I'll try and keep this short, but its not going to be. I am officially an unwanted citizen of Arda, as announced by the current Administration. I'm not going to plead my case one way or another. If you're reading this, you've already formulated your own opinion about me based on actual encouters, rumours, logpage antics, or any number of things, true or false. It is rather unlikely that a final fare well is going to sway how you consider me. To some I am a genuinely nice guy, down to earth and fairly considerate and nice. To others I am an absolute asshole, some selfish sociopath that cheated endlessly and hurt hundreds of other typists with no regard for either my peers or the rules. Or maybe you just think I'm an idiot. Who cares. Enjoy your misperceptions, one way or the other. Feel free to vent some pent up hatred or condescending judgements in the comment section of this log. Go out on a limb and construct some clever comments, hurtful or otherwise. Describe me how you will. That's your right, and I promise it will all amuse me. The only thing I will mention, concerning my comportment in the public forum or on this very logpage, is something that I think only maybe Sunflash or Douglas ever picked up on: A lot of self-deprecation is pretty evident in the majority of my comments, let alone the very way I acted on many occasions. Sometimes it was mocking instigation as well. You see, at one point in time, a few years ago, I had a strong tendency to take this all rather seriously. Being a flaming, juvenille asshole is fun and all, but we all grow up sometime, and as soon as I realized how RIDICULOUS it all was, well, I indulged in promoting my own facade as a jerk, simply to see how infuriated other people would get. Or at least disgusted, whatever. In the end people that didn't really ever get to know me took it seriously, and actually believed me to be some deranged asshole. This of course precluded them getting to know me as a friend and seeing my real personality. Clearly shot myself in the foot on that one, but I suppose I didn't think it through or care all that much in the beginning anyway. I only have myself to blame for this, and hold very little resentment toward any of you foolish people that misconstrued a fictional online persona for my true self :P BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA BLABLABLABLABLABLBLABALBLABLABLA Oh wait.... Take care everyone, Bad Motherfucker Tons of throwaway chars I used to fuck your mud girlfriends. I won’t even mention my female chars which I used to fuck your mud boyfriend, just in case you didn't already know my alts, ask your partners! Peace.