Latty and Darrick

Posted by
Cruice [legacy]
20 April 2010 00:00:00
Player Kill


  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    24 April 2010 03:02:33

    Hello friends!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    22 April 2010 13:51:13

    Quote of the day:

    'I have no need, no urge, and no will to mindlessly, incoherently, and randomly flame people. You're a fucking dumbass'

  • Author
    Loot [legacy]
    22 April 2010 12:30:29

    You know Klardin was mercifulled because they all fear me. Not Mornaner. I am the true reason no one wants a piece of RoI.

    I am the true essence of PvP!

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    22 April 2010 09:09:26

    If i was Mornaner, and lurking around here reading comments, i would blush in front of my computer. ;)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    22 April 2010 07:48:04

    Righhhhtt cruice. If you manage to get on Morn's bad side... well that's just not possible. He doesn't have one. He's an awesome guy who I've known for several years.

    'and ego battles with other players', tell your stupid fucking friends about this one before you even bother telling me to do this. Hahhahaha. Remember your 'good' friend Aryl there? Or your sac vs brain friend?

    '3. Like I said, I have never initiated a conversation or flaming between us.' You need to quit lying ok? I hadn't sent you one tell online whatsoever and you send me a tell first just recently. In fact, I have never addressed cruice the player That's why you are on ignore for being a mentally retarded cry baby and complaining you are having conversations initiated with you instead of starting them.

    Here, just for your completely stupid ass (i used a unix prompt to search logs fast and this is what I got):

    > grep 'ou tell Cruice' *

    XXXXXXXXXX.txt:^ (OOC) Jakar: You tell Cruice: I'm a sweet talker.


    This searched logs since March of 2007. I am sure I can go back and here:

    > grep 'Cruice tells you' *

    XXXXXXXXXX.txt:^ (OOC) Jakar: Cruice tells you: You're making me blush in a very

    XXXXXXXXXX.txt:^ (OOC) Jakar: Cruice tells you: How did you do this too me?

    XXXXXXXXXX.txt:Cruice tells you: quitter


    So, you need to take your pill, STFU, quit being a full blown basket case and complaining when you continue to make yourself look dumber and dumber when attempting to 'tarnish' my 'image'. Thanks.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    22 April 2010 07:38:52

    Mornaner's actions speak louder than his words ever could anyways.

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    22 April 2010 07:25:29

    lupin is cool

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    22 April 2010 06:08:45

    Darrick, GB's RP was never to defend Mordor either. That's SoU, and even SoU chooses who and who they won't attack.

    Pounder: 1. Mornaner is my friend, and I respect RoI as a guild. That is why I merciful RoI members in mordor. 2. Mornaner is very good, but I am in no way 'scared' or intimidated by him to the point that it would force me to merciful RoI members. 3. Like I said, I have never initiated a conversation or flaming between us. That is you, I have no need, no urge, and no will to mindlessly, incoherently, and randomly flame people. You're a fucking dumbass, I would expect someone who has played this mud for 15?+ years to grow up and get over flaming, and ego battles with other players. That is a field where Mornaner outclasses you.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    21 April 2010 23:33:17

    'deliciously Machiavellian'

    Etrius is the man.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    21 April 2010 23:29:30

    I respect Cruice a lot for openly and unashamedly stating that his motivation for attacking people in Mordor is to playerkill them. I wish that SoU, or PoM, or any of the other self-proclaimed 'defenders of Mordor' would have the cojones to admit that their banal pseudo-roleplaying (which usually consisted of saying 'For the Dark Lord!' after a five-man gangbang) is anything other than a thinly veiled excuse to take advantage of a lawless area.

    Too many of you have a tired and holistic view of roleplaying, and too many of you labour under the delusion that powerplaying and roleplaying are irreconcilable opposites. They're not. Sauron is the archetypal powerplayer, and so too is Saruman; both of them adopting the deliciously Machiavellian premise that the end always justifies the means. Neither of them, I suspect, are especially concerned about popular opinion. I also don't think that either of them would be unprepared to screw someone over, be selective with their ideals or adopt a pragmatic approach to the mechanics of their environment. In the most profanely honest way, I don't think either of them gave a fuck. And by the looks of things, neither does Cruice. I applaud he and his friends for keeping a longstanding T2T tradition alive.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    21 April 2010 23:17:49

    'so using RP to defend your mordor kills is pretty fucking ludicrous'

    If you're going to flame, at least have a point and stick to it. Darrick basically said exactly what you said yourself about 50 comments ago - that if Cruice should PK in mordor as a PKer in mordor and not put it in a pretty dress and call it RP.

