Caenedrin's trick

Posted by
Daywalker [legacy]
06 October 2010 00:00:00

He did that 4 times in the last 2 weeks. to different people. Got 1 warning because of it, got suspended because repeated violations and multiple warnings and keeps doing it... I guess some people better go play counter-strike.


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 October 2010 03:20:17

    [new] Date: 11. Oct, 2010, 7:34:58 By: Iarla

    I quit on Feodin at the guild board :P

    I have to say that is true. Feodin told me that at the moment it happened.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    11 October 2010 22:26:30

    At least im using my log :P noob

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    11 October 2010 22:25:41

    And Formid is so pathetic he cant do shit so he has to brag using other players' logs...

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    11 October 2010 16:40:55

    So is Daywalker:

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    11 October 2010 16:23:51

    OMG Cruice is such a badass! he kills everyone, everywhere! He is UNSTOPPABLE!!!

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    11 October 2010 08:13:53

    To be fair, I'd say 90% of quitters tags are due to quitting during guildmate brawls. Caenedrin is another source. That kid quits because he fucks up so much it's embarassing.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    11 October 2010 07:36:41

    Nalthic quit on me in BkD bar this week.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    11 October 2010 07:35:41

    Not that I feel compelled to defend myself to the likes of you cunts anyway :P Good day to you, sirs!

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    11 October 2010 07:34:58

    I quit on Feodin at the guild board :P

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    11 October 2010 07:04:07

    Yeah, atleast he got his from a bar brawl. Just bad timing on his 'quit'. FRA is the place for pillowfights and dead serious last-man standing, mexican standoffs!

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    11 October 2010 06:40:40

    gl jaren

    Jaren the dunlending punches Guild Missions into gear. [disconnected]

    Power radiates from him, inspiring awe.

    A fine piece of jewelry catches your eye.

    Jaren is a quitter! <---- Must be a trend.

    Jaren is a Lieutenant in the army of Gondor

    with 30 wins and 1 loss.

    A dark scar has been burned into Jaren's palm.

    Jaren has completed the trials of the Moria Maze!

    He is carrying:

    Aiglos, icicle of Gil-galad (glowing) (wielded).

    A large black cloak (worn).

    Chainmail gloves (worn).

    A suit of sparkling armour (worn).

    A leather scout ruck (open) (worn).

    A spear sheath (worn).

    A tower guard's helmet (worn).

    A pair of mail pants (worn).

    A great war shield (worn).

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    10 October 2010 04:48:00

    Man, I have got to stop drunk posting on this site. It's hilariously embarassing. Mostly just embarassing though.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    09 October 2010 22:20:55

    i love kharaans 1st comment!

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    08 October 2010 16:08:56

    Incidentally, FRA has always been a guild which has given 'mavericks' a chance. Sometimes it hasn't worked out, admittedly, but sometimes it has. Some of the guild's oldest and most established members are people whose admission was viewed as a gamble. When you're a guild with an iconic history and supposedly elitist tendencies, it almost goes without saying that there are inevitably going to be individuals who disapprove of each new admission.

    For the record, there were some people who told me I was making a mistake when I admitted Arawn to DH. Similarly, some people told Caber the same thing a year or two earlier when Taudrek was an applicant. At a time when the playerbase is stagnating and the MUD as a whole is fragmenting, I think there's no better time than the present to give people the same thing that we were given; a clean slate, a fresh start and a chance to be part of a community.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    08 October 2010 15:44:43

    The best way to take up issue with guild policy is to do so in-game. Whilst it's easy and appealing to snipe from a detached, out-of-game perspective you'll never know what's truly going on unless you're in the guild itself and privy to its internal workings. I realize that would be difficult for you, Hirgail, being banned, but I still feel that the logpage is an inappropriate forum through which to lambast your former home.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    08 October 2010 12:37:31

    I think he could rather use some weed.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    08 October 2010 12:32:11

    Hirgail, lay off the weed dude...

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    08 October 2010 11:41:16


  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    08 October 2010 11:28:58

    It's against T2T rules to connect by a proxy, unless you can come up with a good reason. I doubt 'I'm banned for doing some fucked up shit' would suffice :P

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    08 October 2010 08:26:14

    I think the idea was to gather up more Herk-killers for killing Gb's in fra or something. I hardly play any more, i just pretend to.

    Blade is still GM btw, and if you want to come back and disband just ask some fart for a nice proxy and come on over? :) No?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 October 2010 05:46:34

    If you believe my cause is just then spam whoever the hell is in charge now with emails demanding that I come back to get rid of the FRA and also possibly (very possibly) convince Ravathir to have consensual cyber sex with me online. I swear I will save and post screencaps of the entire ordeal.

