Salmar tells you: what's up? You tell Salmar: mind checking current law issues for both me and camyll please You tell Salmar: that warning I got is ridiculous You tell Salmar: especially given that seconds before the comm mentioned I'd actually reminded people about dracula's power over women Salmar tells you: I think it is fine, you went too far, the quote in the warning is just one part of a bigger issue You tell Salmar: and to be honest everyone who's asked to hear what the comm was about directly to me has found it stupid You tell Salmar: erm, what bigger issue? Salmar tells you: the greater covnersation I shoudl say You tell Salmar: the entire conversation was like 3 lines You tell Salmar: and it was blatantly based on the perception of dracula in liteary history Salmar tells you: there is no place for talking about players "putting out" on the comm You tell Salmar: oh for christs sake, THAT was part of the stupid log of Qwhatever on the log page You tell Salmar: which by now is common knowledge, and the comm was more of a joke at him that it was at camyll Salmar tells you: what is "allowed" on teh log page doesn't mean it is allowed here You tell Salmar: as far as I'm aware not a single person on the mud believes a word he says You tell Salmar: that entire log on the logpage WAS on the mud You tell Salmar: it was purely a record of the comm over a 3-4 hour period You tell Salmar: the guy is obviously a raving lunatic, and as far as I'm aware thats pretty much the entire muds opinion Salmar tells you: the point to take away from this whole episode is to back away from the provocative speech you use on the comm You tell Salmar: as such making jiokes at HIS expense gets me a warning for supposedly sexually harassing camyll You tell Salmar: I even termed it putting out, I didn't mention the cum guzzling part or anythin else You tell Salmar: oh bullshit, what I said was easily within the realms of PG 13, which has ALWAYS been the rating on the comm Salmar tells you: that is not true You tell Salmar: yes it is You tell Salmar: the whole comm help page used to explitly state that, even if it might not now Salmar tells you: I have been here for quite some time, the comm has not ALWAYS been PG-13 Salmar told you: when we are also responsible for maintaining a sense of decency and honor Salmar told you: the comm is not a place to talk abotu players putting out or not You told Salmar: and yet, over the past 5 years you've shown that you prefer serial cheaters and liars to people who've spent 10 years both playing, and coding this game You told Salmar: some way of enforcing both honour and decency You told Salmar: putting out isn't even pg 13, it's almost U rating Salmar told you: once again, the point is YOU WENT TOO FAR You told Salmar: I don't think so, neither does camyll Salmar told you: the simple solution is to not go that far again You told Salmar: neither does ANYONE I asked and quoted it to You told Salmar: every single person who has asked to see what I was warned abotu has laughed Salmar told you: that is your impression You told Salmar: no, it's fact, I'm quite happy to paste it again with the persons name removed on the comm and get a general mud vote You told Salmar: though I'm aware that you guys don't like being shown tyo be wrong Salmar told you: when you allow morals and standards to be enforced by the populace, they resort to the lowest common denominator You told Salmar: yeah, the kley point there is COMMON Salmar told you: I am more than willgni to admit I am wrong Salmar told you: and correct things that I have made in error You told Salmar: You told Salmar: PG13 You tell Salmar: in fact you can see the same thing on current help comm_policy You tell Salmar: that was sasily in the range of PG13 You tell Salmar: if you wanna lower it to U then fine, but at least change the help files Salmar tells you: if you do not like the decision made to warn you for a comment deemed inappropriate for the comm, then I suggest you find a different place to express your comments and views You tell Salmar: I don't like rules being made, which I stick to, then the rule being ignored and an 'invisible' stricter rule being put in place Salmar tells you: your arguments will not change the decision You tell Salmar: and yet you claim the words 'putting out' are worse than PG13.... You tell Salmar: in fact you literally told me that the comm policy was not PG13 a few mionutes ago Salmar tells you: that did not happen, it is jsut you think PG13 means one thing and others think PG13 means somethign different Salmar tells you: the comm used to be PG You tell Salmar: I apply PG13 in the same way PG gets applied in my country You tell Salmar: the comm_policy still says it's PG13 ^ (OOC) Dracula points to help comm_policy ^ (OOC) Dracula notes the first paragraph under profanity You tell Salmar: I believe american pie was PG13 You tell Salmar: in fact I think scary movie made the joke at some point in it where the girl says she's not ready for a R rated relationship, but how about PG13, and then shwos her breats You tell Salmar: so mild sexual (and hell 'putting out' is even milder than that) comments are fine by that You tell Salmar: and PG13 has some relatively clear guidelines Salmar tells you: here's the deal, do you have any family members that are 10-13? You tell Salmar: plenty You tell Salmar: I can also remember back when I was 13 Salmar tells you: do you think their parents woudl want them to read what you put on the comm You tell Salmar: I don't think they'd particularly care Salmar tells you: well, plenty of parents would care You tell Salmar: again, I'm british, we have a more relaxed attitude towards sex (and less relaxed towards violence) than america Salmar tells you: and we must maintain some standards You tell Salmar: noone asked you to be someone's parents You tell Salmar: and the official policy is PG13 You tell Salmar: you wanna enforce different then change it! You tell Salmar: all I'm asking for is some consistency Salmar tells you: this "discussion" will nto resolve anything You tell Salmar: so you'll still be hypocritical then.... You tell Salmar: having one policy published and enforcing a different one Salmar tells you: in the future we will