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    21 April 2010 23:06:17

    Talking to you is about as stimulating as Richard Simmons in drag. You have completely missed the point. 'What you have just said, is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherrent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.'

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    21 April 2010 22:57:28

    Also, that PK flag won't protect hopeless shitbags like you who roll up in mordor and don't expect to get fucked on.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    21 April 2010 22:56:56

    Also, this logpage is a lot more entertaining than T2T. I'm provided opportunities to flame dribbling fuckwits like you that would be too busy trying to figure out the philosophical undertones of their job as a fry cook at McDonalds to realize that they're not roleplaying a masterful chef, they're putting some goddamn potatoes in oil and serving them to fat fucks for unacceptably low wages.

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    21 April 2010 22:56:20

    And soon, pk is a choice, not a mandate. Grats on your retirement. Stfu now?

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    21 April 2010 22:55:19

    Just to clarify here, Cruice doesn't claim to roleplay. He rolls up in mordor and kills people just like /everyone/ else.

    You're a pussy who tries to cry about dying because it's somehow unfair that Cruice isn't held to some fucking rp mandate in your mind. Say what you want about Cruice, he's definitely got tons of flaws to pick on, but some kind of hypocrisy where he claims he does something other than kill people isn't one.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    21 April 2010 22:53:54

    Roleplay is a choice, not a mandate. Grats on being a stupid fuck.

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    21 April 2010 22:49:30

    Sunflash. Sunny. Anor. The Flash if you will.

    This is not Halo 3. This is not Diablo 2. This is not CoD. This is a roleplaying game. PK is a part of it, yes, but it would be nice to see the defenders of Mordor actually RP 'defenders of Mordor'. I'm not crying, nor am I bitching. I'm stating a fact that you will be hard pressed to disprove. Were I a defender of Mordor I'd kill all comers. That would be my RP and it wouldn't get turned on and off like a light switch depending on who it is in there. If someone wants to powerplay, fine, by all means, don't let me stop you, but be up front with it. Lameki and Laheki powerplay-They don't sugarcoat it or try to stand behind some semblance of RP. I can respect that. Double standards and hypocrisy drive me absolutely fucking nuts. If GB wants to be a powerplay haven, just admit it. Don't stand behind an RP and decide whether or not to actually enforce it or not. That said, go fuck yourself you flaming douchebag and please, choke on the scraps. Mr. 'T2T sucks and I'll never play again but I just CAN'T STAY AWAY FROM THE LOGPAGE!!!'. Have a nice day. :)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    21 April 2010 22:37:08

    Oh no Darrick, I completely agree, Cruice and the one non-herkie guy from herkimer are FAR above and beyond the remainder of the crew (I group in non resident herks in this group fyi). See my pre-response for cruice? It was dead on. No variation, completely projected and able to be figured out before it happens.

    As for my hope that things will improve and get restored, after talking to Mathias, that is dwindling. Mainly because I got an excellent glance into the workings after talking to a few of them and especially Mathias. It's fairly obvious my visit here will now only consist of upgrading my client in order to refresh my software dev skills and then moving back to inactivity. They have no intent on improving the towers in a way that might attract higher numbers, they are just making changes to keep the player base from dwindling further and further.

    And Cruice, you are a complete moron. Want me to post some tells from you? You are interacting here right now. Don't be stupid. As for your merciful? You know mornaner can outschool/completely manhandle your group if he has the will, that's why you would end up mercifulling Klardin. You take a trait directly from Aryl, you do things that only have end benefits for yourself.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    21 April 2010 22:33:36

    Darrick. Bro. Broski. Broheim.

    It doesn't have to be RP, you ignorant carebear shitfuck. It's fucking Mordor. If he sees you in Mordor and doesn't know you, why WOULDN'T he attack you? Isn't that what every assassin in the history of the fucking game has always done to EVERY stranger in Mordor? Fucking attacked them and killed them? Yeah? Thought so. Maybe you feel a little stupid? Yeah? Wanna cry? It's cool. You can cry.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    21 April 2010 22:07:01

    Darrick: I choose not to attack my friends in Mordor. That has always been known, it's how it always has been and always will be. It's a game, I choose to play it the way I want to, within the rules. I have no obligation to attack anyone in mordor, whether it be RP or any other reason. I do it because I enjoy it. I don't enjoy attacking my frieds, I would rather play with them rather than against them.

