AMUSING TIDBITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by
Iarla [legacy]
02 November 2010 00:00:00

Now with 80% more Tid. Guest Starring: Undome and many more from days long past!

Submitted for your viewing pleasure, the triumphant return of 

             AMUSING TIDBITS!!!!!

^ (OOC) Someone: I wonder what my wife is trying to tell me by
leaving a giant toy ant on my desk
^ (OOC) Otoron: ...I didn't see the 'ant' the first time I
read that comm.
^ (OOC) Bronn: was about to say the same :p
^ (OOC) Hurin: You bastards
^ (OOC) Hurin: I will never look at that ant the same again

Now for some boarderline disturbing AA chatter! 
OOC) Undome considers immorting to code a blow-up doll for poor
| HP:230 EP:225| 
^ (OOC) Jaks: haha
^ (OOC) Feyd: yeah not all of us are like Jaks, with good employer
^ (OOC) Jaks: you can only type help sex so many times
Help for sex (General Help)
We can hardly help you with that. The one thing we can tell you is that
if you want to make any progress at all, you'll have to quit playing this
silly MUD...
^ (OOC) Nalain: No penis.
^ (OOC) Undome: No, my ex took it :(
| HP:230 EP:114| 
^ (OOC) Nalain: OM NOM NOM?
^ (OOC) Undome: Said she wanted to keep the best part for herself!
| HP:230 EP:110| 
^ (OOC) Jaks: haha

HP:230 EP:215 [ RoI ] Mornaner: I am a good brewing bitch
[ RoI ] Mornaner: not much on the brains side
[ RoI ] Mornaner: but I can follow directions ok :P
[ RoI ] Jakar: That's the mexican in you, Mornaner.
You tell Jakar: I haven't told you lately that I love you, have I?
Jakar tells you: No :P
Jakar tells you: I have a feeling I just made tidbits :(

^ (OOC) Teleporno: Ack
^ (OOC) Teleporno: Who all is pretty good.
^ (OOC) Teleporno stumps!
Teleporno Sillyslacks the dunedain Archmage (Hand of Eru)
HP: 230/230   END: 184/230   Exp: 3129522    Avg. Stats: 99
Strength: 100          Agility: 100            Charisma: 100
Constitution: 100      Coordination: 100       Intelligence:  98
Level 19 wizard, 32d 15h 42m 46s old.
HP:230 EP:184 who all
                          The Two Towers