    'Baby I want you to spread your ass cheeks and feel my tongue deep insite your delicious crevice' has never had the kind of meaning to you that it will if you guys get be unbanned.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 October 2010 05:39:28

    Hey whats up? Hirgail here. Hey look I'm banned for doing some fucked up shit. Funny shit though huh? Amirite? LOL. Anyways what's up dude? Look what I want to do is not be banned, play for like a month or so and disband the FRA because what the fuck right? Fucking Bulgarians in the guild? Holy shit how did that even happen? I mean seriously Daywalker is a member? Who the fuck is even the gm now? So yeah just unban me and I'll make gm and be all 'fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off' and then disband the thing. You hate the FRA right? i mean we talked so much shit about you guys (to be fair you were douchefags) that you have to want this.

    So yeah, unban me.

    I'll be a foul mouthed asshole for a month or so, get rid of the FRA and then go about my business. What do you say? You say yes right? Shit dawg, you can nuke my fucking ass into oblivion with some funny reason like 'enjoyed sex with cows TOO MUCH'.

    Gonna do this. That was attempt one. I have other attempts in me. If this one doesn't work then 'Hey, what the hell you child raping fuckheads?! You let people that have hacked your fucking shit back in but not me? I will rape your elderly mother to death if you don't unban me you horse fucking cockhead' surely will.

    I fully expect to be unbanned soon and I'll be back and I will disband the guild.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 October 2010 05:12:54

    No really. What? These guys are members now? The fuck is wrong with whoever is GM these days? What the fuck is wrong with you? Disband the fucking thing before you let these guys in.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 October 2010 05:00:34

    Seriously let the guild die Norin or Blade or whoever runs the show now. Let the FRA die with dignity. Give all the gold in the vault to the fucking Malglinoth before you start desperately grasping at straws and inviting unfunny randoms into the guild.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 October 2010 04:58:16

    You know this game has gone to shit when FRA is fine with having Brubaker and Daywalker as member because nobody is at the fucking helm anymore.

    The (after 2002) FRA and ROI was a bunch of people that realised this game was bullshit but had fun with it anyway. Having the lunatic fringe Bulgarians as members is either the antithesis of FRA or a huge joke upon the T2T community or a fucking Biblical sign of the apocalypse.

  • Author
    Hurin [legacy]
    08 October 2010 04:02:12

    Polk in the DH bar. That's a good one :)

  • Author
    Kharaan [legacy]
    08 October 2010 03:51:59

    douglas = pwned hard. as usual.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    08 October 2010 02:58:48

    Sounds like another 'Hi, I'm Aaron and fame only comes from killing massive amounts of players, because pk is the only thing in this game' argument. I don't recognize the name Kharaan, so you must be a fucking nobody too right? Perhaps it's time to adopt an adult attitude, or at least learn how to express yourself like you made it past sixth grade. The social aspect of this game is a larger portion of why people have stayed here than pk has ever been. Or you could continue to act like a sniveling little bitch and see how many other lowbrows you can make laugh with your toilet humor. Up to you. I won't be seeing your comments from now on anyway. Welcome to ignore.

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    08 October 2010 01:32:50

    No its not. Idling in BkD bar is where its at.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 October 2010 00:56:42

    It's not?

  • Author
    Kharaan [legacy]
    08 October 2010 00:51:52

    you're right. it totally slipped my mind that polk is one of t2t's most famous players. since you apparently enjoy having his cock in your mouth i'm guessing the most important thing he's ever done that makes him uber famous to you is probably talk on the comm, be a faggot on the log page, and maybe idle in DH bar since apparently you think thats the pinnacle of awesomeness.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    07 October 2010 23:35:34

    you...don't know polk? how long have you been playing, 2 weeks?

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    07 October 2010 18:36:20

    Some herkie:)

  • Author
    Kharaan [legacy]
    07 October 2010 18:23:42

    polk... who the fuck are you?

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    07 October 2010 17:33:41

    Haha Douglas, I guess if they let Kelevra in, they might as well get Daywalker.

  • Author
    Kharaan [legacy]
    07 October 2010 02:42:16

    damn you guys really screwed up what was one of my finer works. uncouth

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    07 October 2010 02:27:41

    More like I have what I saw.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    07 October 2010 01:52:17

    Akhazir you are right, only that he claims I mp to help a guildmate, i claim he mps to log his brothers alt to kill me.

    Then he claims I mp to steal a pouch from his friend, when i claim he logs his alt to kill the attacker of his main...

    Find the 2 differences.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    07 October 2010 01:50:25

    I'm not talking about this log. You've all been screaming MP at each other for days, if not weeks. Neither of you are going to beat the other and nobody else's opinions are going to change about the matter.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    07 October 2010 01:27:37

    Not really, thing is I have the log, Cruice has only what his RL buddy said.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    07 October 2010 01:23:58

    You both do realize that neither of you are going to ever win this argument, right?

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    07 October 2010 01:21:12

    Cruice are you saying this here posted is not real?

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    07 October 2010 01:14:54

    Look at Daywalker lying to cover up him getting there in 1 minute to stab him.