    I realize you feel like it isn't fair that I selectively choose who I do and do not attack. It's not selective RP, it's selective PK. With all due respect, get over it please. :/

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    21 April 2010 22:01:29

    Pounder you're wrong again. There have been instances where I have not killed someone in there, but merciful them instead. Ask Klardin.

    Please explain style to me. You must know a lot about it to criticize people on it. As for respect? I show it where it is due, and when I receive it.

    You are a true asshat. I don't think I have ever interacted with you on the game, nor have I initiated any conversation with you on or off the game. You throw out ridiculous statements about me, or my friends, and talk non-stop incoherent shit. Why? I don't know, maybe you have nothing better to do...

    Your bitterness and non-stop ranting over a game shows how pathetic you truely are.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    21 April 2010 21:54:28

    The best and most interesting fact of everything, the entire cancer crowd can be banned at the change of a guard in terms of PoL. :)

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    21 April 2010 21:52:50

    There's always hope Pounder. Kinda like you hope to see this place returned to what it used to be. Cruice from what I can tell is a much more decent person and player than his posse. If he were to choose to ascend above them I believe he could and many would applaud it. Only he can make that choice however, and until then you are who you associate with. If these fellas had been or were around 6-7 years ago, they would've been laughed at and levelbashed into oblivion. Any number of superior players would've been happy to do it. The thing that has happened is that the old hands have left and the skill level here has dropped to a point where these fools are upper echelon and most don't care to stop them or smash them. This log page is full of superior players. Come back. MUD vs. GB. May the best group win.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    21 April 2010 21:51:51

    Or you could log another character off for MP reasons to try to kill someone and suck ass at it.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    21 April 2010 21:51:19

    And to respond for Cruice on your approach to Mordor. He doesn't give a fucking shit about the defense of mordor. He goes in there only for kills. This is acceptable in my book as well. If you enter mordor, expect attacks. Its lawless, it's a true arena for PVP.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    21 April 2010 21:51:18

    Or you could quit while getting killed.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    21 April 2010 21:41:56

    Darrick, you must realize, cruice and his friends have absolutely no semblance of style, role playing or respect for anyone or anything. If you think they are anything but a group of laughable idiotic douchebags, you are pretty delusional. They go onto the towers to beat their sticks off thinking they are actually something of anything. They don't care about anything but trying to be the 'best', but what they don't mention is stuff like, if Aryl was so good, then while all the major players will still in the game and active and non rusty, why did almost noone know who he was or care? Exactly, he's never been elite except when it comes to bug abuse, and his posse is barely any better as seen by law reports being posted in these comments. They are a cancer, don't argue with it, don't hope for them to change. It will not happen. Ever. Side note, they are usually only on for 12 hours at a stretch, so you can hit mordor outside those times (just idle until they leave like I do). :)

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    21 April 2010 21:38:32

    New back? Yes. New altogether? No. Your behaviour makes my stomach turn. Wanna be the great defender of the lawless lands Cruice? Go for it, I'll even go so far to admit you have more skills than your buddies and could probably pull it off. That said, until you defend Mordor against all comers, my previous comment still stands. Please, I beg you to disprove me. I'll happily take back the hypocrite comment. Defend your land or don't. Choose.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    21 April 2010 21:26:38

    Darrick are you new here?

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    21 April 2010 21:09:46

    We were in Mordor, this should've been more expected than it was. I was stupid to go in without a flask after I burned mine in there the night before. As far as any attacks on Cruice go, I don't know much about him except this: his defense of Mordor is selective. When his buddy Dexter goes in he ignores the shit out of him and then Dexter auctions a few thousand worth of gear. This is blatant. It is ludicrous. Selective RP is a joke, either RP or don't. Wanna kill me in there? Fine, by all means, but when you're done you should kill everyone else in there too or you're forever going to wear the label of hypocrite.

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    21 April 2010 15:12:54

    hahaha yup im sober now.. Hi :)

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    21 April 2010 06:12:29

    Ansgar... no. Just no.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    21 April 2010 05:02:46

    I've never done it, but I did go to the warg pit to create a warg using one of my old names so it'd be locked.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    21 April 2010 04:58:45

    You make Valacirca look pretty fucking stupid, Ansgar, and they are who they associate with.