Teleporno the sindar Vagrant (Impartial)                              (free)  
Teleporno the edain Forester (Impartial)                              (free)  
Teleporno the hobbit Sneak (Impartial)                                (free)  
Teleporno the numenorean Apprentice Necromancer                       (evil)  
Teleporno the dunedain Soldier (Hand of Eru)                          (free)  
Teleporno the hobbit Thug (Impartial)                                 (free)  
Teleporno the haradrim Berserker                                      (evil)  
Teleporno the silvan Bowmaster (Angelic)                              (free)  
Teleporno the silvan Strongbow (Angelic)                              (free)  
Teleporno the dunedain Strongbow (Demonic)                            (free)  
Teleporno Geril the dwarf Councilman (Heroic)                         (free)  
Teleporno the uruk-hai Deadeye                                        (evil)  
Teleporno the uruk-hai Plunderer                                      (evil)  
Teleporno the variag Weaponsmaster                                    (evil)  
Teleporno the easterling Fell Knight                                  (evil)  
Teleporno the uruk-hai Blood Warrior                                  (evil)  
Teleporno the dunedain Battlemage (Angelic)                           (free)  
Teleporno the hobbit Magistrate (Heroic)                              (free)  
Teleporno Fuingor the dunedain Warmonger (Shadowspawn of Mor          (evil)  
Teleporno the silvan True Shot (Angelic)                              (free)  
Teleporno the dunedain Forest Warden (Angelic)                        (free)  
Teleporno Avari the sindar Lady (Heroic)                              (free)  
Teleporno Akrobas the numenorean Shadow                               (evil)  
Teleporno Dragonfel the dunedain Warlord (Demonic)                    (free)  
Teleporno Barricade the sindar Forest Warden (Demonic)                (free)  
Teleporno Avarice the dunedain Martyr (Burning)                       (free)  
Teleporno the dunedain Sweet Tart (nom nom nom)                       (free)  
Teleporno the silvan Osse's Plaything (Namechanging)                  (free)  
Teleporno the dwarf Black Wolf of Darkness (Meglivornth)              (free)  
Teleporno Draper the dunedain Sorcerer (All Powerful)                 (free)  
Teleporno the silvan watches a Sudanese wife's life set to m          (free)  
Teleporno the numenorean Master of Necromancy                         (evil)  
Teleporno the dunedain Bowsmith (Angelic)                             (free)  
Teleporno Vorondil-Gehal the silvan White Wolf of Holy Light          (free)  
--More--(64%  line 36 of 56)--
Teleporno the dwarf has no title                                      (free)  
Teleporno Relyimah the dunedain Herald (Shadowspawn)                  (free)  
Teleporno the dunedain Powerful Bastard                               (free)  
Teleporno the dunedain healer from the Icebay of Forchel              (free)  
Teleporno Caresien, the dunedain Fisherman (Hand of Osse)             (free)  
Teleporno the dunedain Archmage (Hand of Eru)                         (free)  
Teleporno Caun-i-Vaudh the silvan Judicator of the Harvest R          (free)  
Teleporno'nrak the haradrim Dread Rider                               (evil)  
Teleporno Seregorhin the uruk-hai Priest of Melkor (Ancient)          (evil)  
Teleporno Entil'Zha the dunedain Formenelenidur                       (free)  
Teleporno the dunlending Deathmaster (Heroic)                  (guildmaster)  
Teleporno Sillyslacks the dunedain Archmage (Hand of Eru)      (guildmaster)  
Teleporno Meoita the sindar Prince of Cats                     (guildmaster)  
Teleporno Deldúwath the silvan Warlord (Hand of Eru)           (guildmaster)  
Fofester Ciryamo the dunedain Tyrant King 2: Tyrant Harder     (guildmaster)  
Teleporno the dunlending Wraith of Doom                        (guildmaster)  
Balin the Rogue                                                       (Maia)  
Osse is a drunken, vainglorious lout.                                (Power)  

^ (OOC) Teleporno: who all
^ (OOC) Teleporno: gold
^ (OOC) Teleporno: oh my god, everyone is turning into teleporno
^ (OOC) Teleporno: Damn you
^ (OOC) Teleporno: all except fofester?
^ (OOC) Teleporno: who guildmate
^ (OOC) Teleporno: who all is real funny
^ (OOC) Teleporno: Give me my name back
^ (OOC) Teleporno: haha fofester is the only non teleporno
^ (OOC) Teleporno: testing
^ (OOC) Teleporno: so
^ (OOC) Teleporno: foofy!
^ (OOC) Fofester: I am? Nice.

The board of the Baruk Khazad-dum [30 posts, 2 new]
<=| HP:230 EP:118 | 16 |=> read 29
Post  29  Saerlinder   (07/20/09 16:16)  Back

I broke up with gf since she didnt let me drink alchohol or
play mud. Back to active.

Alexa tells you: Hiram's auction package is now on sale as lot 622, minimum bid 500 gold [ 21 very important papers ] Would you like some mail pants?

^ (OOC) Jasumin: I seriously thought Merry was a female until
      about 2/3rds of the way through The Two Towers.
^ (OOC) Aquilon: Ya'll have fun. I will miss this place. It
      had value once.
^ (OOC) Olembe: The slick chick with the quick pick (click!)
^ (OOC) Sithis: Why did you think that, Jasumin?
^ (OOC) Jasumin: That's Meri, Olembe
^ (OOC) Olembe: Aquilon, everyone gets idlekilled at some
      point, get the hell over it
^ (OOC) Jasumin: Because Merry is a girly name, goddamnit.

