key, get owned.)

    I will break you.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    09 March 2010 19:53:10

    even me sunny??

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 March 2010 19:52:46

    You really should have added 'I will break you.' at the end of your comment, sunflash. That would have made it even more epic.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    09 March 2010 19:50:06

    What was it I said? Valinor is a shithole filled with shitbags elected by shitbags to the purpose of promoting more shitbag behvaior? Something like that. Anyone who still plays this MUD (That's the 198 of you, plus Exhalev, Marthaon, and their respective 2400 alts each) is a fucking moron. The game is stale, the people are stale, and it's run by fucking morons who powertrip like crazy.

    I just read this comment section, and this log, and thought about every interaction I've ever had with Mathias. Then I decided that Mathias is a more manipulative and conniving incarnation of Draugluin, but deserving of equal shitbag reputation. After making this deduction, I've come to the conclusion that anyone who willingly suffers the unfair treatment by the ainur on this mud and still logs in every day is a shitbag who is not deserving of respect.

    In summary: Fuck Mathias, Fuck Valinor, and Fuck you.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 March 2010 19:47:12

    Ichigo should have all his alts nuked btw.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    09 March 2010 19:39:41

    but guess that proves our point, valinor sucks

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    09 March 2010 19:39:03

    shame he didn't

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    09 March 2010 19:24:53

    This may be partly my fault, he had one of my chars in jail for 45mins this morning, and I wasn't saying what he wanted to hear. Threatened to nuke me quite a few times as well.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    09 March 2010 19:22:25

    ^ (OOC) Act: why, I suspect once I go home from work you're goign to have

    a change of mind and nuke all my chars anyway

    ^ (OOC) Act: may as well deserve it

    ^ (OOC) Mathias: As a non-sequitor, our usage numbers go up when we

    nuke people. :P

    ^ (OOC) Blade: well at least we know whats important here

    ^ (OOC) Act: why do you need higher usage numbers, you have 1000 unique

    logins per day

    ^ (OOC) Cozoq: <citation needed>

    You have been banned from the comm line for 30m.

    You have been banned from the er line for 30m.

    (I will admit I was pushing him pretty hard at this point, so that was probably earned).

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 March 2010 19:10:53


  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    09 March 2010 19:08:51

    bearing in mind Dracula is a 4+ year old char

    And we may as well continue with this, he now ALSO wants me to change the surname on my assassin Act

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 March 2010 19:00:24

    or a char named Redbull!

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    09 March 2010 18:57:37

    or surname corleone!

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    09 March 2010 18:56:38

    yeah, or brubaker:P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 March 2010 18:55:32

    or Brubaker!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 March 2010 18:55:20

    I'd just not log in again on that char.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    09 March 2010 18:54:43

    so how are names like dexter, xavier or cameron thematic?

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    09 March 2010 18:52:08

    Mathias forced you to quit

    Eamon tells you: Your auction is cancelled, items sold to shop.

    See you again soon!

    You remove a finely crafted staff.

    Upon login

    Your name, Dracula has been reported as being overly unthematic. At The Two

    Towers, we strive to deliver an immersive world as close to the works of

    J.R.R. Tolkien as possible. As such, we ask that you think about your

    name and use one that is more fitting. At this time, please choose a new

    name to use with your existing character. You will not lose any data for

    your character - your experience, stats, skills, gold, and any autoloading

    items will remain the same.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    09 March 2010 17:56:56

    I actually have no idea what you even meant in that comm

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    09 March 2010 17:50:40

    I'm not worried about the warning to be honest, I'm pissed off at the reason and inconsistent policies.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    09 March 2010 17:46:55

    Ok, you got a warning... that's sad. (?)

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    09 March 2010 17:45:20

    A couple of things have been pointed out to me by some people

    The comm_policy file does actually state they're slightly stricter than PG13, and that under 'unmistakable sexually-related terms', 'putting out' could be covered.

    Salmar did say that it hadn't always been PG13 (not that it wasn't currently), but hell as far back as I can remember the PG13 rule was there, I started playing a good 12-13 years ago now, on a 14.4k modem when I first got on the net. So that would have been around the time I was 17-18 (I'm 31 now). So thats pretty close to 'has always been' as you're going to get without the rule having been in place since the inception of the mud, as such Salmar was being fairly picky when he says it hasn't always been the rule.


    Specifically: 'Would you settle for a PG-13 relationship?' where she afterwards shows her breasts to the guy (Yeah I have a damn good memory).

    I'd say 'putting out' was tamer than that.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    09 March 2010 17:27:56

    i adopted a smart looking kid from the orphanage with big thick ass glasses and i am training him to play t2t right now. he is only 9 so i am hoping by the time he turns 13 he will be a real prodigy

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    09 March 2010 17:26:36

    What's the point of PG 13 actually, is there anyone who's 13 and plays mud nowadays?

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    09 March 2010 17:25:33

    that's why herkies are banned from comm i guess!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 March 2010 17:14:42

    There's a summary inside the log:

    ^ (OOC) Slythe: Dracula, it's pretty simple nowadays, you don't need o

    read 'help rules' or comm_policy

    ^ (OOC) Slythe: if you multiplay, multiplay or cheat in any form,

    you're allowed to play freely and Valinor will even protect you.

    ^ (OOC) Slythe: erm, abuse*

    ^ (OOC) Slythe: but if you misbehave on the comm, you're punished.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    09 March 2010 17:06:18

    lobo. a summary please?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 March 2010 16:59:39

    Nice loot.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    09 March 2010 16:46:40

    OK, yeah bad form to post 2 in a row, but I just realised. Is this an example of the Streisand Effect in motion (I wouldn't have been this pissed off and posted this log if I hadn't been warned).

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    09 March 2010 16:44:48

    BTW, forgot, posted for Dracula.

    Tireless: Not about this log, but I had to repost this one with linebreaks in as I forgot that the logpage doesn't automatically wrap long lines.

    I accidentally undeleted log 9054 in the process (Formid vs Kalas), any chance of an undelete.