Mizrahish! a new language by Dean Mizrahi

Posted by
Rhoads [legacy]
26 January 2002 00:00:00

Miz decides to test his drunk typing skills and decides to mud drunk... or is it a new language? read to find out :p

Mizrahi tells you: heloau!
You tell Mizrahi: MIZ!!!
Mizrahi tells you: whats up wrhoadtWy1
You tell Mizrahi: you drunk? :p
Mizrahi tells you:  goddamgfnut im 'fcuking sick of you[ [rejjeduice bitfcehs
     a dude drink like abit of vokdap and sprite and SIDEN:LY he's drunk
     fewwell guck you I'm perfectly spber I just can't [iut my thinkingsin
     tworsdd  you bnoiychik
Mizrahi tells you: I mean no iien ssaid I had to be godo typoists bithc
Mizrahi tells you: fuck!yoyu!
You tell Mizrahi: HAHAH
Mizrahi tells you: top lagthhing yoy esltu i don't se anything funny
Mizrahi tells you: top lagthhing yoy esltu i don't se anything funny
     tshoulnt be laughing at th e way I have to spell rhaods
     adfevertyhifuckign tiyme
You tell Mizrahi: Really? ;)
Mizrahi tells you: sthu tupd fuck upr you!
You tell Mizrahi: so, let's go to mordor?
Mizrahi tells you: go to hell bighci I'm not sime fcumkin idiot I can baryly
     typet ells not to mentjijon aliass t ou''te ejust truying oo gemt me
Mizrahi tells you: all you anstarst hinds just because I drank a bit I can't
     djduger fright well screw uul all
Mizrahi tells you: I acn seltill spell most of stuf right anotyhow
You tell Mizrahi: how much you drank exactaly?
Mizrahi tells you: I don;t rembmer smveo mvodkae what you yhink I just keep
     tradk cadamdanit I ckeep tracjin math  kaclass you see me in math clas no
     I fuckin dont 'f think so when I dpjm't neeto to count  dojt xcount
Mizrahi tells you: this iw sweekeeend in weeked wew ddont' use our brains yah
You tell Mizrahi: you leaving?
Mizrahi tells you: no wha yu woud I belieaving wouyou eould be etrying tyo
     getr dirdi for me?
You tell Mizrahi: Not at all, don't you trust your old buddy Rhoads? :p
Mizrahi tells you: sht utupf cuk up you sound lik e a epdeohiphile
You tell Mizrahi: what is an epdeohiphile?
Mizrahi tells you: you know yits' those psopele whor rapel ittle chidlren
     asnd dtry ffuckign em and shityou jknow ustjjy likr youj
Mizrahi tells you: why yu shouldnt' as ke m stupdipquesutin
You tell Mizrahi: hmm, well, I don't know hwo you got that info ;)
Mizrahi tells you: you moma bitch!
You tell Mizrahi: no need to be so hostile :P
Mizrahi tells you: fuck you!
You tell Mizrahi: OH MY GOD! you typed a whole sentence without an error!
Mizrahi tells you: yah i todl yyouu i m perfeictly fine
You tell Mizrahi: we surely can see that ;)
Mizrahi tells you: thats rigjht!
You tell Mizrahi: so, you are mudding and drinking?
Mizrahi tells you: no i stppoed drinking already i c ame back home ai dotjk
     drtnin k at home or my apertents would kick my ass
You tell Mizrahi: so you can get drunk outside come back totaly smashed and
     but not the oposite?
You tell Mizrahi: that's odd :p
Mizrahi tells you: so 's youtm omma!
You tell Mizrahi: and your momma? is she ok?
Mizrahi tells you: my momma is nicely asleep now dant
Mizrahi tells you: you leadce pafrrents out if this you punk
Mizrahi tells you: don't tal kabout my mother all rro I'll comr dwn therea ne
     d whip your as
You tell Mizrahi: nah, that's not your style
Mizrahi tells you: m y tilstlye is versace bitc
Mizrahi tells you: I got class gbby!
You tell Mizrahi: class or money?
Mizrahi tells you: I'm sot tired goan gt osleep now byr!@
You tell Mizrahi: dont die on your sleep ;)
You tell Mizrahi: go to bed? :p
Mizrahi tells you: I am I am by aa!
You tell Mizrahi: so, it is all a matter of sex?
*** Mizrahi forgets to turn off the computer and idle's off ***