Jaren tells you: I'm off to bed,  good luck on the motorcycle test

You tell Jaren: thanks!
Jaren tells you: protip:  Drink AFTER the exam, not before :P
^ (OOC) Jaren: helpen du mit der rompesexkt
^ (OOC) Jaren: miscomm
^ (OOC) Sicarius: hahahah
^ (OOC) Daywalker: ha ha ha

^ (OOC) Galuf: You ask Radagast about dunedain escort services.
     Radagast says: I'm worried about the Ranger's Daughter.

^ (OOC) Jasumin: nuke fun again!
^ (OOC) Fun: dont be such as ass, what i do?
^ (OOC) Bronn: you didnt live up to your name sir
^ (OOC) Berilac: melkor is around... im sure he could do it..
^ (OOC) Fun: come over here, i'll tickle you like the pillsbury

          _--                  --_
         <                        >)
         |                         |
          \._                   _./
             ```--. . , ; .--'''
                   | |   |
                .-=||  | |=-.
                   | ;  :|

Fun has been nuked!
^ (OOC) Eaoden: lol
^ (OOC) Gambrinus: funny
Fun was nuked at 14:39 08/11/09
Fun the hobbit Bushwhacker (Moral)
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 14h 9m 8s
Info: I LIVE!
Nuke Reason: because its Fun

Jasumin says: I need a new title...maybe I should make it rainbow
Zing says in Westron: Yeah
Zing says in Westron: And maybe, wear your ass for a hat!
Jasumin says: I will wear your ass for a hat!
Jasumin says: no wait...that sounded less gay in my head

^ (OOC) Bronn: i'm all about dunedain superiority
^ (OOC) Bronn: am i a bad person?
^ (OOC) Tiridien: Bronn, you're not a bad person as long as
      you hide your true feelings
^ (OOC) Tiridien: just learn some political correct language
      and just insinuate your true beliefs with a smug grin
^ (OOC) Tiridien: then you'll be fine
^ (OOC) Bronn: but dunedain are the master race
^ (OOC) Tiridien: no no, you need work.. that's not what you
^ (OOC) Bronn: i shouldnt have to learn political smugness
      when i'm better than all other races
^ (OOC) Tiridien: you should say that personally you prefer
      the dunedain's cultural accomplishments over the other races, though
      it's a matter of opinion. Then you add that you think building Minas
      Tirith is an amazing feat, but that mud caravan huts are cool too
^ (OOC) Tiridien: so are those tree house things the elves have

^ (OOC) Berilac: Does old knobby staff do anything special?
^ (OOC) Exley: After about 50 strokes or so.

Bronn says in Westron: Otoron
Bronn says in Westron: Oooootooooorooooon
You have a questioning look on your face.
Bronn says in Westron: Did you know Grimscar just got out of a
You arc an eyebrow in a curious manner.
Bronn says in Westron:
Bronn says in Westron: Proof.
Armada smirks like Shock.

^ (OOC) Foraker: It is not materialism that is the chief curse
      of the world, as pastors teach, but idealism.  Men get into trouble by
      taking their visions and hallucinations too seriously
^ (OOC) Bvik: underage females are a problem too.
^ (OOC) Pestilence: I disagree
^ (OOC) Pestilence: With Foraker.
^ (OOC) Pestilence: And Maybe Vbik.

Loot says semiactive like in Westron: you know where to find me
Loot waves.
You nod decisively.
You say in Westron: Second gloryhole on the right
Loot left the game.

Jakar says in Westron: I feel so dirty.
Jakar says in Westron: reveal massive long spear.
Jakar looks at himself.
Jakar smiles.
l jakar
Jakar the dunedain Master Thief (Angelic)

A fine piece of jewelry catches your eye.
Jakar is a benefactor of the Pelargir orphanage.
 He is carrying:
A massive long spear (wielded).
A large black cloak (worn).

Jakar grips his weapon with two hands.
Jakar wields his spear.