    Pathetic, can't even man up to what he does.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    07 October 2010 01:09:11

    Just heard from the Ainur, that is not MP what you see here, just so you all know:)))

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    07 October 2010 01:05:14

    Unlike you guys, i dont have someone phoning me: 'OMG DUDE do you know what happened on the MUUUD'

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    07 October 2010 01:03:33

    he north gate(s, n, w and e) [n and w]

    A simple arrow

    Meghan's white stallion (hitched)

    Arithon's dark brown mare (hitched)

    A signpost

    A hitching post

    A guard stands watch over the gate [2]

    HP:230 EP:216>

    Do: Commands completed.

    HP:230 EP:216>

    Your find attempt fails.

    HP:230 EP:206> find gizmalin

    Your find attempt fails.

    HP:230 EP:196> find gizmalin

    Gizmalin is in Near Harad at the Desert Trading Post of Dharan-Sar.

    HP:230 EP:176>

    -> heal ep, then travelto there. (without a horse unlike you).

    HP:230 EP:229> trigger Gizmalin todo hunt gizmalin

    The next time you see 'Gizmalin', you will do: 'hunt gizmalin'.

    HP:230 EP:229> fade

    You are too drunk to stay blended into your surroundings.

    HP:230 EP:227> score

    Daywalker the dunedain Deathmaster (Demonic)

    You are somewhat drunk.

    Your tummy is very happy, but not yet full.

    HP: 230/230 END: 227/230 Avg. Stats: 99 Quests done: 69

    Current exp: 3484853 (for 3.0 extra levels) Total exp: 7110428

    Strength: 100 Agility: 100 Charisma: 99

    Constitution: 100 Coordination: 100 Intelligence: 100

    Level 19 assassin, 28d 4h 32m 26s old.

    HP:230 EP:227> rest

    You sit back, relax, and enjoy a nice rest.

    HP:230 EP:227> g

    and sooo on, until the stab... must be a veeery long 1minute.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    07 October 2010 00:46:59

    Daywalker being a hypocrite again. Logs in and is in Dharan-sar and stabbed Gizmalin and was only on for 1m 36s.


  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    07 October 2010 00:13:54

    I have to agree with Kharaan here, as sad as that is, its true.

    But there is an addition, skype, phones, etc. You never know which herk from the ghetto will log on to help.

    But yeah, since ainur agree with that type of play, lets play the game as a non-graphical counter-strike...

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    06 October 2010 23:02:03

    You mean you and your friends never quit? :p

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 October 2010 22:55:35

    I agree with Kharaan on some points. But I see nothing wrong with trying to obtain the best stuff to use it for any purpose. That's the point of it being in the game. If it isn't used it's pretty worthless.

    Yes, it seems quitting is becoming pretty standard. At least with Feyd and Regoroth.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    06 October 2010 20:38:02

    If i really squint, and kinda tilt my head, after 10 tequila shots, while wearing a CoU pirate-like eye-patch, while getting a blowjob from a midget... i think i can read some really smart truth between the lines someplace. Pretty much nailed it on alot of points there it seems. Good post.

  • Author
    Kharaan [legacy]
    06 October 2010 18:53:01

    man, fucking quitting is now standard procedure amongst the active 'good' pkers. this mud has lost any kind of standard that respectable players used to hold themselves to. add in newbies who couldnt even get out of belegost without a mapper and a grid so fucking big that you cant even run into a single player to spree kill when that is your only goal online because there's 40 trillion rooms and 6000 quests for 20 players, a 400 innrooms and 300 guilds who have yet to even write a theme in their guild book and it's not a real shocker that herkimer faggotry has killed the mud. it's no longer about style, it's about numbers.

    what is this weapon's stats?? 95,100 OMG THAT SUX.

    what race do i wanna play?? idk ill ask my bro whats the statistically best race?!?

    should i pk someone without maxed tactics, blocking, dicksucking, and nimbleness?? no faggot, get a dmask, and a mixed potion, and a war horn, then do it.

    is it cool if i only have 5 pasties? no n00b, you gotta have 2 botas, 1 amber vial, 2 necklace vials. can i use a sailors cutlass to backstab this dude?? nah u need a td, then a two hander, like cleaver.

    this seems like a lot of stuff? are u sure i need all of it?? yes you stupid fuck. if you dont then whoever you try to pk will just sit there and laugh at you. if they get low, they will run bewteen 5-80000 rooms to their guildhall or inn.

    man, dont i gotta be pretty good to get all that sweet gear??

    no, not at all actually. just don't log off and get a job or go to school and you can get whatever you want.

    even in mordor??

    especially in mordor dumbfuck. the beauty of the game is not that anything is hard, its that its time consuming and just requires a lot of heals. so if you dont mind fighting some shit for like 15 mins and having to heal a bunch u can do whatever u want!!

    shit, this game sounds so sweet. how do i sign uP!??

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    06 October 2010 13:35:04

    CAENEDRINS ALT .... Worst characer name ever!

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    06 October 2010 06:11:12

    Daywalker is a member of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim.

    Fucking sad day.

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    06 October 2010 05:47:15

    Check out that sexy dunedain

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 October 2010 05:16:34

    Why did you leave out the part where you died?