    Also, I logged in to T2T for about 3 minutes tonight because the ER discussion sparked my interest, and I thought I'd read news/guild boards. I logged out when I realized every single one of my characters had a new warning for a single offense committed by me as a typist, and probably will never log in again, and continue to promote quitting this stupid fucking game.

    Note: I was warned for creating a level 1 named Ravathir. How many of you have made a level 1 to lock someone's name? All of you? Yeah, thought so. It's been done to me. How many of you were punished? Oh, none of you? That's right, because Valinor is subjective and only punishes those who fuck with it's herkie pets. The occasional herk nukes are just publicity scams to keep public opinion on Valinor's side, it's clear that the shitbags up top support shitbags down below in a neverending cycle of shitbag behavior.

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    21 April 2010 04:19:59

    I dont post here very often cause of obviuos reasons. Anyway if you dont like me its fine. Im used to it, but dont take it out on Valacirca. But my comment still stands. And the way you're acting is damn disgraceful.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    21 April 2010 04:02:40

    I've started a response to your comment several times, Ansgar, and I just...

    Are you whining that FRs don't have an analog of Mordor? Is that it? I honestly think that last comment, in all its brevity, is worse than anything Cruice has ever said in all respects. My respect for Valacirca is seriously waning.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    21 April 2010 03:41:16

    When have I ever called someone a scumbag? And, I don't think I've ever called someone a retard either. Especially not the whole population.

    These attacks on me are getting more and more senseless. It's weird, I thought April fools was the first of April?

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    21 April 2010 03:36:51

    So where are Frs supposed to kill Tireless? We are clearly not alowed to kill anywhere!? God forbid us killing someone in a fr protected area. We are all scumbags and retards, and most importantly we are terrible and fucking retards. At least according to Cruice. (and btw, i know i write bad fucking english, so dont you bash on me for that) It borders to racism.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    21 April 2010 03:31:21

    Freebies, Tireless. Freebies and healers and the occasional ER quest.

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    21 April 2010 03:13:26

    wait latty herks it too... Idiots?

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    21 April 2010 03:10:31

    Evils can't really kill in Mordor and they have all the PK advantages there, so I suspect it's still reasonable to say that FRs ought to expect to be attacked by ERs in Mordor even if you're not making an RP defense or distinction. I mean, PK is all Evils go into Mordor for, right?

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    21 April 2010 03:10:29

    herk idiots.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    21 April 2010 02:57:57

    You're right. I meant it in that way though. I meant that it should be expected for an FR to be attacked by Evils. I'm sure most FRs that go into mordor check the evil list to see if there are any assassins on.

    I'm not trying to cover up my tracks about partying with FRs in mordor. I've done it, but it is only to benefit me anyway. It's not like I run around shielding people in mordor while they kill the NPCs.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    21 April 2010 02:51:17

    I hate to defend or attack Pounder, because I'm completely on the fence lately on whether I think he's a blithering fucking moron or a reasonable human being with poor english skills, but, you know, in his defense Cruice, you've got a reputation for the whole partying with FRs in Mordor thing, so using RP to defend your mordor kills is pretty fucking ludicrous. Just be honest. You saw a red name in Mordor, you thought 'Fuck yeah, something to kill' and then attacked it. No one's going to fault you for it, it's fucking Mordor, they're asking to be attacked by walking in the door, so why try to defend it with RP that you don't maintain anyways? Try rephrasing to something like 'Yeah, god forbid SOMEONE GETS FUCKING ATTACKED IN MORDOR BECAUSE CLEARLY THAT'S NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED IN THE LAST 15 YEARS! Sounds like cancer to me, let's excise that shitbag!'

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    21 April 2010 02:35:26

    Yea, god forbid an evil attacks an FR in mordor. Sounds like cancer to me.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    21 April 2010 02:30:10

    Sorry Darrick, I know its strong, but you know you should have expected the cancer sticks of arda to show up and try to kill you. :)

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    21 April 2010 02:02:34

    Well, props for not quitting.

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    21 April 2010 00:01:46

    We were pretty stupid here. Epic fail.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    20 April 2010 23:00:37

    It's a 3 Brubaker. Could maybe rate it lower because these idiots didn't expect these two losers to come into mordor to pk.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    20 April 2010 21:58:48

    am not, otherwise it would be an unproper rating

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    20 April 2010 21:56:52

    Don't be jealous.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    20 April 2010 21:53:59

    first to give it a proper rating