^ (OOC) Berrus: You like to stone me at rhosgobel, but don't
     actually do it cause of fantastic coding!
^ (OOC) Osse struts.
^ (OOC) Berrus: That, and you secretly have a crush on me.
^ (OOC) Berrus preens.
^ (OOC) Osse: I have my gifts, that's no doubt.
^ (OOC) Namina: i not-so-secretly have a crush on you.
^ (OOC) Berrus: Sorry Namina, I'm taken.
^ (OOC) Berrus: I'm basically all about Jasumin these days.
^ (OOC) Namina: we could just hook up on the side, though.
^ (OOC) Jasumin: Owning noobs not touching boobs
^ (OOC) Jasumin: that's what I'm all about
^ (OOC) Berrus: rotfl
^ (OOC) Berrus: fantastic, more tidbit material.
^ (OOC) Osse: Recently, Berrus appeared on Jerry Springer.
     With his right and left hands. It was a love triangle, and it got
^ (OOC) Namina: okay. im speechless.

[ RoI ] Otoron: Woo! pasha's horn is in
[ RoI ] Jakar: Oh yah, I should get us a tactics horn
[ RoI ] Jasumin: you should get your mom a horn
[ RoI ] Jasumin: So I can pretend I'm riding a unicorn

^ (OOC) Jaren: Is Bakling still around?
^ (OOC) Jaren: Or is he working for the Obama administration these
^ (OOC) Otoron: Check his livejournal?
Jaren tells you: is that the one you guys made? :P
You tell Jaren: You wrote some of them, too, idiot!
Jaren tells you:  ...I drink alot :P

Ketan says in Westron: Huh. I just realized that our "the first time
     I met Yun" stories both involve the SoB, Rohk.
Ketan says in Westron: ONCE UPON A TIME
You say in Westron: oh really
Jaren sighs at Ketan wistfully.
Ketan says in Westron: Rimsilval was awesome. And the SoB was the
     best unique in the game. And Drizzt and I were decent at getting it,
     though Marthaon was still probably better.
Ketan says in Westron: So anyway! I had the SoB, and the trendy and
     awesome thing to do with it was get silver flasks.
Ketan says in Westron: So I did that, and I auctioned one, and some
     newbie Valacircan bought it.
Ketan says in Westron: And he liked it so much that he wanted another
     one a day or two later.
Ketan says in Westron: And I was like "Sorry, I only get them easily
     when I have the SoB, I can't really help you now."
Ketan says in Westron: And he was like "Hmm, we might have that. What
     if I let you use it? Can you get me a silver flask with it?"
Ketan says in Westron: And that's how I met Yun: as a Valacircan who
     was asking me to murder a bunch of elves for him.
Jaren laughs.
You fall down laughing.
You say in Westron: Awesome.
Jaren says in Westron: I was a bad valacircan :(
Ketan says in Westron: Fucking terrible, yes. :P

(fucking telnet)
Jaren says in Westron: Applied at Cypress mountain earlier today 
Jaren says in Westron: they called me back almost immediately, and 
	set up an interview 
You tell Jaren: Joel gave meclap 
You tell Jaren: That was awkward. 
Jaren says in Westron: so, if you're looking for a job man, apply :P 
You tell Jaren: I meant to clap for your job thing. 
Raigor says in Westron: far.. 
You tell Jaren: But I was in the middle of typing something about Joel. :P 
<(HP:210 EP:167)> Jaren tells you: Joel gave you the clap? :P 
Mischief leaves west. 
Jaren tells you: hahahaha

^ (OOC) Bronn: See I was in a rush to leave for the wedding so
     I bought the sword and left it in armoury
^ (OOC) Bronn: Then I go to a wedding and get trashed then I
     go to a house/treehouse/party/rave and get super trashed
^ (OOC) Latty: Then loved us so much you came back to mud
^ (OOC) Bronn: Then I come home at 6 AM after three cases of
     beer and all kinds of other drugs and apparently I tried to go quest
     mail pants couldn't make it all the way there :)
^ (OOC) Bronn: Yeah, you know.  I've got a soft spot for you
^ (OOC) Latty swoons
^ (OOC) Bronn: It's somewhere around my taint.
^ (OOC) Latty immediately stops swooning on that note.