try warn everyone that makes similar comments to yours (which I think we have tried to do) You tell Salmar: then change the damn policy! You tell Salmar: before I pointed out that help file you actually told me the comm policy was never pg13 You tell Salmar: so obviously you weren't aware of the rules either Salmar tells you: PG13 is a very broad rating open for a lot of interpretation You tell Salmar: and yet it still has guidelines Salmar tells you: I never said that, I said that the policy has not ALWAYS been PG 13 You tell Salmar: in the UK it 'may contain mild sexual comments and profanity' along with x violence (not sure about the violence) You tell Salmar: it has been pg13 for 10 years at least, it was pg13 when I started Salmar tells you: you are now misquoting me to support your argument You tell Salmar: no, I'm not misquoting you ^ (OOC) Slythe: Dracula, it's pretty simple nowadays, you don't need o read 'help rules' or comm_policy Salmar tells you: this discussion is over for now, I have other things I need to do You tell Salmar: you'll excuse me if I continue it on the comm and gather some other opinions. I'll be careful not to mention hoohoos or tatas ^ (OOC) Slythe: if you multiplay, multiplay or cheat in any form, you're allowed to play freely and Valinor will even protect you. ^ (OOC) Slythe: erm, abuse* ^ (OOC) Slythe: but if you misbehave on the comm, you're punished. ^ (OOC) Dracula: so guys, what would you take PG13 to mean ^ (OOC) Dracula: since thats currently the 'official' policy Salmar tells you: that is up to you, it is your right, to a point that you do not begin to slander or abuse people ^ (OOC) Dracula: lets go with the american version (I'm a brit, but the mud is hosted in america) ^ (OOC) Dracula: I'm told it's a broad ratign that can't be completely enforce, btu You tell Salmar: it's libel, not slander You tell Salmar: but I'll forgive that, and it was also obviously a joke to anyone without a sense of humour failure You tell Salmar: and it certainly wasn't abuse ^ (OOC) Mathias: Slythe, that's fairly ridiculous and unfounded. ^ (OOC) Dracula: A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category ^ (OOC) Slythe: oh really? ^ (OOC) Mathias: No, not really. I'm just challenging you for no reason. ^ (OOC) Slythe: ah, i see. ^ (OOC) Dracula: 'adult activities' lets focus on that ^ (OOC) Dracula: if anyone would like to know the words I used which got me a warnign for 'sexual harassment' send me a tell ^ (OOC) Cifke: mention them on comm? :P ^ (OOC) Dracula: I'd rather nto get a second warnign and a comm ban for bringign such low sexual graphicness onto the comm again ^ (OOC) Mathias: Dracula, this is by far the worst place to air this grievance. ^ (OOC) Dracula: it's the ONLY place i have to air this greivance ^ (OOC) Slythe: actually, if i could, i'd kudo you for those. it was actually hilarious ^ (OOC) Slythe: but i have none left ^ (OOC) Dracula: thanks, someone got the joke :( You have been banned from the comm line permanently. You tell Slythe: You have been banned from the comm line permanently. You do not have access to the comm line. Slythe tells you: see? now try multiplaying You tell Mathias: I was being VERY careful not to break comm policy Mathias tells you: Taking your warnings to the comm does just that. You tell Mathias: and I wasn't swearing, bringing up graphical content You tell Mathias: where does it say that in the rules? You tell Mathias: and where else do I have to bring it up? Mathias tells you: help warnings You tell Mathias: I was, in fact, beingvery careful NOT to bring up sexual content on the comm, to avoid getting a secnod warning Mathias tells you: Also, in comm_policy, see: Q: I was warned/silenced/deleted, and I don't think I deserve it. You tell Mathias: ah, well at least that ones published, I apologise You tell Mathias: any chance of removing that ban then Mathias tells you: Regarding your second law report appeal... You tell Mathias: try checking camylls law reports You tell Mathias: even she thought it was unjustified Mathias tells you: Not interested in reading hers. Mathias tells you: You are gravely mistaken if you think that sexual harassment requires the target of your remarks to be offended. You tell Mathias: I'm more than a little curious who it actually was who law reported me, since I had contact with a good 1/4 of the people were ont he mud at the time You tell Mathias: someone certainly needs to lighten up, anyways, abotu that comm ban? Mathias tells you: Secondly, Bram Stoker's Dracula should have no bearing here whatsoever. This is a game based around the environment of J.R.R. Tolkien. Acting as Bram Stoker's Dracula is unthematic and unbefitting our game. I'm thinking that a namechange may be in order to prevent you from making that mistake again. You tell Mathias: the OOC comm You tell Mathias: (yes I understand the irony of using the OOC character of the comm to justify talking about my char name) You tell Mathias: so I guess the ban is staying..... You tell Mathias: despite the fact that I have since apologised and have been pointed to the rule I was breaking (apology would imply that I won't be doing it again) Mathias tells you: I'm actively working on things in another window...keep your pants on. You have been unbanned from the comm line. The warning I got was as follows (along with the first law report) These are Dracula's current warnings: Dracula 03/05/10 14:54 : Sexual harassment of our players is not acceptable. ^ (OOC) Dracula: I just heard Camyll puts out from # Queueueueuieeuaaaaaaaaargh, and whilst I can follow her around she just runs away, I must be losing my touch :( Report #: 3676 Title: My recent warning Submitted by: Dracula Submitted: 03/08/10 11:10 (23h 22m 11s ago) Last updated: 03/08/10 15:26 ----- Details: That qas quite obviously a joke, and certainly not sexual harrasment! Hell, I even helped out Camyll later on! ----- Comments on this law report: 03/08/10 11:10: Submitted for discussion by Dracula. 03/08/10 15:26: Comment by the Valar: It was not obviously a joke, and your words were completely inappropriate. Think before you speak. "Just kidding" afterwards doesn't make them any less inappropriate. 03/08/10 15:26: Dismissed by the Valar.