Chantress says in Westron: I know I can get laid anytime I want
Jakar says in Westron: Well, that's also true.
Jakar says in Westron: Ask me why.
Jakar says in Westron: I'll tell you why anyways.
Monkey bounds in on all of his four limbs.
Jakar says in Westron: You have a vagina.
Jakar says in Westron: It's like a Visa.
Jakar says in Westron: only it doesn't have a credit limit.
Jakar says in Westron: and it's still accepted everywhere.

Chantress says in Westron: fuck I am drink

% Otoron: Well, back to this thing I guess!
% Otoron: How you been, FR comm?
% Colven: Haha.  Have you already been comm banned again?
% Sarnia: missing you
% Otoron: Colven: ...maybe.
% Jakar: We don't like your kind here.  Traitor.
% Eaoden: We're not some plan B for if the OOC comm dumps you
     again :(
% Jakar: Sneaking back to the OOC, trying to come back and win
     our hearts?
% Otoron: I love you baby, can you forgive me?

% Colven: What did you get banned for anyways?
% Namina: what did you say, otoron?
% Osse: repeating it here would be SUCH a poor choice. Just throwing
     that out there.
% Colven: fr off real quick, Osse? :P
% Namina: tell me and ill tell colven.
% Namina: in two hours everyone on the mud will know.
% Colven: I guess that works too
% Otoron: While pulling a Mizrahi I crossed way over the line, even for
	me, and made a joke about Teleporno, Tevildo, and sex acts.
% Osse: tells are, and have always been, fine.
% Namina: oh. well. isnt it their own fault for picking suggestive
% Otoron: But this didn't involve porn or dildos.
% Namina: i mean, i picked Namina, not Blowmina.

[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Berrus: sell all from christ
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Berrus: You sell a wooden board and 10 nails.

Gambrinus told you: i'm your king!
You told Gambrinus: Huh?
Gambrinus told you: Truly, this is the finest asshat you have ever
     seen, and its wearer is surely the king of all asshats...

You tilt your head.
HP:230 EP:221 4149 (HAR)
You say in Westron: Busy?
HP:230 EP:221 4150 (HAR)
Klardin stabs Caenedrin twisting the point for maximum damage!
Klardin strikes valiantly as he spears Caenedrin painfully.
Caenedrin shreds Klardin's face into tattered strips of skin!
You tilt your head.
HP:230 EP:221 4151 (HAR)
Caenedrin does not need to be bandaged.
HP:230 EP:221 4152 (HAR)
You bandage Klardin.
HP:230 EP:221 4153 (HAR)
Klardin falls to the ground.
Caenedrin shows mercy to Klardin and only knocks him unconscious.
Klardin stops protecting you.
The glow dies down as Aiglos is removed.
Klardin removes Aiglos, icicle of Gil-galad.
Klardin drops Aiglos, icicle of Gil-galad and an ominous dark ring from a
    brown leather pack!
Caenedrin does not need to be bandaged.
HP:230 EP:221 4154 (HAR)
Klardin does not need to be bandaged.
HP:230 EP:221 4155 (HAR)
Caenedrin roars with such a  FEROCITY  that you fall back a step!
Caenedrin removes a wooden staff with a blade on each end.
Caenedrin drops a wooden staff with a blade on each end.
Caenedrin gets Aiglos, icicle of Gil-galad.
Caenedrin wields Aiglos, icicle of Gil-galad.
Caenedrin has died.
You will now show mercy to Caenedrin.
HP:230 EP:222 4156 (HAR)
Caenedrin laughs out loud.
Caenedrin laughs out loud.
You say in Westron: Wtf

Urban told you: I've been told that I fail a lot lately.
You told Urban: I have *no* interest in talking about your sex life,
Urban told you: NO
Urban told you: ON MUD

% Otoron: For the record, I wasn't insulting you. Unless
      you're so uptight that you're closeted about such things.
% Otoron: Frankly, I'd think you were more mature.
% Urban: So you're calling me childish now?
% Otoron: Let's put it this way: Grimscar would hit on you.
% Urban: Oh, now I'm a fat girl.
% Bronn: Fatty.
% Otoron: No, a fat underage girl.!
% Belshazzar: Ron Paul blah blah

You nod at Nariisul.
HP:230 EP:201NER> Nariisul says in Westron: flash*
Brianna says in Westron: i dont like relying on vibration to get off.
its a slippery slope. so to speak.
^ (OOC) Nigel: kidney stones are there to be crushed
'you should
You say like Namina in Westron: you should
HP:230 EP:203NER>
> ^ (OOC) Midnight: :(
Nariisul says in Westron: youre quite the liberated little skank, eh?
Brianna says in Westron: once you get too used to vibration to get off,
you cant get off any other way.
^you rely on anal sex
^ (OOC) Berrus: you rely on anal sex
HP:230 EP:199NER>
^ (OOC) Berrus: omg
HP:230 EP:195NER> ^ (OOC) Nariisul: hahha
You say like Namina in Westron: hahahahahahahahaha
HP:230 EP:195NER> Brianna laughs brightly.
Nariisul says in Westron: AWESOME

[565] [17:08] ^ (OOC) Caenedrin:
[566] [17:08] ^ (OOC) Caenedrin: Low end, yet at the right price.
[567] [17:10] ^ (OOC) Jaren: Kind of like your mom.
[568] [17:10] ^ (OOC) Jaren: ZING

You ask Driba Smallburrow about pussy.
Driba Smallburrow says: Oh, that is just TOO juicy!  I can't tell you!

% Undome: Heh, how'd a servant get wanted?
Someone tells you: by being irresistably sexy?
You say to Scat: In memories of old school AA, I speak norwegian in the
     presence of the guild. And I miss the swedish/norwegian on the guild
     comm like in the old days :P.
[ Aina Amarth ] Scat: Ach svang swedle ta!
-> Xsi takes off her pants and scratches her bal...
legend top activity
Roika      30d aging: 35d 4h 21m 6s
--More--(54%  line 120 of 219)--

Gaul       30d aging: 5d 20h 47m 56s
Oakwood    30d aging: 5d 20h 16m 28s
Inafiate   30d aging: 5d 19h 35m 50s
Athrun     30d aging: 5d 19h 16m 38s
Shortness  30d aging: 5d 15h 41m 28s
Eomar      30d aging: 5d 9h 25m
Ill        30d aging: 5d 6h 55m
|ROV - HP:190 EP:190| 
legend roika
Roika Cath'lingwe the silvan Battlemage (Angelic) 
Not present in Arda.                      Gender: female
Age: 35d 4h 36m 48s                       
Info: It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees. 
% Jubal: whos srs is charged?
% Pablo: i don't kno
w but my staff is charged and ready to blow
[666] ^ (OOC) Draugluin laughs.
Hrafn says in Westron: Don't cum on Elk, you'll get the crazy cow disease!
^ (OOC) Jasumin: The average intelligence of the MUD goes down everytime
     I log on!
^ (OOC) Wounded: learn to speak inglish moron
The next time you see '^^ (OOC) Melkor', you will do: 'comm off'.
|ROV - HP:190 EP:190| 
Taidhbhse laughs out loud.
^ (OOC) Melkor: gotta have something more fun than comm.
Triggered!  doing: comm off
You turn off your comm line.

[823] [18:16] ^ (OOC) Thyme: my boyfriend washed my clothes today, i smell like
      him. *sighs*
[824] [18:16] ^ (OOC) Bronn: And he smells like some other girl?
| HP:230 EP:52| 
| HP:230 EP:52| 
| HP:230 EP:52| 
| HP:230 EP:52| 
^ (OOC) Thyme: i smel like a man.
^ (OOC) Bronn: Like a man's man?
^ (OOC) Bronn: Because I love that smell.
^ (OOC) Undome: well, if you don't shave that mustache, you also look like

[862] %% Fuingul: Daywalker on for 18 seconds
[863] %% Fuingul: careful
[864] %% Trolli: thanks a million
[865] %% Daywalker: lol
[866] %% Charr: Daywalker, log out this very instant!
[867] %% Orcoron: It is night in Middle-earth.
[868] %% Orcoron: HA!
[869] %% Orcoron: Gotcha!.

-(ERs are taking battlepoints)-
[82] % Chiprox: hey .. lets fight bach
[83] % Elk smashes his piano.
[84] % Elk casts a fireball at his piano.
Korf was nuked at 12:46 10/29/06

Korf the dwarf Specialist (Heroic) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 2d 11h 36m 12s                       
Info: Where do you go when you've gone too far? 
Nuke Reason: Inappropriate and constant sexual acts with woodland animal npcs.

This one and the one below it seemed to fit quite well.

[572] ^ (OOC) Finrod: When you start talking about sexual acts, rather than just
             the idea of Roika being a phone-sex operator, then it's going too far
[573] ^ (OOC) Naught: I hate winning
[574] ^ (OOC) Waste: she said shes an accountant:p
[575] ^ (OOC) Finrod: Yeah, I told her to ;0
[576] ^ (OOC) Arran: she's anything you want her to be for 3.99 a minute
[577] ^ (OOC) Myrddin: haha
[578] ^ (OOC) Roika: 1.99 :p

Jaren says in Westron: I just totally huntbroke my girlfriend
Jaren says in Westron: going to get drunk now!

Holy Shit!  Esker made it into Tidbits, and we're not laughing at his expense!
 Teleporno: legend Bronn
Bronn Blackwater the dunedain Tyedyed Tyrant (Hand of Bakal) 
[ Idle for 20m 29s ]
On for:  2h 13m 45s                       Gender: male
Age: 44d 17h 14m 18s                      
Can be mailed: Bronn@Linhir
Info: /-\'o' Puppy dogs, kitty cats, swimming through love ^o^/-\~ (LotWU) 
Bronn's PvP flag is turned off.
^ Esker: What's the point in doing that if you haven't killed him?
^ Esker: Because it's not nice.
^ Esker: For one blissful second I think 'Did someone PK Bronn?'
^ Esker: Then reality kicks in, followed by the inevitable curiosity legend, and there he is. Idle for twenty
^ Teleporno: I know.. it would be nice right
^ Esker: Thanks for that, Teleporno.
^ Teleporno: Welcome Esker, I try to please you
^ Esker: It's like the guy you're sleeping with momentarily promising to leave his wife after you've had sex, but
      then being all like 'too many people would get hurt.'
^ Esker: I imagine, anyway.

[ Rimbor-Anim ] Blade: you can't turn your silence on.
|HP:200 EP:185|  
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Hrafn: you made me try!!
|HP:200 EP:183|  
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Pablo: haha
There is no pack here.
|HP:200 EP:183|  
No ring on here!
|HP:200 EP:183|  
There is no pack here.
|HP:200 EP:183|  
No ring on here!
|HP:200 EP:183|  
You are not in privacy mode!
|HP:200 EP:184|  
Entering privacy mode.
|HP:200 EP:185|  
Leaving privacy mode.
|HP:200 EP:185|  
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Hrafn: telloff. "Entering privacy mode." There's a mudsex
     mode now!?!
|HP:200 EP:183|  
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Pablo: oh hell yeah
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Blade: In honor of all the skanky she/males who ever
     duped a thirteen year old into beating off at his computer screen,
     yes..there is a mudsex mode
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Hrafn: haha
|HP:200 EP:185|  

^ (OOC) Berilac: Does old knobby staff do anything special?
^ (OOC) Exley: After about 50 strokes or so.